Can I get the credit card scanned image using -

I have just integrated the SDK with my app, I just wanted to save scanned credit card image to show them later in my app, just like other wallet apps do. Is there any way?

Josh from here. is open source, so you could dig around and figure out how to get the image out.
However, it is hidden by default for good reasons. One is user privacy. Another is PCI compliance--the CVV2 is located on the front of AmEx cards and storing the CVV2 (anywhere, secure or not) is not allowed.

Its not supported in the code but if you really need it you can add following code in onActivityResult of
/* added image response */
Intent origIntent = getIntent();
Log.d(TAG, "[IMGCAP] Return image on scan request");
if (origIntent.getBooleanExtra(EXTRA_RETURN_CARD_IMAGE, false)
&& mOverlay != null && mOverlay.getBitmap() != null) {
ByteArrayOutputStream scaledCardBytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
Log.d(TAG, "[IMGCAP] Attempting return of image");
mOverlay.getBitmap().compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 80, scaledCardBytes);
data.putExtra(EXTRA_CAPTURED_CARD_IMAGE, scaledCardBytes.toByteArray());
Log.d(TAG, "[IMGCAP] Set result with return image");
setResultAndFinish(resultCode, data);
Just before you see call to send back result of activity. You can receive in in the calling activity.
But as mentioned in above answers its not recommended to capture card image. For non financial card you can call only detect and suppress scan, you will get image for that if you enable EXTRA_RETURN_CARD_IMAGE.


can I use the codename one camera kit library to take a picture automatically from the code?

I'm new to using codename one and I can not understand how we can take a picture from the camera using captureImage (); from the camerakit library.
I know it's possible with the Capture API (Capture.capturePhoto ();) but this library uses an application to take the photo and I want to do this directly
I created a button :
FloatingActionButton capture_button =
capture_button.bindFabToContainer(hi, CENTER, BOTTOM);
capture_button.addActionListener(e -> {
and after that I tried to get my picture from the onImage function but it does not work.
public void onImage(CameraEvent ev) {
try {
byte[] jpegData = ev.getJpeg();
String str = new String(jpegData);
InputStream stream = FileSystemStorage.getInstance().openInputStream(jpegData);
OutputStream out = Storage.getInstance().createOutputStream("MyImage.jpg");
Util.copy(stream, out);
StorageImage out = StorageImage.create("MyImage.jpg", jpegData, -1, -1);
the byte array is empty. Help please.
Camera Kit broke a bit after its release due to changes in Camera Kit which is still not 1.0 level. This is tracked in this issue. Camera kit was supposed to reach 1.0 status months ago but still hasn't reached that point. We
are waiting for it to be at 1.0 level so we can make fixes against a stable version.
We also need a bit of time/resources to do that work which is something we are sorely lacking.

Is it possible to record audio in iOS with Codename One?

My app features a button to record audio (and another to play it back when the recording is over). I send the recorded audio files on a server. On Android the files is recorded as .amr (mime type audio/amr) and can be played back.
On iOS however the file can neither be played back on the device (iPhone 4 or 4S) nor on a computer. ffmpeg -i reports
[mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 # 0x2fac120] moov atom not found
9gMjOnnmsj9JJZR3.m4a: Invalid data found when processing input
Please note that VLC cannot play it either.
I give the m4a extension because Voice recorder uses it (along with aac codec).
Here is the code I use (mostly based on ) :
audioMemoPath = ParametresGeneraux.getWRITABLE_DIR() + "AudioMemo-"
+ System.currentTimeMillis() +
? ".amr"
: ".m4a");
audioMemoMimeType = MediaManager.getAvailableRecordingMimeTypes()[0];
audioMemoRecorder = MediaManager.createMediaRecorder(audioMemoPath, audioMemoMimeType);
// If the permission audio has not been granted
// the audiomemorecoreder will be null
if (audioMemoRecorder != null) {;
boolean b ="Recording", "", "Save", "Cancel");
Moreover if I display the available mime types on iOS, it yields "audio/amr" which I doubt according to all the posts I could read that tell you amr is not supported on iOS. Looking at the source it appears amr is the by default mime type because it is always returned :
* Gets the available recording MimeTypes
public String [] getAvailableRecordingMimeTypes(){
return new String[]{"audio/amr"};
So my question : is it possible to record audio on iOS, and if it is, how can it be done ?
Any help appreciated,
Have you looked at the Capture class? That seems to be more straightforward.
Ok I got it working by overloading some methods of the MediaManager, namely getAvailableRecordingMimeTypes() and also createMediaRecorder() to prevent it from using its getAvailableRecordingMimeTypes method.
Here is the code for getAvailableRecordingMimeTypes():
* Normally the method returns amr even for ios. So we overload the original
* method to return aac on ios.
* #return
public static String[] getAvailableRecordingMimeTypes() {
if (Display.getInstance().getPlatformName().equals("ios")) {
return new String[]{"audio/aac"};
} else {
return new String[]{"audio/amr"};
createMediaRecorder() is left as is (copied without changes).
Now it is possible to record audio in iOS and play it back in both iOS and Android!

Streaming Live audio using Codename One

I am trying to convince a friend of mine to use CN1 as his dev platform for mobile apps. One of the challenges he has brought up is the ability to stream live audio from a radio station using a CN1 app.
I have had a look at the docs and I can see examples of loading media files that are already on the phone, but I cannot see an example of where you point it at a URL and stream live audio.
As you have probably guessed he is interested in developing radio apps for remote radio stations that don't already have their own
Is it possible to do this in CN1?
That's quite possible with CN1 and number of developers have done that in the past.
You can use MediaManager and point it to your remote streaming URL.
Below works for playing an audio file from remote URL and could work for streaming:
Form radio = new Form(new BorderLayout());
Display.getInstance().scheduleBackgroundTask(() -> {
try {
Media audio = MediaManager.createMedia(streamingUrl, false);
Display.getInstance().callSerially(() -> {
final MediaPlayer player = new MediaPlayer(audio);
radio.add(BorderLayout.CENTER, player);
} catch (IOException err) {
ToastBar.showErrorMessage("Error streaming audio: " + err);
To avoid this error "Video Playing is not supported on this platform", you have to put true to isVidio parameter like this when handling video stream.
Media audio = MediaManager.createMedia(streamingUrl, true);

How to check if an app has already been purchased - CodenameOne

My application can buy an in-app product which I have configured on the google developer account.
The product is a buy-once product. I would like to know how to check if this item has already been bought (in codenameone) and handle it based on result of query.
Here is a code extract:
if(p.isManagedPaymentSupported()) {
boolUpdate = true;
Form f = (Form)createContainer(resPath,"Search");
Display.getInstance().callSerially(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
Boolean confirmAction ="Buy Product?","","Yes","No");
According to the codenameone API doc, The "p.wasPurchased(id)" method is supposed to provide this functionality. But this is not the case after installing on my device and making a purchase. The payment process begins again even after the product has been bought. Meaning the "wasPurchased()" check is returning false.
I would like to check if the item is already purchased and based on that either go to the next screen, or begin the purchase process. Please how can I implement this on codenameone?
Currently managed purchases aren't supported on Android which I'm assuming is the platform you are referring to?
There is an RFE and some code to resolve it but we didn't get around to do it as of this writing:

Download file with JSF

I have a trouble. I tried to save excel file in jsf web application.
I generated file by my utils and trying to get "save" window, but I failed.
Here is my code:
<h:commandButton value="Apply" actionListener="#{hornPhonesBean.generateReport}"/>
public void generateReport(ActionEvent event) {
System.out.println("GENERATE REPORT FROM = " + this.dateFrom + "; TO = " + this.dateTo);
try {
XSSFWorkbook workbook = (XSSFWorkbook) HornReportGenerator.getWorkbook(null, null);
String fileName = "1.xlsx";
FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
ExternalContext ec = fc.getExternalContext();
// Some JSF component library or some Filter might have set some headers in the buffer beforehand. We want to get rid of them, else it may collide.
// Check for all types. Use if necessary ExternalContext#getMimeType() for auto-detection based on filename.
// Set it with the file size. This header is optional. It will work if it's omitted, but the download progress will be unknown.
// The Save As popup magic is done here. You can give it any file name you want, this only won't work in MSIE, it will use current request URL as file name instead.
ec.setResponseHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"" + fileName + "\"");
OutputStream output = ec.getResponseOutputStream();
fc.responseComplete(); // Important! Otherwise JSF will attempt to render the response which obviously will fail since it's already written with a file and closed.
} catch (Exception e) {
I read suggestions here and from another forums - everyone says I shouldnt use , but I didn't use it at all.
Then I thought that the problem could be in the
where I kept the
and I changed to
but it didn't help.
Maybe the problem in the request - it has header Faces-Request partial/ajax. But I am not sure.
Please give me some ideas - I already spent 4 hours for this crazy jsf download issue)
Maybe the problem in the request - it has header Faces-Request partial/ajax. But I am not sure.
This suggests that the request is an ajax request. You can't download files by ajax. Ajax requests are processed by JavaScript which has for obvious security reasons no facilities to programmatically pop a Save As dialogue nor to access/manipulate client's disk file system.
Your code snippet does however not show that you're using ajax. Perhaps you oversimplified it too much or you're using ICEfaces which silently auto-enables ajax on all standard JSF command components.
In any case, you need to make sure that it's not sending an ajax request.
See also:
How to provide a file download from a JSF backing bean?
ICEfaces libary in classpath prevents Save As dialog from popping up on file download
