SQLite: wrong call of sqlite3_prepare_v2 -> SIGSEGV - c

I've got stuck on my homework with SQLite. I use 2 columns; the first for product, the second for count. A user adds new products, which updates the count. We have to control, that the user doesn't add the same product again, or prevent him from picking more units than are available. We have to use it frequently, so I created functions:
int exists(char *param, sqlite3** ppDb) //0 if product exists
int error = 0;
char *a = NULL;
sqlite3_stmt **ppStmt = NULL;
const char **pzTail = NULL;
char *zSQL = sqlite3_mprintf("SELECT 'products' FROM 'table' WHERE 'products' LIKE '%q'", param);
error = sqlite3_prepare_v2(
*ppDb, /* Database handle */
zSQL, /* SQL statement, UTF-8 encoded */
(sizeof(zSQL)+1), /* Maximum length of zSql in bytes. */
ppStmt, /* OUT: Statement handle */
pzTail /* OUT: Pointer to unused portion of zSql */
a = (char*) sqlite3_column_text(*ppStmt, 0);
return strcmp(a, param); //0 if same -> product is in db yet
//similar one for count
int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
sqlite3 *pDb;
int error = 0;
//parsing input
error = sqlite3_open(argv[1], &pDb);
if (error == 0)
pDb, /* An open database */
"CREATE TABLE 'table' ('products', 'quantity')", /* SQL */
0, /* Callback function */
NULL, /* 1st argument to callback */
NULL /* Error msg written here */
if (exists(param[1], &pDb) == 0)
fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: Product exists yet\n");
char *zSQL = sqlite3_mprintf("INSERT INTO 'table' VALUES ('%q', '0')", param[1]);
error = sqlite3_exec(
pDb, /* An open database */
zSQL, /* SQL to be evaluated */
0, /* Callback function */
NULL, /* 1st argument to callback */
NULL /* Error msg written here */
if (error == 0) printf("Added\n");
else printf("%i", error);
else return 1;
return 0;
It fails on sqlite3_prepare_v2. I expect there is a problem with the pointer on pDb, but I wasn't able to fix it (I'm not fan of pointers - too strong a tool for beginner). When it fails, the debugger stacked on line 93396 in sqlite3.c (*ppStmt = 0; - it writes somewhere, where it should'nt).
Compiled on linux x64:
gcc -std=c99 -Wall -pedantic -Wextra -Werror -DSQLITE_THREADSAFE=0 -ldl -o sqlite main.c sqlite3.c
Nothing wrong (if I've copied wrongly brackets, ignore it - it's not the problem), SQLite
Sorry for my English, I'm from Czech.

sqlite3_prepare_v2 wants to write the statement pointer into your output variable, but you are not giving it a pointer to this pointer variable, you are giving it a NULL pointer.
sqlite3_stmt *pStmt;
sqlite3_prepare_v2(..., &pStmt, ...);
Also note that identifiers should be quoted with "double quotes" or [brackets] or
but not with 'single quotes', which are used for literal strings.


Can't transmate string through MariaDB connect/c Prepared Statement

I'm using "MariaDB Connector/C" for my homework, but I got a problem: I always get an empty string when I pass in a string parameter, the db table is:
MariaDB none#(none):test> SELECT * FROM t3
3 rows in set
Time: 0.010s
MariaDB none#(none):test> DESC t3
2 rows in set
Time: 0.011s
And the code I use to test:
#include <mysql/mysql.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int main()
MYSQL *mysql;
mysql = mysql_init(NULL);
if (!mysql_real_connect(mysql,NULL , "none", "linux", "test", 0,"/tmp/mariadb.sock",0)){
printf( "Error connecting to database: %s",mysql_error(mysql));
} else
if(mysql_real_query(mysql,"SET CHARACTER SET utf8",(unsigned int)sizeof("SET CHARACTER SET utf8"))){
printf("Failed to set Encode!\n");
char query_stmt_2[]="select * from t3 where b=?";
MYSQL_STMT *stmt2 = mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
if(mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt2, query_stmt_2, -1))
printf("STMT2 prepare failed.\n");
MYSQL_BIND instr_bind;
char instr[50]="abc";
my_bool in_is_null = 0;
my_bool in_error = 0;
instr_bind.buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_STRING;
instr_bind.buffer = &instr[0];
char in_ind = STMT_INDICATOR_NTS;
instr_bind.u.indicator = &in_ind;
unsigned long instr_len=sizeof(instr);
// instr_bind.length = &instr_len;
// instr_bind.buffer_length=instr_len;
instr_bind.is_null = &in_is_null;
instr_bind.error = &in_error;
MYSQL_BIND out_bind[2];
memset(out_bind, 0, sizeof(out_bind));
int out_int[2];
char outstr[50];
my_bool out_int_is_null[2]={0,0};
my_bool out_int_error[2]={0,0};
unsigned long out_int_length[2]={0,0};
out_bind[0].buffer = out_int+0;
out_bind[0].buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_LONG;
out_bind[0].is_null = out_int_is_null+0;
out_bind[0].error = out_int_error+0;
out_bind[0].length = out_int_length+0;
out_bind[1].buffer = outstr;
out_bind[1].buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_STRING;
out_bind[1].buffer_length = 50;
out_bind[1].is_null = out_int_is_null+1;
out_bind[1].error = out_int_error+1;
out_bind[1].length = out_int_length+1;
if(mysql_stmt_bind_param(stmt2, &instr_bind) ||
mysql_stmt_bind_result(stmt2, out_bind)){
printf("Bind error\n");
printf("Exec error: %s",mysql_stmt_error(stmt2));
printf("Store result error!\n");
printf("%d\t%s\n", out_int[0], outstr);
I only got an empty result:
❯ ./Exec/test/stmt_test
I have been in trouble with this for two days, and tomorrow is the deadline, I'm very anxious. Can you help? Thanks a lot!
1) General
Avoid "it was hard to write, so it should be hard to read" code
add variable declarations at the beginning of the function, not in the middle of code (Wdeclaration-after-statement)
don't use c++ comments in C
set character set with api function mysql_set_character_set()
write proper error handling, including mysql_error/mysql_stmt_error results and don't continue executing subsequent code after error.
always initialize MYSQL_BIND
2) input bind buffer
u.indicator is used for bulk operations and doesn't make sense here
bind.is_null is not required, since you specified a valid buffer address
buffer_length is not set (in comments)
3) Output bind buffer
Always bind output parameters after mysql_stmt_execute(), since mysql_stmt_prepare can't always determine the number of parameters, e.g. when calling a stored procedure: In this case mysql_stmt_bind_param will return an error.
binding an error indicator doesn't make much sense without setting MYSQL_REPORT_DATA_TRUNCATION (mysql_optionsv)
For some examples how to deal with prepared statements check the file ps.c of MariaDB Connector/C unit tests

How to get COUNT(*) value from sqlite3_exec()?

In my C program I have to check if count of a table in database is one or zero and to do that i am executing query as follows:
char *sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name=family;";
int table_count = sqlite3_exec(db, sql, 0, 0, &err_msg);
printf("\n%d\n", table_count);
I'm expecting table_count to be 1 as only one table exists with name family but printf outputs table_count as '21' which is incorrect. How can we get the COUNT(*) value from C/C++ API in C program the right/correct way?
After reading SQLite Documentation and following other kind implicit/explicit suggestions in the comments on the question, I have realized my mistakes in that code snippet quoted in the question.
Mistake 1:
I did not implement callback function to receive the result set after the SQL query gets executed. [Have implemented this callback: see checkTable_Callback in code below]
Mistake 2:
That output of '21' is actually the error code and as per the SQLite documentation that error code corresponds to SQLite_MISUSE Which was being generated, perhaps, because I was using a separate function to open my test database file and instance of that opened database, i assume, stayed inside that openDb function, and when i used another function checkTableCount from where i took that messy snippet to quote in my question, there db instance perhaps was null, hence 21. Experts can elaborate further if that's why i was receiving error code 21. Anyways, now i have fixed that function and made that openDb return an opened db instance (better word?) and now 21 error is gone. [see code below]
Here is fixed and 'adapted-for-my-case' code
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "sqlite3.h" /* sqlite3.dll and sqlite3.h both reside in
my <program_source.c>'s folder */
static int checkTable_Callback(
void *unnecessary_here,
int number_of_columns_in_result_row, /* will always be 1 in this case */
char **value_of_count, /* will be either 0 or 1 in this case */
char **label_for_count) { /* will be COUNT(*) normally,
but modified via 'AS table_tablename' in this case*/
printf("COUNT(*) %s\t=>\t%s\n", label_for_count[0], value_of_count[0] );
return 0;
} // end of checkTable_Callback()
char * build_sql(const char *sql_partA, const char *sql_partB) {
size_t size = strlen(sql_partA) + strlen(sql_partB);
char *sql_final = malloc(size + 1);
strcpy(sql_final, sql_partA);
strcat(sql_final, sql_partB);
return sql_final; /* allocated memory to be freed at the end of calling function */
} // end of build_sql()
checkTableCount(sqlite3 *db, char *tablename) {
char *sql = build_sql(
"SELECT COUNT(*) AS table_",
" FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='"),
sqlite3_exec(db, sql, checkTable_Callback, 0, NULL);
/* error checking sacrificed for brevity of sample */
}// end of checkTableCount()
sqlite3 * openDb(char * db_name){
sqlite3 *db;
int result_code = sqlite3_open(db_name, &db);
if( result_code != 0 )
fprintf(stderr, "\tError: %s\n\n", sqlite3_errmsg(db));
return db;
} // end of openDb()
int main() {
sqlite3 * db = openDb("testing.db"); /* testing.db already has one table 'family'*/
checkTableCount(db, "family");
checkTableCount(db, "fam"); /* no such table exist */
return 0;
} // end of main()
Now this quoted 'adapted-for-my-case' code rightly and correctly outputs the COUNT(*) as follows:
COUNT(*) table_family => 1
COUNT(*) table_fam => 0
Note that I didn't bother to write a for-loop inside my callback function named checkTable_Callback to iterate through columns as shown in the official sample of callback function on this page because of the fact that our expected result row is certainly going to be only one containing only one column with label modified, via 'AS' clause, into 'table_tablename'. If not modified via 'AS clause', the returned column label would be 'COUNT(*)' in the result row.

How to compare my string, which is stored in an array, to function names from a complete library in c

After I enter a string in c and store it in for example char s[100], how can I compare that string to all function names in a math.h? For example, I enter pow and the result will look like this in stored form.
Since my string is the equivalent of pow(), I want my program to recognise that and then call pow() during execution of my program. I know it is not that hard to do string comparison within the code, but that would mean that I would have to do string comparison for every function name in the library. I don't want to do that. How is it possible to compare my string against all names in the library without hard coding every comparison?
Thank you :)
You can't, not without doing work yourself. There are no names of functions present at runtime in general, and certainly not of functions you haven't called.
C is not a dynamic language, names are only used when compiling/linking.
Regular expressions in C
Try parsing the header files using FILE and use aforementioned link as a guide to check whether the function exists or not.
I tried to make a little sample about what I assume the questioner is looking for (eval.c):
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <assert.h>
/* mapping function names to function pointers and number of parameters */
struct Entry {
const char *name; /* function name */
double (*pFunc)(); /* function pointer */
int nArgs; /* number of arguments */
} table[] = {
REGISTER(atan2, 2),
REGISTER(pow, 2),
REGISTER(modf, 2),
REGISTER(sin, 1),
REGISTER(cos, 1)
/* let compiler count the number of entries */
enum { sizeTable = sizeof table / sizeof *table };
void printUsage(const char *argv0)
int i;
" %s FUNC\n"
" where FUNC must be one of:\n", argv0);
for (i = 0; i < sizeTable; ++i) printf(" - %s\n", table[i].name);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int i;
char *func;
struct Entry *pEntry;
/* read command line argument */
if (argc <= 1) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Missing function argument!\n");
return -1;
func = argv[1];
/* find function by name */
for (i = 0; i < sizeTable && strcmp(func, table[i].name) != 0; ++i);
if (i >= sizeTable) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR! Unknown function '%s'!\n", func);
return -1;
/* perform found function on all (standard) input */
pEntry = table + i;
for (;;) { /* endless loop (bail out at EOF or error) */
switch (pEntry->nArgs) {
case 1: {
double arg1, result;
/* get one argument */
if (scanf("%lf", &arg1) != 1) {
int error;
if (error = !feof(stdin)) fprintf(stderr, "Input ERROR!\n");
return error; /* bail out at EOF or error */
/* compute */
result = (*pEntry->pFunc)(arg1);
/* output */
printf("%s(%f): %f\n", pEntry->name, arg1, result);
} break;
case 2: {
double arg1, arg2, result;
/* get two arguments */
if (scanf("%lf %lf", &arg1, &arg2) != 2) {
int error;
if (error = !feof(stdin)) fprintf(stderr, "Input ERROR!\n");
return error; /* bail out at EOF or error */
/* compute */
result = (*pEntry->pFunc)(arg1, arg2);
/* output */
printf("%s(%f, %f): %f\n", pEntry->name, arg1, arg2, result);
} break;
default: /* should never happen */
"ERROR! Functions with %d arguments not yet implemented!\n",
return -1; /* bail out at error */
I compiled and tested this with gcc in cygwin on Windows (64 bit):
$ gcc -std=c11 -o eval eval.c
$ ./eval
ERROR: Missing function argument!
./eval FUNC
where FUNC must be one of:
- atan2
- pow
- modf
- sin
- cos
$ echo "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10" | ./eval pow
pow(1.000000, 2.000000): 1.000000
pow(3.000000, 4.000000): 81.000000
pow(5.000000, 6.000000): 15625.000000
pow(7.000000, 8.000000): 5764801.000000
pow(9.000000, 10.000000): 3486784401.000000
$ echo "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10" | ./eval sin
sin(1.000000): 0.841471
sin(2.000000): 0.909297
sin(3.000000): 0.141120
sin(4.000000): -0.756802
sin(5.000000): -0.958924
sin(6.000000): -0.279415
sin(7.000000): 0.656987
sin(8.000000): 0.989358
sin(9.000000): 0.412118
sin(10.000000): -0.544021
The usage of this application: the name of the function to apply is provided as command line argument. The values (to apply function to) are provided via standard input. In the sample session, I used echo and a pipe (|) to redirect the output of echo to the input of eval. (If eval is called stand-alone the numbers may be typed in by keyboard.)
The table does the actual mapping of strings to function pointers. To solve that issue about the number of parameters, I considered this in struct Entry also.
The REGISTER macro is a trick to use the identifier as string constant also. The #FUNC is a stringize macro-operation (a typical C trick to prevent errors due to typos).
The sizeTable is another trick to prevent redundant definitions. I let the compiler count the number of entries. Thus, new entries may be added and it still will work without any other editing.
The actual trick is to provide a function pointer where the arguments are "left out". When it is called, the correct number of arguments is used and it works. (assuming, of course, the table initialization has been implemented carefully.) However, it would be a pain to do this in C++ because the functions with distinct number of arguments would need an appropriate function pointer with matching signature - horrible casts would be necessary. (Try to compile this with g++ -std=c++11 -c eval.c to see what I mean.)
For a productive solution, I would sort the entries by names (lexicographically) and apply a binary search (or even use hashing to be faster and more sophisticated). For this sample, I wanted to keep it simple.
math.h provides a lot of functions in "float flavor" also. These may not be added to this sample without additional effort. To support other than double arguments
some type info had to been added to the table entries
the type info has to be considered somehow in the switch statement of evaluation.
...not to mention functions where argument types are distinct to each other (or return type). (I cannot remember whether math.h even provides such functions.)
Btw. this will work for non-math.h functions also...

Struct remains unedited after function

I have defined some structs and I have created a function that reads the data from a XML and inserts it into a DialogueRules struct.
Everything should work, but after the execution some values remain untouched, even if they should. I have debugged and I have discovered that they are set properly, but when I exit the dialogue_load funcion they lose their values. (I runned Valgrind and it does not find anything weird)
After more debugging, I have discovered that some pointers, like dr->l_topic[1].name, point to a direction in the main, point to another one inside dialogue_load, and they point to the original function when I go back to the main.
I do not have a single clue about why it fails, what is the cause?
The code is as follows:
DialogueRules * dr=create_dialog(); //Reserve memory for the pointer
printf("t0: %d \n",dr->l_topic[1].name); //The pointer has the original value
dialogue_load("rules.xml",dr); //Loads the xml
printf("t2: %d \n",dr->l_topic[1].name); //The pointer has the original value
Dialogue_load is
STATUS dialogue_load(char * file_name,DialogueRules *dr){
printf("t1: %d \n",dr->l_topic[1].name);//The pointer has another value!
//Load the xml
xmlDocPtr doc;
xmlNodePtr node;
if (!file_name) {
return ERROR;
if ((doc = xmlParseFile(file_name))== NULL) {
fprintf(stderr,"File %s has not XML format.\n", file_name);
return ERROR;
node = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc);
if (node == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Empty document\n");
return ERROR;
if (xmlStrcmp(node->name, (const xmlChar*) ROOT)) {
fprintf(stderr,"Expected <%s>, instead of %s\n", ROOT, node->name);
return ERROR;
node = node->xmlChildrenNode;
while(node != NULL) {
if (!xmlStrcmp(node->name, (const xmlChar*) RULES)) {
dreader_process_rules(doc, node->xmlChildrenNode, dr);
else if (!xmlStrcmp(node->name, (const xmlChar*) TOPICS)) {
dreader_process_topics(doc, node->xmlChildrenNode, dr);
node = node->next;
return OK;
Create_dialog is
DialogueRules *create_dialog() {
DialogueRules * dialog = (DialogueRules*)malloc(sizeof(DialogueRules));
return dialog;
The structs are the following:
typedef struct _Topic
Id id;
char name[WORD_SIZE+1]; /* topic name */
Set * topic_rules; /* set of rule indexes associated with a topic */
} Topic;
typedef struct _Rule
Id id; /* rule identifier */
char * pattern [MAX_PATTERNS];/* If the string matches any of these input patterns, then executes this rule */
int num_patterns;/* number of patterns */
char * template [MAX_PATTERNS]; /* List of pos sible templates that can be used as a response */
int num_templates; /* number of possible answers */
int last; /* Last used template */
} Rule;
typedef struct _DialogueRules
Rule l_rule[MAX_RULES]; /* vector to store rules */
int num_rules; /* number of rules stored in l_rule */
Topic l_topic[MAX_TOPICS]; /* vector to store topics */
int num_topic; /* number of topicsstored in l_topic */
} DialogueRules;
The output when using %p is:
t0: 0x7f57d20afe98
t1: 0x7f57d20afe80
t2: 0x7f57d20afe98
Edit 2:
The makefile rule for main is:
main.o: main.c
$(CC) ${CFLAGS} ${CXML2} -c main.c -o main.o
and for dialoguerrulesreader(which contains dialog_rule) is
DialogueRulesReader.o: DialogueRulesReader.c DialogueRulesReader.h
${CC} ${CXML2} -c $< ${LXML2}
(Take in account that
CC=gcc -ggdb
CFLAGS=-Wall -pedantic -ansi
CXML2=`xml2-config --cflags`
LXML2=`xml2-config --libs`
As discovered in comments; you should use the same CFLAGS to build all units. It turned out that using different flags (particularly -ansi on one file, and no standard specification on the other) caused the structs to have different sizes in two different units.

How to return a clean error on incorrect mount with VTreeFS?

When trying to mount a VTreeFS filesystem with a set of arguments (by using options -o when mounting) we want to let it fail cleanly if the user doesn't use the predefined arguments correctly. Currently we get this nasty error message when we do not mount the filesystem and let the main return 0. We basically want the filesystem to not be mounted if the arguments are inorrect
Current situations
mount -t filesystemtest -o testarguments none /mnt/filesystemtest
Arguments invalid
RS: service 'fs_00021' exited uring initialization
filesystemtest 109710 0xab6e 0x65f1 0x618d 0x6203 0x98ba 0x1010
Request to RS failed: unknown error (error 302)
mount: couldn't run /bin/sercie up /sbin/filesystemtest -label 'fs_00021'-args ''
mount: Can't mount none on /mnt/filesystemtest/: unknown error
Preferred situation
mount -t filesystemtest -o testarguments none /mnt/filesystemtest
Arguments invalid
Basically we wan't to know how to return a clean error message, when not calling start_vtreefs like below. The below example is not our actualy code and doesn't actually use arguments, but as an example there should be a way to have this piece of code to fail always. (sorry for that):
#include <minix/drivers.h>
#include <minix/vtreefs.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <assert.h>
static void my_init_hook(void)
/* This hook will be called once, after VTreeFS has initialized.
struct inode_stat file_stat;
struct inode *inode;
/* We create one regular file in the root directory. The file is
* readable by everyone, and owned by root. Its size as returned by for
* example stat() will be zero, but that does not mean it is empty.
* For files with dynamically generated content, the file size is
* typically set to zero.
file_stat.mode = S_IFREG | 0444;
file_stat.uid = 0;
file_stat.gid = 0;
file_stat.size = 0;
file_stat.dev = NO_DEV;
/* Now create the actual file. It is called "test" and does not have an
* index number. Its callback data value is set to 1, allowing it to be
* identified with this number later.
inode = add_inode(get_root_inode(), "test", NO_INDEX, &file_stat, 0,
(cbdata_t) 1);
assert(inode != NULL);
static int my_read_hook(struct inode *inode, off_t offset, char **ptr,
size_t *len, cbdata_t cbdata)
/* This hook will be called every time a regular file is read. We use
* it to dyanmically generate the contents of our file.
static char data[26];
const char *str;
time_t now;
/* We have only a single file. With more files, cbdata may help
* distinguishing between them.
assert((int) cbdata == 1);
/* Generate the contents of the file into the 'data' buffer. We could
* use the return value of ctime() directly, but that would make for a
* lousy example.
str = ctime(&now);
strcpy(data, str);
/* If the offset is beyond the end of the string, return EOF. */
if (offset > strlen(data)) {
*len = 0;
return OK;
/* Otherwise, return a pointer into 'data'. If necessary, bound the
* returned length to the length of the rest of the string. Note that
* 'data' has to be static, because it will be used after this function
* returns.
*ptr = data + offset;
if (*len > strlen(data) - offset)
*len = strlen(data) - offset;
return OK;
/* The table with callback hooks. */
struct fs_hooks my_hooks = {
NULL, /* cleanup_hook */
NULL, /* lookup_hook */
NULL, /* getdents_hook */
NULL, /* rdlink_hook */
NULL /* message_hook */
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
/* The call above never returns. This just keeps the compiler happy. */
if (argc == 1) {
// We want it to fail right now!!!!
printf("Arguments invalid. (pass option with -o)");
else {
struct inode_stat root_stat;
/* Fill in the details to be used for the root inode. It will be a
* directory, readable and searchable by anyone, and owned by root.
root_stat.mode = S_IFDIR | 0555;
root_stat.uid = 0;
root_stat.gid = 0;
root_stat.size = 0;
root_stat.dev = NO_DEV;
/* Now start VTreeFS. Preallocate 10 inodes, which is more than we'll
* need for this example. No indexed entries are used.
start_vtreefs(&my_hooks, 10, &root_stat, 0);
return 0;
