How do I solve the following design in the MVVM paradigm? (newb) - wpf

I'm still starting out with MVVM and read through all the MSDN Prism examples but I'd nonetheless like some guidance with the following design problem which I feel will help me latch onto the Prism concepts and reinforce what I just learnt
I have a multi-window application - each window has a filter drop down control. The value of this filter control will affect the display of other controls within that same window, eg grids, charts etc.
Certain interactions (eg double clicking a row on a grid) will spawn another window which will have its own separate filter control, which will similarly affect the display of other controls only within that window
How do I implement this behavior of the filter driving the display of other user controls it has no idea of and have it restrict its behavior to only the window hosting it? How do I keep these interactions loosely coupled?
I'm thinking I need to use the EventAggregator and for the filter control to publish an update event when the selection changes? Am I thinking about this the right way? Would each window need a separate EventAggregator?

Yes, you are thinking about this the right way. The EventAggregator is a good tool for what you're doing. You'll need to have the EventAggregator on every window you plan to raise an event from. You can inject the EA into your constructor or use the ServiceLocator. Here are 2 examples:
// Ctor injection
private IEventAggregator _eventAggregator;
public ViewModelBase(IEventAggregator eventAggregator)
_eventAggregator = eventAggregator;
// Service Locator
Now, you'll need to create a CompositePresentationEvent for the EA to publish. You can minimize the number of these that get created by including a payload in the CPE. Something like this:
public class NavigationSelectedEvent : CompositePresentationEvent<NavigationEnum.Destination>{}
So now you're ready to publish the event:
And then subscribe to it - using an optional filter on the payload so you're not wasting resources:
this.EventAggregator.GetEvent<NavigationSelectedEvent>().Subscribe(HandleNavigationEvent, ThreadOption.UIThread, false, i => i == NavigationEnum.Destination.Home);

You should publish the filter notification using the EventAggregator, that is the best way to do it from my experience. You should be using only one EventAggregator to serve as a hub between all the subscribing objects.
Something like:
MyNotificationChangedArgs args = new MyNotificationChangedArgs();
args.Payload = GetThePayload(someParameters);
Another thing that really helps is to dependency-inject the EventAggregator, for instance via Unity. This way all of your controls can simply access the common EventAggregator by calling on the UnityContainer.Resolve method:
var myEventAggregator = myUnityContainer.Resolve<MyEventAggregator>();

Every View has access to the Model through the ViewModel. Model your filters. Then the Views bind to ViewModel representations that use the filters. Your Views don't have to know about each other, they just have to bind to the Model.


MVVM: Provide a service to work with a specific part of the UI?

let's say that in my application, there is an user interface for representing a (geographic) map. It is integrated into the application as a UserControl and has its view model behind it.
Now, suppose I want to provide other parts of my application with a generic service interface to perform common tasks on the map (zoom, pan etc.) and not worry about the UI specifics. I could give away direct reference to the viewmodel, but I am pretty sure I would violate separation of concerns principle, not to mention it would be less testable.
So there are few questions:
Does it make sense and is it good practice to implement such services (which act as an intermediate link to the UI) in the first place?
Since the service operates directly on the map's viewmodel, should it be the viewmodel itself which implements the service interface?
Is it appropriate for the service interface to provide events (e.g. besides providing a method to change the map scale, provide an event that the map scale was changed as well)? Or is it preferable to employ some kind of event broadcaster (aggregator) mechanism to push such notifications out of service interfaces?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Consider using the Messenger in the MVVM Light toolkit. See more in another SO answer:
EventAggregator is the another mechanism which establish communication between disconnected view models. I believe all the other parts of your application will be using the same MVVm and will have viewmodel to do the operations. Publish event say Zoom with required arguments from other parts of the app and catch it in the map using the subscribe mechanism.
Prism has a good implementation of Event Aggregator. you can use that part.
Whenever you need two view models to communicate (or something similar, such as a button that wants to invoke a command on a view model other than its own), the best practice I've found is use a messaging channel. (MVVM Light has the Messenger class; Prism and Caliburn.Micro both have an EventAggregator.) When the target of the command is instantiated (your map view model), it will register for specific commands on a messaging channel. When an invoker (such as a button) is instantiated, it can then send commands over that same channel. This keeps your components loosely coupled. Commands from the messaging channel can be easily mocked for unit testing. It also opens up other avenues to you, such as having multiple maps open at the same time (simply use a different messaging channel or some sort of token).
I'd skip the whole service interface in your case. When using an event aggregator, it doesn't really add much. Depending on the size and complexity of your code base, you might want to keep it around so it describes the commands available for a map, but that only makes sense if you have more than a handful of commands. In that case the service would register as the end point for commands on the messaging channel and would then have to forward those commands on to a map view model. (See? Doesn't add much and only seems to complicate things.)
Skip the events. They don't seem to add anything.
What if you had an aggregate Command object which specified the appropriate behaviour? I'm going to try to flesh your question out a little bit to specifics, correct me if I'm wrong:
Let's suppose that there are two relevant parts of your app - a map component, which can be zoomed and panned etc, and a set of controls, which present the user interface for zooming, panning and selecting between them - sort of a set of mode selectors. You don't want either of them to have a direct reference to the other, and the temptation is to have the map know directly about its set of controls, so that it can catch events from them and switch mode state appropriately.
One way to take care of this would be to have a set of CompositeCommands (available from the Prism Application Guidance) libraries inside an object injected into each of them. That way you get decoupling and a strong description of interface (you could also use events if you were that way inclined).
public class MapNavigationCommands{
public static CompositeCommand startPanning = new CompositeCommand();
public static CompositeCommand startZooming = new CompositeCommand();
public static CompositeCommand setViewbox = new CompositeCommand();
Your mode controls, up in the Ribbon, register with your DI framework to have that injected (not wanting to introduce DI into this example, I've just referenced these static members directly).
public class ModeControls : UserControl{
public void PanButtonSelected(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e){
MapNavigationCommands.StartPanning.Execute(this); //It doesn't really care who sent it, it's just good event practice to specify the event/command source.
Alternatively, in XAML:
<Button Command={x:Static yourXmlns:MapNavigationCommands.StartPanning}>Start</Button>
Now, over on the map side:
public class PannableMapViewModel{
public PannableMapViewModel(){
MapNavigationCommands.StartPanning.RegisterCommand(new DelegateCommand<object>(StartPanning));
MapNavigationCommands.SetViewbox.RegisterCommand(new DelegateCommand<Rectangle>(SetViewBox));
private void StartPanning(object sender){
this.SetMode(Mode.Pan); //Or as appropriate to your application. The View is bound to this mode state
private void SetViewbox(Rectangle newView){
//Apply appropriate transforms. The View is bound to your transform state.
Now you have a decoupled, strongly specified interface between two controls, maintaining ViewModel separation, which can be mocked out for your tests.

ViewModel-first approach to Silverlight navigation

I am looking for a truly decoupled way of supporting navigation in a Silverlight application using MVVM. I am trying to accomplish more of a "purist" implementation of the pattern where the UI is completely separated from the ViewModels so that the application can actually run entirely without a UI. To do this, I need to support navigation without UI concerns.
I have several ideas how to accomplish this (with Messaging, etc) but haven't come up with a good way of "mapping" the View to the ViewModel so that the UI can show the appropriate View when the ViewModel is "displayed". I recall coming across an article some time ago that described a solution to this very problem but can't seem to locate it online anymore.
Does anyone know how to find this article or have any experience solving this problem?
So here's my somewhat long-winded description what we ended up doing:
First, we decided to use the built-in Page Navigation framework. We had multiple reasons but since it is built-in and is also the navigation framework du jour in Windows 8, we opted to try this approach.
I should also mention that we use MVVM Light and MEF in our applications. (This comes into play below.)
To make this work, we created an application Shell (UserControl) that contains the Frame control. The Shell's DataContext is set to an instance of the ShellViewModel which exposes a single CurrentPage property (of type String). We then bind the Frame's Source property to CurrentPage. This approach is similar to Rachel's app-level ViewModel.
The ShellViewModel registers with the Messenger to receive CurrentPageChanged messages. When the message is received, the CurrentPage property is updated, the PropertyChanged event raised and the UI updated. The message originates from the NavigationService (which implements INavigationService and is injected/imported using MEF).
The NavigationService exposes a NavigateTo method which accepts the string name of the ViewModel representing the destination. This name matches the contract name applied to the ViewModel when exported (using MEF) and used to lookup the instance using our ViewModelLocator.
In the NavigateTo method, we use the ViewModelLocator to retrieve the ViewModel instance, call Deactivate on the current ViewModel (if one), call Activate on the new ViewModel then send the CurrentPageChanged message with the name of the new view as a parameter. Activate/Deactivate are helper methods on the ViewModels that allow us to perform any necessary tasks when the ViewModel is navigated to or from.
This appears to be working well and gives us a very MVVM-ish implementation with all navigation isolated from our ViewModels via the INavigationService and messaging.
The only down-side right now is that while we are using string constants in code to represent the ViewModel names, we are still hard-coding the strings in the Views to set the DataContext. I will be looking into a way to set the DataContext automatically as part of the navigation 'tooling'.
I should mention that this approach was parsed together from a number of sources, including (but not limited to) Rachel and the following links:
Usually I have a ViewModel for the entire app, and it contains the CurrentPage and all navigation event handling.
On the View side, I use a ContentControl with it's Content bound to CurrentPage, and use a DataTemplateSelector to determine which View to display for which ViewModel
There's an example here if you're interested, although it uses DataTemplates instead of a DataTemplateSelector.

Set a ViewModel's property, By opening another View(binded to another ViewModel) from the Main View

I'm a beginner in WPF and MVVM but I'm trying to do my best in implementing the MVVM pattern in my application (Basically I am a Java Developer switched to C# recently). My problem in MVVM is this scenario:
There are two models like this:
class MyObj
public string Name {get; set;}
public MyOtherObj OtherObj {get; set;}
//and some other properties
class MyOtherObj
public int ID{get; set;}
//and some other properties
and two view models:
MyObjVM which has a MyObj object and MyOtherObjVM which has a MyOtherObj object.
And a view MyObjView which is bind to MyObjVM and has a button. By clicking on this button another View(MyOtherObjView) with MyOtherObjVM as it's DataContext should be opened and by closing the second view the MyOtherObj object which is created in MyOtherObjVM should be passed to MyObj object of the MyObjVM in the first view.
I googled it but found nothing except some frameworks like MVVMLight, but I didn't find good documentation or case studies.
Is there any possible way of solving this problem without using a third-party framework, or using frameworks is the wise choice? (I mean does it need a lot of code or it's simple to implement because I prefer to learn rather than using frameworks, but my time is limited).
And at last sorry for my bad English :D
Inter-ViewModel communication is easily handled by MVVMLight's Messenger or Caliburn.Micro's EventAggregator. I preferred Caliburn.Micro's implementation since it was interface based rather than subscribing directly to message types. This allows for far more flexibility with inheritance of base classes.
Both of these act like a central event bus that various parts subscribe to. This really helps you send messages and handle them across boundaries.
Great thing is you don't need the whole MVVMLight or Caliburn.Micro libraries to implement this. You can just pluck the EventAggregator into your project. You'll find EventAggregator very useful for many other scenarios as well to enable messaging of decoupled parts.
Another great thing to do is create reusable behaviors that send messages over the EventAggregator. Both of these features together can enable some really good Blendable scenarios.
Example of MVVMLight Messenger:
Example of Caliburn.Micro EventAggregator:
It seems the same as How to Open a New Window from VM. There are some solutions.
Use Message,In the MVVMLight, They call it mediator, there is a Messenger in the framework, if you want to open a new window, you can register the message from the View part, while in the VM , you just send the message out.

wpf prism composite command

I have a composite WPF application. I am planning to implement tool bar functionality. There are few toolbar items (basically print, save, hide, expand, undo) which will be common to all views in the main region. For this i have created default toolbar module which will add these items (print, save, hide, expand, undo) to the toolbar region. when user clicks any toolbar item, this need to be handled by all 20 views in the main region.
For each toolbar item, i have associated a prism delegatecommand object.
private ICommand _printCommand;
public ICommand PrintCommand
if (_printCommand == null)
_printCommand =
new DelegateCommand<object>(**Print**, **CanPrint**);
return _printCommand;
Xaml, bind toolbar item to this command.
In the main region, we display close to 20 views. All these views have to subscibe to this command. I am thinking of using event aggregator to publish an event, and all the views will subcribe to this event.
For ex:
when the user clicks print, print command executes Print method which will publish print event. This event will be subcribed by 20 views and do further processing.
Am I implementing the toolbar in the right way?
I had initially thought of using composite commands. But by going through documentation it may not fit my requirements.
Ex : Application supports 40 views
Main region -> 20 Views that are active , all the view models are derived from baseviewmodel.
toolbar -> save button -> databinding to compositesaveallcommand(activeaware monitor enabled)
baseviewmodel -> save command -> registers/ unregisters based on specific filter conditions to compositesaveallcommand
when user clicks save button ,compositesaveallcommand looks for all registered commands that are active, and checks for all registered viewmodel commands calls (canexecute method, and all registered commands need to return true) then invokes child commands ( execute method) .
But in my case if the user make modifications in a single view , remaining 19 views there are no modifications. But I would like to execute save for single view. Looks like composite command will not invoke registered comamnds unless it can execute all.
If application allows the user to executes multiple commands at the same time, we may want to allow the user to save all the items on different tabs using a single command represented by a ribbon button. In this case, the Save All command will invoke each of the Save commands implemented by the view model instance for each item.
In the Stock Trader RI, for example, the Submit and Cancel commands for each buy/sell order are registered with the SubmitAllOrders and CancelAllOrders composite commands, as shown in the following code example (see the OrdersController class).
orderCompositeViewModel.SubmitCommand );
orderCompositeViewModel.CancelCommand );
The preceding commandProxy object provides instance access to the Submit and Cancel composite commands, which are defined statically. For more information, see the class file StockTraderRICommands.cs.
public class MyViewModel : NotificationObject
private readonly CompositeCommand saveAllCommand;
public ArticleViewModel(INewsFeedService newsFeedService,
IRegionManager regionManager,
IEventAggregator eventAggregator)
this.saveAllCommand = new CompositeCommand();
this.saveAllCommand.RegisterCommand(new SaveProductsCommand());
this.saveAllCommand.RegisterCommand(new SaveOrdersCommand());
public ICommand SaveAllCommand
get { return this.saveAllCommand; }
This is exactly what the CompositeCommand does. I believe there are no examples (the Commanding QuickStart or the RI do not show active aware activity anymore, they did in Prism v1), but if you use the active aware stuff, you get what you are asking for.
The only thing is that you need to make sure that each of the individual DelegateCommands get their IsActive property correctly updated when they should (i.e. when the view gets activated).
I don't really like the idea of using the EventAggregator too much for things like this. Especially if you decided to create a multi document editor interface, each of your editors is going to be responsible for a lot of filtering to get the events that are only appropriate for them.
It might be easy to use EventAggregator for this purpose, but I think it's probably not really the right fit. That said, it's not really wrong... in fact I believe a few of the Prism samples do exactly this, but I think it puts too much responsibility on the constituents for filtering, rather than leveraging framework features.
Your subject suggests you were thinking of using CompositeCommands for this. Is there any reason you aren't doing this instead of using the EventAggregator? If you had a standard place where ViewModels could register their Commands designed to handle each of these buttons with a composite command sitting behind each one, wouldn't that give you the functionality you wanted? In addition to being able to handle the button commands, each of the constituent views/viewmodels would be able to disable buttons when they were inappropriate, etc.
Take a close look at the CompositeCommand samples in the Prism documentation and see if they don't do what you want.

Open dialog in WPF MVVM

I have an application that need to open a dialog from a button where the user enters some information.
At the moment I do it like this (which works fine)
The button click generates a command in the ViewModel.
The ViewModel raises an event which the Controller listens to.
The Controller works out the details of the new window (i.e. View, ViewModel & model) and opens it (ShowDialog)
When the window is closed the Controller adds the result to the eventargs and returns to the ViewModel
The ViewModel passes the information to the Model.
There are a lot of steps but they all make sense and there is not much typing.
The code looks like this (the window asks for the user's name)
AskUserNameCommand = DelegateCommand(AskUserNameExecute);
public event EventHandler<AskUserEventArgs> AskUserName;
void AskUserNameExecute(object arg) {
var e = new AskUserNameEventArgs();
AskUserName(this, e);
mViewModel.AskUserName += (sender,e) => {
var view = container.Resolve<IAskUserNameView>();
var model = container.Resolve<IAskUserNameModel>();
var viewmodel = container.Resolve<IAskUserNameViewModel>(view, model);
if (dlg.ShowDialog() ?? false)
e.UserName = model.UserName;
My question is how the horizontal communication works in the MVVM pattern.
Somehow it seems wrong to let the controller be involved in the data transfer between the models.
I have looked at the mediator pattern to let the models communicate directly. Don't like that idea since it makes the model depending on implemetations details of the GUI. (i.e. if the dialog is replaced with a textbox, the model need to change)
I don't like most of the current suggestions for one reason or another, so I thought I would link to a nearly identical question with answers I do like:
Open File Dialog MVVM
Specifically the answer by Cameron MacFarland is exactly what I do. A service provided via an interface to provide IO and/or user interaction is the way to go here, for the following reasons:
It is testable
It abstracts away the implementation of any dialogs so that your strategy for handling these types of things can be changed without affecting constituent code
Does not rely on any communication patterns. A lot of suggestions you see out there rely on a mediator, like the Event Aggregator. These solutions rely on implementing two-way communication with partners on the other side of the mediator, which is both hard to implement and a very loose contract.
ViewModels remain autonomous. I, like you, don't feel right given communication between the controller and the ViewModel. The ViewModel should remain autonomous if for no other reason that this eases testability.
Hope this helps.
i use this approach for dialogs with mvvm.
all i have do do now is call the following from my viewmodel to work with a dialog.
var result = this.uiDialogService.ShowDialog("Dialogwindow title goes here", dialogwindowVM);
I have come across similar problems. Here is how I have solved them, and why I have done what I have done.
My solution:
My MainWindowViewModel has a property of type ModalViewModelBase called Modal.
If my code needs a certain view to be modal, it puts a reference to it in this property. The MainWindowView watches this property through the INotifyPropertyChanged mechanism. If Modal is set to some VM, the MainWindowView class will take the VM and put it in a ModalView window where the appropriate UserControl will be shown through the magic of DataTemplates, the window is shown using ShowDialog. ModalViewModelBase has a property for DialogResult and a property called IsFinished. When IsFinished is set to true by the modal VM, the view closes.
I also have some special tricks for doing interactive things like this from backgroundworker threads that want to ask the user for input.
My reasoning:
The principle of modal views is that other views are disabled, while the modal is shown. This is a part of the logic of the View that is essentially lookless. That's why I have a property for it in the MainWindowViewModel. It I were to take it further, I should make every other property or command for all other VM's in the Main VM throw exceptions, while in modal mode, but I feel this to be excessive.
The View mechanism of actually denying the user any other actions, does not have to be performed with a popup window and showdialog, it could be that you put the modal view in the existing window, but disable all others, or some other thing. This view-related logic belongs in the view itself. (That a typical designer can't code for this logic, seems a secondary concern. We all need help some times.)
So that's how I have done it. I offer it only as a suggestion, there is probably other ways of thinking about it, and I hope you get more replies too.
I've used EventAggregator from Prism v2 in similar scenarios. Good thing about prims is that, you don't have to use entire framework in your MVVM application. You can extract EventAggregator functionality and use it along with your current setup.
You might have a look at this MVVM article. It describes how a controller can communicate with the ViewModel:
