When should prefetch be used on modern machines? [duplicate] - c

Can anyone give an example or a link to an example which uses __builtin_prefetch in GCC (or just the asm instruction prefetcht0 in general) to gain a substantial performance advantage? In particular, I'd like the example to meet the following criteria:
It is a simple, small, self-contained example.
Removing the __builtin_prefetch instruction results in performance degradation.
Replacing the __builtin_prefetch instruction with the corresponding memory access results in performance degradation.
That is, I want the shortest example showing __builtin_prefetch performing an optimization that couldn't be managed without it.

Here's an actual piece of code that I've pulled out of a larger project. (Sorry, it's the shortest one I can find that had a noticable speedup from prefetching.)
This code performs a very large data transpose.
This example uses the SSE prefetch instructions, which may be the same as the one that GCC emits.
To run this example, you will need to compile this for x64 and have more than 4GB of memory. You can run it with a smaller datasize, but it will be too fast to time.
#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
#include <emmintrin.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>
#define f_vector __m128d
#define i_ptr size_t
inline void swap_block(f_vector *A,f_vector *B,i_ptr L){
// To be super-optimized later.
f_vector *stop = A + L;
f_vector tmpA = *A;
f_vector tmpB = *B;
*A++ = tmpB;
*B++ = tmpA;
}while (A < stop);
void transpose_even(f_vector *T,i_ptr block,i_ptr x){
// Transposes T.
// T contains x columns and x rows.
// Each unit is of size (block * sizeof(f_vector)) bytes.
// - 0 < block
// - 1 < x
i_ptr row_size = block * x;
i_ptr iter_size = row_size + block;
// End of entire matrix.
f_vector *stop_T = T + row_size * x;
f_vector *end = stop_T - row_size;
// Iterate each row.
f_vector *y_iter = T;
// Iterate each column.
f_vector *ptr_x = y_iter + block;
f_vector *ptr_y = y_iter + row_size;
_mm_prefetch((char*)(ptr_y + row_size),_MM_HINT_T0);
ptr_x += block;
ptr_y += row_size;
}while (ptr_y < stop_T);
y_iter += iter_size;
}while (y_iter < end);
int main(){
i_ptr dimension = 4096;
i_ptr block = 16;
i_ptr words = block * dimension * dimension;
i_ptr bytes = words * sizeof(f_vector);
cout << "bytes = " << bytes << endl;
// system("pause");
f_vector *T = (f_vector*)_mm_malloc(bytes,16);
if (T == NULL){
cout << "Memory Allocation Failure" << endl;
// Perform in-place data transpose
cout << "Starting Data Transpose... ";
clock_t start = clock();
clock_t end = clock();
cout << "Done" << endl;
cout << "Time: " << (double)(end - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " seconds" << endl;
When I run it with ENABLE_PREFETCH enabled, this is the output:
bytes = 4294967296
Starting Data Transpose... Done
Time: 0.725 seconds
Press any key to continue . . .
When I run it with ENABLE_PREFETCH disabled, this is the output:
bytes = 4294967296
Starting Data Transpose... Done
Time: 0.822 seconds
Press any key to continue . . .
So there's a 13% speedup from prefetching.
Here's some more results:
Operating System: Windows 7 Professional/Ultimate
Compiler: Visual Studio 2010 SP1
Compile Mode: x64 Release
Intel Core i7 860 # 2.8 GHz, 8 GB DDR3 # 1333 MHz
Prefetch : 0.868
No Prefetch: 0.960
Intel Core i7 920 # 3.5 GHz, 12 GB DDR3 # 1333 MHz
Prefetch : 0.725
No Prefetch: 0.822
Intel Core i7 2600K # 4.6 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 # 1333 MHz
Prefetch : 0.718
No Prefetch: 0.796
2 x Intel Xeon X5482 # 3.2 GHz, 64 GB DDR2 # 800 MHz
Prefetch : 2.273
No Prefetch: 2.666

Binary search is a simple example that could benefit from explicit prefetching. The access pattern in a binary search looks pretty much random to the hardware prefetcher, so there is little chance that it will accurately predict what to fetch.
In this example, I prefetch the two possible 'middle' locations of the next loop iteration in the current iteration. One of the prefetches will probably never be used, but the other will (unless this is the final iteration).
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int binarySearch(int *array, int number_of_elements, int key) {
int low = 0, high = number_of_elements-1, mid;
while(low <= high) {
mid = (low + high)/2;
// low path
__builtin_prefetch (&array[(mid + 1 + high)/2], 0, 1);
// high path
__builtin_prefetch (&array[(low + mid - 1)/2], 0, 1);
if(array[mid] < key)
low = mid + 1;
else if(array[mid] == key)
return mid;
else if(array[mid] > key)
high = mid-1;
return -1;
int main() {
int SIZE = 1024*1024*512;
int *array = malloc(SIZE*sizeof(int));
for (int i=0;i<SIZE;i++){
array[i] = i;
int NUM_LOOKUPS = 1024*1024*8;
int *lookups = malloc(NUM_LOOKUPS * sizeof(int));
for (int i=0;i<NUM_LOOKUPS;i++){
lookups[i] = rand() % SIZE;
for (int i=0;i<NUM_LOOKUPS;i++){
int result = binarySearch(array, SIZE, lookups[i]);
When I compile and run this example with DO_PREFETCH enabled, I see a 20% reduction in runtime:
$ gcc c-binarysearch.c -DDO_PREFETCH -o with-prefetch -std=c11 -O3
$ gcc c-binarysearch.c -o no-prefetch -std=c11 -O3
$ perf stat -e L1-dcache-load-misses,L1-dcache-loads ./with-prefetch
Performance counter stats for './with-prefetch':
356,675,702 L1-dcache-load-misses # 41.39% of all L1-dcache hits
861,807,382 L1-dcache-loads
8.787467487 seconds time elapsed
$ perf stat -e L1-dcache-load-misses,L1-dcache-loads ./no-prefetch
Performance counter stats for './no-prefetch':
382,423,177 L1-dcache-load-misses # 97.36% of all L1-dcache hits
392,799,791 L1-dcache-loads
11.376439030 seconds time elapsed
Notice that we are doing twice as many L1 cache loads in the prefetch version. We're actually doing a lot more work but the memory access pattern is more friendly to the pipeline. This also shows the tradeoff. While this block of code runs faster in isolation, we have loaded a lot of junk into the caches and this may put more pressure on other parts of the application.

I learned a lot from the excellent answers provided by #JamesScriven and #Mystical. However, their examples give only a modest boost - the objective of this answer is to present a (I must confess somewhat artificial) example, where prefetching has a bigger impact (about factor 4 on my machine).
There are three possible bottle-necks for the modern architectures: CPU-speed, memory-band-width and memory latency. Prefetching is all about reducing the latency of the memory-accesses.
In a perfect scenario, where latency corresponds to X calculation-steps, we would have a oracle, which would tell us which memory we would access in X calculation-steps, the prefetching of this data would be launched and it would arrive just in-time X calculation-steps later.
For a lot of algorithms we are (almost) in this perfect world. For a simple for-loop it is easy to predict which data will be needed X steps later. Out-of-order execution and other hardware tricks are doing a very good job here, concealing the latency almost completely.
That is the reason, why there is such a modest improvement for #Mystical's example: The prefetcher is already pretty good - there is just not much room for improvement. The task is also memory-bound, so probably not much band-width is left - it could be becoming the limiting factor. I could see at best around 8% improvement on my machine.
The crucial insight from the #JamesScriven example: neither we nor the CPU knows the next access-address before the the current data is fetched from memory - this dependency is pretty important, otherwise out-of-order execution would lead to a look-forward and the hardware would be able to prefetch the data. However, because we can speculate about only one step there is not that much potential. I was not able to get more than 40% on my machine.
So let's rig the competition and prepare the data in such a way that we know which address is accessed in X steps, but make it impossible for hardware to find it out due to dependencies on not yet accessed data (see the whole program at the end of the answer):
//making random accesses to memory:
unsigned int next(unsigned int current){
return (current*10001+328)%SIZE;
//the actual work is happening here
void operator()(){
//set up the oracle - let see it in the future oracle_offset steps
unsigned int prefetch_index=0;
for(int i=0;i<oracle_offset;i++)
unsigned int index=0;
for(int i=0;i<STEP_CNT;i++){
//use oracle and prefetch memory block used in a future iteration
//actual work, the less the better
//prepare next iteration
prefetch_index=next(prefetch_index); #update oracle
index=next(mem[index]); #dependency on `mem[index]` is VERY important to prevent hardware from predicting future
Some remarks:
data is prepared in such a way, that the oracle is alway right.
maybe surprisingly, the less CPU-bound task the bigger the speed-up: we are able to hide the latency almost completely, thus the speed-up is CPU-time+original-latency-time/CPU-time.
Compiling and executing leads:
>>> g++ -std=c++11 prefetch_demo.cpp -O3 -o prefetch_demo
>>> ./prefetch_demo
#preloops time no prefetch time prefetch factor
7 1.0711102260000001 0.230566831 4.6455521002498408
8 1.0511602149999999 0.22651144600000001 4.6406494398521474
9 1.049024333 0.22841439299999999 4.5926367389641687
to a speed-up between 4 and 5.
Listing of prefetch_demp.cpp:
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <chrono>
const int SIZE=1024*1024*1;
const int STEP_CNT=1024*1024*10;
unsigned int next(unsigned int current){
return (current*10001+328)%SIZE;
template<bool prefetch>
struct Worker{
std::vector<int> mem;
double result;
int oracle_offset;
void operator()(){
unsigned int prefetch_index=0;
for(int i=0;i<oracle_offset;i++)
unsigned int index=0;
for(int i=0;i<STEP_CNT;i++){
//prefetch memory block used in a future iteration
//actual work:
//prepare next iteration
Worker(std::vector<int> &mem_):
mem(mem_), result(0.0), oracle_offset(0)
template <typename Worker>
double timeit(Worker &worker){
auto begin = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
auto end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
return std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(end-begin).count()/1e9;
int main() {
//set up the data in special way!
std::vector<int> keys(SIZE);
for (int i=0;i<SIZE;i++){
keys[i] = i;
Worker<false> without_prefetch(keys);
Worker<true> with_prefetch(keys);
std::cout<<"#preloops\ttime no prefetch\ttime prefetch\tfactor\n";
for(int i=0;i<20;i++){
//let oracle see i steps in the future:
double time_with_prefetch=timeit(with_prefetch);
double time_no_prefetch=timeit(without_prefetch);

From the documentation:
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
a[i] = a[i] + b[i];
__builtin_prefetch (&a[i+j], 1, 1);
__builtin_prefetch (&b[i+j], 0, 1);
/* ... */

Pre-fetching data can be optimized to the Cache Line size, which for most modern 64-bit processors is 64 bytes to for example pre-load a uint32_t[16] with one instruction.
For example on ArmV8 I discovered through experimentation casting the memory pointer to a uint32_t 4x4 matrix vector (which is 64 bytes in size) halved the required instructions required as before I had to increment by 8 as it was only loading half the data, even though my understanding was that it fetches a full cache line.
Pre-fetching an uint32_t[32] original code example...
int addrindex = &B[0];
__builtin_prefetch(&V[addrindex + 8]);
__builtin_prefetch(&V[addrindex + 16]);
__builtin_prefetch(&V[addrindex + 24]);
int addrindex = &B[0];
__builtin_prefetch((uint32x4x4_t *) &V[addrindex]);
__builtin_prefetch((uint32x4x4_t *) &V[addrindex + 16]);
For some reason int datatype for the address index/offset gave better performance. Tested with GCC 8 on Cortex-a53. Using an equivalent 64 byte vector on other architectures might give the same performance improvement if you find it is not pre-fetching all the data like in my case. In my application with a one million iteration loop, it improved performance by 5% just by doing this. There were further requirements for the improvement.
the 128 megabyte "V" memory allocation had to be aligned to 64 bytes.
uint32_t *V __attribute__((__aligned__(64))) = (uint32_t *)(((uintptr_t)(__builtin_assume_aligned((unsigned char*)aligned_alloc(64,size), 64)) + 63) & ~ (uintptr_t)(63));
Also, I had to use C operators instead of Neon Intrinsics, since they require regular datatype pointers (in my case it was uint32_t *) otherwise the new built in prefetch method had a performance regression.
My real world example can be found at https://github.com/rollmeister/veriumMiner/blob/main/algo/scrypt.c in the scrypt_core() and its internal function which are all easy to read. The hard work is done by GCC8. Overall improvement to performance was 25%.


What is responsible for a RAM bottleneck when performing random memory accesses?

I have a program which accesses single bytes in a large array at random. Since this array exceeds the L2 cache, it requires many queries to RAM. I created a benchmark which emulates this program by generating random numbers and querying a large array. It seems like the benchmark is under-performing relative to my RAM's advertised speed.
I have DDR4-2933 RAM which is supposed to handle 2933 MT/s. The maximum transfer rate I have been able to achieve is 56.8 MT/s. What would be the bottleneck preventing faster execution? If I had to speculate, I might say the CPU could only reorder instructions within some fixed window and this would limit the parallelization of the fetches. Although, I have no evidence beyond the benchmarks.
Benchmark & Methodology
I created a short program which populates a large array with random numbers. Then, it loads values at random offsets from the array and XORs them together. Memory accesses should be reorderable.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
static inline uint64_t rotl(const uint64_t x, int k) {
return (x << k) | (x >> (64 - k));
static uint64_t s[4];
uint64_t next(void) {
const uint64_t result = rotl(s[1] * 5, 7) * 9;
const uint64_t t = s[1] << 17;
s[2] ^= s[0];
s[3] ^= s[1];
s[1] ^= s[2];
s[0] ^= s[3];
s[2] ^= t;
s[3] = rotl(s[3], 45);
return result;
int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
char const * prog = argc > 0 ? argv[0] : "[program]";
if(argc != 3) {
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [size (power of 2)] [n_runs]", prog);
unsigned int sshift = strtol(argv[1], NULL, 10);
uint64_t calls = strtol(argv[2], NULL, 10);
size_t size = 1ull << sshift;
uint64_t smask = (1ull << sshift) - 1;
uint8_t * buf = malloc(size);
if(!buf) {
fprintf(stderr, "no mem");
// Seed PRNG with magic values
s[0] = 0x0BE38E2AC;
s[1] = 0x23D933C53;
s[2] = 0xE72482E32;
s[3] = 0x35C339D23;
for(size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
buf[i] = next();
clock_t start = clock();
double cpu_time_used;
uint8_t val = 0;
for(size_t i = 0; i < calls; i++) {
uint64_t idx = next() & smask;
val ^= buf[idx];
cpu_time_used = ((double) (clock() - start)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
printf("time: %.3f\n", cpu_time_used);
printf("calls: %ld\n", calls);
printf("time/call: %.3e\n", cpu_time_used / calls);
printf("MT / sec: %.3e\n", calls / cpu_time_used / 1e6);
printf("val: %d\n", val); // ensure val is not optimized out
All benchmarks were executed on a Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-10885H CPU running at 2.40 GHz with CPU scaling disabled. The program was compiled with gcc -O3 main.c -o main -g -O3 -flto and called with nice -n -2 ./main 31 1000000000 for an array of size 2^31 and 1e9 accesses. The number of transactions per second issued to RAM can be approximated by the number of bytes fetched since virtually all of the lookups result in cache missed. I tested this using perf and it seemed like around 95% of cache lookups resulted in misses.
The random number generator occupies about 7.1% of program overhead. This was measured by removing the line val ^= buf[idx]; which executes the fetch. perf reported around 99% of memory overhead was due to last-level cache misses.
Follow-up Benchmarks
Loop unrolling:
By default, GCC 12.2.0 did not unroll the loop. It took some cajoling. I replaced:
for(size_t i = 0; i < calls; i++) {
uint64_t idx = next() & smask;
val ^= buf[idx];
for(size_t i = 0; i < batches; i++) {
#pragma GCC unroll 3
for(size_t j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
uint64_t idx = next() & smask;
val ^= buf[idx];
I look five timings at 2.0 GHz. The version without loop unrolling seemed to perform better but not significantly. I'm not very surprised since the branch would seem highly predictable.
no unrolling unrolling
0 23.249 24.287
1 24.044 24.520
2 23.455 24.358
3 23.233 24.167
4 22.969 23.833
I implemented a threaded version of the benchmark. It evenly divides the accesses among the threads. I also switch to measuring wall clock time. Here are the measurements (taken at 2.4 GHz):
threads time MT/s
0 1 17.345 57.653502
1 2 8.949 111.744329
2 4 5.022 199.123855
3 8 3.533 283.045570
4 16 3.203 312.207306
5 32 3.200 312.500000
6 64 3.173 315.159155
7 124 3.165 315.955766
Modified program:
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <threads.h>
#include <pthread.h>
static inline uint64_t rotl(const uint64_t x, int k) {
return (x << k) | (x >> (64 - k));
static thread_local uint64_t s[4];
static uint64_t next(void) {
const uint64_t result = rotl(s[1] * 5, 7) * 9;
const uint64_t t = s[1] << 17;
s[2] ^= s[0];
s[3] ^= s[1];
s[1] ^= s[2];
s[0] ^= s[3];
s[2] ^= t;
s[3] = rotl(s[3], 45);
return result;
struct xor_args {
size_t iters;
uint8_t * buf;
uint8_t res;
uint64_t smask;
pthread_t id;
#include <sys/random.h>
void * xor_worker(struct xor_args * a) {
if(-1 == getrandom(&s, sizeof(s), GRND_RANDOM)) {
fprintf(stderr, "getrandom() failed\n");
uint8_t val = 0;
for(size_t i = 0; i < a->iters; i++) {
uint64_t idx = next() & a->smask;
val ^= a->buf[idx];
a->res = val;
return NULL;
int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
char const * prog = argc > 0 ? argv[0] : "[program]";
if(argc != 4) {
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [size (power of 2)] [n_runs] [threads]", prog);
unsigned int sshift = strtol(argv[1], NULL, 10);
uint64_t calls = strtol(argv[2], NULL, 10);
int threads = strtol(argv[3], NULL, 10);
size_t size = 1ull << sshift;
uint64_t smask = (1ull << sshift) - 1;
uint8_t * buf = malloc(size);
if(!buf) {
fprintf(stderr, "no mem");
// Seed PRNG with magic values
s[0] = 0x0BE38E2AC;
s[1] = 0x23D933C53;
s[2] = 0xE72482E32;
s[3] = 0x35C339D23;
for(size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
buf[i] = next();
struct timespec start, finish;
double elapsed;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &start);
struct xor_args * args = malloc(sizeof(struct xor_args) * threads);
int s;
for(int i = 0; i < threads; i++) {
struct xor_args * arg = &args[i];
arg->iters = calls / (uint64_t) threads;
if(i == 0) {
args->iters += calls % threads;
arg->smask = smask;
arg->buf = buf;
s = pthread_create(&arg->id, NULL, (void * (*)(void *)) xor_worker, arg);
if(s != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "pthread_create() failed");
uint8_t val = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < threads; i++) {
struct xor_args * arg = &args[i];
s = pthread_join(arg->id, NULL);
if(s != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "pthread_join() failed");
val ^= arg->res;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &finish);
elapsed = (finish.tv_sec - start.tv_sec);
elapsed += (finish.tv_nsec - start.tv_nsec) / 1000000000.0;
printf("time: %.3f\n", elapsed);
printf("calls: %ld\n", calls);
printf("time/call: %.3e\n", elapsed / calls);
printf("M T / sec: %.3e\n", calls / elapsed / 1e6);
printf("val: %d\n", val); // ensure val is not optimized out
The program is bound by the memory hierarchy. Indeed, on modern processor, accessing 1 byte from the RAM causes the whole cache line to be fetched from the RAM. This means 64 bytes on your processor. One channel of DDR4-2933 RAM can reach a theoretical bandwidth of 8*2933e6/1024**3 = 21.85 GiB/s. However, regarding the fact that the cache is useless here and that 64 bytes are fetched, the maximum throughput is 21.85/64*1024 = 350 MiB/s. Based on this, the program should at least take 1000000000/(350*1024**2) = 2.72 s.
In practice, no modern processor can fully saturate a DDR4 memory (especially using only 1 core). Modern RAM are designed to be fast mainly for contiguous access, not random one, despite the name. This is because speeding up random accesses is very hard and reading contiguous data is frequent (and far simpler to optimize at the hardware level).
The main problem with DDR RAM is its latency which is huge since several decades (50-120 ns per cache line fetch). It has not changed much since the last decade while processors have become significantly faster. As a result, it is critical to be able to mitigate this latency by sending a lot of simultaneous requests, that is increasing the concurrency. However, the execution flow is sequential and the number of simultaneous in-flight requests that 1 core can achieve is limited. Modern processors can execution few instructions in parallel from a sequential program as long as the instructions to be executed are independent. The thing is the program is pretty sequential due to the random number generator though multiple instructions can still be executed in parallel.
Multiple read requests can be done concurrently, but the size of the buffers to receive data from the RAM and the caches is limited. Intel processor units dedicated for that is the line-fill buffer (LFB) between the L1 and L2 cache, the super-queue between the L2 and the L3, and the integrated memory controller (iMC) between the L3 and the RAM. You can use perf to check which one is the bottleneck. AFAIK, the LFB has about 12-14 slots on your target processor so it should not be a bottleneck here. The super-queue can read 32-bytes/cycle, that is, 1 cache-line every 2 cycle, or 1 byte of buf every 2 cycles. That being said the L3 latency is pretty big: at least about a dozen of nanoseconds. In general, prefetching units are used to mitigate the latency but random accesses are unpredictable so hardware prefetchers are completely useless in this case.
Virtual memory make random accesses slower. Indeed, when a cache-line is fetched, the processor needs to translate a virtual address to a physical one. This is done by the Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB) unit of a processor core. It is basically a cache able to translate the address of a virtual memory page to a physical one. There are multiple TLB units for different caches and the size of the cache is dependent of the size of the pages. Pages are typically 4K ones on your processor unless your OS decides to use huge pages in this specific case. Assuming its does not, the biggest TLB (STLB) has 1536 entries for 4K pages. This means it cannot be efficient for random accesses done on a 1536*4K = 6 MiB buffer. Beyond this limit, the number of TLB miss will be frequent. When a TLB miss happen, the processor needs to call special kernel functions so to know how to translate the virtual addresses based on kernel data structures. This operation is very expensive (like any kernel calls in general) so it introduces a significant additional latency. If huge pages are used, then the threshold is 3 GiB (for pages of 2 MiB) or even 16 GiB (for 1 GiB pages). Using huge pages can thus significantly speed things up compared to basic 4K pages.
Assuming the processor has large enough buffers and TLB caches so not to limit the concurrency, the DDR4-SDRAM are typically the main bottleneck. Indeed, it does not only has a huge latency, but it is also optimized for contiguous accesses. Indeed, such RAM devices are split in banks so to reduce the device latency. Contiguous memory requests can be efficiently managed by multiple banks, but random requests are often significantly less efficient due to bank-conflict: when 2 requests are assigned to the same banks, they are processed serially rather than concurrently. While random requests tends to to be spread amongst banks, this load-balancing is not as good as contiguous request resulting in a bit lower throughout.
In the end, the speed of the program is certainly latency-bound and the time taken is calls * latency / concurrency. It looks like latency / concurrency is 10-15 ns in your case.
One solution is to speed up a bit this program is to use prefetching instructions. It often help to hide the latency by telling the processor to prefetch data in the caches (or temporary buffers) early so subsequent accesses are faster since data are supposed to be closer from computing units. This optimization is brittle : data should be prefetched early enough (otherwise the processor will stall waiting due to cache misses) and data should be kept in the target caches (not be evicted by newer prefetching instructions). In your case, this is not so easy since the index is random. Prefetching relatively large chunks so to then read the values faster should help a bit. It should be slower for small arrays and faster for big ones. Note that software prefetching is not a silver-bullet : it is generally not as good as hardware prefetching (due to the limited hardware concurrency).
An alternative solution is generally to use multiple cores (thanks to multiple threads). That being said, this is not easy too here due to the (inherently sequential) random number generator (RNG) unless it is Ok to use multiple RNG. In this case, fetching full cache lines is generally the main bottleneck due to the high concurrency, the small RAM bandwidth and mainly due to the poor efficiency (1 byte used over 64). Unfortunately, there is currently no way to efficiently extract single bytes from a DDR4-SDRAM using any mainstream x86-64 processor (including yours).
For more information, please read:
What Every Programmer Should Know About Memory
How much of ‘What Every Programmer Should Know About Memory’ is still valid?
How does the CPU cache affect the performance of a C program

C, Way to make multiply in array element fast

import numpy as np
array = np.random.rand(16384)
array *= 3
above python code make each element in array has 3 times multiplied value of its own.
On my Laptop, these code took 5ms
Below code is what i tried on C language.
#include <headers...>
array = make 16384 elements...;
for(int i = 0 ; i < 16384 ; ++i)
array[i] *= 3
compile command was
gcc -O2 main.cpp
it takes almost 30ms.
Is there any way i can reduce process time of this?
P.S it was my fault. I confused unit of timestamp value.
this code is faster than numpy. sorry for this question.
This sounds pretty unbelievable. For reference, I wrote a trivial (but complete) program that does roughly what you seem to be describing. I used C++ so I could use its chrono library to get (much) more precise timing than C's clock provides, but I wouldn't expect that to affect the speed at all.
#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
#define SIZE (16384)
float array[SIZE];
int main() {
using namespace std::chrono;
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {
array[i] = i;
auto start = high_resolution_clock::now();
for (int i=0; i<SIZE; i++) {
array[i] *= 3.0;
auto stop = high_resolution_clock::now();
std::cout << duration_cast<microseconds>(stop - start).count() << '\n';
long total = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {
total += i;
std::cout << "Ignore: " << total << "\n";
On my machine (2.8 GHz Haswell, so probably slower than whatever you're running) this shows a time of 7 or 8 microseconds, so around 600-700 times as fast as you're getting from Python.
Adding the compiler flag to use AVX 2 instructions reduces that to 4 microseconds, or a little more than 1000 times as fast (warning: AMD processors generally don't get as much of a speed boost from using AVX 2, but if you have a reasonably new AMD processor I'd expect it to be faster than this anyway).
Bottom line: the speed you're reporting for your C code only seems to make sense if you're running the code on some sort of slow microcontroller, or maybe a really old desktop system--though it would have to be quite old to run nearly as slow as you're reporting. My immediate guess is that even a 386 would be faster than that.
When/if you have something that takes enough time to justify it, you can also use OpenMP to run a loop like this in multiple threads. I tried that, but in this case the overhead of starting up and synchronizing the threads is (quite a bit) more than running in parallel can gain, so it's a net loss.
Compiler: VS 2019 (Microsoft (R) C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 19.27.28919.3 for x64).
Flags: /O2b2 /GL (and part of the time, /arch:AVX2)

Micro-optimizing a linear search loop over a huge array with OpenMP: can't break on a hit

I have a loop that takes between 90% and 99% of the program time approximately. It reads a huge LUT, and this loop is executed > 100,000 times, so it deserves some optimization.
The LUT (actually there are various arrays that compose the LUT) is made of arrays of ptrdiff_t and of unsigned __int128. They have to be that wide because of the algorithm (especially the 128 bit ones). T_RDY is the only bool array.
The LUT stores past combinations used to try to solve a problem that didn't work. There's no relation between them (that I can see yet), so I don't see a more appropriate search pattern.
The single threaded version of the loop is:
k = false;
for (ptrdiff_t i = 0; i < T_IND; i++) {
if (T_RDY[i] && !(~T_RWS[i] & M_RWS) && ((T_NUM[i] + P_LVL) <= P_LEN)) {
k = true;
With this code, which makes use of OpenMP, I reduced the time between 2x and 3x in a 4 core processor:
k = false;
#pragma omp parallel for shared(k)
for (ptrdiff_t i = 0; i < T_IND; i++) {
if (k)
if (T_RDY[i] && !(~T_RWS[i] & M_RWS) && ((T_NUM[i] + P_LVL) <= P_LEN))
k = true;
Info about the data used:
#define DIM_MAX 128
#define P_LEN prb_lvl[0]
#define P_LVL prb_lvl[1]
#define M_RWS prb_mtx_rws[prb_lvl[1]]
#define T_RWS prb_tab
#define T_NUM prb_tab_num
#define T_RDY prb_tab_rdy
#define T_IND prb_tab_ind
extern ptrdiff_t prb_lvl [2];
extern uint128_t prb_mtx_rws [DIM_MAX];
extern uint128_t prb_tab [10000000];
extern ptrdiff_t prb_tab_num [10000000];
extern bool prb_tab_rdy [10000000];
extern ptrdiff_t prb_tab_ind;
However, the fact that I don't get an improvement of approx. 4x means that it introduces an overhead, which I guess goes from 2x to 1.5x. Part of the overhead is unavoidable (creating and destroying the threads), but there's some new overhead due to the facts that OpenMP doesn't allow to break from a parallel loop and that I added an if to each iteration, and I would like to get rid of it if possible.
Is there any other optimization that I could apply? Maybe using pthreads instead.
Should I bother editing some assembly?
I'm using GCC 9 with -O3 -flto (among others).
CPU: i7-5775C
But I plan to use other x64 CPUs with more cores.
You can coalesce k into bit tables and then do comparisons 64 at a time. If an entry in the main tables change, recompute that bit in the bit table.
If different queries use different M_RWS or P_LVL or something, then you'd need separate caches for separate search inputs. Or rebuild the cache for their current values, if you do multiple queries between changes. But hopefully that's not the case, otherwise the all-caps names are misleading.
Set up k as a bit table
#define KSZ (10000000/64 + !!(10000000 % 63))
static uint64_t k[KSZ];
void init_k(void){
// We can split this up to minimize cache misses, see below
for (size_t i;i<10000000;++i)
k[i/64] |= (uint64_t)((!!T_RDY[i]) & (!(~T_RWS[i] & M_RWS)) &((T_NUM[i] + P_LVL) <= P_LEN) ) << (i&63);
You can find the bit-index into k by searching for a non-zero 64-bit chunk, then using a bitscan to find the bit within that chunk:
size_t k2index(void){
size_t i;
for (i=0; i<KSZ;++i)
if (k[i]) break;
return 64 * i + __builtin_ctzll(k[i]);
You may want to split up your data reads so that you get sequential data access (each table is over 40=80MB as described) and don't get a cache miss on every single iteration.
#define KSZ (10000000/64 + !!(10000000%63))
static uint64_t k[KSZ], k0[KSZ], k1[KSZ]; //use calloc instead?
void init_k(void){
//I split these up to minimize cache misses
for (size_t i;i<10000000;++i)
k[i/64] |= (uint64_t)(!!T_RDY[i]) << (i&63);
for (size_t i;i<10000000;++i)
k0[i/64] |= (uint64_t)(!(~T_RWS[i] & M_RWS)) << (i&63);
for (size_t i;i<10000000;++i)
k1[i/64] |= (uint64_t)((T_NUM[i] + P_LVL) <= P_LEN) << (i&63);
//now combine them 64 bits at a time
for (size_t i;i<KSZ;++i)
k[i] &= k0[i];
for (size_t i;i<KSZ;++i)
k[i] &= k1[i];
If you split it up like this, you could also initialize (some of) them when you set up your other tables. Or if the tables updated, you could update the k value as well.

Why is the multithreaded version of this program slower?

I am trying to learn pthreads and I have been experimenting with a program that tries to detect the changes on an array. Function array_modifier() picks a random element and toggles it's value (1 to 0 and vice versa) and then sleeps for some time (big enough so race conditions do not appear, I know this is bad practice). change_detector() scans the array and when an element doesn't match it's prior value and it is equal to 1, the change is detected and diff array is updated with the detection delay.
When there is one change_detector() thread (NTHREADS==1) it has to scan the whole array. When there are more threads each is assigned a portion of the array. Each detector thread will only catch the modifications in its part of the array, so you need to sum the catch times of all 4 threads to get the total time to catch all changes.
Here is the code:
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <time.h>
#define TIME_INTERVAL 100
#define CHANGES 5000
#define UNUSED(x) ((void) x)
typedef struct {
unsigned int tid;
} parm;
static volatile unsigned int* my_array;
static unsigned int* old_value;
static struct timeval* time_array;
static unsigned int N;
static unsigned long int diff[NTHREADS] = {0};
void* array_modifier(void* args);
void* change_detector(void* arg);
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
if (argc < 2) {
N = (unsigned int)strtoul(argv[1], NULL, 0);
my_array = calloc(N, sizeof(int));
time_array = malloc(N * sizeof(struct timeval));
old_value = calloc(N, sizeof(int));
parm* p = malloc(NTHREADS * sizeof(parm));
pthread_t generator_thread;
pthread_t* detector_thread = malloc(NTHREADS * sizeof(pthread_t));
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < NTHREADS; i++) {
p[i].tid = i;
pthread_create(&detector_thread[i], NULL, change_detector, (void*) &p[i]);
pthread_create(&generator_thread, NULL, array_modifier, NULL);
pthread_join(generator_thread, NULL);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < NTHREADS; i++) {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < NTHREADS; i++) fprintf(stderr, "%lu ", diff[i]);
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
void* array_modifier(void* arg) {
unsigned int changing_signals = CHANGES;
while (changing_signals--) {
const unsigned int r = rand() % N;
gettimeofday(&time_array[r], NULL);
my_array[r] ^= 1;
void* change_detector(void* arg) {
const parm* p = (parm*) arg;
const unsigned int tid = p->tid;
const unsigned int start = tid * (N / NTHREADS) +
(tid < N % NTHREADS ? tid : N % NTHREADS);
const unsigned int end = start + (N / NTHREADS) +
(tid < N % NTHREADS);
unsigned int r = start;
while (1) {
unsigned int tmp;
while ((tmp = my_array[r]) == old_value[r]) {
r = (r < end - 1) ? r + 1 : start;
old_value[r] = tmp;
if (tmp) {
struct timeval tv;
gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
// detection time in usec
diff[tid] += (tv.tv_sec - time_array[r].tv_sec) * 1000000 + (tv.tv_usec - time_array[r].tv_usec);
when I compile & run like this:
gcc -Wall -Wextra -O3 -DNTHREADS=1 file.c -pthread && ./a.out 100
I get:
but when I compile & run like this:
gcc -Wall -Wextra -O3 -DNTHREADS=4 file.c -pthread && ./a.out 100
I get:
152 190 164 242
(this sums up to 748).
So, the delay for the multithreaded program is larger.
My cpu has 6 cores.
Short Answer
You are sharing memory between thread and sharing memory between threads is slow.
Long Answer
Your program is using a number of thread to write to my_array and another thread to read from my_array. Effectively my_array is shared by a number of threads.
Now lets assume you are benchmarking on a multicore machine, you probably are hoping that the OS will assign different cores to each thread.
Bear in mind that on modern processors writing to RAM is really expensive (hundreds of CPU cycles). To improve performance CPUs have multi-level caches. The fastest Cache is the small L1 cache. A core can write to its L1 cache in the order of 2-3 cycles. The L2 cache may take on the order of 20 - 30 cycles.
Now in lots of CPU architectures each core has its own L1 cache but the L2 cache is shared. This means any data that is shared between thread (cores) has to go through the L2 cache which is much slower than the L1 cache. This means that shared memory access tends to be quite slow.
Bottom line is that if you want your multithreaded programs to perform well you need to ensure that threads do not share memory. Sharing memory is slow.
Never rely on volatile to do the correct thing when sharing memory between thread, either use your library atomic operations or use mutexes. This is because some CPUs allow out of order reads and writes that may do strange things if you do not know what you are doing.
It is rare that a multithreaded program scales perfectly with the number of threads. In your case you measured a speed-up factor of ca 0.9 (665/748) with 4 threads. That is not so good.
Here are some factors to consider:
The overhead of starting threads and dividing the work. For small jobs the cost of starting additional threads can be considerably larger than the actual work. Not applicable to this case, since the overhead isn't included in the time measurements.
"Random" variations. Your threads varied between 152 and 242. You should run the test multiple times and use either the mean or the median values.
The size of the test. Generally you get more reliable measurements on larger tests (more data). However, you need to consider how having more data affects the caching in L1/L2/L3 cache. And if the data is too large to fit into RAM you need to factor in disk I/O. Usually, multithreaded implementations are slower, because they want to work on more data at a time but in rare instances they can be faster, a phenomenon called super-linear speedup.
Overhead caused by inter-thread communication. Maybe not a factor in your case, since you don't have much of that.
Overhead caused by resource locking. Usually has a low impact on cpu utilization but may have a large impact on the total real time used.
Hardware optimizations. Some CPUs change the clock frequency depending on how many cores you use.
The cost of the measurement itself. In your case a change will be detected within 25 (100/4) iterations of the for loop. Each iteration takes but a few clock cycles. Then you call gettimeofday which probably costs thousands of clock cycles. So what you are actually measuring is more or less the cost of calling gettimeofday.
I would increase the number of values to check and the cost to check each value. I would also consider turning off compiler optimizations, since these can cause the program to do unexpected things (or skip some things entirely).

analysis of cpu cache access time

I have the following program which I with the help of someother on stackoverflow wrote to understand cachelines and CPU caches.I have the result of the calculation posted below.
1 450.0 440.0
2 420.0 230.0
4 400.0 110.0
8 390.0 60.0
16 380.0 30.0
32 320.0 10.0
64 180.0 10.0
128 60.0 0.0
256 40.0 10.0
512 10.0 0.0
1024 10.0 0.0
I have plotted a graph using gnuplot which is posted below.
I have the following questions.
is my timing calculation in milliseconds correct ? 440ms seems to
be a lot of time?
From the graph cache_access_1 (redline) can we conclude that the
size of cache line is 32 bits (and not 64-bits?)
Between the for loops in the code is it a good idea to clear the
cache? If yes how do I do that programmatically?
As you can see I have some 0.0 values in the result above.?
What does this indicate? is the granularity of measurement too
Kindly reply.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define MAX_SIZE (512*1024*1024)
int main()
clock_t start, end;
double cpu_time;
int i = 0;
int k = 0;
int count = 0;
* MAX_SIZE array is too big for stack.This is an unfortunate rough edge of the way the stack works.
* It lives in a fixed-size buffer, set by the program executable's configuration according to the
* operating system, but its actual size is seldom checked against the available space.
/*int arr[MAX_SIZE];*/
int *arr = (int*)malloc(MAX_SIZE * sizeof(int));
/*cpu clock ticks count start*/
for(k = 0; k < 3; k++)
start = clock();
count = 0;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_SIZE; i++)
arr[i] += 3;
/*cpu clock ticks count stop*/
end = clock();
cpu_time = ((double) (end - start)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
printf("cpu time for loop 1 (k : %4d) %.1f ms.\n",k,(cpu_time*1000));
for (k = 1 ; k <= 1024 ; k <<= 1)
/*cpu clock ticks count start*/
start = clock();
count = 0;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_SIZE; i += k)
arr[i] += 3;
/*cpu clock ticks count stop*/
end = clock();
cpu_time = ((double) (end - start)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
printf("cpu time for loop 2 (k : %4d) %.1f ms.\n",k,(cpu_time*1000));
/* Third loop, performing the same operations as loop 2,
but only touching 16KB of memory
for (k = 1 ; k <= 1024 ; k <<= 1)
/*cpu clock ticks count start*/
start = clock();
count = 0;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_SIZE; i += k)
arr[i & 0xfff] += 3;
/*cpu clock ticks count stop*/
end = clock();
cpu_time = ((double) (end - start)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
printf("cpu time for loop 3 (k : %4d) %.1f ms.\n",k,(cpu_time*1000));
return 0;
Since you are on Linux, I'll answer from that perspective. I will also write with an Intel (i.e., x86-64) architecture in mind.
440 ms is probably accurate. A better way to look at the results would be time per element or access. Note that increasing your k reduces the number of elements accessed. Now, cache access 2 shows a fairly steady result of 0.9ns / access. This time is roughly comparable to 1 - 3 cycles per access (depending on CPU's clock rate). So sizes 1 - 16 (maybe 32) are accurate.
No (although I will first assume you mean 32 versus 64 byte). You should ask yourself, what does "cache line size" look like? If you access smaller than the cache line, then you will miss and subsequently hit one or more times. If you are greater than or equal to the cache line size, every access will miss. At k=32 and above, the access time for access 1 is relatively constant at 20ns per access. At k=1-16, overall access time is constant, suggesting that there are approximately the same number of cache misses. So I would conclude that the cache line size is 64 bytes.
Yes, at least for the last loop that is only storing ~16KB. How? Either touch a lot of other data, like another GB array. Or call an instruction like x86's WBINVD, which writes to memory and then invalidates all cache contents; however, it requires you to be in kernel-mode.
As you noted, beyond size 32, the times hover around 10ms, which is showing your timing granularity. You need to either increase the time required (so that a 10ms granularity is sufficient) or switch to a different timing mechanism, which is what the comments are debating. I'm a fan of using the instruction rdtsc (read timestamp counter (i.e., cycle count)), but this can be even more problematic than the suggestions above. Switching your code to rdtsc basically required switching clock, clock_t, and CLOCKS_PER_SEC. However, you could still face clock drift if your thread migrates, but this is a fun test so I wouldn't concern myself with this issue.
More caveats: the trouble with consistent strides (like powers of 2) is that the processor likes to hide the cache miss penalty by prefetching. You can disable the prefetcher on many machines in the BIOS (see "Changing the Prefetcher for Intel Processors").
Page faults may also be impacting your results. You are allocating 500M ints or about 2GB of storage. Loop 1 tries to touch the memory so that the OS will allocate pages, but if you don't have this much available memory (not just total, as the OS, etc takes up some space) then your results will be skewed. Furthermore, the OS may start reclaiming some of the space so that you will always be page faulting on some of your accesses.
Related to the previous, the TLB is also going to have some impact on the results. The hardware keeps a small cache of mappings from virtual to physical address in a translation lookaside buffer (TLB). Each page of memory (4KB on Intel) needs a TLB entry. So your experiment is going to need 2GB / 4KB => ~500,000 entries. Most TLBs hold less than 1000 entries, so the measurements are also skewed by this miss. Fortunately, it is only once every 4KB or 1024 ints. It is possible that malloc is allocating "large" or "huge" pages for you, for more details - Huge Pages in Linux.
Another experiment would be to repeat the third loop, but change the mask that you are using, so that you can observe the size of each cache level (L1, L2, maybe L3, rarely L4). You may also find that different cache levels use different cacheline sizes.
