CakePhp Plugin: Problems with routing - cakephp

Well, I am struggling for 2 hours trying to finding out how this not works.
The problem:
I have a plugin PaypalIpn in the Plugin Folder. The Plugin has a controller InstantPaymentNotificationsController and some actions inside.
If I try to access directly the plugin's controller with /paypal_ipn/instant_payment_notifications Cake says the there is no Paypal Controller.
Well, I added a route:
Router::connect('/paypal_ipn/:action/*', array( 'plugin' => 'paypal_ipn', 'controller' => 'instant_payment_notifications', 'action' => 'index'));
and surprise the webserver freezes and this errors is fired in httpd.log
PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of -2147483648 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 320596 bytes) in libCake2.3/Cake/Error/ErrorHandler.php on line 114

According to plugin's installation notes the route should be:
array('plugin' => 'paypal_ipn',
'controller' => 'instant_payment_notifications',
'action' => 'process'
This is not what you have.
Also, be sure you have the latest version. The article on Bakery is from 2009 and is about a very old version.


Different routing behaviour according to debug level

I have a cake php site which lives in a subdirectory on my site called secure, so
When the debug level is 1 or 2 then it works fine, but if I change the debug level to 0 (with Configure::write('debug', 0);) and go to that address I get this error:
Error: The requested address '/secure/index.php/secure/' was not found on this server.
I have the following two routes in routes.php
Router::connect('/', array('controller' => 'pages', 'action' => 'display', 'home'));
Router::connect('/secure', array('controller' => 'pages', 'action' => 'display', 'home'));
How can I get it to work with debug set to 0? I could move the whole site into, but I'd like that to be a last resort.
Routing is not being affected by the debug level.
Your problem is that you are pointing the route to the home page, which is only available in debug mode because it reveals possibly sensitive system information, see app/View/Pages/home.ctp
if (!Configure::read('debug')):
throw new NotFoundException();
Test your routes with a custom page and everything should work fine.

CakePHP + NGINX + Memcache

I am trying to use Memcache on NGINX for CakePHP (2.4.7) but when I update the core.php & bootstrap.php to do this I am then thrown the following exception:
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'CacheException' with message 'Cache engine _cake_core_ is not properly configured
I have tried to search if any other configuration is required but can't see anything. Any help would be appreciated
First of all you need be sure that your Memcached configured and working properly.
Check memcached port (11211 if default settings) / process etc... for example memcached -u www-data -vv.
Then if you using memcached default configurations you should change core.php configurations like following:
Uncomment section about memcached. After it it's should looks like this:
Cache::config('default', array(
'engine' => 'Memcache', //[required]
'duration' => 1800, //[optional]
'probability' => 100, //[optional]
'prefix' => Inflector::slug(APP_DIR) . '_',
'servers' => array(
'persistent' => true,
'compress' => false));
Now change $engine = 'File'; to $engine = 'Memcache';
Use caching for example in controller you need write data with key => value, then access that data with key. Example:
Cache::write($key, $value);
That's all.
Hope it's help you.

An internal error has occured

I'm Vaijanath. I'm using cakephp installed on lamp. Now i have created a blog application, but when i run this on localhost/cakephpproject/cakephp/ it is showing an error:
"An Internal Error Has Occured".
And i had changed the "routes.php" in "/app/Config/routes.php" from
"Router::connect('/', array('controller' => 'pages', 'action' => 'display', 'home'));"
"Router::connect('/', array('controller' => 'posts', 'action' => 'index'));"
This is an internal error and i'm not able to solve it. Could you please help me in this?
Is your project in your user's public_html dir ?
If so, you must update the three .htaccess files, located in <projectBase>/, <projectBase>/app/ and <projectBase>/app/webroot, and add the following code after each RewriteEngine on statement :
RewriteBase /~<yourUserName>/<projectBase>/
Hope that helped.
In your CakePHP app in the ‘config’ folder change the following setting in the ‘core.php’ file
Configure::write(‘debug’, 0);
Change the ’0′ value to a ’2′ and CakePHP will print all debug errors.
It will display all the errors.. and when the functions works then again change it back to 0.

Cakephp Fatal error rendering issue

I'm using Cakephp version 2.2.4 and it is unable to render Fatal error messages (It shows weird characters).
When i remove the line 'handler' => 'ErrorHandler::handleError' from core file, PHP displays the Fatal error correctly.
Here is a link to screenshot of what i see
Here's the content of my core file (Error related):
Configure::write('debug', 2);
Configure::write('Exception', array(
'handler' => 'ErrorHandler::handleException',
'renderer' => 'ExceptionRenderer',
'log' => true
Configure::write('Error', array(
'handler' => 'ErrorHandler::handleError',
'level' => E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT,
'trace' => true
Update to the recently released CakePHP version 2.2.5, which apparently fixed some problems in ExceptionHandler.
I just checked and found that I was referencing a model I had not loaded. Loading the model (Actually referencing it through the current model) solved the problem for me.

cakephp WebTechNick paypal plugin(missing controller)

I have downloaded WebTechNick's PayPal plugin and copied the files
into /app/plugins/paypal_ipn (exactly as per the instructions). I have
amended /app/config/routes.php to include the routes for the plugin
(these are copied straight from the installation instructions).
When I access http//:[mysite]/paypal_ipn I am getting a
missing controller error:
Error: PaypalIpnController could not be found.
Error: Create the class PaypalIpnController below in file: app/
I'm baffled as I have followed conventions yet this isn't working. I
have other plugins working as expected.
What am I doing wrong?
i would not use this route (besides, its optional)
Router::connect('/paypal_ipn/:action/*', array('admin' => 'true', 'plugin' => 'paypal_ipn', 'controller' => 'instant_payment_notifications', 'action' => 'index'));
I want my admin stuff to be in /admin/... not having one rouge plugin doing something else
after removing that you should have the following available (shows index like always)$id$id$id
and (need to post to this one)
and (shows index like always)$id$id$id
This is really old, but the selected answer didn't help solve my problem and this thread is the only one that I was able to find.
The issue is that by default, cakephp (as of 2.5.4) does not enable admin prefixing. If (like me) you're not familiar with routing or prefixing, I suggest reading the below links:
But, the quick fix to this (assuming your fine with this plugins admin routing process) is to uncomment the admin prefixing line in your core.php. DO NOT TRY ADDING THIS TO routes.php. It won't work. Rather look around line 152 in /app/Config/core.php and change
//Configure::write('Routing.prefixes', array('admin'));
Configure::write('Routing.prefixes', array('admin'));
I assume you have added
var $components = array('PluginName.Example'); (adjust the values)
to your (app_)controller?
