I have a multi-threaded process where a file is shared (read and written) by multiple threads. Is there any way a thread can lock one file segment so that other threads cannot access it?
I have tried fcntl(fd, F_SETLKW, &flock), but this lock only works for processes, not threads (a lock is shared between all threads in an process).
Yes - but not with the same mechanism. You'll have to use something like pthread mutexes, and keep track of the bookkeeping yourself.
Possible outline for how to make this work
Wait on and claim a process-level mutex over a bookkeeping structure
make sure no other threads within your process are trying to use that segment
mark yourself as using the file segment
Release the process-level mutex
Grab fnctl lock for process (if necessary)
Do your writing
Release fnctl lock to allow other processes to use the segment (if necessary)
Wait again on process-levelbookkeeping structure mutex (may not be necessary if you can mark it unused atomically)
mark segment as unused within your process.
Release process-level mutex
No. The region-locking feature you're asking about has surprising semantics and it is not being further developed because it is controlled by POSIX. (In fact, it is Kirk McKusick's preferred example of what's wrong with POSIX.) If there is a non-POSIX byte-range lock facility in Linux, I can't find it.
There is discussion of the problems of POSIX byte-range locking in a multithreaded world here: http://www.samba.org/samba/news/articles/low_point/tale_two_stds_os2.html.
However, if you're concerned only with threads within one process, you can build your own region-locking using semaphores. For example:
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
// A record indicating an active lock.
struct threadlock {
int fd; // or -1 for unused entries.
off_t start;
off_t length;
// A table of all active locks (and the unused entries).
static struct threadlock all_locks[100];
// Mutex housekeeping.
static pthread_mutex_t mutex;
static pthread_cond_t some_lock_released;
static pthread_once_t once_control = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;
static void threadlock_init(void) {
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(all_locks)/sizeof(all_locks[0]); ++i)
all_locks[i].fd = -1;
pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, (pthread_mutexattr_t *)0);
pthread_cond_init(&some_lock_released, (pthread_condattr_t *)0);
// True iff the given region overlaps one that is already locked.
static bool region_overlaps_lock(int fd, off_t start, off_t length) {
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(all_locks)/sizeof(all_locks[0]); ++i) {
const struct threadlock *t = &all_locks[i];
if (t->fd == fd &&
t->start < start + length &&
start < t->start + t->length)
return true;
return false;
// Returns a pointer to an unused entry, or NULL if there isn't one.
static struct threadlock *find_unused_entry(void) {
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(all_locks)/sizeof(all_locks[0]); ++i) {
if (-1 == all_locks[i].fd)
return &all_locks[i];
return 0;
// True iff the lock table is full.
static inline bool too_many_locks(void) {
return 0 == find_unused_entry();
// Wait until no thread has a lock for the given region
// [start, start+end) of the given file descriptor, and then lock
// the region. Keep the return value for threadunlock.
// Warning: if you open two file descriptors on the same file
// (including hard links to the same file), this function will fail
// to notice that they're the same file, and it will happily hand out
// two locks for the same region.
struct threadlock *threadlock(int fd, off_t start, off_t length) {
pthread_once(&once_control, &threadlock_init);
while (region_overlaps_lock(fd, start, length) || too_many_locks())
pthread_cond_wait(&some_lock_released, &mutex);
struct threadlock *newlock = find_unused_entry();
newlock->fd = fd;
newlock->start = start;
newlock->length = length;
return newlock;
// Unlocks a region locked by threadlock.
void threadunlock(struct threadlock *what_threadlock_returned) {
what_threadlock_returned->fd = -1;
Caution: the code compiles but I haven't tested it even a little.
If you don't need file locks between different processes, avoid the file locks (which are one of the worst designed parts of the POSIX API) and just use mutexes or other shared memory concurrency primitives.
There are 2 ways you can do it:
Use Mutex to get a record's lock in a thread within the same process. Once the lock is acquired, any other thread in the process, mapping the file that tries to acquire the lock is blocked until the lock is released.(Preferable and only most straightforward solution available in Linux).
Semaphores and mutexes on a shared memory or a memory mapped file.
My goal is to solve Readers Writers[1] problem but using only isolated processes. One process is for reader one for the writer, I should use named semaphores, so that it is possible to start subsequent reader and writers at any time - also I can't use shared memory - pure synchronization.
More info:
Provide implementation of 2 programs implementing a reader and
a writer, so that it is possible to dynamically start new processes while complying with the restrictions.
Pay attention to the properties of concurrent processing: safety and liveness.
Consider also whether you program is deadlock free.
EDIT: problem is separated to 3 files
File 1. Reader:
int main(){
sem_t *mutex;
sem_t *write;
int count=0;
mutex = sem_open("/mutex", O_CREAT, 0600, 1);
write = sem_open("/write", O_CREAT, 0600, 1);
if (count==1){
printf("Critical section in readers\n");
File 2. Writer
int main(){
sem_t *write;
write = sem_open("/write", O_CREAT, 0600, 1);
printf("Critical section in writer\n");
return 0;
File 3. Deleting semaphores
int main(){
printf("Semaphores deleted \n");
return 0;
when I run reader or writer with gcc -pthread file_name.c I don't
get any result, as If the code wasn't doing anything - the process is
running, the cursor is blinking but nothing happens.
[1]: READERS and WRITERS : The reading room has capacity of n
readers. Readers come to the reading room, allocate a single place, and occupy it for some time, then leave. After some time they come again and the procedure repeats. The reading room is also used by writers. However, a writer can only work when the reading room is empty, i.e. there must be no other reader nor writer. The writer occupy the room for some time, then leaves, and comes back after a while
My goal is to solve Readers Writers problem but using only isolated processes. One process is for reader one for the writer, I should use named semaphores, so that it is possible to start subsequent reader and writers at any time - also I can't use shared memory - pure synchronization.
Judging from this limited description, you can probably solve this problem by using named pipes.
I can't use shared memory
The code treats global variables counter and cnt as if they are shared between processes. They are not, each process gets a copy of those with the same value, the changes to these variables are not seen by other processes.
To use functions sem_wait and sem_post link with linker option -pthread.
You mentioned that you have to use "isolated processes", but as far as I know threads are not processes. to create a new process you have to use fork().
Differnces as mentioned here (full link with difference-table):
A process is an active program i.e. a program that is under execution.
It is more than the program code as it includes the program counter,
process stack, registers, program code etc. Compared to this, the
program code is only the text section.
A thread is a lightweight process that can be managed independently by
a scheduler. It improves the application performance using
parallelism. A thread shares information like data segment, code
segment, files etc. with its peer threads while it contains its own
registers, stack, counter etc.
in simple words - each process can have in it multiple threads ("lightweight processes").
I think you have to use fork() to create new Processes because of the word "Process" that you mentioned. also, you mentioned that you need 2 processes (one for the reader and one for the writer) so you have to fork() twice and manage these 2 processes. You can read about fork() here.
edit (semaphore implementation):
int initsem(key_t semkey, int initval)
int status = 0, semid;
union semun {/* should to be declared according to C standards */
int val;
struct semid_ds *stat;
ushort *array;
} ctl_arg;
if ((semid = semget(semkey, 1, SEMPERM | IPC_CREAT | IPC_EXCL)) == -1) {
if (errno == EEXIST)
semid = semget(semkey, 1, 0);
else { /* if created */
ctl_arg.val = initval; /* set semaphore value to the initial value*/
status = semctl(semid, 0, SETVAL, ctl_arg);
if (semid == -1 || status == -1) { /* failure */
perror("initsem failed");
else return semid;
int sem_wait(int semid)
struct sembuf p_buf;
p_buf.sem_num = 0;
p_buf.sem_op = -1;
p_buf.sem_flg = SEM_UNDO;
if (semop(semid, &p_buf, 1) == -1) {
perror("p(semid) failed");
else return 0;
int sem_post(int semid)
struct sembuf v_buf;
v_buf.sem_num = 0;
v_buf.sem_op = 1;
v_buf.sem_flg = SEM_UNDO;
if (semop(semid, &v_buf, 1) == -1) {
perror("v(semid) failed"); exit(1);
else return 0;
I'm studying on condition variables of Pthread. When I'm reading the explanation of pthread_cond_signal, I see the following.
The pthread_cond_signal() function shall unblock at least one of
threads that are blocked on the specified condition variable cond (if
any threads are blocked on cond).
Till now I knew pthread_cond_signal() would make only one thread to wake up at a time. But, the quoted explanation says at least one. What does it mean? Can it make more than one thread wake up? If yes, why is there pthread_cond_broadcast()?
En passant, I wish the following code taken from UNIX Systems Programming book of Robbins is also related to my question. Is there any reason the author's pthread_cond_broadcast() usage instead of pthread_cond_signal() in waitbarrier function? As a minor point, why is !berror checking needed too as a part of the predicate? When I try both of them by changing, I cannot see any difference.
The program implements a thread-safe barrier by using condition variables. The limit
variable specifies how many threads must arrive at the barrier (execute the
waitbarrier) before the threads are released from the barrier.
The count variable specifies how many threads are currently waiting at the barrier.
Both variables are declared with the static attribute to force access through
initbarrier and waitbarrier. If successful, the initbarrier and waitbarrier
functions return 0. If unsuccessful, these functions return a nonzero error code.
#include <errno.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
static pthread_cond_t bcond = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
static pthread_mutex_t bmutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
static int count = 0;
static int limit = 0;
int initbarrier(int n) { /* initialize the barrier to be size n */
int error;
if (error = pthread_mutex_lock(&bmutex)) /* couldn't lock, give up */
return error;
if (limit != 0) { /* barrier can only be initialized once */
return EINVAL;
limit = n;
return pthread_mutex_unlock(&bmutex);
int waitbarrier(void) { /* wait at the barrier until all n threads arrive */
int berror = 0;
int error;
if (error = pthread_mutex_lock(&bmutex)) /* couldn't lock, give up */
return error;
if (limit <= 0) { /* make sure barrier initialized */
return EINVAL;
while ((count < limit) && !berror)
berror = pthread_cond_wait(&bcond, &bmutex);
if (!berror) {
fprintf(stderr,"soner %d\n",
berror = pthread_cond_broadcast(&bcond); /* wake up everyone */
error = pthread_mutex_unlock(&bmutex);
if (berror)
return berror;
return error;
static void *printthread(void *arg) {
fprintf(stderr,"This is the first print of thread %d\n",
fprintf(stderr,"This is the second print of thread %d\n",
return NULL;
int main(void) {
pthread_t t0,t1,t2;
if (initbarrier(3)) {
fprintf(stderr,"Error initilizing barrier\n");
return 1;
if (pthread_create(&t0,NULL,printthread,NULL))
fprintf(stderr,"Error creating thread 0.\n");
if (pthread_create(&t1,NULL,printthread,NULL))
fprintf(stderr,"Error creating thread 1.\n");
if (pthread_create(&t2,NULL,printthread,NULL))
fprintf(stderr,"Error creating thread 2.\n");
if (pthread_join(t0,NULL))
fprintf(stderr,"Error joining thread 0.\n");
if (pthread_join(t1,NULL))
fprintf(stderr,"Error joining thread 1.\n");
if (pthread_join(t2,NULL))
fprintf(stderr,"Error joining thread 2.\n");
fprintf(stderr,"All threads complete.\n");
return 0;
Due to spurious wake-ups pthread_cond_signal could wake up more than one thread.
Look for word "spurious" in pthread_cond_wait.c from glibc.
In waitbarrier it must wake up all threads when they all have arrived to that point, hence it uses pthread_cond_broadcast.
Can [pthread_cond_signal()] make more than one thread wake up?
That's not guaranteed. On some operating system, on some hardware platform, under some circumstances it could wake more than one thread. It is allowed to wake more than one thread because that gives the implementer more freedom to make it work in the most efficient way possible for any given hardware and OS.
It must wake at least one waiting thread, because otherwise, what would be the point of calling it?
But, if your applicaton needs a signal that is guaranteed to wake all of the waiting threads, then that is what pthread_cond_broadcast() is for.
Making efficient use of a multi-processor system is hard. https://www.e-reading.club/bookreader.php/134637/Herlihy,Shavit-_The_art_of_multiprocessor_programming.pdf
Most programming language and library standards allow similar freedoms in the behavior of multi-threaded programs, for the same reason: To allow programs to achieve high performance on a variety of different platforms.
Consider the following test program:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_mutex_t mutex;
pthread_mutexattr_t mattr;
pthread_t thread1;
pthread_t thread2;
pthread_t thread3;
void mutex_force_unlock(pthread_mutex_t *mutex, pthread_mutexattr_t *mattr)
int e;
e = pthread_mutex_destroy(mutex);
printf("mfu: %s\n", strerror(e));
e = pthread_mutex_init(mutex, mattr);
printf("mfu: %s\n", strerror(e));
void *thread(void *d)
int e;
e = pthread_mutex_trylock(&mutex);
if (e != 0)
printf("thr: %s\n", strerror(e));
mutex_force_unlock(&mutex, &mattr);
e = pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex);
printf("thr: %s\n", strerror(e));
if (e != 0) pthread_exit(NULL);
e = pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex);
printf("thr: %s\n", strerror(e));
void * thread_deadtest(void *d)
int e;
e = pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex);
printf("thr2: %s\n", strerror(e));
e = pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex);
printf("thr2: %s\n", strerror(e));
int main(void)
/* Setup */
pthread_mutexattr_settype(&mattr, PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK);
//pthread_mutexattr_settype(&mattr, PTHREAD_MUTEX_NORMAL);
pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, &mattr);
/* Test */
pthread_create(&thread1, NULL, &thread, NULL);
pthread_join(thread1, NULL);
if (pthread_kill(thread1, 0) != 0) printf("Thread 1 has died.\n");
pthread_create(&thread2, NULL, &thread, NULL);
pthread_join(thread2, NULL);
pthread_create(&thread3, NULL, &thread_deadtest, NULL);
pthread_join(thread3, NULL);
Now when this program runs, I get the following output:
Thread 1 has died.
thr: Device busy
mfu: Device busy
mfu: No error: 0
thr: Operation not permitted
thr2: No error: 0
thr2: Resource deadlock avoided
Now I know this has been asked a number of times before, but is there any way to forcefully unlock a mutex? It seems the implementation will only allow the mutex to be unlocked by the thread that locked it as it seems to actively check, even with a normal mutex type.
Why am I doing this? It has to do with coding a bullet-proof network server that has the ability to recover from most errors, including ones where the thread terminates unexpectedly. At this point, I can see no way of unlocking a mutex from a thread that is different than the one that locked it. So the way that I see it is that I have a few options:
Abandon the mutex and create a new one. This is the undesirable option as it creates a memory leak.
Close all network ports and restart the server.
Go into the kernel internals and release the mutex there bypassing the error checking.
I have asked this before but, the powers that be absolutely want this functionality and they will not take no for an answer (I've already tried), so I'm kinda stuck with this. I didn't design it this way, and I would really like to shoot the person who did, but that's not an option either.
And before someone says anything, my usage of pthread_kill is legal under POSIX...I checked.
I forgot to mention, this is FreeBSD 9.3 that we are working with.
Use a robust mutex, and if the locking thread dies, fix the mutex with pthread_mutex_consistent().
If mutex is a robust mutex in an inconsistent state, the
pthread_mutex_consistent() function can be used to mark the state
protected by the mutex referenced by mutex as consistent again.
If an owner of a robust mutex terminates while holding the mutex, the
mutex becomes inconsistent and the next thread that acquires the mutex
lock shall be notified of the state by the return value [EOWNERDEAD].
In this case, the mutex does not become normally usable again until
the state is marked consistent.
If the thread which acquired the mutex lock with the return value
[EOWNERDEAD] terminates before calling either
pthread_mutex_consistent() or pthread_mutex_unlock(), the next thread
that acquires the mutex lock shall be notified about the state of the
mutex by the return value [EOWNERDEAD].
Well, you cannot do what you ask wit a normal pthread mutex, since, as you say, you can only unlock a mutex from the thread that locked it.
What you can do is wrap locking/unlocking of a mutex such that you have a pthread cancel handler that unlocks the mutex if the thread terminates. To give you an idea:
void cancel_unlock_handler(void *p)
int my_pthread_mutex_lock(pthread_mutex_t *m)
int rc;
pthread_cleanup_push(cancel_unlock_handler, m);
rc = pthread_mutex_lock(&m);
if (rc != 0) {
return rc;
int my_pthread_mutex_unlock(pthread_mutex_t *m)
return pthread_mutex_unlock(&m);
Now you'll need to use the my_pthread_mutex_lock/my_pthread_mutex_unlock instead of the pthread lock/unlock functions.
Now, threads don't really terminate "unexpectedly", either it calls pthread_exit or it ends, or you pthread_kill it, in which case the above will suffice (also note that threads exit only at certain cancellation points, so there's no race conditions e.g.between pushing the cleanup handler and locking the mutex) , but logical error or undefined behavior might leave erroneous state affecting the whole process, and you're better off re-starting the whole process.
I have come up with a workable method to deal with this situation. As I mentioned before, FreeBSD does not support robust mutexes so that option is out. Also one a thread has locked a mutex, it cannot be unlocked by any means.
So what I have done to solve the problem is to abandon the mutex and place its pointer onto a list. Since the lock wrapper code uses pthread_mutex_trylock and then relinquishes the CPU if it fails, no thread can get stuck on waiting for a permanently locked mutex. In the case of a robust mutex, the thread locking the mutex will be able recover it if it gets EOWNERDEAD as the return code.
Here's some things that are defined:
/* Checks to see if we have access to robust mutexes. */
/* Mutex: Mutex Data Table Datatype */
typedef struct mutex_lock_table_tag__ mutexlock_t;
struct mutex_lock_table_tag__
pthread_mutex_t *mutex; /* PThread Mutex */
tsra_daclbk audcallbk; /* Audit Callback Function Pointer */
tsra_daclbk reicallbk; /* Reinit Callback Function Pointer */
int acbkstat; /* Audit Callback Status */
int rcbkstat; /* Reinit Callback Status */
pthread_t owner; /* Owner TID */
tsra_clnup_t *cleanup; /* PThread Cleanup */
/* ******** ******** Global Variables */
pthread_rwlock_t tab_lock; /* RW lock for mutex table */
pthread_mutexattr_t mtx_attrib; /* Mutex attributes */
mutexlock_t *mutex_table; /* Mutex Table */
int tabsizeentry; /* Table Size (Entries) */
int tabsizebyte; /* Table Size (Bytes) */
int initialized = 0; /* Modules Initialized 0=no, 1=yes */
pthread_mutex_t *mutex_abandon[TSRA_MAX_MUTEXABANDON];
pthread_mutex_t mtx_abandon; /* Abandoned Mutex Lock */
int mtx_abandon_count; /* Abandoned Mutex Count */
int mtx_abandon_init = 0; /* Initialization Flag */
pthread_mutex_t mtx_recover; /* Mutex Recovery Lock */
And here's some code for the lock recovery:
/* Attempts to recover a broken mutex. */
int tsra_mutex_recover(int lockid, pthread_t tid)
int result;
/* Check Prerequisites */
if (initialized == 0) return(EDOOFUS);
if (lockid < 0 || lockid >= tabsizeentry) return(EINVAL);
/* Check Mutex Owner */
result = pthread_equal(tid, mutex_table[lockid].owner);
if (result != 0) return(0);
/* Lock Recovery Mutex */
result = pthread_mutex_lock(&mtx_recover);
if (result != 0) return(result);
/* Check Mutex Owner, Again */
result = pthread_equal(tid, mutex_table[lockid].owner);
if (result != 0)
/* Unless the system supports robust mutexes, there is
really no way to recover a mutex that is being held
by a thread that has terminated. At least in FreeBSD,
trying to destory a mutex that is held will result
in EBUSY. Trying to overwrite a held mutex results
in a memory fault and core dump. The only way to
recover is to abandon the mutex and create a new one. */
#ifdef TSRA__ALTERNATE /* Abandon Mutex */
pthread_mutex_t *ptr;
/* Too many abandoned mutexes? */
if (mtx_abandon_count >= TSRA_MAX_MUTEXABANDON)
goto error_1;
/* Get a read lock on the mutex table. */
result = pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&tab_lock);
if (result != 0) goto error_1;
/* Perform associated data audit. */
if (mutex_table[lockid].acbkstat != 0)
result = mutex_table[lockid].audcallbk();
if (result != 0)
goto error_2;
/* Allocate New Mutex */
ptr = malloc(sizeof(pthread_mutex_t));
if (ptr == NULL)
result = errno;
goto error_2;
/* Init new mutex and abandon the old one. */
result = pthread_mutex_init(ptr, &mtx_attrib);
if (result != 0) goto error_3;
mutex_abandon[mtx_abandon_count] = mutex_table[lockid].mutex;
mutex_abandon[mtx_abandon_count] = mutex_table[lockid].mutex;
mutex_table[lockid].mutex = ptr;
#else /* Recover Mutex */
/* Try locking the mutex and see what we get. */
result = pthread_mutex_trylock(mutex_table[lockid].mutex);
switch (result)
case 0: /* No error, unlock and return */
case EBUSY: /* No error, return */
case EOWNERDEAD: /* Error, try to recover mutex. */
if (mutex_table[lockid].acbkstat != 0)
result = mutex_table[lockid].audcallbk();
if (result != 0)
if (mutex_table[lockid].rcbkstat != 0)
result = mutex_table[lockid].reicallbk();
if (result != 0)
goto error_2;
goto error_2;
goto error_2;
case EDEADLK: /* Error, deadlock avoided, abort */
case ENOTRECOVERABLE: /* Error, recovery failed, abort */
/* NOTE: We shouldn't get this, but if we do... */
/* Ambiguous situation, best to abort. */
/* Housekeeping */
mutex_table[lockid].owner = pthread_self();
/* Return */
/* We only get here on errors. */
Because FreeBSD is an evolving operating system like Linux is, I have made provisions to allow for the use of robust mutexes in the future. Since without robust mutexes, there really is no way to do enhanced error checking which is available if robust mutexes are supported.
For a robust mutex, enhanced error checking is performed to verify the need to recover the mutex. For systems that do not support robust mutexes, we have to trust the caller to verify that the mutex in question needs to be recovered. Besides, there is some checking to make sure that there is only one thread performing the recovery. All other threads blocking on the mutex are blocked. I have given some thought about how to signal other threads that a recovery is in progress, so that aspect of the routine still needs work. In a recovery situation, I'm thinking about comparing pointer values to see if the mutex was replaced.
In both cases, an audit routine can be set as a callback function. The purpose of the audit routine is to verify and correct any data discrepancies in the protected data. If the audit fails to correct the data, then another callback routine, the data reinitialize routine, is invoked. The purpose of this is to reinitialize the data that is protected by the mutex. If that fail, then abort() is called to terminate program execution and drop a core file for debugging purposes.
For the abandoned mutex case, the pointer is not thrown away, but is placed on a list. If too many mutexes are abandoned, then the program is aborted. As mentioned above, in the mutex lock routine, pthread_mutex_trylock is used instead of pthread_mutex_lock. This way, no thread can be permanently blocked on a dead mutex. So once the pointer is switched in the mutex table to point to the new mutex, all threads waiting on the mutex will immediately switch to the new mutex.
I am sure there are bugs/errors in this code, but this is a work in progress. Although not quite finished and debugged, I feel that there is enough here to warrant an answer to this question.
Well as you probably aware, a thread which locks a mutex, has the sole ownership of that resource. So it has got all the rights to unlock it. There is no way, atleast till now, to force a thread, give up its resource, without having to do a round about way, that you had did in your code.
However, this would be my approach.
Have a single thread, that owns a mutex, called as Resource thread. Make sure that, this thread receives & responds events to other worker thread.
When a worker thread, wanna enter into critical section, it registers with Resource thread to lock a mutex on it's behalf. When done, the worker thread assumes that, it has got exclusive access to critical section. The assumption is valid because, any other worker thread, which needs to get access to critical section, has to go through the same step.
Now assume that, there is another thread, who wants to force the former worker thread, to unlock, then he can make a special call, maybe a flag or with high priority thread to grant access. The resource thread, on comparing the flag / priority of the requesting thread, will unlock the mutex and lock again for the requesting thread.
I don't know for sure your use-case fully, but just my 2 cents. If you like it, don't forget vote my answer.
You could restart just the process with the crashed thread using function from the exec family to change the process image. I assume that it will be faster to reload the process than to reboot the sever.
Is there any way so I can have up to 10 threads in the same mutex?
Something like sem_wait() with value 10.
Found this:
it is an implementation of semaphores, using mutexes and condition variables.
typedef struct {
int value, wakeups;
Mutex *mutex;
Cond *cond;
} Semaphore;
Semaphore *make_semaphore (int value)
Semaphore *semaphore = check_malloc (sizeof(Semaphore));
semaphore->value = value;
semaphore->wakeups = 0;
semaphore->mutex = make_mutex ();
semaphore->cond = make_cond ();
return semaphore;
void sem_wait (Semaphore *semaphore)
mutex_lock (semaphore->mutex);
if (semaphore->value < 0) {
do {
cond_wait (semaphore->cond, semaphore->mutex);
} while (semaphore->wakeups < 1);
mutex_unlock (semaphore->mutex);
void sem_signal (Semaphore *semaphore)
mutex_lock (semaphore->mutex);
if (semaphore->value <= 0) {
cond_signal (semaphore->cond);
mutex_unlock (semaphore->mutex);
See If that Helps
From Book Begining Linux programming a counting semaphore that
takes a wider range of values. Normally,semaphores are used to
protect a piece of code so that only one thread of execution can run
it at any one time. For this job a binary semaphore is needed.
Occasionally, you want to permit a limited number of threads to
execute a given piece of code; for this you would use a counting
No, A mutex is a simple lock, having two states: locked and unlocked. When it is created, a mutex is unlocked. A mutex is a mutual exclusion lock. Only one thread can hold the lock.
Although you can implement to allow ten threads to enter in a section using mutex and if and a global variable. (the way count semaphores are implemented)
Read here: Implementing a Counting Semaphore
One Available implementation: C code , Make your own semaphore
I have some thread to write resource and some to read it.But pthread_rwlock cause a lot of context switch. So I imagine a way to avoid it. But I'm not sure it is safe or not.
This is the code:
sig_atomic_t slot = 0;
struct resource {
sig_atomic_t in_use; /*Counter,if in_use, not zero*/
} xxx[2];
int read_thread()
i = slot; /*avoid slot changes in process */
int write_thread()
mutex_lock; /*mutex between write threads */
if (slot == 0) {
while(xxx[1].in_use != 0); /*wait last read thread in slot 1*/
slot = 1;
} else if (slot == 1) {
while(xxx[0].in_use != 0);
slot = 0;
Will that works? The cost is 2 times storage and 3 atomic variable.
Thanks a lot!
Your algorithm is not lock-free; the writers use a spin lock.
Is it really necessary to do double-buffering and spin locks? Could you instead use (slot ^ 1) as the writing slot and slot as the reading slot? After writing, the writer would atomically change the value of slot, thus "publishing" its write. You may read the same slot many times consecutively this way, but if that's not the semantics you want then you should be using a queue.
By the way, a sig_atomic_t does not provide the type of atomicity you need for multiple threads. At a minimum, you should declare slot as volatile sig_atomic_t, and use memory barriers when reading and writing.
Your strategy is to have writers write to a different slot than what the readers are reading from. And you are switching the reading slot number after a write is completed. However, you will have a race.
slot reader writer1 writer2
---- ------ ------- -------
0 mutex_lock
i = 0
... slot=1
1 mutex_unlock mutex_lock
... clear(xxx[0])
read(xxx[0]) write(xxx[0])
In general, though, this strategy could lead to starvation of writers (that is a writer may spin forever).
However, if you are willing to tolerate that, it would be safer to let xxx[] be an array of 2 pointers to resource. Let the reader always read from xxx[0], and let the writers contend for updates on xxx[1]. When a writer is finished updating xxx[1], it uses CAS on xxx[0] and xxx[1].
struct resource {
sig_atomic_t in_use; /*Counter,if in_use, not zero*/
sig_atomic_t writer;
} *xxx[2];
void read_thread()
resource *p = xxx[0];
while (p->writer) {
p = xxx[0];
void write_thread()
resource *p;
mutex_lock; /*mutex between write threads */
xxx[1]->writer = 1;
while(xxx[1]->in_use != 0); /*wait last read thread in slot 1*/
xxx[1] = CAS(&xxx[0], p = xxx[0], xxx[1]);
assert(p == xxx[1]);
xxx[0]->writer = 0;
If you want to avoid writer starvation, but you want the performance of spinlocks, you are looking at implementing your own reader/writer locks using spinlocks instead of mutex locks. A google search for "read write spinlock implementation" pointed to this page which I found to be an interesting read.