Binding viewmodel/model to a real data model - wpf

I'm new to MVVM and WPF itself. I need to do some prototyping in WPF and reached conceptual question.
Suppose you have server which sends you data. Regardless of whether you displaying that currently or not you need to store it in cache, this is your "real data" and at some time you will need to put it on UI (when user opens particular screen), this is your viewmodel.
My question is quite obvious - should I bind UI to a real data stored in some service or should I do a viewmodel wrapper around that data and bind to it?
In the first case I receive "The calling thread cannot access this object" exceptions unless I use Dispatcher, but calling Dispatcher in model doesn't look right
In the later case I will need to:
copy 90% of the data from "real model" to wrapper
manually watch changes in underlying "real data" to update viewmodel which in case implements INotifyPropertyChanged.
What is the correct way?

The way it is most appropriate, is to have your ViewModel pretty similar to your View's needs. It means if your View has a list, then you most likely will need at lease 2 properties on your ViewModel, one for the ItemSource and the other for the selected Items.
Regarding the real data stored, I would say, put it being accessed by your service. Maybe you use the WPF or Silverlight, so you will be protecting your true physical data. And may exchange, just the proper information the view requires.
I hope it helps. If you would like to share some arquitectural aspects of your project, we might give you more advices.

I do prefer to have the Data cache in what I call the 'service layer' (the client side code that actually interacts with the server via WCF or whatever communications mechanism).
the data cache is actually several List<T> and I do not listen for change notifications in there, because that is actually not needed.
Instead, you consume these 'client side services' from your ViewModels, and retrieve the List<T> and store the items in the ViewModel in an ObservableCollection<T>. This way you can have two way binding from the View to the ViewModel, with no need for the View to interact with the 'lower level' data cache stored in the 'service layer'.
You do not need to use the Dispatcher when performing ViewModel operations, and therefore this is a better scalable approach because you can do whatever multithreading is needed to retrieve the data.


Accessing ViewModel data in View

I just want to ask if it's OK to access the ViewModel's data in the View backend?
Basically I just need a check to see if a ViewModel's property is set (which gets set when the user selects something), and if it's not I'll just redirect the user to another View telling him he needs to select something first. Is this a poor-design practice or is it OK, just for a minor check like this? Really don't want to implement a static class and extrapolate the data to it, and check it instead.
Another question tightly related to this, is can I call a method from the View (when the View is closing), that unregisters that particular ViewModel from the IoC container (this ViewModel isn't singleton). The alternative is to send a message from the View to the ViewModel when the View is closing, and when the ViewModel gets that message it unregisters itself. The problem I'm trying to solve with this is that, every time that ViewModel is requested it has to be a new one, but my IoC container caches them, making my program a memory hog. All of the ViewModels get released on application exit, meaning x ViewModels will still exist in the cache even though they're most likely not needed.
Basically I just need a check to see if a ViewModel's property is set (which gets set when the user selects something), and if it's not I'll just redirect the user to another View telling him he needs to select something first. Is this a poor-design practice or is it OK, just for a minor check like this?
It does not seem to be wrong to check the value of some ViewModel property and reflect the changes on the View side. The View state could be "bound" to the ViewModel state by the WPF data binding mechanism: Binding, Triggers (Trigger, DataTrigger, EventTrigger), Commands (including EventToCommand), etc.
But sometimes it is useful to handle ViewModel state change by the ViewModel itself using UI Services. For example, IWindowService interface can be introduced to allow to open windows from the context of the ViewModel implementation.
Another question tightly related to this, is can I call a method from the View (when the View is closing), that unregisters that particular ViewModel from the IoC container (this ViewModel isn't singleton).
The problem I'm trying to solve with this is that, every time that ViewModel is requested it has to be a new one, but my IoC container caches them, making my program a memory hog. All of the ViewModels get released on application exit, meaning x ViewModels will still exist in the cache even though they're most likely not needed.
It seems to be strange that the described dependency container "cache effect" exists when the registration is specified as "resolve per call behavior" (not "singleton behavior"). Please check that the registration is specified as "resolve per call behavior" (for example, PerResolveLifetimeManager in terms of Unity Container Lifetime Managers).
The ViewModel lifetime problem exists because SimpleIoC container is used.
I would like to recommend using another dependency injection container (with appropriate lifetime management) to make the implementation less complex and error-prone.
But, if there is a strong need to use SimpleIoC container, some kind of the ViewModel lifetime management can be implemented using:
SimpleIoc.Default.GetInstance<ViewModel>(key); method call to resolve an instance of ViewModel;
SimpleIoc.Default.Unregister(key); to un-register the instance when it is no longer needed (Closed event, etc).
The implementation can be found here: answer #1, answer #2.

Best practice passing Linq2Sql between WPF-Forms (Windows)

I often have the situation that I need to pass a linq2sql object from one WPF window to another one.
For example I have a window with a list of linq2SQL objects. The list is bound from a public declared DataContext in the "Window_Loaded"-event. With a double click on one of these items a second window opens and the object can be edited. While opening the selected object is passed to a property of the second window. After the user has made some changes he decides to discard the changes and closes the second window.
Now because the input fields are bound directly to the Linq2SQL object the changed values are still present.
What is the best practice in this situation? Is it better to pass a newly created object from a new created DataContext to the second window? Then I have to somehow refresh the list on the first window when the changes are wanted.
Or can I use the already bound object from the list of objects from the first window and pass it directly to the second window?
I know that I can refresh the object when I have to reload the object
DB.Refresh(System.Data.Linq.RefreshMode.OverwriteCurrentValues, MyObject);
What is the best practice?
The question is more general and touches the important issue: what lifetime policy best suits the linq2sql datacontext in different types of applications.
In case of a web application, this question has a simple answer: the "per-httprequest" lifetime policy is the most convenient.
In your case, a WPF application, there are two approaches I am aware of:
in a "per-the-lifetime-of-the-application" policy you would create a single data context for the lifetime of your application. Although technically this works, there are potential issues with the memory consumption - as the application retrieves more and more data, the first level cache in the data context grows without control and could possibly just run out of resources at some point
in a "per-presenter (view)" policy you create a new data context in each of your presenter (view model) (or view, if you don't follow mvvm) which means that two different views do not share the same context. I'd say this is recommended approach, there are no risks of unwanted resource issues, however, you need an additional mechanism to pass events between views so that views could be refreshed when the data changes.
Note, that all your business logic should be unaware of the actual policy. To do so, let your data context be injected (by constructor for example) to any class that uses it. Depending on the actual policy, a proper context is injected into a business class. This way, you could even change the lifetime management policy someday with no need to refactor your business code.

WPF: when does binding actually occur?

My MVVM app has a number of views that inherit from a base user control, which exposes an "ID" property. In the XAML this is bound to an ID property on the view's underlying view model, simply:
Id="{Binding Path=Id}"
The view model implements INotifyPropertyChanged, and its ID is set in the constructor. The ID is used to uniquely identify each view/view model, and is primarily used by a "desktop manager" to manage the user controls within the main window, rather like an MDI app. When my app starts I instantiate the various view models and their views, and assign the view models to the views' DataContext. I then pass the views to the desktop manager which places them on its canvas, positions them, etc.
The problem I have is that the view's ID is still null at this point, and only seems to get bound to the data context some time later (when the UI is rendered perhaps?). I have tried forcing the binding like this, but it doesn't help:-
var bindingExpression = widget.GetBindingExpression(DesktopElement.IdProperty);
It's not the end of the world, as I can pass the desktop manager my view and the ID from the view model, but it feels a little hacky. I was curious to know at what point in the control/window lifecycle the binding occurs, and whether there was some other way to force the binding to happen?
Thanks in advance
In order to understand how bindings are transferred, you need to understand the Dispatcher. Basically, it is a priority queue. Things like layout, bindings, rendering, input, etc. are placed in the queue at different priorities.
Now, from the sound of it, you never yield execution back to the Dispatcher. This means that Binding values can't transfer (when you manually call UpdateTarget you are just scheduling this on the Dispatcher). So, in short, you need to let the Dispatcher execute the queued operations before you finish initializing.
The easiest way to do this is to call BeginInvoke at a lower DispatcherPriority on a method to finish initialization. Because of the nature of how the layout system works, it can be tricky sometimes to pick the right priority, but you'll probably be okay if you go with DispatcherPriority.Loaded.
My suggestion would be to have an interface that your View Models implement, which exposes the Id property. You can then have your Desktop Manager grab the Id from the DataContext by casting it to the appropriate interface. This is likely a cleaner separation of responsibilities, as your Desktop Manager should probably know as little about the concrete View as possible (for the sake of testability.)

MVVM where does the code to load the data belong?

As I wrap my head around the mvvm thing, the view is the view, and the viewmodel is 'a modal of a view' and the model are the entities we are dealing with (or at least that is my understanding). But I'm unclear as to what and when the model entities are populated. So for example:
Lets say I have app that needs to create a new record in a DB. And that record should have default values to start with. Who is responsible for the new record, and getting the default values. Does this have anything to do with MVVM or is that part of a data access layer? Who calls the the viewmodel?
Or for existing records when\where are the records retrieved? And saved if altered?
In an overly simplified answer, your ViewModel should contain the LOGIC for controlling what your View displays, as well as how it is allowed to interact with the Model or Data.
Events like Getting data, Saving and Deleting are intercepted through a Command mechanism and pushed into the ViewModel, where they can be tested. Handling 'Dirty' events are also the duty of the ViewModel. As for who Calls the ViewModel, you are entrusting the Calling to the Binding mechanisms available within WPF and Silverlight.
Within the ViewModel it is still about staying with best practices and ensuring that you have a DataAccess layer abstracting your Data Source and possibly using the Repository pattern to abstract that.
The life cycle of a ViewModel could be as simple as the following...
Constructor called by View
GetData method called by ViewModel Ctor
Data received and pushed into existing View databound ObservableCollection property
However since you will probably have a lot of moving parts within the Ctor of the VM, including the Data Repositories Interface you will probably want to work with an IoC. This will make the life cycle of the ViewModel closer to...
View/ViewModel (Depends if you are View or ViewModel first) is pulled out of the IoC
IoC Handles the pairing of the View-ViewModel (Convention based)
Data Repository is Injected into the ViewModel
GetData method called by ViewModel Ctor
Data received and pushed into existing View databound ObservableCollection property
This may seem like more steps, however with an IoC container you are really just calling a single method like IoC.Get(), and the rest of the steps are wired up automatically based on the conventions applied.
I use view-models to control loading (with defaults) and saving my models, and to create collections and objects that I use to bind to my views. This includes setting default values on my models.
State and Bahavior of your view is define in your viewmodel which means all events are declared here.
Who calls the the viewmodel?
it depends who needs it. you can call it in your view.
for existing records when\where are the records retrieved? And saved if altered?
saving and retrieving part is in your viewmodel.
For detailed explanation, visit this site.

The model in MVVM: business object or something else?

I'm trying to get to grips with MVVM and so I've read a bunch of articles - most focus on the View -> ViewModel relationship and there's general agreement about what's what. The ViewModel -> Model relationship and what constitutes the Model gets less focus and there's disagreement. I'm confused and would like some help. For example, this article describes the Model as a business object whereas this article describes a class which manages business objects. Are either of these right or is it something else?
I think you are on the right track. The "model" is vague in a lot of cases because it is different things to other people, and rightly so.
For me, my business objects that come back from my WCF service I consider my model. Because of this my projects don't have that pretty file structure with the holy trinity of namespaces: *.Models, *.ViewModels, and *.Views. I personally consider objects coming back from business logic or anything of that nature the "model".
Some people tend to lump both the business objects and the business logic together and call that the "Model", but I find that a little confusing because I picture a Model to be sort of more static than I do business logic, but it's semantics.
So when you look at examples of MVVM projects and don't see anything very clearly "Model", it's just because folks treat them differently. Unless an application is very standalone, I would actually be very suspicious of an application with an actual *.Model namespace, to be honest.
The other thing that is great here is that many times you already have an investment in these types of business objects and I think a lot of people see "MVVM" and immediately assume they need to start defining the "M", even though what they already have is perfectly fine.
The confusion between a Model and a ViewModel is pretty common, too. Essentially I know I need a ViewModel if I need a combination of data and behavior. For example, I wouldn't expect INotifyPropertyChanged to be implemented on a Model, but I would a ViewModel.
From the other answers it should be obvious that the relationship between ViewModel and Model is somewhat fuzzy. Be aware that there is nothing stopping you from having ViewModel and Model in the same class, and when your requirements in a particular area are simple enough maybe this is all that you need!
How you structure the separation between ViewModel and Model will very much depend on the needs of the project or software that requires it, how demanding your deadlines are and how much you care about having a well structured and maintainable code base.
Separating ViewModel and Model is simply a way of structuring your code. There are many different ways of structuring your code, even within this pattern! It should be no surprise then that you will hear different approaches preached by different programmers. The main thing is that the separation can help to simplify and make reusable the independent portions of code. When you have cleanly separated business data, business logic and presentation logic you can easily mix, match and reuse your views, logic and data to create new UIs. The separated and simplified code is also often easier to understand, test, debug and maintain.
Obviously not everyone will agree with this answer. I think that is part of the inherent fuzziness of the problem. In general you need to consider and trade-off the advantages versus the costs of having a separation between ViewModel and Model and know that it is not always a simple task to decide what goes in the ViewModel and what goes in the Model. It will probably help to lay down some ground rules that you or your organisation will follow and then evolve your rules as you understand which level of separation best suits your problem domain.
I think it is worth mentioning that I used to use a similar approach to MVVM when programming Windows Forms and the fact the WPF has more direct support for this (in the form of data binding and commands) has really made my day.
There are a lot of different implementations and interpretations.
In my mind, however, the value of the ViewModel comes from coordination.
The Model is representative of business data. It encapsulates scalar information, as opposed to process.
The View is obviously the presentation of the model.
The ViewModel is a coordinator. In my opinion, the job of the view model is to coordinate between the view and the model. It should NOT contain business logic, but in fact interface with business services.
For example, if you have a view that is a list of widgets, and the widgets are grabbed from a service, then I'd posit:
The Model is a List<Widget>
The View is a ListBox bound to the ViewModel property Widgets
The ViewModel exposes the Widgets property. It also has a IWidgetService reference it can call to in order to get those Widgets.
In this case, the view is coordinating with a business object so the view doesn't have to know anything about it. The model should be ignorant of view models, views, and every thing else ... they should exist independent of how they are used. The IWidgetService would get bound to the view model using some source of dependency injection container, either constructor injection with Unity or an import using MEF, etc.
Hope that makes sense ... don't overload your viewmodel. Think of it as a coordinator that understands business objects and the model, but has no knowledge of the view or how business process is performed.
The value added by the model is its decoupling from the ViewModel and the View. Think if you had to construct and maintain business logic in the ViewModel you would have lots of duplicate code.
For instance - if you had a car game with a GearBoxView (a control in the CockpitView), CarViewModel and CarModel - the advantage of abstracting what is in the CarModel from the CarViewModel is that the CarModel can be used in the WorldViewModel and any other ViewModel. The CarModel can have relationships with other Models (GearsModel, WheelModel, etc).
Your question specifically asked about using a Model as a business object or to manage business objects: my answer is it can do both - and should be responsible for both.
Heres an example
public class WorldModel //Is a business object (aka game object)
private List<CarModel> _cars;
public List<CarModel> Cars
get //Here's some management of other business objects
//hits NetworkIO in a multiplayer game
if(_cars == null)
_cars = myExternalDataSource.GetCarsInMyGame();
return _cars;
public Level CurrentRaceCourse { get; set; }
public CourseTime TimeElapsed { get; set; }
I think of the model as something that contains the smallest units of business entities. The entities in the model are used not only across the view models in my application but even across applications. So one model provides for many applications and, for those applications using MVVM, many view models.
The view model is an arbitrary collection of entities from the model that are brought together to serve whatever the view needs. If a view requires 2 of these and 1 of those, then its view model provisions them from the model. Generally, I have 1 view model per view.
So a model is like a grocery store. A view model is like a shopping cart. And a view is like a household.
Each household has unique requirements. And each household has its own shopping cart that cherry picks what the household needs from the grocery store.
My thoughts
(The "Model")
Have one model. Just data no methods (except if apt for the platform some -simple- getters/setters).
(The "View Model")
To my mind the rationale for a view model is:
(1) to provide a lower-RAM-requirement backup copy of fields so views hidden behind other views can be unloaded and reloaded (to conserve RAM until they reappear from behind views covering them). Obviously this is a general concept that may not be useful or worthwhile to your app.
(2) in apps with more complex data models, it is less work to lay out all application fields in a view model than to create one reduced model corresponding to the fields of each possible data change, and easier to maintain, and often not significantly slower performance wise.
If neither of these apply, use of a view model is inapt in my view.
If view models are apt, have a one to one relationship of view models to views.
It may be important to note/remind/point out that with a lot of UI toolkits if the exact same "String" object is referenced twice (both in the model and the view model) then the memory used by the String object itself is not double, it is only a little more (enough to store an extra reference to the String).
(The "View")
The only code in the view should be (the required) to show/hide/rearrange/populate controls for initial view load and (when user is scrolling or clicking show/hide detail buttons etc) showing/hiding parts of the view, and to pass any more significant events to the "rest" of the code. If any text formatting or drawing or similar is required, the view should call the "rest" of the code to do that dirty work.
(The "View Model" revisited)
If the (...facts of which views are showing and...) the values of view fields are to be persistent ie survive app shutdown/restart, the view model is part of the model :--: otherwise it is not.
(The "View" revisited)
The view ensures that the view model is as synch'ed with the view in terms of field changes as is appropriate, which may be very synched (on each character change in a text field) or for example only upon initial form population or when user clicks some "Go" button or requests app shutdown.
(The "Rest")
App start event: Populate the model from SQL/network/files/whatever. If view model persistent, construct views attached to view models, otherwise create initial view model(s) and create initial views attached to them.
On commit after user transaction or on app shutdown event: Send model to SQL/networkl/files/whatever.
Allow the user to ("effectively") edit the view model through the view (whether you should update the view model on the minutest change of a character in a text field or only when the user clicks some "Go" button depends on the particular app you are writing and what is easiest in the UI toolkit you are using).
On some application event: the event handlers look at the data in the view model (new data from the user), update the model as required, create/delete views and view models as required, flush the model / view models as required (to conserve RAM).
When new view must be shown: Populate each viewmodel from the model just after the viewmodel is created. Then create view attached to view model.
(Related issue: what if any data set primarily for display (not editing) should not be entirely loaded into RAM?)
For sets of objects that should not be entirely held in RAM cause of RAM use considerations, create an abstract interface to access information on the overall count of objects and also to access the objects one at a time.
The interface and its "interface consumer" may have to deal with the number of objects being unknown/estimated and/or changing depending on the API source providing the objects. This interface can be the same for the model and the view model.
(Related issue: what if any data set primarily for editing should not be entirely loaded into RAM?)
Use a custom paging system through a slightly different interface. Support modified bits for fields and deleted nits for objects - these kept in the object. Page unused data out to disk. Use encryption if necessary. When editing of set done, iterate it (loading in pages at a time - one page can be say 100 objects) and write all data or only changes in transaction or batch as appropriate.
(Conceptual significance of MVVM?)
Clean platform-agnostic way to allow and lose data changes in views without corrupting model; and to allow only validated data through to the model which remains as the "master" sanitised version of data.
Crucial to understanding the why is that flows from view model to model are conditional on data validation of user input whereas flows in the opposite direction from model to view model are not.
The separation is achieved by placing code that knows about all three (M/V/VM) into a core object responsible for handling application events including startup and shutdown at a high level. This code necessarily references individual fields as well as objects. If it didn't I don't think easy separation of the other objects can be achieved.
In response to your original question, it is a question of degree of interrelationships of validation rules on update of fields in the model.
Models are flat where they can be but with references to submodels, directly for one-to-one relationships or through arrays or other container objects for one-to-many relationships.
If the complexity of validation rules is such that merely validating a successful user form fill or incoming message against a list of field regular expressions and numeric ranges (and checking any objects against a cached or specially fetched copy of relevant reference objects and/or keys) is enough to guarantee that updates to business objects will be 'with integrity', and the rules are tested by the application as part of the event handler, then the model can just have simple getters and setters.
The application may perhaps (best) do this directly in-line in event handlers where the number of rules is so simple.
In some cases it may be better even to put these simple rules in the setters on the model but this validation overhead is then incurred on database load unless you have extra functions for setting without validate. So for simpler data models I tend to keep the validation in application event handlers to avoid writing these extra setters.
But if the rules are more complex either:
(a) a single method taking a special object that is really a composite of the usual business objects containing data for myriad field changes is written for each complex model change, and the method can succeed or fail depending on validation of the rules - facade pattern;
(b) a "dry run" / hypothesis / "trial" copy of the model or a subset of the model is created first, setting one property at a time, and then a validation routine run on the copy. If validation is successful, the changes are assimilated into the main model otherwise the data is discarded and an error raised.
The simple getter/setter approach is in my view preferred when analysing each individual transaction unless the vast majority of updates for your app are complex, in which case one can use the facade pattern throughout.
The other way the model ends up getting more complex than a bunch of fields with (possibly) simple getters/setters is if you start "enhancing" classes' getters/setters (with an O2R mapper tool), or adding extra aspects like calls to transaction monitoring APIs, security APIs (to check permissions, for logging etc), accounting APIs, methods that pre-fetch any related data needed for a get or set, or whatever upon get or set. See "aspect-oriented programming" for an exposition on this area.
