shmat for attaching shared memory segment - c

When I looked through the man pages of shmat. It is described as the primitive function of the API is to attach the memory segment associated wih shmid it to the calling process' address space .
The questions I have are the following.
The term attach looks generic to me. I find difficulties in understanding what is the underlying acivity that attach refers to.?
What it means by mapping a segment of memory?

Use it as char *ptr=shmat(seg_id,NULL,0);
It attaches the created segment id by function shmget() with the process which contains this above code.
seg_id is the segment id of newly created segment
NULL means the Operating System will take care of the starting address of the segment on user's behalf
0 is flag for read/write both
Whenever a process attaches to shared memory then it must be detached so that another process can access it by attaching to that segment (if the locking mechanism of resources is present.)
to detach : shmdt(ptr);

There's a good explanation here:
"Under Linux, each process's virtual memory is split into pages. Each process maintains a mapping from its memory addresses to these virtual memory pages, which contain the actual data. Even though each process has its own addresses, multiple processes' mappings can point to the same page, permitting sharing of memory"


Is it possible to have persistent memory allocated to a process?

Suppose process A allocates some memory in which it stores some data. Let's say it is a set of key -> value pairs. It is expensive to create these key -> value pairs. So, I want to allocate memory such that even if process A dies for some reason when it is restarted it should be able to access this data in RAM. I understand I can store the data to a file and read it back when A restarts. I want to explore if there are other methods available if the amount of memory available is not an issue.
Is there a mechanism (api) to allocate memory such that it is pinned in memory until freed. If not, is it possible to achieve this by employing shared memory techniques. For example 2 process allocate and share the same memory and so even if one process dies the memory is not freed because the other is still alive. When the dead process is restarted can it regain access to that shared memory? If yes how?
Finally if this is not possible I am curious why the kernel does not provide such a mechanism?
Yes. What you're looking for is called Shared Memory segments. Run man 7 shm_overview to get the overview but basically it's:
shm_open - allocate or re-open a shared memory segment (POSIX)
shmget - allocate a shared memory segment (System V)
shmat - attaches to a shared memory segment (System V)
shmdt - detaches from a shared memory segment (System V)
shm_unlink - remove the shared memory segment (POSIX)
If you have a copy of "Advanced UNIX Programming" 2nd edition the chapter "Advanced Interprocess Communication" cover this in more detail in sections "System V Shared Memory" and "POSIX Shared Memory".
Also, this feature predates Linux, it's been around since 1983 assuming the dates on are correct.

Memory Management for Mapped Data in Shared Memory Segments

I'm working on a project in C that uses shared memory for IPC on a Linux system. However, I'm a little bit confused about memory management in these segments. I'm using the POSIX API for this project.
I understand how to create the shared segments, and that these persist until a reboot if you fail to properly remove them with shm_unlink(). Additionally, I understand how to do the actually mapping & unmapping with mmap and munmap respectively. However, the usage of these operations and how it affects the stored data in these shared segments is confusing me.
Here is what I'm trying to properly understand:
Lets say I create a segment using shm_open() with the O_CREAT flag. This gives me a file descriptor that I've named msfd in the below example. Now I have a struct that I map into that address space with the following:
mystruct* ms = (mystruct*)mmap(NULL, sizeof(mystruct), PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, msfd, 0);
//set the elements of the struct here using ms->element = X as usual
Part 1)
Here's where my confusion beings. Lets say that this process is now done accessing that location since it was just setting data for another process to read. Do I still call munmap()?
I want the other process to still have access to all of this data that the current process has set. Normally, you wouldn't call free() on a malloc'ed pointer until its use is no longer needed permanently. However, I understand that when this process exits the unmapping happens automatically anyway. Is the data persisted inside the segment, or does that segment just get reserved with it's allotted size and name?
Part 2)
We're now in the process of the other application that needs to access and read from that shared segment. I understand that we now open that segment with shm_open() and then perform the same mapping operation with mmap(). Now we have access to the structure in that segment. When we call munmap() from this process (NOT the one that created the data) it "unlinks" us from that pointer, however the data is still accessible. Does this assume that process 1 (the creator) has NOT called munmap()?
Is the data persisted inside the segment,
does that segment just get reserved with it's allotted size and name?
Also yes.
Does this assume that process 1 (the creator) has NOT called munmap()?
The shared memory gets created via shm_create() (as being taken from available OS memory) and from this moment on it carries whichever content had been written into until it is given back to the OS via shm_unlink().
shm_create() and shm_open() act system oriented, in terms of the (shared) memory being a system (not process) specific resource.
mmap() and unmap() act process oriented, that is map and unmap the system resource shared memory into/out-of the process' address space.

Can I with PTEs from one process which indicate to fragments of physical memory to create appropriate PTEs in other process?

When we in Linux use function mmap (,,, MAP_ANON | MAP_SHARED);, then for the same region of fragmented physically memory (which allocated) between processes are allocating virtual memory pages (PTEs). Ie these PTEs are copied from page table of one process to the page table of another process (with the same sequence of fragments of physical addresses allocated memory), is this true?
But mmap () needs to be done before fork (). And if we already have two working process (ie after fork ()), then we need to use a file for the mmap(). Which functions used to copying mechanism of PTEs between the two already established processes to create a shared memory?
Can I with PTEs/SGL(scatter-gather-list) which indicate to fragments of physical memory which have been allocated to create appropriate PTEs in other process by using linux-kernel, and how to do it?
I want to understand how it mmap() works at a lower level .
When we in Linux use function mmap (,,, MAP_ANON | MAP_SHARED);, then
for the same region of fragmented physically memory (which allocated)
between processes are allocating virtual memory pages (PTEs).
Restate the question/statement, please, the above does not make sense.
Ie these PTEs are copied from page table of one process to the page
table of another process (with the same sequence of fragments of
physical addresses allocated memory), is this true?
No, it is not true.
When you establish a new mapping, a kernel first looks
for a sufficiently large unused range of addresses in the virtual address space of the process. Then it modifies the corresponding page table entries to indicate that that address range is valid, but physical pages there are not present.
When you attempt to access an address in that range, a page fault is generated. The kernel looks in its data structures and determines that the access is valid. Then it allocates a
fresh physical page, modifies the page entry to establish the mapping between the
virtual address and the physical address and marks the page as present. Upon return from
the page fault exception, the offending instruction is restarted and this time executes successfully.
But mmap () needs to be done before fork (). And if we already have
two working process (ie after fork ()), then we need to use a file for
the mmap(). Which functions used to copying mechanism of PTEs between
the two already established processes to create a shared memory?
If you do a mmap after the fork, the two processes will create and initialize
page table entries entirely independent of each other. However, when you mmap a file,
the kernel will not allocate simply a free physical page - it will allocate a page,
fill it with data from the file and put the page in the page/buffer cache. When a second
process mmaps the same file, the kernel looks in the page cache, finds there the physical
page, which corresponds to the same file and the required file offset and points the PTE
to that page. Now, there will be two completely independently created PTE, which just point to the same physical page.
Can I with PTEs/SGL(scatter-gather-list) which indicate to fragments
of physical memory which have been allocated to create appropriate
PTEs in other process by using linux-kernel, and how to do it?
Restate this too, it's not clear what you are asking.
I want to understand how it mmap() works at a lower level .
I would recommend an operating systems book, a chapter on virtual memory management,
something like Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz el al.

Exchange the mapping to two physical pages of two pages in virtual memory

Here is the situation:
A process has two pages vp1 and vp2. These two pages are mapped to 2 physical pages or 2 pages in the swap. Let's call these physical (or in swap) pages pp1 and pp2. The mapping is:
Now, if I want to change the mapping to:
That means, reading from vp2 by the process will get the content originally in vp1. Is there a method to do this without changing the kernel on Linux?
Yes, but you have to do some work first. One way to accomplish this is to create two shared memory objects. Then you can map and unmap the shared memory objects in the process address space. See the system calls shmat, shmdt, shmget, and shmctl for details.
Mapping and unmapping is likely to take considerable time, so it may not save time over using some pointer scheme to choose which addresses a process uses to access data.
No. Not in the general case if you want to keep your system working. But if you control how the mappings are created you can create them with mmap of a file or an object from shm_open and when you need to swap them just overwrite them with mmap(... MAP_FIXED ...).

Is it possible to turn a segment of shared memory into private memory?

Say I have a c program (in a linux environment) that uses shared memory to send data to and from several processes. Let's say later in the program the parallel processes finish and I have only one process. Now but I want to fork() off another one process, however this time I don't want that memory segment to be shared, I want both the parent and child process to be able to modify the values without affecting one another, as if it were private memory. Is there any way to do this; convert shared memory to private memory but have it occupy the same space in virtual memory, or make shared memory copy-on-write?
Well, the only way I can think of from a portable POSIX API to do this is to have the child map some new segment of the same size somewhere else (random), copy the data over, and then detach the original segment and re-attach the new segment to the correct address. Sounds ugly.
You can unlink the new segment after you are done to prevent other people from attaching to it.
Now that I look at the man page, if you have the FD to the shm object, you could try re-mmapping the shm object as MAP_PRIVATE in the child at the right address. However ``It is unspecified whether changes made to the file after the mmap() call are visible in the mapped region.'' so you either need to test that and live dangerously or use the other technique.
