Google App Engine - What's the recommended way to keep entity amount within limit? - google-app-engine

I have some entities of a kind, and I need to keep them within limited amount, by discarding old ones. Just like log entries maintainance. Any good approach on GAE to do this?
Options in my mind:
Option 1. Add a Date property for each of these entities. Create cron job to check datastore statistics daily. If it exceeds the limit, query some entities of that kind and sort by date with oldest first. Delete them until the size is less than, for example, 0.9 * max_limit.
Option 2. Option 1 requires an additional property with index. I observed that the entity key ids may be likely increasing. So I'd like to query only keys and sort by ascending order. Delete the ones with smaller ids. It does not require additional property (date) and index. But I'm seriously worrying about whether the key id is assured to go increasingly?
I think this is a common data maintainance task. Is there any mature way to do it?
By the way, a tiny ad for my app, free and purely for coder's fun!

You cannot assume that the IDs are always increasing. The docs about ID gen only guarantee that:
IDs allocated in this manner will not be used by the Datastore's
automatic ID sequence generator and can be used in entity keys without
The default sort order is also not guaranteed to be sorted by ID number:
If no sort orders are specified, the results are returned in the order
they are retrieved from the Datastore.
which is vague and doesn't say that the default order is by ID.
One solution may be to use a rotating counter that keeps track of the first element. When you want to add new entities: fetch the counter, increment it, mod it by the limit, and add a new element with an ID as the value of the counter. This must all be done in a transaction to guarantee that the counter isn't being incremented by another request. The new element with the same key will overwrite one that was there, if any.
When you want to fetch them all, you can manually generate the keys (since they are all known), do a bulk fetch, sort by ID, then split them into two parts at the value of the counter and swap those.
If you want the IDs to be unique, you could maintain a separate counter (using transactions to modify and read it so you're safe) and create entities with IDs as its value, then delete IDs when the limit is reached.

You can create a second entity (let's call it A) that keeps a list of the keys of the entities you want to limit, like this (pseudo-code):
class A:
List<Key> limitedEntities;
When you add a new entity, you add its key in the list of A. If the length of the list exceeds the limit, you take the first element of the list and the remove the corresponding entity.
Notice that when you add or delete an entity, you should modify the list of entity A in a transaction. Since, these entities belong to different entity groups, you should consider using Cross-Group Transactions.
Hope this helps!


Efficiently modelling a Feed schema on Google Cloud Datastore?

I'm using GCP/App Engine to build a Feed that returns posts for a given user in descending order of the post's score (a modified timestamp). Posts that are not 'seen' are returned first, followers by posts where 'seen' = true.
When a user creates a post, a Feed entity is created for each one of their followers (i.e. a fan-out inbox model)
Will my current index model result in an exploding index and/or contention on the 'score' index if many users load their feed simultaneously?
- kind: "Feed"
- name: "seen" // Boolean
- name: "uid" // The user this feed belongs to
- name: "score" // Int timestamp
direction: desc
// Other entity fields include: authorUid, postId, postType
A user's feed is fetched by:
SELECT postId FROM Feed WHERE uid = abc123 AND seen = false ORDER BY score DESC
Would I be better off prefixing the 'score' with the user id? Would this improve the performance of the score index? e.g. score="{alphanumeric user id}-{unix timestamp}"
From the docs:
You can improve performance with "sharded queries", that prepend a
fixed length string to the expiration timestamp. The index is sorted
on the full string, so that entities at the same timestamp will be
located throughout the key range of the index. You run multiple
queries in parallel to fetch results from each shard.
With just 4 entities I'm seeing 44 indexes which seems excessive.
You do not have an exploding indexes problem, that problem is specific to queries on entities with repeated properties (i.e properties with multiple values) when those properties are used in composite indexes. From Index limits:
The situation becomes worse in the case of entities with multiple
properties, each of which can take on multiple values. To accommodate
such an entity, the index must include an entry for every possible
combination of property values. Custom indexes that refer to multiple properties, each with multiple values, can "explode"
combinatorially, requiring large numbers of entries for an entity with
only a relatively small number of possible property values. Such
exploding indexes can dramatically increase the storage size of an entity in Cloud Datastore, because of the large number of index
entries that must be stored. Exploding indexes also can easily cause
the entity to exceed the index entry count or size limit.
The 44 built-in indexes are nothing more than the indexes created for the multiple indexed properties of your 4 entities (probably your entity model has about 11 indexed properties). Which is normal. You can reduce the number by scrubbing your model usage and marking as unindexed all properties which you do not plan to use in queries.
You do however have the problem of potentially high number of index updates in a short time - when a user with many followers creates a post with all those indexes falling in a narrow range - hotspots, which the article you referenced applies to. Pre-pending the score with the follower user ID (not the post creator ID, which won't help as the same number of updates on the same index range will happen for one use posting event regardless of sharding being used or not) should help. The impact of followers reading the post (when the score properly is updated) is less impactful since it's less likely for all followers to read the post exactly in the same time.
Unfortunately prepending the follower ID doesn't help with the query you intend to do as the result order will be sorted by follower ID first, not by timestamp.
What I'd do:
combine the functionality of the seen and score properties into one: a score value of 0 can be used to indicate that a post was not yet seen, any other value would indicate the timestamp when it was seen. Fewer indexes, fewer index updates, less storage space.
I wouldn't bother with sharding in this particular case:
reading a post takes a bit of time, one follower reading multiple posts won't typically happen fast enough for the index updates for that particular follower to be a serious problem. In the rare worst case an already read post may appear as unread - IMHO not bad enough for justification
delays in updating the indexes for all followers again is IMHO not a big problem - it may just take a bit longer for the post to appear in a follower's feed

How are Long ids used in Google Datastore insert/update queries?

Our product is using Google Datastore as the application database. Most of the entities use IDs of type Long and some of type String. I noticed that the IDs of type Long are not in consecutive order.
Now we are exporting some big tables, with around 30 - 40 million entries, to json files for some business purposes. Initially we expected that a simple query like "ofy().load().type(ENTITY.class).startAt(cursor).limit(BATCH_LIMIT).iterator()" will help us iterate through the entire content of that specific table, starting from the first entry and ending with the most recently created one. We are working in batches and storing the cursor after every batch, so that the next task can load the batch and resume.
But after noticing that an entity created some minutes ago can have an ID smaller than the ID of another entity created 1 week ago, we are wondering if we should consider a content freeze during this export period. On one hand it's critical to make a good export and not to miss older data up to a specific date, on the other hand a content freeze longer than 1 day is a problem for our customers.
What do you advice us to do?
I do not think you need to worry about uniqueness of your id. Datastore build on top of Bigtable with 6 tables.
first table stores entities
second stores entities by kind
third stores indexes for the property values in the ascending order
fourth to store indexes for the property values in the descending order
fifth stores indexes for multiple properties together
sixth keeps a track of the next unique ID for Kind
Format is something like this.
[application ID]-[namespace]-[Kind]-[ID]
It is garanties of uniqueness each entities.
Yes, the format on that table is [Application ID]-[Kind Name] and the value is the next value. Let say you have kind products and that table will look like this |key(yourapp-products), Next ID(3)|. Now you created new entity for kind products it will be assigned to ID(3) and the row on that table will get new value |key(yourapp-products), Next ID(4)|. Also to mention that table has only one row since we have only one kind products.
Do you specify ID yourself or let datastore generate itself? It sounds like you have "Pre-allocating IDs" issue, just speculating but for every batch you need sort Kind.allocate_ids(size=blah) that way you can keep sequence.

AppEngine, DataStore: Preallocating normally-distributed IDs (*not* monotonically incrementing)

There are three schemes to set IDs on datastore entities:
Provide your own string or int64 ID.
Don't provide them and let AE allocate int64 IDs for you.
Pre-allocate a block of int64 IDs.
The documentation has this to say about ID generation:
This (1):
Cloud Datastore can be configured to generate auto IDs using two
different auto id policies:
The default policy generates a random sequence of unused IDs that are approximately uniformly distributed. Each ID can be up to 16
decimal digits long.
The legacy policy creates a sequence of non-consecutive smaller integer IDs.
If you want to display the entity IDs to the user, and/or depend upon
their order, the best thing to do is use manual allocation.
and this (2):
Note: Instead of using key name strings or generating numeric IDs
automatically, advanced applications may sometimes wish to assign
their own numeric IDs manually to the entities they create. Be aware,
however, that there is nothing to prevent Cloud Datastore from
assigning one of your manual numeric IDs to another entity. The only
way to avoid such conflicts is to have your application obtain a block
of IDs with the datastore.AllocateIDs function. Cloud Datastore's
automatic ID generator will keep track of IDs that have been allocated
with this function and will avoid reusing them for another entity, so
you can safely use such IDs without conflict.
and this (3):
Cloud Datastore generates a random sequence of unused IDs that are
approximately uniformly distributed. Each ID can be up to 16 decimal
digits long.
System-allocated ID values are guaranteed unique to the entity group.
If you copy an entity from one entity group or namespace to another
and wish to preserve the ID part of the key, be sure to allocate the
ID first to prevent Cloud Datastore from selecting that ID for a
future assignment.
I have a particular entity-type that is stored with an ancestor. However, I'd like to have globally-unique IDs and AE's IDs (allocated via datastore.AllocateIDs with Go) will not be globally unique when stored under an ancestor (in an entity-group). So, pre-allocation would solve this (they're ancestor-agnostic). However, you are obviously given an interval in response... a continuous range of IDs that have been reserved.
Isn't there some way to preallocate those nice, opaque, uniformally-distributed IDs?
While we're on the subject, I had assumed that the opaque IDs from AE were the result of some pseudorandom number generator with a persisted-state for each entity-type, but the word "track" in (2) seems to imply that there is a cost to optimistically generating and buffering IDs that might not be used. It's be great if someone can clarify this.
The simple solution is to do the following:
When trying to allocate a new ID for an entity:
Repeat the following:
Generate a random K bit integer. Use it for the entity ID field. [Use a uniform random distribution].
Create a Cloud Datastore transaction.
Insert the new entity. [If the transaction aborts because the entity already exists try again with a new random number].
If you make K big enough (for example 128) and have a properly seeded random number generator, then it is statistically impossible to generate an ID collision and you can remove the retry loop.
If you make K big enough stop using the integer id field in the entity key and instead use the string one. Base64 URL encode random number as a string.

Appengine's Indexing order, cursors, and aggregation

I need to do some continuous aggregation on a data set. I am using app engines High Replication Datastore.
Lets say we have a simple object with a property that holds a string of the date when it's created. There's other fields associated with the object but it's not important in this example.
Lets say I create and store some objects. Below is the date associated with each object. Each object is stored in the order below. These objects will be created in separate transactions.
Obj1: 2012-11-11
Obj2: 2012-11-11
Obj3: 2012-11-12
Obj4: 2012-11-13
Obj5: 2012-11-14
The idea is to use a cursor to continually check for new indexed objects. Aggregation on the new indexed entities will be performed.
Here are the questions I have:
1) Are objects indexed in order? As in is it possible for Obj4 to be indexed before Obj 1,2, and 3? This will be a issue if i use a ORDER BY query and a cursor to continue searching. Some entities will not be found if there is a delay in indexing.
2) If no ORDER BY is specified, what order are entities returned in a query?
3) How would I go about checking for new indexed entities? As in, grab all entities, storing the cursor, then later on checking if any new entities were indexed since the last query?
Little less important, but food for thought
4) Are all fields indexed together? As in, if I have a date property, and lets say a name property, will both properties appear to be indexed at the same time for a given object?
5) If multiple entities are written in the same transaction, are all entities in the transaction indexed at the same time?
6) If all entities belong to the same entity group, are all entities indexed at the same time?
Thanks for the responses.
All entities have default indexes for every property. If you use ORDER BY someProperty then you will get entities ordered by values of that property. You are correct on index building: queries use indexes and indexes are built asynchronously, meaning that it's possible that query will not find an entity immediately after it was added.
ORDER BY defaults to ASC, i.e. ascending order.
Add a created timestamp to you entity then order by it and repeat the cursor. See Cursors and Data Updates.
Indexes are built after put() operation returns. They are also built in parallel. Meaning that when you query some indexes may be build, some not. See Life of a Datastore Write. Note that if you want to force "apply" on an entity you can issue a get() after put(), which will force the changes to be applied (= indexes written).
and 6. All entities touched in the same transaction must be in the same entity group (=have common parent). Transaction isolation docs state that transactions can be unapplied, meaning that query after put() will not find new entities. Again, you can force entity to be applied via a read or ancestor query.

Fetching by key vs fetching by filter in Google App Engine

I want to be as efficient as possible and plan properly. Since read and write costs are important when using Google App Engine, I want to be sure to minimize those. I'm not understanding the "key" concept in the datastore. What I want to know is would it be more efficient to fetch an entity by its key, considering I know what it is, than by fetching by some kind of filter?
Say I have a model called User and a user has an array(list) of commentIds. Now I want to get all this user's comments. I have two options:
The user's array of commentId's is an array of keys, where each key is a key to a Comment entity. Since I have all the keys, I can just fetch all the comments by their keys.
The user's array of commentId's are custom made identifiers by me, in this case let's just say that they're auto-incrementing regular integers, and each comment in the datastore has a unique commentIntegerId. So now if I wanted to get all the comments, I'd do a filtered fetch based on all comments with ID that is in my array of ids.
Which implementation would be more efficient, and why?
Fetching by key is the fastest way to get an entity from the datastore since it the most direct operation and doesn't need to go thru index lookup.
Each time you create an entry (unless you specified key_name) the app engine will generate a unique (per parent entity) numeric id, you should use that as ids for your comments.
You should design a NoSql database (= GAE Datastore) based on usage patterns:
If you need to get all user's comments at once and never need to get one or some of them based on some criteria (e.g. query them), than the most efficient way, in terms of speed and cost would be to serialize all comments as a binary blob inside an entity (or save it to Blobstore).
But I guess this is not the case, as comments are usually tied to both users and to posts, right? In this case above advice would not be viable.
To answer you title question: get by key is always faster then query by a property, because query first goes through index to satisfy the property condition, where it gets the key, then it does the get with this key.
