Alter code to sum values from multiple files - arrays

Curious if I can get a little help here. I'm a perl newbie, and can't figure out how to convert the following code into something a bit more useful for my analysis.
This code presently takes the 1st and 4th column from a user supplied list of data files and puts them together.
What I'd like my code to do, for each row of the "current output" generated by this code (see below), is make a sum of these 4th column values (filea, fileb, filec). Not quite sure how to implement this...
Current Output:
filea fileb filec
entrya | 0 |10.2 | 0
entryb | 0 | 0.0 | 1
entryc | 8 | 57.0| 46
desired output
entrya | 10.2
entryb | 1
entryc | 111
current code looks like this:
main: {
my %data;
foreach my $file (#rsem_files) {
open (my $fh, $file) or die "Error, cannot open file $file";
my $header = <$fh>; # ignore it
while (<$fh>) {
my #x = split(/\t/);
my $acc = $x[0];
my $count = $x[4];
$data{$acc}->{$file} = $count;
close $fh;
my #filenames = #rsem_files;
foreach my $file (#filenames) {
$file = basename($file);
print join("\t", "", #filenames) . "\n";
foreach my $acc (keys %data) {
print "$acc";
foreach my $file (#rsem_files) {
my $count = $data{$acc}->{$file};
unless (defined $count) {
$count = "NA";
print "\t$count";
print "\n";

Alter the #rsemfiles loop:
# create $total variable outside loop
my $total = 0;
foreach my $file (#rsem_files) {
my $count = $data{$acc}->{$file};
# change unless to if, no need for NA
if (defined $count) {
$total += $count;
# move print outside loop so it happens once instead of per-file
print '\t$total\n';

foreach $line(#rsemfiles) {
if ($line=~ /^entry/) {
#match the line starting with the word entry
my $entry=$1; my $filea=$2; my $fileb=$3; my $filec=$4;
# make variables out of the column values
Now that you have these variables, you can do math on them.


Is it possible to put elements of array to hash in perl?

example of file content:
>random sequence 1 consisting of 500 residues.
>random sequence 2 consisting of 500 residues.
>random sequence 3 consisting of 500 residues.
I need an algorithm to build a hash $hash{$key} = $value; where lines starting with > are the values and following lines are the keys.
What I have tried:
open (DATA, "seq-at.txt") or die "blabla";
#data = <DATA>;
%result = ();
$k = 0;
$i = 0;
while($k != #data) {
$info = #data[$k]; #istrina pirma elementa
if(#data[$i] !=~ ">") {
$key .= #data[$i]; $i++;
} else {
$k = $i;
$result{$key} = $value;
but it doesn't work.
You don't have to previously use an array, you can directly build your hash:
use strict;
use warnings;
# ^- start always your code like this to see errors and what is ambiguous
# declare your variables using "my" to specify the scope
my $filename = 'seq-at.txt';
# use the 3 parameters open syntax to avoid to overwrite the file:
open my $fh, '<', $filename or die "unable to open '$filename' $!";
my %hash;
my $hkey = '';
my $hval = '';
while (<$fh>) {
chomp; # remove the newline \n (or \r\n)
if (/^>/) { # when the line start with ">"
# store the key/value in the hash if the key isn't empty
# (the key is empty when the first ">" is encountered)
$hash{$hkey} = $hval if ($hkey);
# store the line in $hval and clear $hkey
($hval, $hkey) = $_;
} elsif (/\S/) { # when the line isn't empty (or blank)
# append the line to the key
$hkey .= $_;
# store the last key/val in the hash if any
$hash{$hkey} = $hval if ($hkey);
# display the hash
foreach (keys %hash) {
print "key: $_\nvalue: $hash{$_}\n\n";
It is unclear what you want, the array seems to be the lines subsequent to the random sequence number... If the contenst of a file test.txt are:
Line 1:">"random sequence 1 consisting of 500 residues.
You could try something like:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
my $contentFile = $ARGV[0];
my %testHash = ();
my $currentKey = "";
open(my $contentFH,"<",$contentFile);
while(my $contentLine = <$contentFH>){
next if($contentLine eq ''); # Empty lines.
if($contentLine =~ /^"\>"(.*)/){
$currentKey= $1;
print Dumper(\%testHash);
Which results in a structure like this:
seb#amon:[~]$ perl test.txt
$VAR1 = {
'random sequence 3 consisting of 500 residues.' => [
'random sequence 1 consisting of 500 residues.' => [
'random sequence 2 consisting of 500 residues.' => [
You would be basically using each hash "value" as an array structure, the #{$variable} does the magic.

Why is my script only accessing the first element in array?

Below is my script.
I have attempted many print statements to work out why it is only accessing the first array element. The pattern match works. The array holds a minimum 40 elements. I have checked and it is full.
I have printed each line, and each line prints.
my $index = 0;
open(FILE, "$file") or die "\nNot opening $file for reading\n\n";
open(OUT, ">$final") or die "Did not open $final\n";
while (<FILE>) {
foreach my $barcode (#barcode) {
my #line = <FILE>;
foreach $_ (#line) {
if ($_ =~ /Barcode([0-9]*)\t$barcode[$index]\t$otherarray[$index]/) {
my $bar = $1;
$_ =~ s/.*//;
print OUT ">Barcode$bar"."_"."$barcode[$index]\t$otherarray[$index]";
print OUT $_;
Okay, lets say the input was:
Barcode001 001 abc
Barcode002 002 def
Barcode003 003 ghi
#barcode holds:
#otherarray holds:
The output result for this script is currently printing only:
Barcode001_001 abc
It should be printing:
>Barcode001_001 abc
>Barcode002_002 def
>Barcode003_003 ghi
Where it should be printing a whole load up to ~40 lines.
Any ideas? There must be something wrong with the way I am accessing the array elements? Or incrementing? Hoping this isn't something too silly!
Thanks in advance.
It needs the index because I am trying to match arrays in parallel, as they are ordered. Each line needs to match the corresponding indices of the arrays to each line in the file.
It's a little hard to answer with certainty without more information about the contents of #barcode and FILE, but there is something odd in your code which makes me think that it might be the problem.
The construct while (<FILE>) { ... } will, until end of file, read a line from FILE into $_ and then execute the contents of the loop. In your code, you also read all the lines from FILE from within the loop that iterates over #barcode. I think it is likely that you intended to check each line from FILE against all the elements of #barcode, which would make the loop look like the following:
while (my $line = <FILE>) {
foreach my $barcode (#barcode) {
if ($line =~ /Barcode([0-9]*)\t$barcode/) {
my $bar = $1;
print OUT ">Barcode$bar"."_"."$barcode\n";
else {
print OUT $line;
I've taken the liberty of doing a bit of code tidying, but I may have made some unwarranted assumptions.
Your core problem in the above is - in your first iteration you slurp all of your file into #lines. But because it's lexically scoped to the loop, it disappears when that loop completes.
I would strongly suggest that you don't use $_ like that.
$_ is a special variable that's set implicitly in loops. I'd strongly suggest that you need to replace that with something that isn't a special variable, because that's a sure way to cause yourself pain.
turn on use strict; and use warnings;
use 3 argument open with a lexical filehandle.
perltidy your code, so the bracketing looks right.
you've a search and replace pattern on $_ that's emptying it completely, but then you're trying to print it. You may well not be printing what you think you're printing.
You're accessing <FILE> outside and inside your loop. This will cause you problems.
Barcode([0-9]*) - with a '*' there you're saying 'zero or more' is valid. You may want to consider \d+ - one or more digits.
referencing multiple arrays by index is messy. I'd suggest coalescing them into a hash lookup (lookup by key - barcode)
This line:
my #line = <FILE>;
reads your whole file into #line. But you do this inside the while loop that iterates... each line in <FILE>. Don't do that, it's horrible.
Is this something like what you wanted?
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
my #barcode = qw (
my #otherarray = qw (
my %lookup;
#lookup{#barcode} = #otherarray;
print Dumper \%lookup;
#commented because I don't have your source data
#my $file = "input_file_name";
#my $output = "output_file_name";
#open( my $input, "<", $file ) or die "\nNot opening $file for reading\n\n";
#open( my $output, ">", $final ) or die "Did not open $final\n";
#while ( my $line = <$input> )
while ( my $line = <DATA> ) {
foreach my $barcode (#barcode) {
if ( my ($bar) = ( $line =~ /Barcode(\d+)\s+$barcode/ ) ) {
print ">Barcode$bar" . "_" . "$barcode $lookup{$barcode}\n";
#print {$output} ">Barcode$bar" . "_" . "$lookup{$barcode}\n";
Barcode001 001
Barcode002 002
Barcode003 003
$VAR1 = {
'001' => 'abc',
'002' => 'def',
'003' => 'ghi'
>Barcode001_001 abc
>Barcode002_002 def
>Barcode003_003 ghi
It turns out it was a simple issue as I had suspected being a Monday. I had a colleague go through it with me, and it was the placing of the index:
#my $index = 0; #This means the index is iterated through,
#but for each barcode for one line, then it continues
#counting up and misses the other values, therefore
#repeatedly printing just the first element of the array.
open(FILE, "$file") or die "\nNot opening $file for reading\n\n";
open(OUT, ">$final") or die "Did not open $final\n";
while (<FILE>) {
$index = 0; #New placement of $index for initialising.
foreach my $barcode (#barcode) {
my #line = <FILE>;
foreach $_ (#line) {
if ($_ =~ /Barcode([0-9]*)\t$barcode[$index]\t$otherarray[$index]/) {
my $bar = $1;
$_ =~ s/.*//;
print OUT ">Barcode$bar"."_"."$barcode[$index]\t$otherarray[$index]";
print OUT $_;
$index++; #Increment here
Thanks to everyone for their responses, for my original and poorly worded question they would have worked and may be more efficient, but for the purpose of the script and my edited question, it needs to be this way.

Perl Script that should move through array with i=3 prints indicies that aren't x3

I have these arrays of Sequences and I wrote this script to walk through each sequence three letters at a time (eg. {0,1,2}, {3,4,5},{6,7,8}) and print the index of where it first encounters a certian 3 letter combination (TAA,TAG,TGA). (EX. if sequence were CGTAGCCCCTAACCCC, then the script would skip over the TAG in the 2 position because its not in the correct frame of 3 and report the TAA in the 9 position). Therefore, I am only expecting indices in multiples of 3 in my results.
On most strings there is no problem, however every once in a while it will index at 4 or other non multiples of three. I was wondering if anyone more advanced than I can figure out why this may happen. I know this script is ugly and I am sorry for that, I am a biologist and I mod it for whatever I am mining out of sequences at the time. I just can't figure out the bug.
Here are some sequences from my file. The 3rd line is the sequence that gives the strange result. Just for an example of what I am dealing with.
and here is the script I am running:
use strict;
use warnings;
# A program to find the first inframe stop codon of non-spliced intron containing genes
# Asks for Sequence file and if file does not exist prints error message
my $filename = <STDIN>;
#my $sequence;
my #sequence;
chomp $filename;
unless (open(DNAFILE, $filename) ) {
print "Cannot open file \"$filename\"\n\n";
#sequence = <DNAFILE>;
close DNAFILE;
open (FILE, ">AtPTCindex.txt");
my $j;
my $i;
my $codon;
my $stopseq;
my $counter;
#Change $j<(375) to n=number of sequences
for ($j = 0; $j < #sequence; $j ++) {
$counter = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < (length($sequence[$j]) - 2) && $counter < 1; $i += 3) {
$codon = substr($sequence[$j], $i, 3);
if ($codon =~ m/TAG|TGA|TAA/g) {
# m added before /TAG... above
$stopseq = substr($sequence[$j], $i, 9);
my $result = index($sequence[$j], $stopseq);
$counter = 1;
#my $results = index($sequence[$j], $stopseq);
print FILE "$result \n";
#print FILE "$results $j \n";
if ($counter == 0) {
print FILE "\n"
close FILE;
Thanks so much.
As threatened, the following is a cleaned up version of your script:
use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie;
die "Usage: $0 Filename\n" if #ARGV != 1;
my $file = shift;
open my $infh, '<', $file;
open my $outfh, '>', 'AtPTCindex.txt';
while (my $line = <$infh>) {
my $result = '';
for (my $i = 0; $i < (length($line) - 2); $i += 3) {
my $codon = substr($line, $i, 3);
if ($codon =~ m/TAG|TGA|TAA/) {
# m added before /TAG... above
my $stopseq = substr($line, $i, 9);
$result = index($line, $stopseq);
$result .= " ($i, $codon, $stopseq)";
print "$result\n";
# print $outfh "$result\n";
# print $outfh "$result $.\n";
close $infh;
close $outfh;
For the 5 lines of data that you provided, the following is the output:
123 (123, TAA, TAAGATTAA)
I believe your issue is with these lines:
my $stopseq = substr($line, $i, 9);
$result = index($line, $stopseq);
You're pulling a sequence from the $line at position $i, and then immediately doing an index for it. In the case of 4 of 5 of those lines, it immediately finds the same value $i. However, in the case of line 4, it finds a matching sequence earlier in the line.
If this isn't desired, you'll have to explain what your desired behavior actually is. Perhaps, you just want $i? Or are you looking for a matching stop sequence any point AFTER $i? You'll have to specify what your actual logic wants to be.
I took a different approach, unpacking it into groups of three instead of counting by indexes of three. I believe this script does what you want, and it looks a lot cleaner. It can also optionally take the filename as argument.
use strict;
use warnings;
my $filename = 'a'; # dummy value
my $resultfile = 'AtPTCindex.txt';
# User may have passed filename as arguement
if (#ARGV) { if (-e $ARGV[0]) { $filename = $ARGV[0] } }
unless (-e $filename)
chomp($filename = <STDIN>)
open DNA,"<$filename" or die "Couldn't open $filename for reading: $!\n";
my #sequence = <DNA> or die "Couldn't read $filename: $!\n";;
close DNA;
# Uncomment the below line if you're braver than me
if (-e $resultfile) { die "Cowardly refusing to write to existing file" }
if (-e $resultfile) { unlink $resultfile };
open RESULT,">>$resultfile" or die "Courdn't open$!\n";
foreach my $string (#sequence)
# split into groups of 3
my #groups = unpack "(A3)*", $string;
# Search for the group you want
for (my $groupnum = 0; $groupnum < #groups - 1; $groupnum++)
if ($groups[$groupnum] =~ m/(TAG|TGA|TAA)/g)
print RESULT (($groupnum + 0) * 3) . "\n";
print "$1 (" . $1 . ( $groups[$groupnum + 1]) . ($groups[$groupnum + 2]) . ") at index " . (($groupnum + 0) * 3) . "\n";
close RESULT;
Running the script on your sample data, it outputs:
TGA (TGATCATTC) at index 84
TGA (TGATTGTTT) at index 3
TAA (TAATTTTTG) at index 3
TAG (TAGTAAACA) at index 27
TAA (TAAGATTAA) at index 123 well as writes the raw index numbers to the file specified.

How to create a table using two arrays in perl

Need a help to create a table using two arrays or files in perl cgi.
I need to create a table that print the list of directories from different path then put it into table say the title on column one says path1 and column 2 path2 and so on, and each column list the directory from that path with href what I do have.
opendir(D, "../abc/status") or die"$!";
my #path1_dir = sort readdir D; closedir D;
opendir(D, "../def/status") or die "$!";
my #path2_dir = sort readdir D; closedir D; .... ...
print "\n"; print "$path1_dir\n"; print "$path2_dir\n";
#print list of directories to column-1 with title Path1
foreach my $path (#path1_dir) {
print "\t\n";
next if ($path =~ /^./);
next if ($path =~ /^\s*$/);
print "$path\n";
#this should go to the column two with Path2 title but it does not
foreach my $path (#path2_dir) {
print "\t\n"; `enter code here`
next if ($path =~ /^./);
next if ($path =~ /^\s*$/);
print "$path\n";
Can someone help me on this if you can?
I think you want something like this based on your description -- ie printing in two columns
$dir1 = "../abc/status";
$dir2 = "../def/status";
opendir(D, $dir1) or die"$!";
my #path1_dir = sort grep { !/(^\.|^\s*$)/ } readdir D; closedir D;
opendir(D, $dir2) or die "$!";
my #path2_dir = sort grep { !/(^\.|^\s*$)/ } readdir D; closedir D;
print "$dir1\t$dir2\n";
# figure out which one has more files
$limit = $#path1_dir < $#path2_dir ? $#path2_dir : $#path1_dir;
# print in 2 columns
for ($i = 0; $i<=$limit; $i++) {
printf "%s\t%s\n",
($i<=$#path1_dir ? $path1_dir[$i] : ""),
($i <= $#path2_dir ? $path2_dir[$i] : ""),"\n";
Although it is not clear what exactly you want, I'm guessing you want to have an ls style output (only directories) for an FTP or something. The variable naming might be ambiguous, but basically what it's doing is printing out one directory from each directory at a time.
use strict;
use warnings;
my %dirs;
my #dirs_to_look = qw(../abc ../def);
my $max_num_of_dirs;
foreach my $dir (#dirs_to_look) {
# Directories that were found in $dir
my #dirs_in_dir = grep { -d } glob "$dir/*";
$max_num_of_dirs = scalar #dirs_in_dir
if not defined $max_num_of_dirs or $max_num_of_dirs < scalar #dirs_in_dir;
$dirs{$dir} = \#dirs_in_dir;
my #keys = sort {$a cmp $b} keys %dirs;
# Print the column titles
foreach my $key (#keys) {
printf "%15s", $key;
print "\n";
for (my $i = 0; $i < $max_num_of_dirs; $i++) {
foreach my $key (#keys) {
my $dir = shift #{ $dirs{$key} };
printf "%15s", $dir // "";
print "\n";

How would I know if there is any similar element in my array?

I have this code which lists all files in my directory:
$dir = '/var/www/corpIDD/rawFile/';
opendir DIR, $dir or die "cannot open dir $dir: $!";
my #file= readdir DIR;
closedir DIR;
which returns an array containing something like this:
$array (0 => 'ipax3_2011_01_27.txt', 1 => 'ipax3_2011_02_01.txt', 2 => 'ipax3_2011_02_03.txt')
My problem here is, how will I store elements 1 => 'ipax3_2011_02_01.txt' and 2 => 'ipax3_2011_02_03.txt' to separate variable as they belong to the same month and year(2011_02)?
In Perl, when you need to use a string as the key in a data structure, you are looking for the HASH builtin type, designated by the % sigil. A nice feature of Perl's hashes is that you do not have to pre-declare a complex data structure. You can use it, and Perl will infer the structure from that usage.
my #file = qw(ipax3_2011_01_27.txt ipax3_2011_02_01.txt ipax3_2011_02_03.txt);
my %ipax3;
for (#file) {
if (/^ipax3_(\d{4}_\d{2})_(\d{2}).txt$/) {
$ipax3{$1}{$2} = $_
else {
warn "bad file: $_\n"
for my $year_month (keys %ipax3) {
my $days = keys %{ $ipax3{$year_month} };
if ($days > 1) {
print "$year_month has $days files\n";
else {
print "$year_month has 1 file\n";
which prints:
2011_01 has 1 file
2011_02 has 2 files
To get at the individual files:
my $year_month = '2011_02';
my $day = '01';
my $file = $ipax3{$year_month}{$day};
Above I used the return value of the keys function as both the list to iterate over, and as the number of days. This is possible because keys will return all of the keys when in list context, and will return the number of keys in scalar context. Context is provided by the surrounding code:
my $number = keys %ipax3; # number of year_month entries
my #keys = keys %ipax3; # contains ('2011_01', '2011_02')
my #days = keys %{ $ipax{$year_month} };
In the last example, each value in %ipax is a reference to a hash. Since keys takes a literal hash, you need to wrap $ipax{$year_month} in %{ ... }. In perl v5.13.7+ you can omit the %{ ... } around arguments to keys and a few other data structure access functions.
People are responding really fast here :) anyway, I'll post mine, just for your reference. Basically, I'm also using a hash.
use warnings qw(all);
use strict;
my ($dir, $hdir) = 'C:\Work';
opendir($hdir, $dir) || die "Can't open dir \"$dir\" because $!\n";
my (#files) = readdir($hdir);
my %yearmonths;
my ($year, $month);
next unless(($year, $month) = ($_ =~ /ipax3_(\d{4})_(\d{2})/));
$year += 0;
--$month; #assuming that months are in range 1-12
my $key = ($year * 12) + $month;
++$yearmonths{ $key };
foreach(keys %yearmonths)
next if($yearmonths{ $_ } < 2);
my $year = $_ / 12;
my $month = 1 + ($_ % 12);
printf "There were %d files from year %d, month %d\n", $yearmonths{$_}, $year, $month;
