How safe is MVC 4 Default Database? - sql-server

Im kinda new at MVC 4 and im trying to learn it. I wanted to ask how safe is mvc 4 defaul databases.
When i configure the project and enable role authorization it creates an ASPNETDB.mdf. Can i trust it and its default database in a big project?

As far as i know, by default creates MSSQL Server Compact database (localfile database). It cannot be used as database for high load project. So you need to migrate it to Normal version of MSSQL Server. To do this, you need to use Aspnet_regsql.exe tool.


Deploying ASP.Net MVC Website without installing MsSql Server

I have developed a website for small business owners.
So, Is it possible to run a website on the client's machine without installing the MsSql Server?
Is there any other tool that performs all operations that a published website requires.
Currently, I am installing MsSql on Clent's machine. But by this method, my Database design can be easily copied.
I would like to quickly install my web application on the Client's machine. and also hide the database if possible. So, Suggest all possible ways by which installation becomes quick.
Welcome to StackOverflow,
First, I should say that unless you own the computer or server you are installing on it will be very difficult to hide database design, Data can be encrypted but the design will be accessible by the administrator of the computer. If you own the computer or server you can install the MVC site in a Kiosk type situation where only you have access to the system.
SQL Server Compact might be a good fit for what you would like to do, you can encrypt it as a file. you can also place restrictions on permissions to the access. there is a lot you can do with it and research is required.
Now you could build the MVC application to use Jason. You can encrypt the content of the JSON file using AES encryption. You will need to define a key that will be used for encryption and decryption.

What Node JS modules or framework should you use to build a dashboard SQL 2008 server data?

I'm pretty familiar with NodeJS by now and have programmed a couple apps.
However, this new project is confusing me. I'm basically to tap into a MSSQL server that has over 1000 tables and each table connects to each other through join statements.
I need to pretty much create an analytics dashboard that gives execs an overview of how their project is going. I only have READ ONLY access to the MS-SQL database.
What framework/module would you recommend - what would you use if you had to do this project? Does not have to be a web based reporting tool but that would be ideal.

how to sync my database with drupal cms database periodically

Hi I am new to Drupal7 cms so my question might be stupid but want to clarify here. My requirement is i have to develop a web application which uses
the database of drupal cms by making replica of the drupal cms database periodically(every halfanahour).So by making the copy of drupal cms database
i want write my own web application as well as i want to create some webservices for the mobile applcation ,by using this it possible to
do this if possible please let me know the steps of it. or tell me if there is any tools available for the auto syncing of my database with
drupal cms database . Thank you.
I recommend using database replication in a master/slave setup if you have separate database servers. This way your database is constantly updated and you can write your web app to run off the slave never having to worry about the validity of the database data. If your databases are hosted on the same server you could use something as simple as drush sql-sync.

ASP.NET MVC 4 Membership Database

I have an ASP.NET MVC 4 app. My database is hosted on Windows Azure. My solution has a new SQL Server Database project. I want to start off by adding adding the ASP.NET Membership functionality to this Database [project]. My question is, how do I do that?
I thought it would be a straight forward drag and drop operation. However, I cannot figure out how to do this basic task. All of the online videos I find demonstrate how to to implement the login via the ASP.NET MVC side. However, I don't see anything that shows setting up the Membership tables/sprocs/views and getting them in a SQL Server Database project.
Thank you for any insights.
You can get the script(s) necessary for adding membership to a database using aspnet_regsql in your framework folder (usually %windows%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\). An example usage for producing the .sql file would be:
...\v4.0.30319>aspnet_regsql -sqlexportonly MembershipScript.sql
From there, run that script against your database. You may also need to play with the -d <database> flag, but all options can be shown using aspnet_regsql -?. (This includes exporting the necessary tables for session state and other options).
I hope that's what you were asking but if I've misunderstood the question please clarify and I'll do my best to revise the answer
The template for creating an MVC 4 Internet application with forms-based authentication uses both the traditional ASP.NET Membership database with an additional layer on top called SimpleMembership, which has its own database. The SimpleMembership database uses Entity Framework code-first model which creates the database automatically the first time you start the application. Since SimpleMembership uses code-first the database schema can be modified by changing the UserProfile class in AcccountModels.cs. What is your objective for putting these databases that are handled by the application into a separate database project? Unless you are going to bypass SimpleMembership any solution will have to handle two databases.

ASP.NET MVC Code-First EF - Possible to use EF without database create permissions?

So I'm working on an ASP.NET project for university. We have to upload our code to a server running IIS and SQL Server 2008. I've written my project using MVC Code-First EF. I understand that the Entity Framework system needs permission to create the database to work properly (you can't just give it an empty database and let it fill it with data). This has created a problem for me since I do not have database creation privileges on the shared SQL Server. Is there any way around this?
As you don't have permissions, it sounds like you'd need to get a DBA to create your database on the server you are trying to deploy to - this could be done from either a database creation script or from a database backup of the db on your dev machine. You can then instruct EF code first not to try to create / update the database automatically by adding this line to your global.asax (or indeed anywhere before you first access the database)
You can use an existing database, rather than let EF create one for you. I have done this myself, but admittedly only when using EF Migrations. Otherwise, you run into trouble with missing table exceptions and what not.
When using migrations, just point your connection string to your empty database, create an initial migration to populate the database with your schema and then update the database itself.
See this answer: How do I create a migration for an existing database in EntityFramework 4.3?
.. which include this nice link to getting started with EF Migrations:
All this is available through Nuget, and if you have access to Pluralsight content, I can highly recommend Julie Lerman's video on the topic.
If you don't want to use Migrations, you can still use Code First if you just create the database objects manually using SMMS, but obviously you have the manual work of keeping your model and the database in sync.
