I am trying to record a huge data output from the kernel. Essentially I am trying to log all how processes context switches in a kernel. For even a 1min of profiling the data recorded will be huge, How can I do this.I have to open a huge buffer, record the data in it, and then send it to user-space for further analysis.
EDIT: To clarify how big is "BIG" below is the exact problem I am trying to solve its roughly about 10000 lines of output
My suggestion is to use the same idea used by the linux kernel for capturing packets, specifically the packet ring buffer (search: PACKET_RX_RING).
The idea is quite simple, in your user space program, allocate the ring. Then pass this ring to the "driver" (your kernel module), then your driver can simply write the data points to the ring, and your user space program can read these off. Because it's a ring, you can simply continue writing and the client can continue to read - if the client falls behind, there is a chance that your driver may over take (once it's been around the ring), but I'm sure you can size the ring appropriately.
Each slot in the ring should contain your "serialized" data which the user space program can simply read off. This type of ring should be fairly easy to implement lock free, and most likely you want your client to spin to see if there is data.
Well, the "standard" way to export such a lot of data is using debugfs. You can take a look at how ftrace (kernel/trace/ftrace.c) does this.
And, for even more data, you can use relayfs interface (kernel/relay.c). You can take a look at how blktrace (kernel/trace/blktrace.c) does this.
i am trying to build a program which can program other board using IIc.
problem is, i need to send like ten thousands of bytes which will going to need more than hundreds of program command.
will there be any ways to not to make hundreds of program command..?
There is no inherent limit to the data size on the i2c bus but you will be limited by the library you are using and/or the hardware that is used. There might also be an overlaying protocol on the i2c bus that limits the data size per message.
There is too little information in this question to give a better answer. Can you please list what HW you are using and what libraries.
Generally it's better/easier to send the data in some sort of chunks where the size is a tradeoff between time to transfer and how easy it is to handle. You will want to have checksums on your data packets to make sure the transfer was successful. Then it better to realize early that something went wrong and not realize when all the data has been transferred that everything need to be sent again because the first byte was corrupt.
I've seen a few questions here on Stack overflow dealing with the same issues, but no definite answer. I thought I'll ask again, with a bunch of questions of my own. All relate to the subject matter at hand.
So, do we know when the data transfer from host to the openCL device occurs? Can you tell me the exact memory transfer operation of the functions below (that is, what data is transferred or created, if any, when these functions are invoked?):
The first two don't even produce events, so we can't time them, but surely some data transferring is happening here.
Is there a way to transfer data to a device without first setting it as a kernel arg?
It appears (from preliminary testing of my own) that a mem object created with CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR gets directly manipulated by the device. Why would that not be desirable, since, that way, we could avoid further data transfer commands (and surely the driver implements this in the most efficient way)?
Does transferred data (say, as par of a kernel arg) stay at the device for further manipulation, after a kernel returns? If not is there a way to do just that?
Buffer copies are related to command queues. Command queues are synced with host using finish() as easiest way.
clEnqueueWriteBuffer() <-------- you can get event data from this
(set blocking parameter to false to queue everything quickly)
(set blockinig to true if you sync write here)
clEnqueueWriteBuffer() <----- it could be here too
clEnqueueWriteBuffer() <----- or here (too quickly re-set an array?)
clFinish() <--------- this ensures all queued commands are executed before this
now you can query data of that event to check when it started and when ended
to let a buffer stay in device, you should create it in device first then don't migrate it to another device. Using only CL_MEM_READ_WRITE flag in createBuffer() is enough to make it a real buffer on device-side until you release that buffer.
CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR or CL_MEM_ALLOC_HOST_PTR uses host memory as device maps it to its cores. This is faster for streaming data in and out because of not-needing of extra data movements in host side. If you need to use device memory such as fast gddr5 or hbm always, then you should not use these flags.
Copy to device once, use as much as you want. If device has its own memory of course. For example, Intel HD Graphics 400 doesn't have its own memory and shares RAM so it is much faster to use CL_MEM_..._HOST_PTR flags and especially USE_HOST_PTR.
To check if device shares RAM with CPU, you query CL_DEVICE_HOST_UNIFIED_MEMORY property of device.
It appears (from preliminary testing of my own) that a mem object
created with CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR gets directly manipulated by the
Even without map/unmap commands pror to kernel execution, my computer is behaving same, but I'm using map/unmap just to be safe and it doesn't tax too many cycles.
Edit: if you want to make sure a command doesn't start before you want, you can add a user event in event list input parameter of bufferwrite command. Then you can trigger the user event to let writing start because commands wait for all events in the list to be fired+completed before continuing (if there are any specified in event list input parameter)
I have a C program running on Linux that acquires data from a USB device (sensor data), does some processing and streams the result to disk. Currently I save to a text file using fputs(), a line looks like this:
timestamp value1 value2 ... valueN
the sample rate being up to 250Hz.
The program should run on a RPi or similar board and possibly write the data to a flash memory (SD card).
I have following questions:
Should I be optimizing the data stream or let the OS do the job? More specifically, should I be trying to minimize how often data is actually written to disk (also given the use of a flash memory)?
I have read about setbuf() and setvbuf(), as I understand they should effectively delay writing until a "block" is filled. Are these appropriate or is there a better way other than perhaps implementing my own buffer?
Which output function is best suited for data streaming with the above in mind (fputs() / fprintf() / write())?
Should I be trying to increase randomness (as to use all sectors) when writing to a SD card? If yes what's the best way to achieve this?
Here some more thoughts:
I can consider using a binary format to decrease size, but I would prefer keeping the text format to simplify later data handling.
Using a hard drive is also an option in the final design, especially if a high acquisition rate is to be carried on over a long time.
The data rate being relatively low I do not expect bandwidth problem with either hard drive or SD card. It is possible that the rate will be higher in the future (kHz or more).
Thanks for your answers.
EDIT 20130128
Thank you for all the answers so far, they give me some good insight. I'll sum it up a bit:
In general I should not have bandwidth issues, however to avoid unnecessary large log files I might consider a binary format. Yes the log should be human readable, if not I'll make an export function or similar. Yes unwind's assumption is correct, about 10 or 15 data values each line.
The mentioned read/write cycles per cell should be enough for some time, at least in the testing phase, considering we don't always write and delete the same cells. I will play around with buffer size in setvbuf() and set the buffering mode to full buffering to see if I can optimize this while keeping a reasonable save interval (a few seconds or more also depending on sample rate).
In the final design I might use a hard drive to avoid most of the problems mentioned here, or a second SD card which can be easily replaced (might be also good to quickly retrieve the data). I will format this with one of the format suggested here (FAT or JFFS2/F2FS).
Following zmo's suggestion I will try to make the system as read only as possible (at least the system partition), I was already considering this.
A Beaglebone, also mentioned by zmo, is my next choice if I'm not happy with the RPi (I read that its USB bus is not always stable, USB is obviously very important for my application).
I have already implemented a UDP port to send data over network, still I would like to keep at least a local copy of that data and maybe only send a subset of or already processed data, as well as "control data".
Should I be optimizing the data stream or let the OS do the job? More specifically, should I be trying to minimize how often data is actually written to disk (also given the use of a flash memory)?
Well, you can usually assume that the OS does a pretty awesome job at buffering and handling output to the hard drive… As long as you don't do unbuffered writes.
Though, from my experience, you should not write logs to a SD Card, because it definitely kills the SD Card faster than you can imagine. On my first projects, I had installed linux on beaglebones, and between 6 months to 12 months after, all my SD Cards had to be replaced…
Since then, I've learned to run read only systems on the SD card and send any kind of regular updates over the network, the trick being to use a ramdisk for /tmp and /var.
In your case, using a hard drive is an easy solution (which will works smoothly), but you can also use a secondary SD Card where you write the logs. Then you'll be able to use a "stupid" filesystem such as a FAT one where you'll write your data aligned, as your data will be the only thing to be written on the SD. What is killing a SDCard is lots of little read/writes that happen a lot with temporary files, and defragmentation of the drive.
I have read about setbuf() and setvbuf(), as I understand they should effectively delay writing until a "block" is filled. Are these appropriate or is there a better way other than perhaps implementing my own buffer?
well, just keep it to full buffering, it will help write your data aligned on the filesystem.
Which output function is best suited for data streaming with the above in mind (fputs() / fprintf() / write())?
they should all behave similarly for your problematic.
Should I be trying to increase randomness (as to use all sectors) when writing to a SD card? If yes what's the best way to achieve this?
the firmware of the sdcard should be taking care of that for you. The only thing would be to use a simpler filesystem like FAT (or JFFS2/F2FS like ivan-voras suggets), because ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystems do automatic defragmentation which basically is moving around inodes to keep everything aligned. Though I'm not sure if it disables that behavior with SDcards and SSDs.
Writing to the SD card often will definitely kill it sooner, but it also means you can attempt to prolong this time by reducing the number of writes. As others have said, the best solution for you would be to write the logs over the network to a server or just another machine which has proper storage (in the simplest case, maybe you can use syslog(3) or just plain NFS).
If you want to continue with the original plan, then using setvbuf(3) to enable block buffered mode and setting a large buffer size (like 128 KiB or 256 KiB) would be best. A large buffer size also means that you will lose unwritten data from the buffer if power goes out, etc.
However, a large buffer only delays the inevitable and you should search for other options. It's not as alarming as Lundin's answer states because there are many cells and you're not writing always to the same one, so if you get the largest SD card you can buy, then using his method you can calculate approximately how many times you can rewrite the entire card before it fails. Using a flash-friendly file system such as F2FS or JFFS2 will be beneficial.
Here're my thoughts:
It might be a good idea to buffer some data in memory before writing to disk, but keep in mind that this might cause data loss in case of power failure.
I think this is highly dependent on the file system and type of storage you use. There is no generic answer but it could prove useful to implement and benchmark it on your specific configuration.
Considering the huge amount of data you're outputting, I'd choose a binary format (unless you want the file to be human readable)
The firmware of the flash drive should already take care of this. Basically this is the cornerstone of all modern SSDs. (SD card controllers should implement it too.)
Originally I thought to make code faster it would be better to try and reduce the transition between Kernel and user space- by pushing more of the code to run in the kernel. However, I have read in a few forums like SO that the opposite is actually done- more of the code is pushed into the user space. Why is this? It seems counter intuitive? Putting more of the code into the user space still requires kernel-user transitions, whereas putting the code in the kernel doesnt requite kernel-user transitions?
In case anyone asks- I am thinking about an application processing packet data.
So more details, I am thinking about when packet data arrives- I want to re-write the network stack and cut out code which isn't applicable for my packet processing and have zero copy- putting the packet data somewhere where the user program can access it as quick as possible.
The kernel is a time sensitive area, it’s where your ISRs, time tick routines, and hardware critical sections reside. Because of this, the objective is to keep kernel code small and tight, get in, get your work done, and get out.
In your case you're getting packets from the network, that's a hardware dependent task (you need to get data from the lower network layers), so get your data, clear the buffers, and send it via a DMA transfer to user space; then do your processing in user space.
From my experiences: The preformance gained by executing your code in ther kernel will not outweigh the preformance lost overall by executing more code in the kernel.
If you expect your code to go into the official kernel release, "shuffling user mode parts of it into the kernel" is probably a bad idea as a rule.
Of course, if you can prove that by doing so is the BEST (subjective, I know) way to achieve better performance, and the cost is acceptable (in terms of extra code in kernel -> more burden of maintenance on the kernel, bigger kernel -> more complaints about kernel being "too big" etc), then by all means follow that route.
But in general, it's probably better to approach this by doing more work in user-mode, and make the kernel mode task smaller, if that is at all an alternative. Without knowing exactly what you are doing in the kernel and what you are doing in usermode, it's hard to say for sure what you should/shouldn't do. But for example batching up a dozen "items" into a block that is ONE request for the kernel to do something is a better option than calling the kernel a dozen times.
In response to your edit describing what you are doing:
Would it not be better to pass a user-mode memory region to receive the data, and then just copy into that when the packet arrives. Assuming "all memory is equal" [if it isn't, you have problems with "in place use" anyway], this should work just as well, with less time spent in the kernel.
Transitions from user-mode to kernel-mode take some time and resources, so keeping the code in only one of the modes may increase performance.
As mentioned: in your case probably the best option you have is to fetch the data as fast as possible and make it available in user-land right away and do the processing in user-land... moving all the processing to kernel-level seems to me unnecessary... Unless you have a good reason to do so... with no further information it seems to me you have no reason to believe you'll do it faster in kernel-mode than user-mode, all you could spare is a mode transition now and then, which shouldn't be relevant.
This isn't a show-stopping programming problem as such, but perhaps more of a design pattern issue. I'd have thought it'd be a common design issue on embedded resource-limited systems, but none of the questions I found so far on SO seem relevant (but please point out anything relevant that I could have missed).
Essentially, I'm trying to work out the best strategy of estimating the largest buffer size required by some writer function, when that writer function's output isn't fixed, particularly because some of the data are text strings of variable length.
This is a C application that runs on a small ARM micro. The application needs to send various message types via TCP socket. When I want to send a TCP packet, the TCP stack (Keil RL) provides me with a buffer (which the library allocates from its own pool) into which I may write the packet data payload. That buffer size depends of course on the MSS; so let's assume it's 1460 at most, but it could be smaller.
Once I have this buffer, I pass this buffer and its length to a writer function, which in turn may call various nested writer functions in order to build the complete message. The reason for this structure is because I'm actually generating a small XML document, where each writer function typically generates a specific XML element. Each writer function wants to write a number of bytes to my allocated TCP packet buffer. I only know exactly how many bytes a given writer function writes at run-time, because some of the encapsulated content depends on user-defined text strings of variable length.
Some messages need to be around (say) 2K in size, meaning they're likely to be split across at least two TCP packet send operations. Those messages will be constructed by calling a series of writer functions that produce, say, a hundred bytes at a time.
Prior to making a call to each writer function, or perhaps within the writer function itself, I initially need to compare the buffer space available with how much that writer function requires; and if there isn't enough space available, then transmit that packet and continue writing into a fresh packet later.
Possible solutions I am considering are:
Use another much larger buffer to write everything into initially. This isn't preferred because of resource constraints. Furthermore, I would still wish for a means to algorithmically work out how much space I need by my message writer functions.
At compile time, produce a 'worst case size' constant for each writer function. Each writer function typically generates an XML element such as <START_TAG>[string]</START_TAG>, so I could have something like: #define SPACE_NEEDED ( START_TAG_LENGTH + START_TAG_LENGTH + MAX_STRING_LENGTH + SOME_MARGIN ). All of my content writer functions are picked out of a table of function pointers anyway, so I could have the worst-case size estimate constants for each writer function exist as a new column in that table. At run-time, I check the buffer room against that estimate constant. This probably my favourite solution at the moment. The only downside is that it does rely on correct maintenance to make it work.
My writer functions provide a special 'dummy run' mode where they run though and calculate how many bytes they want to write but don't write anything. This could be achieved by perhaps simply sending NULL in place of the buffer pointer to the function, in which case the functions's return value (which usually states amount written to buffer) just states how much it wants to write. The only thing I don't like about this is that, between the 'dummy' and 'real' call, the underlying data could - at least in theory - change. A possible solution for that could be to statically capture the underlying data.
Thanks in advance for any thoughts and comments.
Something I had actually already started doing since posting the question was to make each content writer function accept a state, or 'iteration' parameter, which allows the writer to be called many times over by the TCP send function. The writer is called until it flags that it has no more to write. If the TCP send function decides after a certain iteration that the buffer is now nearing full, it sends the packet and then the process continues later with a new packet buffer. This technique is very similar I think to Max's answer, which I've therefore accepted.
A key thing is that on each iteration, a content writer must be designed so that it won't write more than LENGTH bytes to the buffer; and after each call to the writer, the TCP send function will check that it has LENGTH room left in the packet buffer before calling the writer again. If not, it continues in a new packet.
Another step I did was to have a serious think about how I structure my message headers. It became apparent that, like I suppose with almost all protocols that use TCP, it is essential to implement into the application protocol some means of indicating the total message length. The reason for this is because TCP is a stream-based protocol, not a packet-based protocol. This is again where it got a bit of a headache because I needed some upfront means of knowing the total message length for insertion into the start header. The simple solution to this was to insert a message header into the start of every sent TCP packet, rather than only at the start of the application protocol message (which may of course span several TCP sockets), and basically implement fragmentation. So, in the header, I implemented two flags: a fragment flag, and a last-fragment flag. Therefore the length field in each header only needs to state the size of the payload in the particular packet. At the receiving end, individual header+payload chunks are read out of the stream and then reassembled into a complete protocol message.
This of course is no doubt very simplistically how HTTP and so many other protocols work over TCP. It's just quite interesting that, only once I've attempted to write a robust protocol that works over TCP, have I started to realise the importance of really thinking the your message structure in terms of headers, framing, and so forth so that it works over a stream protocol.
I had a related problem in a much smaller embedded system, running on a PIC 16 micro-controller (and written in assembly language, rather than C). My 'buffer size' was always going to be the two byte UART transmit queue, and I had only one 'writer' function, which was walking a DOM and emitting its XML serialisation.
The solution I came up with was to turn the problem 'inside out'. The writer function becomes a task: each time it is called it writes as many bytes as it can (which may be >2 depending on the serial data transmission rate) until the transmit buffer is full, then it returns. However, it remembers, in a state variable, how far it had got through the DOM. The next time it is called, it caries on from the point previously reached. The writer task is called repeatedly from a loop. If there is no free buffer space, it returns immediately without changing its state. It is called repeatedly from an infinite loop, which acts as a round-robin scheduler for this task and the others in the system. Each time round the loop, there is a delay which waits for the TMR0 timer to overflow. So each task gets called exactly once in a fixed time slice.
In my implementation, the data is transmitted by a TxEmpty interrupt routine, but it could also be sent by another task.
I guess the 'pattern' here is that one role of the program counter is to hold the current state of the flow of control, and that this role can be abstracted away from the PC to another data structure.
Obviously, this isn't immediately applicable to your larger, higher level system. But it is a different way of looking at the problem, which may spark your own particulr insight.
Good luck!