String to double saving time conversion in c - c

I'm working on a benchmarking task for an operation (in C language under Linux) and in this operation we use a conversion from string to double a lot (using atof or sscanf functions) but the problem here is that they gave a relatively large time (145, 270 ns respectively) which is not suitable for the operation. So, Do you know any other conversion mechanism that save time?
I tried to use casting but it gave zero
double d;
char ch[] = "123.154";
d = *((double *) ch);
printf ("%lf\n", d); // result 0 (compiled using gcc)

atof() and sscanf() are generic methods that accept a huge variety of formats. If you know that the floating point values follow a certain pattern, you can try to optimize the conversion for the expected format. ie. no need to support (+-), no need to support Inf, Nan, or sci-notation (1.3e43) etc.
One can make a look up table that converts 3 characters at once from strings:
table[a*256+b*16+c] = a*100+b*10+c; where one simply concatenates the 4 LSB bits of e.g. string "432"; the hex value of the index would be then 0x432 and the content would be 432.
Casting means changing the interpretation of some binary data. Doubles or floats and integers are not binary compatible (except for the value of (+) 0). However the following cast works to check, if three first characters in a strings are numbers:
char num[]="123.123";
if ((*((int*)num) & 0x00f0f0f0) == 0x00303030) // can use faster conversion
// this means interpreting the pointer to string as a pointer to integer
// and then referencing the contents of the memory _as_ integer (+ some bitmasking)
Further, if the set of floating points is relatively small, or some particular value is very frequent, one might trade space for speed and opt for a hash table. If hash table has a match, one can compare the strings 4 or 8 bytes in parallel to verify (or skip that part, if the input is known to be valid). One can also combine these techniques by hashing the first 4 characters for an initial guess and continue from that next 4 characters at a time.

double d;
char ch[] = "123.154";
d = atof(ch);
printf ("%f\n", d);
printf ("%s\n", ch);


Convert Long To Double, Unexpected Results

I am using very basic code to convert a string into a long and into a double. The CAN library I am using requires a double as an input. I am attempting to send the device ID as a double to another device on the CAN network.
If I use an input string of that is 6 bytes long the long and double values are the same. If I add a 7th byte to the string the values are slightly different.
I do not think I am hitting a max value limit. This code is run with ceedling for an automated test. The same behaviour is seen when sending this data across my CAN communications. In main.c the issue is not observed.
The test is:
void test_can_hal_get_spn_id(void){
struct dbc_id_info ret;
memset(&ret, NULL_TERMINATOR, sizeof(struct dbc_id_info));
char expected_str[8] = "smg123";
char out_str[8];
memset(&out_str, 0, 8);
uint64_t long_val = 0;
double phys = 0.0;
memcpy(&long_val, expected_str, 8);
phys = long_val;
printf("long %ld \n", long_val);
printf("phys %f \n", phys);
uint64_t temp = (uint64_t)phys;
memcpy(&out_str, &temp, 8);
printf("%s\n", expected_str);
printf("%s\n", out_str);
With the input = "smg123"
- "long 56290670243187 "
- "phys 56290670243187.000000 "
- "smg123"
- "smg123"
With the input "smg1234"
- "long 14692989459197299 "
- "phys 14692989459197300.000000 "
- "smg1234"
- "tmg1234"
Is this error just due to how floats are handled and rounded? Is there a way to test for that? Am I doing something fundamentally wrong?
Representing the char array as a double without the intermediate long solved the issue. For clarity I am using DBCPPP. I am using it in C. I should clarify my CAN library comes from NXP, DBCPPP allows my application to read a DBC file and apply the data scales and factors to my raw CAN data. DBCPPP accepts doubles for all data being encoded and returns doubles for all data being decoded.
The CAN library I am using requires a double as an input.
That sounds surprising, but if so, then why are you involving a long as an intermediary between your string and double?
If I use an input string of that is 6 bytes long the long and double values are the same. If I add a 7th byte to the string the values are slightly different.
double is a floating point data type. To be able to represent values with a wide range of magnitudes, some of its bits are used to represent scale, and the rest to represent significant digits. A typical C implementation uses doubles with 53 bits of significand. It cannot exactly represent numbers with more than 53 significant binary digits. That's enough for 6 bytes, but not enough for 7.
I do not think I am hitting a max value limit.
Not a maximum value limit. A precision limit. A 64-bit long has smaller numeric range but more significant digits than an IEEE-754 double.
So again, what role is the long supposed to be playing in your code? If the objective is to get eight bytes of arbitrary data into a double, then why not go directly there? Example:
char expected_str[8] = "smg1234";
char out_str[8] = {0};
double phys = 0.0;
memcpy(&phys, expected_str, 8);
printf("phys %.14e\n", phys);
memcpy(&out_str, &phys, 8);
printf("%s\n", expected_str);
printf("%s\n", out_str);
Do note, however, that there is some risk when (mis)using a double this way. It is possible for the data you put in to constitute a trap representation (a signaling NaN might be such a representation, for example). Handling such a value might cause a trap, or cause the data to be corrupted, or possibly produce other misbehavior. It is also possible to run into numeric issues similar to the one in your original code.
Possibly your library provides some relevant guarantees in that area. I would certainly hope so if doubles are really its sole data type for communication. Otherwise, you could consider using multiple doubles to covey data payloads larger than 53 bits, each of which you could consider loading via your original technique.
If you have a look at the IEEE-754 Wikipedia page, you'll see that the double precision values have a precision of "[a]pproximately 16 decimal digits". And that's roughly where your problem seems to appear.
Specifically, though it's a 64-bit type, it does not have the necessary encoding to provide 264 distinct floating point values. There are many bit patterns that map to the same value.
For example, NaN is encoded as the exponent field of binary 1111 1111 with non-zero fraction (23 bits) regardless of the sign (one bit). That's 2 * (223 - 1) (over 16 million) distinct values representing NaN.
So, yes, your "due to how floats are handled and rounded" comment is correct.
In terms of fixing it, you'll either have to limit your strings to values that can be represented by doubles exactly, or find a way to send the strings across the CAN bus.
For example (if you can't send strings), two 32-bit integers could represent an 8-character string value with zero chance of information loss.

Binary to integer, need suggestions on this approach.

So I'm working on an assignment where I have to perform different operations but without using the standard arithmetic ones. Part of the assignment is converting the users input as an integer in binary form to the standard readable format.
So if the user inputs 0111, I have to return 7.
My question is, how can I split the input into separate values and then store them in an array? I cannot use the standard operands but I do have functions written for addition, subtraction and multiplication.
So what I'm thinking of doing is setting each value of the integer to an array, then reversing it, and in a while loop converting the values by multiplying the given 0 or 1 by corresponding powers of two and then adding everything up.
Scan it as a string. It has a nice advantage of already being an array:
char input[33];
that gives you an array of characters. They aren't integer which is probably what you want. You can covert it to an array of integers, one character at a time using character arithmetic:
array[i] = input[i] - '0';
You must stop when input[i] is 0, that is the end of the string. You can reverse the array if you want low order bit first.

Converting floats and integers to char*

I'm new to C and was kind of thrust into this world of embedded processing with C. I need to convert to char* and output integers and floating point numbers (only 0.01 resolution) to an LCD screen with an 8 bit interface. I've been reading through some of the posts and I see all these great ideas for converting int and float to char* but I'm not exactly sure what's going on in them.
Can someone provide a method for my two queries and a little explanation?
It actually depends upon the standard library, and in some embedded systems that library is partially implemented, or even absent. With a fully standard C99 implementation you might do something like
char buf[40];
int i;
double x;
// compute i & x, then make a string from them with::
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "i=%2d x=%.2f", i, x);
Then you might send that buf to your LCD port, or strdup it for later usage. (If you use strdup you'll need to free the result).
Read the documentation of snprintf for details. You probably should test the return int value of snprintf.
Since you're working on embedded programming you skould be aware of the fact that standard conversions often make use of divisions which are very taxing on any processor.
Since integers are converted using divide-by-ten you could instead implement a division using multiplication by invariant integers. This method should allow you to convert most values in the time it takes to convert a single digit in a value using division.
For floating point use the following steps:
save the sign and take the absolute value if sign is negative
multiply by 10.0 raised to the number of decimals you need
add 0.5 and convert to an integer
convert the integer to a string using the division method previously suggested
make sure the string is at least number of decimals + 1, insert ascii 0 at beginning as necessary
insert a minus sign at the beginning as required
insert a decimal point at the appropriate position
Here is an example that requires two decimals
375831.25 (multiply by 10^2)
375831.75 (add 0.5)
375831 (convert to integer)
"375831" (convert to string)
"3758.31" (insert decimal point => final result)
A somewhat more difficult case
0.0625 (keep sign)
6.25 (multiply by 10^2)
6.75 (add 0.5)
6 (convert to integer)
"6" (convert to string)
"006 (insert ascii 0 as required)
"-006" (insert minus sign)
"-0.06" (insert decimal point => final result)

How do I prevent buffer overflow converting a double to char?

I'm converting a double to a char string:
char txt[10];
double num;
num = 45.344322345
sprintf(txt, "%.1f", num);
and using ".1f" to truncate the decimal places, to the tenths digit.
i.e. - txt contains 45.3
I usually use precision in sprintf to ensure the char buffer is not overflowed.
How can I do that here also truncating the decimal, without using snprintf?
(i.e. if num = 345694876345.3 for some reason)
EDIT If num is > buffer the result no longer matters, just do not want to crash. Not sure what would make the most sense in that case.
EDIT2 I should have made it more clear than in just the tag, that this is a C program.
I am having issues using snprintf in a C program. I don't want to add any 3rd party libraries.
Use snprintf() , which will tell you how many bytes were not printed. In general, you should size your array to be large enough to handle the longest string representation of the target integer type. If not known in advance, use malloc() (or asprintf(), which is non-standard, but present on many platforms).
snprintf() will fail gracefully if the format exceeds the given buffer, it won't overflow. If you don't need to handle that, then simply using it will solve your problem. I can't think of an instance where you would not want to handle that, but then again, I'm not working on whatever you are working on :)
Why not just make your buffer big enough to hold the largest possible string representation of a double?
Assuming a 64-bit double using the IEEE standard for floating point arithmetic, which uses 52 bits for a mantissa: 2^52 = 4,503,599,627,370,500. So we need 16 characters to hold all the digits before and after the decimal point. 19 considering the decimal point, sign character and null terminator.
I would just use a buffer size of at least 20 characters and move on.
If you need to print a double using scientific notation, you will need to add enough space for the exponent. Assuming a 11 bit signed exponent, that's another 4 characters for the exponent plus a sign for the exponent and the letter 'E'. I would just go with 30 characters in that case.
If you absolutely must do it on your own, count the digits in the number before trying to convert:
int whole = num;
int wholeDigits = 0;
do {
while (whole /= 10);
double fraction = num - (int) num;
int decimallDigits = 0;
while (fraction > 0) {
fraction *= 10;
fraction = fraction - (int) fraction;
int totalLength = decimalDigits ? wholeDigits + decimalDigits + 1 : wholeDigits;
You should probably verify that this ad-hoc code works as advertised before relying on it to guard against crashes. I recommend that you use snprintf or something similar instead of my code, as others have said.
Why do you want to do it without snprintf? You should be using snprintf regardless of whether your format string contains a double, another string or anything else, really. As far as I can see, there's no reason not to.

C Compatibility Between Integers and Characters

How does C handle converting between integers and characters? Say you've declared an integer variable and ask the user for a number but they input a string instead. What would happen?
The user input is treated as a string that needs to be converted to an int using atoi or another conversion function. Atoi will return 0 if the string cannot be interptreted as a number because it contains letters or other non-numeric characters.
You can read a bit more at the atoi documentation on MSDN -
You always input a string. Then you parse convert this string to number, with various ways (asking again, taking a default value, etc.) of handling various errors (overflow, incorrect chars, etc.).
Another thing to note is that in C, characters and integers are "compatible" to some degree. Any character can be assigned to an int. The reverse also works, but you'll lose information if the integer value doesn't fit into a char.
char foo = 'a'; // The ascii value representation for lower-case 'a' is 97
int bar = foo; // bar now contains the value 97
bar = 255; // 255 is 0x000000ff in hexadecimal
foo = bar; // foo now contains -1 (0xff)
unsigned char foo2 = foo; // foo now contains 255 (0xff)
As other people have noted, the data is normally entered as a string -- the only question is which function is used for doing the reading. If you're using a GUI, the function may already deal with conversion to integer and reporting errors and so in an appropriate manner. If you're working with Standard C, it is generally easier to read the value into a string (perhaps with fgets() and then convert. Although atoi() can be used, it is seldom the best choice; the trouble is determining whether the conversion succeeded (and produced zero because the user entered a legitimate representation of zero) or not.
Generally, use strtol() or one of its relatives (strtoul(), strtoll(), strtoull()); for converting floating point numbers, use strtod() or a similar function. The advantage of the integer conversion routines include:
optional base selection (for example, base 10, or base 10 - hex, or base 8 - octal, or any of the above using standard C conventions (007 for octal, 0x07 for hex, 7 for decimal).
optional error detection (by knowing where the conversion stopped).
The place I go for many of these function specifications (when I don't look at my copy of the actual C standard) is the POSIX web site (which includes C99 functions). It is Unix-centric rather than Windows-centric.
The program would crash, you need to call atoi function.
