drupal openlayers popup only shows 1 item - drupal-7

I've added items to a map. All is OK except when I have multiple items with the same geolocation, they should be all listed in the popup and instead only 1 item now shows. I've tried this with 2 items that have identical geolocations. Only one shows up in the popup when I click the marker. If I unpublish that item, the other one then shows up. But for some reason, only one can show up at a time. I've looked in code to see if both are there, but only one is there.
Can't figure out what is wrong. I've made sure my openlayer data layer in views allows all items to be shown and isn't limiting things.
Anyone have an idea why this is?

You have to use marker cluster behavior for this. Under openlayers -> maps -> your map -> behaviors, there is clustering feature.


How to show more fields on custom object tabs in Salesforce?

Ok so this problem is probably easily solvable, but since I am a beginner in Salesforce and I didn't find anything useful on Google, I am asking if someone can please help me.
So, as you can see, I have created a custom object called Students, and added some fields to it.
Next, I have created a custom object tab, called Student, as you can see on the following image and added some records.
On the custom object tab, only field 'Student Name' is shown. Does anybody know how to display all (or some) of the fields that were added to the object Student?
Thank you so much for your answers and have a great day :)
On the far right of the 2nd screenshot there's a gear/cog icon. Use it for o create new "list view". Or click that "recently viewed", change it to "all" (there should be an auto-generated one for you) and use that gear icon to select which fields to display.
You can even pin the list view to be your default if you don't want "recently viewed".
As for recently viewed itself - it's special, the gear icon won't work. Follow this article: https://help.salesforce.com/s/articleView?id=sf.customize_recent_records_list_lex.htm&type=5

React native zoom in effect when click item in grid view to detail view list

I'm new with react native, and I'm trying to achieve the exact same effect as Instagram or TikTok when you click an item in a gridview it opens up a listview with details of the items with a zoom in effect.
For now, I have a gridview, where data load with a limit of 10 items and when reaching the end gets the next 10 items. In order to try and achieve what I want to do, been searching but can't seem to figure out the right approach.
Should I have both list in the same screen, but how do I get the app to do the zoom in effect and open the detail view at the right index item ? Or should I have both list in separate views, but how do I keep the data synced ? Or is there another way that I'm missing and keep seem to find ?
Image might help understand (taken from instagram)

Custom Scroll-Picker Functionality in React-Native

I want to create a custom Picker component, with the same functionality as the iOS Picker. The problem is that I want a completely different UI, basically a horizontal scrollview with two methods of input:
First one is easy, clicking one item results in that item being selected. The second way of inputting should be by scrolling, where the center one gets selected (like the iOS Picker). That's where I'm stuck.
While planing, I thought about using react-native-snap-carousel, my problem with that is that it needs a fixed itemWidth, which isn't suitable for text as the elements.
I also thought about somehow enabling snapping for my List, but that seems only to be possible with pagingEnabled = true, which isn't suitable for my use case.
What else could I try?
Thank's to anyone who is willing to help!

WPF MVVM Filter Bubbles

I'm not sure if bubbles is the proper terminology, but this what I am trying to do...
I have a list of clients. The user can click a filter button and a filter panel slides down. The user chooses the filters they want and clicks a little green checkbox to set the filter. (Or a red circle with line through it, to cancel.) Once they set the filter, the filter panel slides out of the view.
I'd like the user to see a series of small filter "bubbles" at the top the list, showing the filters they have selected. Each bubble would have a little 'x' button they could click to cancel that particular filter. I've seen this on many web sites where you can filter down products lists, for instance.
So my questions are:
Is there a proper terminology for this? I've searched on filter bubbles and
breadcrumbs, but I'm not getting anything.
Is there an established MVVM friendly coding pattern, or control for this? I have some ideas, but I don't want to reinvent the wheel, if I don't have to.
Thanks for any insight.
In Angular Material design there are Chips (scroll down to see an example with the 'x' to remove a chip).
And there seems to be an implementaion of the material design in XAML which is also available as a NuGet package:
It does implement chips, but the demo pictures don't show it. A simple search on the github page for 'chips' does show that they are present:

Dealing with elements that are not visible due to zoom level

We have automation processes that have been scraping a website for months. Recently we discovered that our scraper isn't working.
Turns out, the website has been changed so that they have a table with 9 columns placed inside a frame. However, either the frame or table is styled improperly and only the first 6 columns are on the screen at 100% zoom because the table is too big. When you zoom out to about 50%, the rest of the columns manage to fit in the view.
Unfortunately, there is a button on the very last column that I need to click, but Selenium doesn't like it and says the element is not in view at 100% zoom.
When I use the following to check whether it's in view or not
while (!elmt.isDisplayed()) {
// wait for it
and manually zoom the page out so that the column with the button comes into view, it then successfully clicks the button.
How can I zoom the page out?
Yes I had the similar issue while testing in Safari.
The work around is to zoom out the page programmatically before you perform any operation on that page.
With help of js you can do this:
document.body.style.zoom = "30%"
Or whatever value is required. In selenium make use of javascript engine to execute this script.
This worked work around perfectly worked for me.
