How to read complex numbers from a file in C? - c

I have a text file which contains a 64x64 matrix values and they are complex numbers. I want to read them from a file but I'm having difficulties. Either using the complex library of C or creating a new data type for complex numbers is okay for me, I just need them read correctly.
What I mean is, whether using:
#include <complex.h>
int complex matrix[64][64];
or creating a data type for it:
typedef struct {
int real, imag;
} Complex;
Complex matrix[64][64];
is okay for me as long as they are read correctly.
Below you can find 2x3 matrix, just to demonstrate how the numbers are in my file:
{{-32767, 12532 + 5341I, -3415 - 51331I}
{32767I, 32609 + 3211I, 32137 + 6392I}}
So as you can see some parts have both the real and imaginary part, some just the imaginary and some just the real part, and all the imaginary numbers have upper case 'i' letter at the end. If you could help me with that, I would be glad.

Two common design patterns apply:
1) Recursive descent parser that accepts a 'language'
2) State Machine
Both cases can benefit from a read_char() function, that exits with error if it encounters
anything else than '{', '}', 0-9, i, +, - and which skips all white spaces (ch<=32).
A state machine can be a bit more versatile: if at any point there is '+' or '-', one can just add or subtract the next value (ending with 'i' or non 'i') to the currently accumulated value. (Then the state machine is able to also calculate 1+2-1+1i while it goes...)

It doesn't matter how the number are organized, if they' re aligned in memory you can read them all at once:
Complex matrix[64][64];
fread(matrix,sizeof(Complex),64*64, your_file_pointer);
Same for writing:
fwrite(matrix, sizeof(Complex), 64*64, your_file_pointer);


How do I add two integers together from a csv file in c code?

I'll make this short. I really want to learn from the answer. I am not here to make anyone code for me, so you choose if you want to learn me how to solve this problem or simply write the whole code.
I am trying to make a script which can read a CSV with this pattern:
Example: 11.01.2011,Grocery shop, -200, 700, Done, No.
I want the output to be the sum of all the expenses and income and second output what the balance is. I would like this info to be stored somewhere in the CSV file, so when I open it with excel it's there.
If you are able to explain what each line does it would be great for me so I can learn as a coding noob, but if not that's all good.
If this question is already answered I am so sorry. I have tried for a couple hours to find a answer, but I have only gotten some code that I don't know how to modify to what I want to do.
For any problem like this, I prefer to do it as a loop, structured in several parts:
read lines of text
when there are no more lines, we're done
for each line, break it into a number of fields
finally, do something interesting with the fields
The basic C function for step 1 is the fgets function. It's customery to bundle step 1 and step 2 together in the header of a while loop:
char linebuf[100];
while(fgets(linebuf, sizeof(linebuf), infp) != NULL) {
step 3; step 4;
Now, in the body of the loop, we have a line of text linebuf we've just read, and it's time to break it up into fields, in this case by searching for comma characters as delimiters. One way to do this sort of thing is using the library function strtok. Another is described in this chapter of some programming notes.
For files with columns of data, I like to store the broken-out fields in an array of pointers:
char *fields[MAXCOLS];
So then, you can use ordinary string operations to do interesting things with the columns (remembering that arrays in C are 0-based).
For example, to see if column 3 is the word "yes" or something else:
if(strcmp(fields[2], "yes") == 0) {
/* column 3 was "yes" */ ;
} else {
/* column 3 was something else */ ;
If column 5 was an amount, convert it to a number so you can do something with it:
double amount, running_total;
/* ... */
amount = atof(4);
running_total += amount;
(But beware: types float or double are not always good for dealing with monetary amounts, due to roundoff issues.)

String expansion in openCL

I have a simple task of expanding the string FX according to the following rules:
X -> X+YF+
Y-> -FX-Y
In OpenCL, string manipulation is not supported but the use of an array of characters is. How would a kernel program that expands this string in parallel look like in openCL?
More details:
Consider the expansion of 'FX' in the python code below.
axiom = "FX"
def expand(s):
switch = {
"X": "X+YF+",
"Y": "-FX-Y",
return switch.get(s, s)
def expand_once(string):
return [expand(c) for c in string]
def expand_n(s, n):
for i in range(n):
s = ''.join(expand_once(s))
return s
expanded = expand_n(axiom, 200)
The result expanded will be a result of expanding the axiom 'FX' 200 times. This is a rather slow process thus the need to do it on openCL for parallelization.
This process results in an array of strings which I will then use to draw a dragon curve.
below is an example of how I would come up with such a dragon curve: This part is not of much importance. The expansion on OpenCL is the crucial part.
import turtles
from PIL import Image
turtles.setposition(5000, 5000)
turtles.left(90) # Go up to start.
for c in expanded:
if c == "F":
elif c == "-":
elif c == "+":
# Write out the image.
im = Image.fromarray(turtles.canvas)"dragon_curve.jpg")
Recursive algorithms like this don't especially lend themselves to GPU acceleration, especially as the data set changes its size on each iteration.
If you do really need to do this iteratively, the challenge is for each work-item to know where in the output string to place its result. One way to do this would be to assign work groups a specific substring of the input, and on every iteration, keep count of the total number of Xs and Ys in each workgroup-sized substring of the output. From this you can calculate how much that substring will expand in one iteration, and if you accumulate those values, you'll know the offset of the output of each substring expansion. Whether this is efficient is another question. :-)
However, your algorithm is actually fairly predictable: you can calculate precisely how large the final string will be given the initial string and number of iterations. The best way to generate this string with OpenCL would be to come up with a non-recursive function which analytically calculates the character at position N given M iterations, and then call that function once per work-item, with the (known!) final length of the string as the work size. I don't know if it's possible to come up with such a function, but it seems like it might be, and if it is possible, this is probably the most efficient way to do it on a GPU.
It seems like this might be possible: as far as I can tell, the result will be highly periodic:
^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^
A* B A B A B A B
As far as I can see, those A blocks are all identical, and so are the Bs. (apart from the first A which is effectively at position -1) You can therefore determine the characters at 14 positions out of every 16 completely deterministically. I strongly suspect it's possible to work out the pattern of +s and -s that connects them too. If you figure that out, the solution becomes pretty easy.
Note though that when you have that function, you probably don't even need to put the result in a giant string: you can just feed your drawing algorithm with that function directly.

Storing large numbers from user input into an array of integers

I am currently working on a C project that requires the creation, storage and mathematical usage of numbers that are too large to be put into normal variable types. To do this, we were instructed to represent numbers as a sequence of digits stored in an array of integers. I use a struct defined as so:
struct BigInt {
int val[300000];
int size;
(I know I can dynamically allocate memory, and that that is
preferable, however this is how I am most comfortable doing it, it has
worked perfectly fine so far and this is how the professor instructed us to do it.)
I then define member A:
struct BigInt A={NULL};
I can generate and store, then add, subtract and multiply random numbers with this, and they can have any number digits up to 300000(far more than I will ever need to account for). For example, if the number 1432 was generated and stored into BigInt A, A.size would be 4 and A.val[2] would be 3.
Now I need to create a way to store user input into this type. For example, the user needs to be able go straight from inputting 50! and then it be stored into this struct array type I have created. How would I go about doing this?
The only ways that I could think of would be to store the user input as a string then have the math in that string be executed multiple times, each time storing a different digit, or reading numbers straight off of stdout, but I don't know if either of those are even possible or would solve my problem.
You can try using string as follows:
char s[300001];
scanf("%s", s);
A.size = strlen(s);
for(int i = 0; i < A.size; i++){
A.val[i] = s[i] - '0';
I think it will solve your problem, but this way of implementation for big integers is not efficient though.
Sorry for previous answer, to solve in c you need to use array of chars to store each digits.

Need suggestion on Code conversion to Matlab_extension 2

This is an extension of the previously asked question: link. In a short, I am trying to convert a C program into Matlab and looking for your suggestion to improve the code as the code is not giving the correct output. Did I convert xor the best way possible?
C Code:
void rc4(char *key, char *data){
://Other parts of the program
i = j = 0;
int k;
for (k=0;k<strlen(data);k++){
has[k] = data[k]^S[(S[i]+S[j]) %256];
int main()
char key[] = "Key";
char sdata[] = "Data";
Matlab code:
function has = rc4(key, data)
://Other parts of the program
i=0; j=0;
for k=0:length(data)-1
out(k+1) = S(mod(S(i+1)+S(j+1), 256)+1);
C = bitxor(v,out);
data_show =dec2hex(C);
has = data_show;
It looks like you're doing bitwise XOR on 64-bit doubles. [Edit: or not, seems I forgot bitxor() will do an implicit conversion to integer - still, an implicit conversion may not always do what you expect, so my point remains, plus it's far more efficient to store 8-bit integer data in the appropriate type rather than double]
To replicate the C code, if key, data, out and S are not already the correct type you can either convert them explicitly - with e.g. key = int8(key) - or if they're being read from a file even better to use the precision argument to fread() to create them as the correct type in the first place. If this is in fact already happening in the not-shown code then you simply need to remove the conversion to double and let v be int8 as well.
Second, k is being used incorrectly - Matlab arrays are 1-indexed so either k needs to loop over 1:length(data) or (if the zero-based value of k is used as i and j are) then you need to index data by k+1.
(side note: who is x and where did he come from?)
Third, you appear to be constructing v as an array the same size of data - if this is correct then you should take the bitxor() and following lines outside the loop. Since they work on entire arrays you're needlessly repeating this every iteration instead of doing it just once at the end when the arrays are full.
As a general aside, since converting C code to Matlab code can sometimes be tricky (and converting C code to efficient Matlab code very much more so), if it's purely a case of wanting to use some existing non-trivial C code from within Matlab then it's often far easier to just wrap it in a MEX function. Of course if it's more of a programming exercise or way to explore the algorithm, then the pain of converting it, trying to vectorise it well, etc. is worthwhile and, dare I say it, (eventually) fun.

How to write a bitstream

I'm thinking about writing some data into a bit stream using C. There are two ways come in mind. One is to concatenate variable bit-length symbols into a contiguous bit sequence, but in this way my decoder will probably have a hard time separating those symbols from this continuous bit stream. Another way is to distribute same amount of bits for which symbol and in that way the decoder can easily recover the original data, but there may be a waste of bits since the symbols have different values which in turn cause many bits in the bit stream being zero(this waste bits I guess).
Any hint what I should do?
I'm new to programming. Any help will be appreciated.
Sounds like your trying to do something similiar to a Huffman compression scheme? I would just go byte-by-byte (char)and keep track of the offset within the byte where I read off the last symbol.
Assuming none of your symbols would be bigger than char. It would look something like this:
struct bitstream {
char *data;
int data_size; // size of 'data' array
int last_bit_offset; // last bit in the stream
int current_data_offset; // position in 'data', i.e. data[current_data_offset] is current reading/writing byte
int current_bit_offset; // which bit we are currently reading/writing
char decodeNextSymbol(bitstream *bs) {
int encodeNextSymbol(bitstream *bs, char symbol) {
The matching code for decodeNextSymbol and encodeNextSymbol would have to use the C bitwise operations ('&' (bitwise AND), and '|' (bitwise OR) for example. I would then come up with a list of all my symbols, starting with the shortest first, and do a while loop that matches the shortest symbol. For example, if one of your symbols is '101', then if the stream is '1011101', it would match the first '101' and would continue to match the rest of the stream '1101' You would also have to handle the case where your symbol values overflow from one byte to the next.
