Bound Value gets reset to the empty string - wpf

For my WPF application, I created several UserControls which each have their own ViewModel. The ViewModels are all based on a PageViewModelBase which contains a variable "_context".
The UserControls are presented as pages in a Wizard Dialog, which has its own WizardViewModel. WizardViewModel has the variable _masterContext which is passed to the respective child ViewModels via their constructors. For example,
Child1ViewModel vm = new Child1ViewModel(_masterContext);
and the constructor of Child1ViewModel :
public Child1ViewModel(Context context) : base(context)
and the PageViewModelBase :
protected PageViewModelBase(Context context)
_context = context;
My intention is to have only 1 _masterContext, which can be accessed via each of the ChildViewModels. And each of the child views can bind to this and supply values to various fields in the master context.
However I am encountering the problem that a field that I bind to TextBox.Text gets reset to "" whenever I switch from childView1 to childView2. I'm not sure is this due to my MMI code, or there are more than 1 instance of _masterContext in the application, i.e. my method above is not doing as it should.
What could be causing this?

Managed to find the culprit resetting the value. I implemented a behavior to handle the TextChanged event of the TextBox. Somehow that used in conjunction with the Binding will cause the value to be reset. Once I took that away, the binding was working fine.
Due to my limited knowledgem I'm unable to explain why. But thanks all for your time.


Setter not getting called when using DoubleUpDown from the extended WPF toolkit

Has anyone used this control? Is there something I am missing? I created a WPF interface to tune a PID controller (just a line follower built from NXT) and I am trying to adjust my constants using the DoubleUpDown control, I can bind to the properties in my service no problem and see them so the getter is getting called but when I change values I never see the setter fire off (i.e. breakpoint never gets hit).
Any advice would be great!
Here is some code to go with this, this is just a normal dependency property - in this case value is getting assigned to a double that is part of the service (my datacontext) but that isn't any different from when I use an adapter at work on some boring business form - Lego's are way cooler...
public double Kp
get { return; }
{ = value;
Even if there was a problem there (setting the field in the service) I should at least be able to put a break point at = value and see it trying to set it, and yeah - I will post this over at the wpf extended toolkit forum as well.
Make sure your constants are actual public dependency properties, or public properties on a class that implements the INotifyPropertyChanged interface. You should post this in the Discussions on the Extended WPF Toolkit project site. Also check your output window for any binding errors. Can you provide some code?
Based on the code you provided in the Discussions section of rthe project site; you should bind the property to the Value proeprty of the DoubleUpDown control and not the Text.

WPF: DependencyProperty of custom control fails when using several instances of the control

I've built a custom control in WPF that inherits from ListBox. In this I have implementet my own property that is a BindingList. To make this property bindable I've implemeneted it as a DependencyProperty:
public BindingList<CheckableListItem> CheckedItems
return (BindingList<CheckableListItem>)GetValue(MultiComboBox.CheckedItemsProperty);
SetValue(MultiComboBox.CheckedItemsProperty, value);
public static readonly DependencyProperty CheckedItemsProperty;
I register this DependencyProperty in a static constructor inside my custom control:
CheckedItemsProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("CheckedItems",
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(new BindingList<CheckableListItem>()));
(MultiComboBox is the name of my custom control. CheckableListItem is a simple class I've written just for this purpose).
This BindingList is then updated inside the custom control (never outside) as the user interacts with it.
When I use my custom control in XAML I bind to the CheckItems property with the mode "OneWayToSource". I'm using the MVVM pattern and the property in the ViewModel that I'm binding to is also a BindingList. The ViewModel never affects this list, it just reacts at the changes that the custom control make to the list. The property in the ViewModel looks like this:
private BindingList<CheckableListItem> _selectedItems;
public BindingList<CheckableListItem> SelectedItems
return _selectedItems;
if (value != _selectedItems)
if (_selectedItems != null)
_selectedItems.ListChanged -= SelectedItemsChanged;
_selectedItems = value;
if (_selectedItems != null)
_selectedItems.ListChanged += SelectedItemsChanged;
As you can see I'm listening to changes made to the list (these changes always occur inside my custom control), and in the "SelectedItemsChanged"-method I update my Model accordingly.
Now...this works great when I have one of these controls in my View. However, if I put two (or more) of them in the same View strange things start to happen. This will of course mean that I'll have two lists with selected items in my ViewModel. But if do something in the View that changes one of the lists, both lists are affected! That is, the event handlers for the event ListChanged is triggered for both list if changes are made to any one of them!
Does anyone recognize this problem and/or have a solution to it? What is wrong with my implementation?
My first though is that the DependencyProperty is static. Normally that means shared between all instances. But I guess DependencyProperties work in some other "magical" way so that might not be the problem.
Any tips or hints is appreciated!
I had a similar problem with a collection-type dependency property. My solution was taken from the MSDN article on Collection-Type Dependency Properties. It was adding the following line
SetValue(OperatorsPropertyKey, new List<ListBoxItem>()); //replace key and type
in the constructor of my control because it seems that a collection-type dependency property constructor is being called only once no matter how many instances your control containing this collection has (static eh).
This sounds like you bound both/all the Views to the same ViewModel. That would explain that changes to one cause changes in the other.

S/L 4 & IDataErrorInfo - How to force re-validation of a control (when a related control is touched)

I have two controls bound to properties MinCartValue and MaxCartValue. MinCartValue must be less than MaxCartValue. To achieve this validation I have implemented the the IDataErrorInfo interface, and run the above check in the this[columnName] method if either MinCartValue or MaxCartValue are touched. ValidatesOnDataErrors=True is set in the binding of both controls.
The validation works correctly, highlighting each control when a change to its property value violates the rule. The problem is that once a control is flagged as invalid, if the user corrects the problem by altering the other control's value, the first control remains flagged as invalid. This is understandable because the IDataErrorInfo method was not doing validation on the first control's property.
So what I need is a way to force property #1 to be re-validated (or a way to clear the invalid state) when property #2 is validated, and vice versa. I have tried calling RaisePropertyChanged within my this[columnName] method but it does nothing. Also tried setting the property to its own value to try to trick it to validate itself, but again nothing happens.
I would recommend looking at the INotifyDataErrorInfo interface (introduced in Silverlight 4). It's able to async-notify if properties become invalid, so I think the framework is better about respecting this across many properties instead of expecting that the property currently being changed is the only one whose validity may be changing.
I had two DateTime properties (DateFrom and DateTo) that needed to be validated against each other. In the setters for these properties I just raised a PropertyChanged event for both DateTo and DateFrom. Worked like a charm.
I'm not sure if I'm understanding your problem exactly, but perhaps this may help. Providing some example XAML and the binding property code would help.
It sounds like an issue of your code depending on the default UpdateSourceTrigger, which in the case of TextBox controls is their focus/unfocus. You can set in the XAML the UpdateSourceTrigger attribute by adding UpdateSourceTrigger=Explicit to your binding where your validation occurs. Then in each TextBox (MinCartValue, MaxCartValue), add an event handler to the TextChanged event.
In the code-behind in the event handler, you can do something like this:
private void TextBox_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e)
TheTextBox in this case would be one of your cart controls. The UpdateSource() method is a way to manually update the binding value, which should trigger your validation. This method provides away to tie into a trigger to update values and raising properties have changed outside of the default scope (using text changed intead of focus and unfocus on TextBox in this instance).
Here's how I solved it. Let's say Property1 and Property2 are codependent. I'm not familiar with MVVM (yet), but you're probably extending your entity class to implement IDataErrorInfo. In this case you can also extend On[Property]Changed method and report change in codependent property:
partial class YourEntity : IDataErrorInfo
public string this[string columnName]
//Your validation logic
public string Error
//WPF doesn't use it anyway
get { return string.Empty; }
partial void OnProperty1Changed()
partial void OnProperty2Changed()
In this case the update in either one of this properties makes both bound controls re-evaluate themselves.
EDIT2: It appears that you should use OnPropertyChang* instead of ReportPropertyChang*. ReportPropertyChanged will notify the entity framework that there are pending changes in the model, but in fact all you're trying to do is inform the view. You don't want to update the database with the property that didn't really change. ReportPropertyChang* will also fail on computed fields that have no mappings in the database.
EDIT1: Found out that it's essential to call ReportPropertyChanging before ReportPropertyChanged.

WPF Exposing a calculated property for binding (as DependencyProperty)

I have a complex WPF control that for some reasons (ie. performance) is not using dependency properties but simple C# properties (at least at the top level these are exposed as properties).
The goal is to make it possible to bind to some of those top level properties -> I guess I should declare them as DPs.(right? or is there some other way to achieve this? )
I started reading on MSDN about DependencyProperties and DependencyObjects and found an example:
public class MyStateControl : ButtonBase
public MyStateControl() : base() { }
public Boolean State
get { return (Boolean)this.GetValue(StateProperty); }
set { this.SetValue(StateProperty, value); }
public static readonly DependencyProperty StateProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(
"State", typeof(Boolean), typeof(MyStateControl),new PropertyMetadata(false));
If I'm right - this code enforces the property to be backed up by DependencyProperty which restricts it to be a simple property with a store(from functional point of view, not technically) instead of being able to calculate the property value each time getter is called and setting other properties/fields each time setter is called.
What can I do about that? Is there any way I could make those two worlds meet at some point?
I guess I have to tell you a little more about what I want to do and what my limitations are. So:
I have TabControl that is bound to a collection of ViewModel(I'm using MVVM pattern) objects. Every tab is meant to be an editor for one object of that collection. Objects can be of different types so I have multiple definitions each with a different DataType property. Now I have that complex WPF Control that I want to use as a part of one of those DataTemplates. If I use usual TextBox I can simply bind to its Text property, but I can't do the same with Text property of that custom control simply because its Text property is not a dependency property.
In this scenario I have :
no direct access to the control itself nor to its events
no code behind file that I can use to do that kind of thing
I can see however a dirty solution -
In the Window class I would have to subscribe to CollectionChanged event of the collection that is bound to the TabControl.
Whenever an item is added to that collection use ItemContainerGenerator to obtain a copy of I suppose TabItem and use it to find the right copy of 'complex control'
Regiter items handlers to 'complex controls' events to do the job
This is wrong because:
this is agains MVVM - I have to play with tab control to do the job instead of doing it in the ViewModel class
this couples in an unwanted way the view and viewmodel
I think you are mixing up Dependency Properties and implementing INotifyPropertyChanged on your classes.
You don't need your property to be a dependency property, you just need your class to implement INotifyPropertyChanged and call OnPropertyChanged whenever the state of your object changes in a way that would affect the value you want to expose to binding.
So let's say you have a property Sum that you want to bind to. The Sum property simple adds two other properties (or fields, or whatever) together. When anything happens that affects the Sum calculation, you want to notify that the Sum value has changed, so the any controls bound to Sum get updated.
public int Sum => Value1 + Value2;
public int Value1
// changing this affects "Sum", so I need to notify that the binding should update
_value1 = value;
public int Value2
// changing this affects "Sum", so I need to notify that the binding should update
_value2 = value;
It seems to me that you've been saddled with a WPF user control that was built by someone who didn't intend it to be used with data binding. I would assume that this is for one of two reasons: a) there's some logical reason that you shouldn't be able to bind to this property, or b) the original author of this control didn't know what he was doing. You haven't provided enough information for me to know which of those two conditions is the one you're really working under.
But in general, the reason you can't expose calculated properties for binding is that calculated properties generally don't have a setter. It doesn't make sense to set a property whose value is calculated.
If there are other properties whose values need to be updated when this one changes, the right approach (or at least the one consonant with the design of dependency properties) is to handle those updates in the dependency property's callback function, which is kind of what the callback function is for.

DataContext, DataBinding and Element Binding in Silverlight

I'm having one hell of a time trying to get my databinding to work correctly. I have reason to believe that what I'm trying to accomplish can't be done, but we'll see what answers I get.
I've got a UserControl. This UserControl contains nothing more than a button. Now within the code behind, I've got a property name IsBookmarked. When IsBookmarked is set, code is run that animates the look of the button. The idea is that you click the button and it visually changes. We'll call this UserControl a Bookmark control.
Now I have another control, which we'll call the FormControl. My FormControl contains a child Bookmark control. I've tried to do databinding on my Bookmark control, but it's not working. Here's some code to help you out.
This is the XAML and Loaded event handler of my control. As you can see it contains a child element that is a custom control (bookmark). So once this control loads, it's DataContext is set to an new instance of an Employee object. Silverlight also sets the DataContext property of my child bookmark control to the same instance. I've verified this by debugging. If my parent has a valid DataContext set then why can't my child control (bookmark) property databind to it?
<UserControl ......>
<q:Bookmark x:Name="BookMarkControl1" IsBookmarked="{Binding IsSiteBookmarked}" />
public void Control_Loaded(object sender, EventArgs e)
DataContext = new Employee { IsSiteBookmarked = True };
This is my custom control below. Obviously it contains more than this, but for readability I've trimmed it down to the property I'm trying to databind to.
//this is the bookmark control. I've included this control within another control, and I'm trying to databind to properties within my parents DataContext
public partial class Bookmark : UserControl
bool _IsBookmarked= false;
public bool IsBookmarked
get {return _IsBookmarked;}
set {
_IsBookmarked= value;
Got some javascript errors that I should mention. Firebug reports a AG_E_PARSER_BAD_PROPERTY_VALUE exception. It doesn't seem like my databinding is even working yet.
Make your IsBookmarked property on the Bookmark control a dependency property.
I presume Control_Loaded is a part of your FormControl, in which case I'm not sure you are using DataContext properly. Best double check that.
UPDATE: Yes, you are using the DataContext properly. AG_E_PARSER_BAD_PROPERTY_VALUE indicates you need to make the IsBookmarked property a dependency property, like so:
Public Property IsBookmarked() As Boolean
Return Me.GetValue(IsBookmarkedProperty)
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
Me.SetValue(IsBookmarkedProperty, value)
End Set
End Property
Public Shared ReadOnly IsBookmarkedProperty As DependencyProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("IsBookmarked", GetType(Boolean), GetType(Bookmark), New PropertyMetadata(New PropertyChangedCallback(AddressOf OnIsBookmarkedPropertyChanged)))
Private Shared Sub OnIsBookmarkedPropertyChanged(ByVal d As DependencyObject, ByVal e As DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs)
Dim cntrl As Bookmark = TryCast(d, Bookmark)
End Sub
If you only need to store the value for later use, then you don't need to do anything in the OnIsBookmarkedPropertyChanged procedure, But I put some code there as an example anyway.
Good Luck!
I don't recall the exact order in which databinding is evaluated (and I'm too lazy to go look it up), but as I recall, it initially happens BEFORE the form's Loaded event fires, and without making the IsBookmarked property a dependency property, or at least using INotifyPropertyChanged, it may have trouble establishing the datacontext appropriately. I'd recommend either implementing INotifyPropertyChanged or making IsBookmarked a dependency property. DataBinding is tough enough to get right in the best of circumstances (see my long, bad-tempered rant about it here), and you'll just be making it more difficult on yourself if you aren't setting up your properties in the way that it expects.
The control exposes a IsSiteBookmarked property(which I believe should be a DependencyProperty) but the control is binding to a IsBookmarked which is not shown. Is this intentional? Have you checked your Visual Studio output window for binding errors?
Addition 1:
Since you have fixed the typo in your question and added that there is an error being reported.
Start by clearing up the AG_E_PARSER_BAD_PROPERTY_VALUE problem. Is there a line number and start position in the error message? Start looking there. One strategy is to start taking out XAML until there is no longer an error. This will narrow down the offending code.
Running in debug, mode check for binding errors in the output window.
You might want to also post the Employee class code, especially the IsSiteBookmarked property.
Typically when doing databinding to an object you will want to leverage the INotifyPropertyChanged interface and implement that so that the control can properly invalidate it's property value. Unless you use INotifyPropertyChanged with Mode=TwoWay then any code that changes your DataContext's IsSiteBookmarked will have no effect.
