How to change attachment MIME type - mime-types

I'm using XPages FileUpload control to save some attachments (.xml files) to the document.
By default Domino is saving .xml with "text/xml" MIME type. However I need it to be "application/xml".
Setting FileUpload control "MIME type" option does not help as Domino recognizes file type and changes it.
Is there a way to accomplish this task and manually switch attachment MIME type to a custom one?

You might want to look at "the other end". Instead of trying to alter the mime-type when saving (Which I actually doubt Domino does save!!!), change the way the file is served when retrieved. Instead of using the build in URL to access it, use an XAgent. There you can set the MIME-Type header to your hearts desire.
The sneaky way: Don't do anything in your application. Talk to your admin. In the website configuration you can specify rules. Provide the pattern for the XML file and overwrite the mime-type header in the configuration. The admin documentation has all the details. You want to use the "custom header"


Invoke File save as prompt while Downloading in ExtJS

I want to invoke the file save as prompt while allowing the user to download a file in ExtJS from a URL.
Basically the idea is to allow the user to change the file name and select his desired location before saving the file on their machine.
Is there any way I could do this?
I do not want to use:
A server side code to send the headers.
Nor do I want to use the Flash-based Downloadify library to do this.
Also, <a> tag's "download" attribute does download the file, but it does not prompt the dialog box if the browser settings are not set right.
Is there any way apart from the above where we could handle the file download in our application?
No, it cannot be done with javascript alone due to the security restrictions of the contemporary browsers. You can read files but I have no knowledge of a way to save files directly from the javascript alone.
If your "I do not want tos" are not that strict, here you can find an example of file downloading. The essence is to send "Content-Disposition: attachment" header.

Converting Blob object to html in google app

I have stored user uploaded document (.doc ,.pdf) as a Blob object into data-store.
Instead of allowing user to download the document, I would like to present it as an HTML page
for viewing the doc. how do I convert Blob into HTML ? does google app engine provides any ready made API for the same?
There is no ready made API in AppEngine to convert .doc or .pdf (or or other types of) files to HTML. You would need to find a library for your preferred language to parse the blob file into its parts structured as an object model (like a DOM). Then you would need to write code to convert individual parts of the object model to HTML, unless you are lucky enough to find another library. And no, StackOverflow is not a good place to ask "what library is there...".
No. AppEngine itself does not provide any file format conversion tools. You might want to look into Google Drive API, which might, to some extent, do the format conversion for you.
You can have embed a PDF reader on a web page by using pdf.js.
Most browsers already have a built-in PDF viewer. If you provide a link to a PDF file, when users click on it, many browsers will automatically display the document. Those browsers that do not support this option, will offer a user to download the file to their hard-drive.
This is the easiest solution - you don't have to do anything at all.

creating custom MIME type in cq5/AEM

I need to add support for a proprietary 3D format in cq5/AEM. Despite having absolutely no experience with this, I managed to generate a few working components to visualize the assets.
But now, I need to create custom media handler to generate renditions and thumbnails from the model. The problem is, media handlers can only work on assets of specific MIME types, and cq5 do not associate a type to my assets. Thus, I can not have a media handler called on them.
Is there any way to customize how cq5 associate MIME types to an asset, or I is there another way to circumvent the problem?
Ok, I found what I needed. You can link MIME type to extensions by going to the OSGI console at http://localhost:4502/system/console/configMgr and to the Apache Sling MIME type Service configuration. There, you can add new MIME / extension link:
MIME extensions...
model/collada+xml dae

Customise AppEngine Image Service Serving Url with type extension

What I would like to achieve is to let AppEngine Image Service to generate a serving URL with file type as an extension.
For example, in my local, a serving url may look like:
Is it possible to override it into the form of something like
The reason I need to do this is I am using Flowplayer and hope to add a splash image by using the playlist function. However, it looks like Flowplayer won't recognize image file without a proper image extension.
There are no "files" on the web, just resources. And every resource has an Url. The type of the resource is defined by Content-type header. There is no such thing as "file type as an extension" on the web.
Image service sets the Content-type properly so all standard clients should be able to display it.
Also, it seems that Flowplayer splash images are just a normal images displayed in HTML, so there should be no problem with this.
Can you display your Url normally in HTML?
Actually there is a workaround for the solution.
Basically, you can add a fake query parameter at the end of the url, and Google will treat them the same.
So, for instance, a url, you can make it or
depending on your need. Google won't care about the query parameters, but I got what I need and my client software (Flowplayer) is happy about this new link.

Handling zip files via media browser

I am using media module with wysiwyg integration of media browser.
I need to create a new file type (say zip) and have custom formatters for this file type. So, whenever a zip file is uploaded via media browser, i want it to get associated with "zip" file type and the formatters should be applied to it as selected by the user.
Tried to look for some tutorials but not much of help. Can someone please guide me through with this?
