I have seen a lot of results on google on how to get a random array index, but I have not been able to apply it to this scenario.
Consider the following:
my %hash;
my #array = {"foo", "bar", "poo"};
$hash->{mykey} = #array;
How would I get a random element from the array inside $hash->{mykey}? Something like the following code which does not work:
my $element = $hash->{mykey}[rand($hash->{mykey})];
EDIT: So the answers below are extremely informative for this. Compounding my issue in particular was that I was using the threads module, and completely forgot to share the arrays that I was appending to the hash elements! Due to this, the answers were not working for me right away.
After fixing that oversight, the solutions below worked perfectly.
Three errors.
1. The following create an array with one element, a reference to a hash:
my #array = {"foo", "bar", "poo"};
You surely meant to use
my #array = ("foo", "bar", "poo");
$hash->{mykey} = #array;
is the same thing as
$hash->{mykey} = 3;
You can't store arrays in scalars, but you can store a reference to one.
$hash->{mykey} = \#array;
3. It would be
rand(#a) # rand conveniently imposes a scalar context.
for an array, so it's
rand(#{ $ref })
for a reference to an array. That means you want the following:
my $element = $hash->{mykey}[ rand(#{ $hash->{mykey} }) ];
Or you can break it down into two lines.
my $array = $hash->{mykey};
my $element = $array->[ rand(#$array) ];
All together, we have the following:
my #array = ( "foo", "bar", "poo" );
my $hash = { mykey => \#array };
my $element = $hash->{mykey}[ rand(#{ $hash->{mykey} }) ];
I think that your first problem is the construction of your data structure:
use strict;
use warnings;
my %hash;
my #array = ("foo", "bar", "poo");
$hash{mykey} = \#array;
You should probably read perldoc perlreftut to get comfortable with Perl's semantics relating to nested data structures (references).
At this point you can create the structure all at once, which is probably what you mean:
use strict;
use warnings;
my %hash = (
mykey => ["foo", "bar", "poo"],
To find the length you just use the regular Perl mechanics for getting the length of the array:
my $length = #{ $hash{mykey} };
and then the random element
my $elem = $hash{mykey}[rand $length];
I was pondering on the question of whether I could make an array ref in one line in Perl. Sort of like you would define an array. I would normally do the following:
# your code goes here
use warnings;
use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
my #array = qw(test if this works);
my $arrayref = \#array;
print Dumper($arrayref);
My thought was you should be able to just do:
my $arrayref = \(qw(test if this works);
This, however, does not work the way I expected. Is this even possible?
You can do that by using the 'square-bracketed anonymous array constructor' for it. It will create an array reference 'literal'
my $arrayref = [ qw(test if this works) ];
or list every member out:
my $arrayref = [ 'test', 'if', 'this', 'works' ];
You could verify both results with Data Dumper:
$VAR1 = [
If your goal is to create an array reference in one line, use square brackets to create an array reference, which creates an anonymous array.
use Data::Dumper;
my $arrayRef = [qw(test if this works)];
print Dumper($arrayRef);
So if this is what you are looking to do, it is possible.
I’m trying to filter an array of terms using another array in Perl. I have Perl 5.18.2 on OS X, though the behavior is the same if I use 5.010. Here’s my basic setup:
#use strict;
my #terms = ('alpha','beta test','gamma','delta quadrant','epsilon',
'zeta','eta','theta chi','one iota','kappa');
my #filters = ('beta','gamma','epsilon','iota');
foreach $filter (#filters) {
for my $ind (0 .. $#terms) {
if (grep { /$filter/ } $terms[$ind]) {
splice #terms,$ind,1;
This works to pull out the lines that match the various search terms, but the array length doesn’t change. If I write out the resulting #terms array, I get:
[delta quadrant]
[theta chi]
As you might expect from that, printing scalar(#terms) gets a result of 10.
What I want is a resulting array of length 6, without the four blank items at the end. How do I get that result? And why isn’t the array shrinking, given that the perldoc page about splice says, “The array grows or shrinks as necessary.”?
(I’m not very fluent in Perl, so if you’re thinking “Why don’t you just...?”, it’s almost certainly because I don’t know about it or didn’t understand it when I heard about it.)
You can always regenerate the array minus things you don't want. grep acts as a filter allowing you to decide which elements you want and which you don't:
use strict;
my #terms = ('alpha','beta test','gamma','delta quadrant','epsilon',
'zeta','eta','theta chi','one iota','kappa');
my #filters = ('beta','gamma','epsilon','iota');
my %filter_exclusion = map { $_ => 1 } #filters;
my #filtered = grep { !$filter_exclusion{$_} } #terms;
print join(',', #filtered) . "\n";
It's pretty easy if you have a simple structure like %filter_exclusion on hand.
Update: If you want to allow arbitrary substring matches:
my $filter_exclusion = join '|', map quotemeta, #filters;
my #filtered = grep { !/$filter_exclusion/ } #terms;
To see what's going on, print the contents of the array in each step: When you splice the array, it shrinks, but your loop iterates over 0 .. $#terms, so at the end of the loop, $ind will point behind the end of the array. When you use grep { ... } $array[ $too_large ], Perl needs to alias the non-existent element to $_ inside the grep block, so it creates an undef element in the array.
use warnings;
use strict;
use feature qw{ say };
my #terms = ('alpha', 'beta test', 'gamma', 'delta quadrant', 'epsilon',
'zeta', 'eta', 'theta chi', 'one iota', 'kappa');
my #filters = qw( beta gamma epsilon iota );
for my $filter (#filters) {
say $filter;
for my $ind (0 .. $#terms) {
if (grep { do {
no warnings 'uninitialized';
} } $terms[$ind]
) {
splice #terms, $ind, 1;
say "\t$ind\t", join ' ', map $_ || '-', #terms;
If you used $terms[$ind] =~ /$filter/ instead of grep, you'd still get uninitialized warnings, but as there's no need to alias the element, it won't be created.
I have a Perl script generating an array of weak references to objects. Once one of these objects goes out of scope, the reference to it in the array will become undefined.
ex (pseudo code):
# Imagine an array of weak references to objects
my #array = ( $obj1_ref, $obj2_ref, $obj3_ref );
# Some other code here causes the last strong reference
# of $obj2_ref to go out of scope.
# We now have the following array
#array = ( $obj1_ref, undef, $obj3_ref )
Is there a way to make the undefined reference automatically remove itself from the array once it becomes undefined?
I want #array = ($obj1_red, $obj3_ref ).
I tried this solution and it didn't work:
use strict;
use warnings;
package Object;
sub new { my $class = shift; bless({ #_ }, $class) }
use Scalar::Util qw(weaken);
use Data::Dumper;
my $object = Object->new();
my $array;
$array = sub { \#_ }->( grep defined, #$array );
my $object = Object->new();
#$array = ('test1', $object, 'test3');
print Dumper($array);
print Dumper($array);
$VAR1 = [
bless( {}, 'Object' ),
$VAR1 = [
The undef is not removed from the array automatically.
Am I missing something?
I also tried removing undefined values from the array in the DESTROY method of the object, but that doesn't appear to work either. It appears that since the object is still technically not "destroyed" yet, the weak references are still defined until the DESTROY method is completed...
No, there isn't, short of using a magical (e.g. tied) array.
If you have a reference to an array instead of an array, you can use the following to filter out the undefined element efficiently without "hardening" any of the references.
$array = sub { \#_ }->( grep defined, #$array );
This doesn't copy the values at all, in fact. Only "C pointers" get copied.
Perl won't do this for you automatically. You have a couple of options. The first is to clean it yourself whenever you use it:
my #clean = grep { defined $_ } #dirty;
Or you could create a tie'd array and add that functionality to the FETCH* and POP hooks.
I'm struggling to understand logic behind hashes in Perl. Task is to load file in to hash and assign values to keys which are created using this file.
File contains alphabet with each letter on its own line:
and etc,.
When using array instead of hash, logic is simple: load file into array and then print each element with corresponding number using some counter ($counter++).
But now my question is, how can I read file into my hash, assign automatically generated values and sort it in that way where output is printed like this:
I've tried to first create array and then link it to hash using
%hash = #array
but it makes my hash non-sortable.
There are a number of ways to approach this. The most direct would be to load the data into the hash as you read through the file.
my %hash;
$hash{$_} = $.; #Use the line number as your autogenerated counter.
You can also perform simliar logic if you already have a populated array.
for (0..$#array)
$hash{$array[$_]} = $_;
Although, if you are in that situation, map is the perlier way of doing things.
%hash = map { $array[$_] => $_ } #array;
Think of a hash as a set of pairs (key, value), where the keys must be unique. You want to read the file one line at a time, and add a pair to the hash:
$record = <$file_handle>;
$hash{$record} = $counter++;
Of course, you could read the entire file into an array at once and then assign to your hash. But the solution is not:
#records = <$file_handle>;
%hash = #records;
... as you found out. If you think in terms of (key, value) pairs, you will see that the above is equivalent to:
$hash{a} = 'b';
$hash{c} = 'd';
$hash{e} = 'f';
and so on. You still are going to need a loop, either an explicit one like this:
foreach my $rec (#records)
$hash{$rec} = $counter++;
or an implicit one like one of these:
%hash = map {$_ => $counter++} #records;
# or:
$hash{$_} = $counter++ for #records;
This code should generate the proper output, where my-text-file is the path to your data file:
my %hash;
my $counter = 0;
open(FILE, "my-text-file");
while (<FILE>) {
$hash{$_} = $counter;
# Now to sort
foreach $key (sort(keys(%hash))) {
print $key . ":" . $hash{$key} . "\n";
I assume you want to sort the hash aplhabetically. keys(%hash) and values(%hash) return the keys and values of %hash as an array, respectively. Run the program on this file:
And we get:
I hope this helps you.
I have an array with some words, and another array with words and synonyms. I'd like to create a third array when I find a matchin word between first and second array. I tried with grep but I'm not able to write the code in a proper way in order to get what I want.
The problem is that elements in array 1 can be found in array 2 at the beginning but also at the end or in the middle.
Maybe it's easier with an exemple:
#array1 = qw(chose, abstraction);
#array2 = (
"inspirer respirer",
The result it should be
#array3 = ("abstraction", "cause,chose,objet", "chose,objet");
Is it right to use "grep"?
I'm not able to write a right syntax to solve the problem..
Thank you
You can construct a regular expression from the array1, then filter the array2 using it:
use warnings;
use strict;
my #array1 = qw(chose, abstraction);
my #array2 = (
"inspirer respirer",
my $regex = join '|', map quotemeta $_, #array1; # quotemeta needed for special characters.
$regex = qr/$regex/;
my #array3 = grep /$regex/, #array2;
print "$_\n" for #array3;
I know you have an answer but here is a fun way I thought of.
So, I guess it is like an inverted index.
You take each set of synonyms and make them into an array. Then take each element of that array and put it into a hash as the keys with the value being a reference to the array.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
my #array1 = qw(chose abstraction);
my #array2 = ("inspirer respirer",
my #array;
push #array, map { /,|\s/ ? [split(/,|\s/, $_)]:[$_] } #array2;
my %construct;
while(my $array_ref = shift(#array)){
for(#{ $array_ref }){
push #{ $construct{$_} }, $array_ref;
my #array3 = map { s/,//; (#{ $construct{$_} }) } #array1;
print join(', ', #{ $_ }), "\n" for (#array3);
Missed apart of the answer before, this one should be complete.