I am new to Active Directory and still learning some of the concepts.
The code below shows connecting to AD on my local machine and this code works properly
DirectoryEntry entry = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://CN=testing1,CN=Users,DC=mydomain,DC=com");
DirectoryEntryConfiguration entryConfiguration = entry.Options;
Console.WriteLine("Server: " + entryConfiguration.GetCurrentServerName());
Console.WriteLine("Page Size: " + entryConfiguration.PageSize.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("Password Encoding: " + entryConfiguration.PasswordEncoding.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("Password Port: " + entryConfiguration.PasswordPort.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("Referral: " + entryConfiguration.Referral.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("Security Masks: " + entryConfiguration.SecurityMasks.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("Is Mutually Authenticated: " + entryConfiguration.IsMutuallyAuthenticated().ToString());
Here is my problem: when I replace mydomain in the LDAP path of another machine it gives me an error
gives me this error
System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryServicesCOMException was unhandled
Message=A referral was returned from the server.
This was basically a teething error
Instead of this:
I should have written
I canceled a flink job with a savepoint, then tried to restore the job with the savepoint (just using the same jar file) but it said it cannot map savepoint state. I was just using the same jar file so I think the execution plan should be the same? Why would it have a new operator id if I didn't change the code? I wonder if it's possible to restore from savepoint for a job using Kafka connector & Table API.
Related errors:
used by: java.util.concurrent.CompletionException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to rollback to checkpoint/savepoint file:/root/flink-savepoints/savepoint-5f285c-c2749410db07. Cannot map checkpoint/savepoint state for operator dd5fc1f28f42d777f818e2e8ea18c331 to the new program, because the operator is not available in the new program. If you want to allow to skip this, you can set the --allowNonRestoredState option on the CLI.
used by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to rollback to checkpoint/savepoint file:/root/flink-savepoints/savepoint-5f285c-c2749410db07. Cannot map checkpoint/savepoint state for operator dd5fc1f28f42d777f818e2e8ea18c331 to the new program, because the operator is not available in the new program. If you want to allow to skip this, you can set the --allowNonRestoredState option on the CLI.
My Code:
public final class FlinkJob {
public static void main(String[] args) {
final String JOB_NAME = "FlinkJob";
final EnvironmentSettings settings = EnvironmentSettings.inStreamingMode();
final TableEnvironment tEnv = TableEnvironment.create(settings);
tEnv.getConfig().set("pipeline.name", JOB_NAME);
tEnv.executeSql("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE ApiLog (" +
" `_timestamp` TIMESTAMP(3) METADATA FROM 'timestamp' VIRTUAL," +
" `_partition` INT METADATA FROM 'partition' VIRTUAL," +
" `_offset` BIGINT METADATA FROM 'offset' VIRTUAL," +
" `Data` STRING," +
" `Action` STRING," +
" `ProduceDateTime` TIMESTAMP_LTZ(6)," +
" `OffSet` INT" +
") WITH (" +
" 'connector' = 'kafka'," +
" 'topic' = 'api.log'," +
" 'properties.group.id' = 'flink'," +
" 'properties.bootstrap.servers' = '<mykafkahost...>'," +
" 'format' = 'json'," +
" 'json.timestamp-format.standard' = 'ISO-8601'" +
tEnv.executeSql("CREATE TABLE print_table (" +
" `_timestamp` TIMESTAMP(3)," +
" `_partition` INT," +
" `_offset` BIGINT," +
" `Data` STRING," +
" `Action` STRING," +
" `ProduceDateTime` TIMESTAMP(6)," +
" `OffSet` INT" +
") WITH ('connector' = 'print')");
tEnv.executeSql("INSERT INTO print_table" +
" SELECT * FROM ApiLog");
For my application on Openshift, I am trying to write a pre_build script that accesses the database. The goal is to have migration scripts between database versions that are executed when the code is deployed. The script would compare the current database version with the version needed by the application code and then run the correct script to migrate the database.
Now the problem is that apparently the pre_build script is executed on Jenkins and not on the destination cartridge and therefore the environment variables with the database connection arguments are not available.
This is the pre_build script that I've written so far:
#!/usr/bin/env python
print "*** Database migration script ***"
# get goal version
import os
homedir = os.environ["OPENSHIFT_HOMEDIR"]
migration_scripts_dir = homedir + "app-root/runtime/repo/.openshift/action_hooks/migration-scripts/"
f = open(migration_scripts_dir + "db-version.txt")
goal = int(f.read())
print "I need database version " + str(goal)
# get database connection details
# TODO: find a solution of not hard coding the connection details here!!!
# Maybe by using jenkins environment variables like OPENSHIFT_APP_NAME and JOB_NAME
db_host = "..."
db_port = "..."
db_user = "..."
db_password = "..."
db_name = "..."
import psycopg2
conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname='" + db_name + "' user='" + db_user + "' host='" + db_host + "' password='" + db_password + "' port='" + db_port + "'")
print "Successfully connected to the database"
print "I am unable to connect to the database"
cur = conn.cursor()
def get_current_version(cur):
cur.execute("""SELECT * from db_version""")
cur.execute("""CREATE TABLE db_version (db_version bigint NOT NULL)""")
cur.execute("""INSERT INTO db_version VALUES (0)""")
cur.execute("""SELECT * from db_version""")
current_version = cur.fetchone()[0]
print "The current database version is " + str(current_version)
return current_version
def recursive_execute_migration(cursor):
current_version = get_current_version(cursor)
if (current_version == goal):
print "Database is on the correct version"
elif (current_version < goal):
sql_filename = "upgrade" + str(current_version) + "-" + str(current_version + 1) + ".sql"
print "Upgrading database with " + sql_filename
cursor.execute(open(migration_scripts_dir + sql_filename, "r").read())
sql_filename = "downgrade" + str(current_version) + "-" + str(current_version - 1) + ".sql"
print "Downgrading database with " + sql_filename
cursor.execute(open(migration_scripts_dir + sql_filename, "r").read())
Is there another way of doing automatic database migrations?
Thanks for your help.
Hello I´ve a problem when I try to monitor which one of a cluster oam servers is online and offline I use the the getServerDiagnosticInfo() method of AccessClient class from aSDK, but the Hashtable that returns only contains Keys (name and port of server) and Values that contains another HashTable (ObKeyMapVal a subtype of HashTable) but I think that this object must contains the health, server port, server name and number of connections as mentioned in the API doc but when I print the size and contents of it only prints "0" and [] (its empty)
AccessClient ac = AccessClient.createDefaultInstance("/dir",AccessClient.CompatibilityMode.OAM_10G);
Hashtable info = ac.getServerDiagnosticInfo();
Set<?> servers = info.keySet();
Collection<?> serverInfo = info.values();
System.out.println("Num of servers: " + servers.size());
Iterator it = servers.iterator();
Object servidor = null;
Object dato = null;
servidor = it.next();
System.out.println("Server: " + servidor);
dato = info.get(servidor);
System.out.println("Data: " + dato);
ObKeyValMap ob = (ObKeyValMap) dato;
System.out.println("Size: " + ob.keySet().size());
System.out.println("Is Empty: " + ob.keySet().isEmpty());
System.out.println("Properties: " + ob.keySet());
} catch (oracle.security.am.asdk.AccessException e) {
} catch (Exception e){
And got the next output:
Num of servers: 2
Server: myserver1.com5575
Data: {}
Size: 0
Is Empty: true
Properties: []
Server: myserver2.com5575
Data: {}
Size: 0
Is Empty: true
Properties: []
Thanks for your help !!!
Once you get the OAM Server Host and Port using getServerDiagnosticInfo(). Try to do telnet ( I am not Java Expert, following link may help How to connect/telnet to SPOP3 server using java (Sockets)?) , if the server is up the telnet session will be established.
This code is giving me an ArgumentExeption when the correct values are put in both ComboBoxes, executing the code. The code basically just deletes a file and replaces it with a modified version taken from another folder.
Here is the exact text of the error message:
An unhandled exception of type 'System.ArgumentException' occurred in Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll
Additional information: The given file path ends with a directory separator character.
Here's the code:
If ComboBox1.Text = "Nokia" And ComboBox2.Text = "HTC" And My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists("C:\Users\" + user + "\Documents\Fiddler2\Scripts\CustomRules.js") Then
My.Computer.FileSystem.DeleteFile("C:\Users\" + user + "\Documents\Fiddler2\Scripts\CustomRules.js")
My.Computer.FileSystem.CopyFile("Config\OEM\NokiaHTC.js", destinationFileName:="C:\Users\" + user + "\Documents\Fiddler2\Scripts\")
My.Computer.FileSystem.CopyFile("Config\OEM\NokiaHTC.js", destinationFileName:="C:\Users\" + user + "\Documents\Fiddler2\Scripts\")
End If
The problem is that the destination file path ends with a "\" value. This isn't legal for the CopyFile API. Switch it to include the file name and this should fix the problem
My.Computer.FileSystem.CopyFile( _
"Config\OEM\NokiaHTC.js", _
destinationFileName:="C:\Users\" + user + "\Documents\Fiddler2\Scripts\NokiaHTC.js")
I am using the following code to access mssql analysis services cubes from java using OLAP4j 1.1.0
OlapConnection con = (OlapConnection)
"username", "password");
OlapWrapper wrapper = (OlapWrapper) con;
OlapConnection olapConnection = wrapper.unwrap(OlapConnection.class);
OlapStatement stmt = olapConnection.createStatement();
CellSet cellSet = stmt.executeOlapQuery("SELECT {" +
" [Measures].[LoginTime_Format]," +
"[Measures].[EngageTime_Format]," +
"[Measures].[ChatTime_Format]," +
"[Measures].[AverageHandleTime_Format]," +
"[Measures].[MultipleChatTime_Format]," +
"[Measures].[NonEngagedTime_Format]," +
"[Measures].[TimeAvailable_Format]," +
"[Measures].[TimeAvailableNotChatting_Format]," +
"[Measures].[TimeNotAvailable_Format]," +
"[Measures].[TimeNotAvailableChatting_Format]," +
"[Measures].[AcdTimeouts]," +
"[Measures].[AvgConcurrency]," +
"[Measures].[OperatorUtilization]} ON 0," +
" NON EMPTY ([DimTime].[CalenderDayHour].[CalenderDayHour], [DimAgent].[Agent]."+
"[Agent],[DimAgent].[Agent Name].[Agent Name]) ON 1" +
" FROM (SELECT [DimClient].[Client].&[4] ON 0 FROM" +
" (SELECT [DimTime].[CalenderDayHour].[CalenderDayHour].&[2013010100]:"+
"[DimTime].[CalenderDayHour].[CalenderDayHour].&[2013121216] ON 0 FROM [247OLAP]))");
When I run this code I get the following exception at executeOlapQuery line-
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: [FATAL]:1:1: Content is not allowed in prolog.
at org.olap4j.driver.xmla.XmlaOlap4jUtil.checkForParseError(XmlaOlap4jUtil.java:134)
at org.olap4j.driver.xmla.XmlaOlap4jUtil.parse(XmlaOlap4jUtil.java:83)
at org.olap4j.driver.xmla.XmlaOlap4jConnection.executeMetadataRequest(XmlaOlap4jConnection.java:884)
at org.olap4j.driver.xmla.XmlaOlap4jDatabaseMetaData.getMetadata(XmlaOlap4jDatabaseMetaData.java:137)
at org.olap4j.driver.xmla.XmlaOlap4jDatabaseMetaData.getMetadata(XmlaOlap4jDatabaseMetaData.java:67)
at org.olap4j.driver.xmla.XmlaOlap4jDatabaseMetaData.getDatabaseProperties(XmlaOlap4jDatabaseMetaData.java:1044)
at org.olap4j.driver.xmla.XmlaOlap4jConnection.makeConnectionPropertyList(XmlaOlap4jConnection.java:324)
at org.olap4j.driver.xmla.XmlaOlap4jConnection.generateRequest(XmlaOlap4jConnection.java:1037)
at org.olap4j.driver.xmla.XmlaOlap4jConnection.populateList(XmlaOlap4jConnection.java:849)
at org.olap4j.driver.xmla.DeferredNamedListImpl.populateList(DeferredNamedListImpl.java:136)
at org.olap4j.driver.xmla.DeferredNamedListImpl.getList(DeferredNamedListImpl.java:90)
at org.olap4j.driver.xmla.DeferredNamedListImpl.size(DeferredNamedListImpl.java:116)
at org.olap4j.driver.xmla.XmlaOlap4jConnection.getOlapDatabase(XmlaOlap4jConnection.java:451)
at org.olap4j.driver.xmla.XmlaOlap4jConnection.getOlapCatalog(XmlaOlap4jConnection.java:501)
at org.olap4j.driver.xmla.XmlaOlap4jConnection.getCatalog(XmlaOlap4jConnection.java:496)
at org.olap4j.driver.xmla.XmlaOlap4jStatement.executeOlapQuery(XmlaOlap4jStatement.java:291)
at com.tfsc.ilabs.olap4j.POC.main(POC.java:28)
Caused by: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Content is not allowed in prolog.
at org.apache.xerces.parsers.DOMParser.parse(Unknown Source)
at org.olap4j.driver.xmla.XmlaOlap4jUtil.parse(XmlaOlap4jUtil.java:80)
Any help will be much appreciated.
You should check what's being sent back by the server, using WireShark or something similar. This kind of error happens when the XML parser tries to parse the response it got. The server is probably not sending XML content back.