QLPreviewController hide print button in ios6 - ios6

How can I hide the print button in QLPreviewController
In IOS5, this code works
QLPreviewController *previewController = [[QLPreviewController alloc] init];
previewController.dataSource = self;
previewController.delegate = self;
previewController.currentPreviewItemIndex = _fileidx;
[[self navigationController] pushViewController:previewController animated:YES];
[previewController.navigationItem setRightBarButtonItem:nil];
but in IOS6, it does`t.

i managed to do it by creating a timer to check for the navigation item and remove it
myTimer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:1.0
- (void)hideRightButton:(NSTimer *)timer {
[self inspectSubviewsForView:self.view];
- (void)inspectSubviewsForView:(UIView *)view
for (UIView *subview in view.subviews)
NSLog(#"class detected %#",[subview description]);
if ([subview isKindOfClass:[UINavigationBar class]])
UINavigationBar *bar = (UINavigationBar *)subview;
if ([[bar items] count] > 0)
UINavigationItem *navItem = [[bar items] objectAtIndex:0];
[navItem setRightBarButtonItem:nil];
if ([subview isKindOfClass:[UIView class]] && [[subview subviews] count] > 0)
[self inspectSubviewsForView:subview];
[self inspectSubviewsForView:subview];

The issue is that the button seems to be regenerated once the document is ready. I cannot really define "ready" but I wrote a test app and noticed a couple of things:
Setting the NavigationItem's right bar buttons doesn't work in iOS6
Scanning the view hierachy and search for an instance of UIToolbar and set the toolbar's buttons works.
The above hack only works if the document being shown is "ready" fast enough. Big documents take longer.
I came up with a two step solution:
Search the navigation item
Constantly hide it using NSTimer.
Here's some code:
This is from ViewDidAppear():
Setup a timer that keeps on hiding the button.
NSTimer oTimer = NSTimer.CreateRepeatingTimer(0.2, this.HidePrintButton);
NSRunLoop.Current.AddTimer(oTimer, NSRunLoopMode.Default);
private void HidePrintButton()
if(this.oNavItem == null)
delegate {
this.oNavItem.SetRightBarButtonItems( new UIBarButtonItem[0], false );
} );
This searches the navigation item:
/// <summary>
/// Finds the first navigation item inside a view hierachy.
/// </summary>
/// <param name='oCurrentView'>the view to start searching from</param>
/// <param name='oItem'>will be set if the navigation item was found</param>
public static void FindNavigationItem(UIView oCurrentView, ref UINavigationItem oItem)
if(oItem != null || oCurrentView == null || oCurrentView.Subviews == null || oCurrentView.Subviews.Length <= 0)
// Check if a UINavigationBar was found. This will contain the UINavigationItem.
if(oCurrentView is UINavigationBar)
UINavigationBar oBar = (UINavigationBar)oCurrentView;
if(oBar.Items != null && oBar.Items.Length > 0)
oItem = oBar.Items[0];
// Recursively loop all sub views and keep on searching.
foreach (var oSubView in oCurrentView.Subviews)
FindNavigationItem(oSubView, ref oItem);
if(oItem != null)


Attach to Event of Sibling Control in Custom WPF Control Initialization

I am trying to create a WPF custom slider control that acts as a scrollbar for a Listview. I'm doing this by putting the name of the listview in the Tag attribute of my custom slider and then using the slider's OnValueChange event to scroll the listview. This works great, however, when I scroll in the listview with my mousewheel the slider doesn't move. What I need is a way to attach a method to the listview's MouseWheel event when my custom slider initializes. Here is what I've tried:
Custom slider class:
public class LabeledScrollbar : Slider
public override void EndInit()
var listbox = (ListBox)this.FindName(this.Tag.ToString());
if (listbox != null)
listbox.MouseWheel += new MouseWheelEventHandler(this.OnMouseWheel);
protected void OnMouseWheel(object sender, MouseWheelEventArgs e)
this.Value += 5;
protected override void OnValueChanged(double oldValue, double newValue)
var listBox = (ListBox)this.FindName(this.Tag.ToString());
var collection = (CollectionView)CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(listBox.ItemsSource);
if (newValue == this.Maximum)
if (VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(listBox) > 0)
var chrome = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(listBox, 0);
var scrollView = (ScrollViewer)VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(chrome, 0);
var index = (collection.Count - 1) - (int)Math.Floor(newValue);
var selectedItem = collection.GetItemAt(index);
<ListView x:Name="listViewCategories">
<local:LabeledScrollbar x:Name="categoryScrollbar" Orientation="Vertical" TickPlacement="BottomRight" Tag="listViewCategories"></local:LabeledScrollbar>
While it seems like OnMouseWheel should fire when the I scroll in the listview, it's not happening and I haven't been able to find anything else to try. Is there a way to do what I want in WPF? I know I could put a method in the code behind of my view to make the MouseScroll event of the listview move the slider, but I was hoping to encapsulate as much of the logic for the slider in the slider class as possible.
So it seems that the trick was to use PreviewMouseWheel instead of MouseWheel. For future reference here is my current class:
/// <summary>
/// This class creates a custom control that can be used as a scrollbar for a listbox that displays the current
/// group visible in the listbox on a small label next to the slider thumb.
/// To use it, set the Tag value to the name of the listbox the scollbar will be controlling.
/// </summary>
public class LabeledScrollbar : Slider
//Tracks control initialization to ensure it only gets loaded once
private bool initialized = false;
//The listview this slider will control
private ListView listView;
public LabeledScrollbar(): base()
this.Loaded += LabeledScrollbar_Loaded;
void LabeledScrollbar_Loaded(object sender, System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs e)
//The tag must be set to the name of a listbox
listView = (ListView)this.FindName(this.Tag.ToString());
if (listView != null && !this.initialized)
//Make sure that the mouse wheel event in the linked listbox is handled
listView.PreviewMouseWheel += (s, ev) =>
if (ev.Delta > 0)
this.Value += 3;
this.Value -= 3;
//Move scrollbar and list to the top if the collection changes
((INotifyCollectionChanged)listView.Items).CollectionChanged += (s, ev) =>
this.Maximum = ((ItemCollection)listView.Items).Count - 1;
this.Value = this.Maximum;
//Get the max value of the slider by checking the tag value and looking up the associated listbox
this.Maximum = ((ItemCollection)listView.Items).Count - 1;
this.Value = this.Maximum;
this.initialized = true;
protected override void OnValueChanged(double oldValue, double newValue)
//Refresh the tickbar so that it will render for a new value
//Scroll the list box to the correct location
private void ScrollToIndex(double newValue)
if (newValue == this.Maximum)
//ScrollIntoView method does not scroll to the top so
//we need to access the scrollview to move the slider to the top
if (VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(listView) > 0)
var chrome = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(listView, 0);
var scrollView = (ScrollViewer)VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(chrome, 0);
var collection = (CollectionView)CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(listView.ItemsSource);
var index = (collection.Count - 1) - (int)Math.Floor(newValue);
var selectedItem = collection.GetItemAt(index);
private void InvalidateTickbar()
//update the tickbar for the new position
if (VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(this) > 0)
var firstChild = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(this, 0);
if (VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(firstChild) > 0)
var secondChild = (CustomTickBar)VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(firstChild, 0);

WPF cannot get ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromItem to work

I have looked here and here and many other places, but I just can't seem to get the ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromItem method to work on a WPF TreeView! I have tried to pass in the actual item I want to see, but not getting anywhere with that, I just tried to get the first item in my TreeView. Here's my sample code:
private static bool ExpandAndSelectItem(ItemsControl parentContainer, object itemToSelect)
// This doesn't work.
// May be virtualized, bring into view and try again.
TreeViewItem topItem = (TreeViewItem)parentContainer.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromItem(parentContainer.Items[0]);
// Can't find child container unless the parent node is Expanded once
if ((topItem != null) && !topItem.IsExpanded)
topItem.IsExpanded = true;
As you can see, I have tried to call many "updating" methods to try to get the TreeView to be "visible" and "accessible". The Catch-22 seems to be that you can't use ContainerFromItem() unless the first TreeViewItem is expanded, but I can't grab the TreeViewItem to Expand it until ContainerFromItem() works!
Another funny thing that is happening is this: When I open this window (it is a UserControl), ContainerFromItem() returns nulls, but if I close the window and open it back up, ContainerFromItem() starts returning non-nulls. Is there any event I should be looking for or forcing to fire?
Turns out the event I was looking for was "Loaded". I just attached an event handler onto my treeview in the XAML, and called my logic in that event handler.
<TreeView x:Name="MyTreeView"
FontFamily="Segoe WP"
The event handler:
private void MyTreeView_Load(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
ShowSelectedThing(MyTreeView, ThingToFind);
// Gotta call the TreeView an ItemsControl to cast it between TreeView and TreeViewItem
// as you recurse
private static bool ShowSelectedThing(ItemsControl parentContainer, object ThingToFind)
// check current level of tree
foreach (object item in parentContainer.Items)
TreeViewItem currentContainer = (TreeViewItem)parentContainer.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromItem(item);
if ((currentContainer != null) && (item == ThingToFind)
currentContainer.IsSelected = true;
return true;
// item is not found at current level, check the kids
foreach (object item in parentContainer.Items)
TreeViewItem currentContainer = (TreeViewItem)parentContainer.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromItem(item);
if ((currentContainer != null) && (currentContainer.Items.Count > 0))
// Have to expand the currentContainer or you can't look at the children
currentContainer.IsExpanded = true;
if (!ShowSelectedThing(currentContainer, ThingToFind))
// Haven't found the thing, so collapse it back
currentContainer.IsExpanded = false;
// We found the thing
return true;
// default
return false;
Hope this helps someone. Sometimes in the real world, with demanding customers, weird requirements and short deadlines, ya gotta hack!
When the container generator's status is 'NotStarted' or 'ContainersGenerating', you can't find the container.
Use this method to find the container of data item.
private static async Task<TreeViewItem> FindItemContainer(ItemsControl itemsControl, object item)
var generator = itemsControl.ItemContainerGenerator;
if (generator.Status != GeneratorStatus.ContainersGenerated)
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<object>();
EventHandler handler = null;
handler = (s, e) =>
if (generator.Status == GeneratorStatus.ContainersGenerated)
generator.StatusChanged -= handler;
else if (generator.Status == GeneratorStatus.Error)
generator.StatusChanged -= handler;
tcs.SetException(new InvalidOperationException());
generator.StatusChanged += handler;
if (itemsControl is TreeViewItem tvi)
tvi.IsExpanded = true;
await tcs.Task;
var container = (TreeViewItem)generator.ContainerFromItem(item);
if(container == null)
foreach (var parentItem in itemsControl.Items)
var parentContainer = (TreeViewItem)generator.ContainerFromItem(parentItem);
container = await FindItemContainer(parentContainer, item);
if (container != null)
return container;
return container;
private void Lv_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
ListView Lv = (ListView)sender;
Lv.UpdateLayout(); // 1.step
DependencyObject Dep = Lv.ItemContainerGenerator
((ListViewItem)Dep).Focus(); //2.step
I had come across this issue time ago and now again I got stuck with it for quite a while. Any MessageBox launch or an expand or dropdown on your particular control type, any of these do the job and start the ItemContainerGenerator. The .UpdateLayout() however is the right thing to do, before the .Focus(). Should be analogous for a Treeview, or one of its Items.

Popup and ComboBox binding with Silverlight

I have a problem regarding the comportment my ComboBox.
First I use a combobox to display all elements in a IEnumarale.
Then, with a button wich open a popup, the user can add an alement to that list.
The problem is that when the user validate his choice and close the popup, the element is not automatly added to the ComboBox without doing a refresh of the page.
The combobox is coded as follows :
<telerik:RadComboBox x:Name="MyElements"
ItemTemplate="{StaticResource ComboBoxElementsTemplate}"
ItemsSource="{Binding ListElements}"/>
The constructor of the list is :
public IEnumerable<Element> ListElements
get { return _listElements; }
_listElements= value;
And the code behind of the button to validate the user choice in the popup :
private ObservableCollection<HistoriqueElement> elementList = null;
private void SelectClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var element= _GridList.SelectedItem as HistoriquePasserelle;
if (_GridList.SelectedItem != null)
var installation = this.DataContext as Installation;
if (installation != null && element!= null)
element.DateFin = DateTime.Now;
HistoriqueElement newElement= new HistoriqueElement()
Installation = installation,
ContactAction = GlobalActeurs.Current.CurrentContact,
Date = DateTime.Now,
Element = element.Element,
StatutElement = element.StatutElement ,
Owner= element.Owner,
When the user choose a new element in the list display in the popup and validate his choice, he returns to the main page, but his choice is not automatically added to the combobox.
I can post you any parts of the code.
Thank you in advance.
The method OnDataContextChanged :
public override void OnDataContextChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
if (e.NewValue is Installation)
if (MainPage.CurrentInstallation.LastElements != null)
ListElements = MainPage.CurrentInstallation.LastElements;
MyElements.SelectedIndex = 0;
LoadOperation<Element> operation =
this._busy.IsBusy = true;
operation.Completed += delegate
this._busy.IsBusy = false;
if (operation.ManageError())
ListElements = operation.Entities;
this.DataContext = this;
if (MainPage.CurrentInstallation == null)
if (MyElements.SelectedItem == null && MyElements.Items.Any())
MyElements.SelectedIndex = 0;
If the collection the ItemsSource is bound to implement INotifyCollection changed, that is, it's an ObservableCollection<>, then the combobox will be notified of any changes to the collection and you will not need to rebind or refresh, it will all be automatic.
Once you add the item to the list, bind the itemsource to the combobox, then you dont have to refersh.
MyElements.ItemsSource = ListElements

Add Custom Control To ComboBox

Hi All
I create a custom User control and I want this custom control placed inside a combo box.
I'm using this code:
public class UserControlComboBox : ComboBox, IMessageFilter
public readonly NimaDatePickerUC.MiladiNimaDatePickerUC UserControl = new NimaDatePickerUC.MiladiNimaDatePickerUC();
protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
if ((m.Msg == 0x0201) || (m.Msg == 0x0203))
if (DroppedDown)
base.WndProc(ref m);
public bool PreFilterMessage(ref Message m)
// intercept mouse events
if ((m.Msg >= 0x0200) && (m.Msg <= 0x020A))
if (this.UserControl.RectangleToScreen(this.UserControl.DisplayRectangle).Contains(Cursor.Position))
// clicks inside the user control, handle normally
return false;
// clicks outside the user controlcollapse it.
if ((m.Msg == 0x0201) || (m.Msg == 0x0203))
return true;
else return false;
public new bool DroppedDown
get { return this.UserControl.Visible; }
protected void ShowUserControl()
if (!this.Visible)
this.UserControl.Anchor = this.Anchor;
this.UserControl.BackColor = this.BackColor;
this.UserControl.Font = this.Font;
this.UserControl.ForeColor = this.ForeColor;
// you can be cleverer than this if you need to
this.UserControl.Top = this.Bottom;
this.UserControl.Left = this.Left;
this.UserControl.Width = Math.Max(this.UserControl.Width, this.Width);
this.UserControl.Visible = true;
// start listening for clicks
protected void HideUserControl()
this.UserControl.Visible = false;
// you probably want to replace this with something more sensible
this.Text = this.UserControl.Text;
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposing)
this code works well but if I'm using Combo Box inside a CONTAINER and the container smaller than comboBox size+My Custom control ,my custom control does not appear well and appear beneath the group box.
How I can show my custom control in front of all controls and containers?
This may seem intuitive but have you tried the
also found here

Generic method to find all TextBox controls in Silverlight

I have several Silverlight controls on a page and want query all the controls that are of type TextBox and have that working.
Now the Silverlight form I'm working on could have more TextBox controls added. So when I test to see if a TextBox control has a value, I could do:
if (this.TextBox.Control.value.Text() != String.Empty)
// do whatever
but I'd rather have if flexible that I can use this on ANY Silverlight form regardless of the number of TextBox controls I have.
Any ideas on how I would go about doing that?
I have already faced this issue and notify it here : http://megasnippets.com/en/source-codes/silverlight/Get_all_child_controls_recursively_in_Silverlight
Here you have a generic method to find recursively in the VisualTree all TextBoxes:
IEnumerable<DependencyObject> GetChildrenRecursively(DependencyObject root)
List<DependencyObject> children = new List<DependencyObject>();
for (int i = 0; i < VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(root); i++)
children.AddRange(GetChildrenRecursively(VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(root, i)));
return children;
Use this method like this to find all TextBoxes:
var textBoxes = GetChildrenRecursively(LayoutRoot).OfType<TextBox>();
It sounds like you need a recursive routine like GetTextBoxes below:
void Page_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// Instantiate a list of TextBoxes
List<TextBox> textBoxList = new List<TextBox>();
// Call GetTextBoxes function, passing in the root element,
// and the empty list of textboxes (LayoutRoot in this example)
GetTextBoxes(this.LayoutRoot, textBoxList);
// Now textBoxList contains a list of all the text boxes on your page.
// Find all the non empty textboxes, and put them into a list.
var nonEmptyTextBoxList = textBoxList.Where(txt => txt.Text != string.Empty).ToList();
// Do something with each non empty textbox.
nonEmptyTextBoxList.ForEach(txt => Debug.WriteLine(txt.Text));
private void GetTextBoxes(UIElement uiElement, List<TextBox> textBoxList)
TextBox textBox = uiElement as TextBox;
if (textBox != null)
// If the UIElement is a Textbox, add it to the list.
Panel panel = uiElement as Panel;
if (panel != null)
// If the UIElement is a panel, then loop through it's children
foreach (UIElement child in panel.Children)
GetTextBoxes(child, textBoxList);
Instantiate an empty list of TextBoxes. Call GetTextBoxes, passing in the root control on your page (in my case, that's this.LayoutRoot), and GetTextBoxes should recursively loop through every UI element that is a descendant of that control, testing to see if it's either a TextBox (add it to the list), or a panel, that might have descendants of it's own to recurse through.
Hope that helps. :)
From your top most panel you can do this (my grid is called ContentGrid)
var textBoxes = this.ContentGrid.Children.OfType<TextBox>();
var nonEmptyTextboxes = textBoxes.Where(t => !String.IsNullOrEmpty(t.Text));
foreach (var textBox in nonEmptyTextboxes)
//Do Something
However this will only find the textboxes that are immediate children. Some sort of recursion like below would help, but I'm thinking there must be a better way.
private List<TextBox> SearchForTextBoxes(Panel panel)
List<TextBox> list = new List<TextBox>();
.Where(t => !String.IsNullOrEmpty(t.Text)));
var panels = panel.Children.OfType<Panel>();
foreach (var childPanel in panels)
return list;
Took Scott's initial idea and expanded it so that it
Uses generics, so it easily copes with multiple control types.
Supports more container types. In my WP7 I needed to support panaorama's, scroll viewers etc... which aren't Panels. So this allows support for them.
Biggest issue is that string comparing, especially on the Panel and derrived items.
private static void GetControls<T>(UIElement uiElement, List<T> controlList) where T : UIElement
var frameworkFullName = uiElement.GetType().FullName;
if (frameworkFullName == typeof(T).FullName)
controlList.Add(uiElement as T);
if (frameworkFullName == typeof(Panel).FullName ||
frameworkFullName == typeof(Grid).FullName ||
frameworkFullName == typeof(StackPanel).FullName)
foreach (var child in (uiElement as Panel).Children)
GetControls(child, controlList);
if (frameworkFullName == typeof(Panorama).FullName)
foreach (PanoramaItem child in (uiElement as Panorama).Items)
var contentElement = child.Content as FrameworkElement;
if (contentElement != null)
GetControls(contentElement, controlList);
if (frameworkFullName == typeof(ScrollViewer).FullName)
var contentElement = (uiElement as ScrollViewer).Content as FrameworkElement;
if (contentElement != null)
GetControls(contentElement, controlList);
Similar logic to ideas above to also handle controls with a "Content" attribute like TabItems and Scrollviewers where children might be embedded at a lower level. Finds all children:
IEnumerable<DependencyObject> GetControlsRecursive(DependencyObject root)
List<DependencyObject> elts = new List<DependencyObject>();
string type = root.GetType().ToString().Replace("System.Windows.Controls.", "");
switch (root.GetType().ToString().Replace("System.Windows.Controls.", ""))
case "TabItem":
var TabItem = (TabItem)root;
case "ScrollViewer":
var Scroll = (ScrollViewer)root;
elts.AddRange(GetControlsRecursive((DependencyObject) Scroll.Content));
default: //controls that have visual children go here
for (int i = 0; i < VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(root); i++) elts.AddRange(GetControlsRecursive(VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(root, i)));
return elts;
