Powershell array is not cleared - arrays

My source code:
# $arr = #(); results in same behaviour
$arr = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList;
$arr += "z";

Powershell does some array-casting trickery when you do +=, so the easy solution is to do $arr.Add("z"). Then $arr.Clear() will act like you expect.
To clarify:
#() is a Powershell array. It uses +=, but you can't Clear it. (You can, however, do $arr = #() again to reset it to an empty array.)
ArrayList is the .NET collection. It uses .Add, and you can Clear it, but for some reason if you += it, Powershell does some weird array coercion. (If any experts care to comment on this, awesome.)


How to declare a multidimensional 2D array in Powershell? [duplicate]

I have a way of doing Arrays in other languagues like this:
$x = "David"
$arr = #()
$arr[$x]["TSHIRTS"]["SIZE"] = "M"
This generates an error.
You are trying to create an associative array (hash). Try out the following
sequence of commands
$arr["david"] = #{}
$arr["david"]["TSHIRTS"] = #{}
$arr["david"]["TSHIRTS"]["SIZE"] ="M"
Note the difference between hashes and arrays
$a = #{} # hash
$a = #() # array
Arrays can only have non-negative integers as indexes
from powershell.com:
PowerShell supports two types of multi-dimensional arrays: jagged arrays and true multidimensional arrays.
Jagged arrays are normal PowerShell arrays that store arrays as elements. This is very cost-effective storage because dimensions can be of different size:
$array1 = 1,2,(1,2,3),3
True multi-dimensional arrays always resemble a square matrix. To create such an array, you will need to access .NET. The next line creates a two-dimensional array with 10 and 20 elements resembling a 10x20 matrix:
$array2 = New-Object 'object[,]' 10,20
$array2[4,8] = 'Hello'
$array2[9,16] = 'Test'
for a 3-dimensioanl array 10*20*10
$array3 = New-Object 'object[,,]' 10,20,10
To extend on what manojlds said above is that you can nest Hashtables. It may not be a true multi-dimensional array but give you some ideas about how to structure the data. An example:
$hash = #{}
$computers | %{
"Status" = ($_.Status)
"Date" = ($_.Date)
What's cool about this is that you can reference things like:
Also, it is far faster than arrays for finding stuff. I use this to compare data rather than use matching in Arrays.
Hope some of that helps!
Knowing that PowerShell pipes objects between cmdlets, it is more common in PowerShell to use an array of PSCustomObjects:
$arr = #(
[PSCustomObject]#{Name = 'David'; Article = 'TShirt'; Size = 'M'}
[PSCustomObject]#{Name = 'Eduard'; Article = 'Trouwsers'; Size = 'S'}
Or for older PowerShell Versions (PSv2):
$arr = #(
New-Object PSObject -Property #{Name = 'David'; Article = 'TShirt'; Size = 'M'}
New-Object PSObject -Property #{Name = 'Eduard'; Article = 'Trouwsers'; Size = 'S'}
And grep your selection like:
$arr | Where {$_.Name -eq 'David' -and $_.Article -eq 'TShirt'} | Select Size
Or in newer PowerShell (Core) versions:
$arr | Where Name -eq 'David' | Where Article -eq 'TShirt' | Select Size
Or (just get the size):
$arr.Where{$_.Name -eq 'David' -and $_.Article -eq 'TShirt'}.Size
Addendum 2020-07-13
Syntax and readability
As mentioned in the comments, using an array of custom objects is straighter and saves typing, if you like to exhaust this further you might even use the ConvertForm-Csv (or the Import-Csv) cmdlet for building the array:
$arr = ConvertFrom-Csv #'
Or more readable:
$arr = ConvertFrom-Csv #'
Name, Article, Size
David, TShirt, M
Eduard, Trouwsers, S
Note: values that contain spaces or special characters need to be double quoted
Or use an external cmdlet like ConvertFrom-SourceTable which reads fixed width table formats:
$arr = ConvertFrom-SourceTable '
Name Article Size
David TShirt M
Eduard Trouwsers S
The disadvantage of using an array of custom objects is that it is slower than a hash table which uses a binary search algorithm.
Note that the advantage of using an array of custom objects is that can easily search for anything else e.g. everybody that wears a TShirt with size M:
$arr | Where Article -eq 'TShirt' | Where Size -eq 'M' | Select Name
To build an binary search index from the array of objects:
$h = #{}
$arr | ForEach-Object {
If (!$h.ContainsKey($_.Name)) { $h[$_.Name] = #{} }
If (!$h[$_.Name].ContainsKey($_.Article)) { $h[$_.Name][$_.Article] = #{} }
$h[$_.Name][$_.Article] = $_ # Or: $h[$_.Name][$_.Article]['Size'] = $_.Size
Note: referencing a hash table key that doesn't exist in Set-StrictMode will cause an error:
Set-StrictMode -Version 2
PropertyNotFoundException: The property 'John' cannot be found on this object. Verify that the property exists.
Here is a simple multidimensional array of strings.
$psarray = #(
('Line' ,'One' ),
('Line' ,'Two')
foreach($item in $psarray)
Two-dimensional arrays can be defined this way too as jagged array:
$array = New-Object system.Array[][] 5,5
This has the nice feature that
outputs a one-dimensional array, containing $array[0][0] to $array[0][4].
Depending on your situation you might prefer it over $array = New-Object 'object[,]' 5,5.
(I would have commented to CB above, but stackoverflow does not let me yet)
you could also uses System.Collections.ArrayList to make a and array of arrays or whatever you want.
Here is an example:
$resultsArray= New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
[void] $resultsArray.Add(#(#('$hello'),2,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1))
[void] $resultsArray.Add(#(#('$test', '$testagain'),3,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,2))
[void] $resultsArray.Add("ERROR")
[void] $resultsArray.Add(#(#('$var', '$result'),5,1,1,0,1,1,0,2,3))
[void] $resultsArray.Add(#(#('$num', '$number'),3,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,2))
One problem, if you would call it a problem, you cannot set a limit. Also, you need to use [void] or the script will get mad.
Using the .net syntax (like CB pointed above)
you also add coherence to your 'tabular' array...
if you define a array...
and you try to store diferent types
Powershell will 'alert' you:
$a = New-Object 'byte[,]' 4,4
$a[0,0] = 111; // OK
$a[0,1] = 1111; // Error
Of course Powershell will 'help' you
in the obvious conversions:
$a = New-Object 'string[,]' 2,2
$a[0,0] = "1111"; // OK
$a[0,1] = 111; // OK also
Another thread pointed here about how to add to a multidimensional array in Powershell. I don't know if there is some reason not to use this method, but it worked for my purposes.
$array = #()
$array += ,#( "1", "test1","a" )
$array += ,#( "2", "test2", "b" )
$array += ,#( "3", "test3", "c" )
Im found pretty cool solvation for making arrays in array.
$GroupArray = #()
foreach ( $Array in $ArrayList ){
$GroupArray += #($Array , $null)
$GroupArray = $GroupArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null}
Lent from above:
$arr = ConvertFrom-Csv #'
Print the $arr:
Name Article Size
---- ------- ----
David TShirt M
Eduard Trouwsers S
Now select 'David'
$arr.Where({$_.Name -eq "david"})
Name Article Size
---- ------- ----
David TShirt M
Now if you want to know the Size of 'David'
$arr.Where({$_.Name -eq "david"}).size

For PowerShell ArrayList, which is Faster .Add or += Operator?

I found that if you create an array in PowerShell and do this:
$myArray = #()
$myArray += 7
Everytime you execute this statement it creates a NEW array with 7 at the end, and returns the new array and deletes the old array! Basically, we were doing this in a loop of like 10,000 iterations, makes it very slow!
If I use an ArrayList instead, via calling .Add(x), we found it was WAY faster. My question is which code is faster?
$myArrayList += x
Or are they the same? Because our existing code is in the += x format. We hope not to have to change all of the code to the .Add(x) format.
Got these results with the below command, 10,000 iterations.
.add() took 0s 45.2869ms
+= took 2s 900.2777 ms
Measure-Command -Expression {
$i = 0
$myArrayList = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
Do {
$myArrayList += $i
} While ($i -lt 10000)
Drew's answer shows pretty well that += with arrays in PowerShell is not performant; you already found the reason in your question (a new array is created every time, all elements copied, etc.).
Do note that ArrayList is not your only alternative. Sometimes just changing the way you do things will make a big difference; for example loops and iterations are common in PowerShell and making an array of the output by assignment is very fast, and also better syntax in my opinion.
Compare this (2s 406ms):
Measure-Command -Expression {
$a = #()
1..10000 | % { $a += $_*2 }
to this (60ms):
Measure-Command -Expression {
$a = 1..10000 | % { $_*2 }

How do I create an empty array of arrays in Powershell?

I want to create an empty array of arrays in Powershell to hold "tuples" of values (arrays are immutable).
Therefore I try something like:
The type of $arr is Object[]. I've read that += #(1,2) appends the given element (i.e. #(1,2)) to $arr (actually creates a new array). However, in this case it seems that the arrays are concatenated, why?
$arr = #()
$arr += #(1,2)
$arr.Length // 2 (not 1)
If I do as follows, it seems that $arr contains the two arrays #(1,2),#(3,4), which is what I want:
$arr = #()
$arr += #(1,2),#(3,4)
$arr.Length // 2
How do I initialize an empty array of arrays, such that I can add one subarray at a time, like $arr += #(1,2)?
The answer from Bruce Payette will work. The syntax seems a bit awkward to me, but it does work. At least it is not Perl.
Another way to do this would be with an ArrayList. To me, this syntax is more clear and more likely to be understood by another developer (or myself) in six months.
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$al = #()
foreach ($e in $al) {
The + operator concatenates arrays. To add an array as a single element, prefix the element to add with a comma. Something like #() + , (1,2) + , (3, 4).
As far as I can tell, you can't do it natively in PowerShell, nor can you do it with the [System.Array] type. In both cases, you seem to need to define both the length and the type of the array. Because I wanted a completely empty array of arrays, with the ability to store any type of value in the array, I did it this way.
$x.Add([System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()) > $null
$x[0].Add("first element") > $null

Powershell: multidimensional array changes return value from "system.object[]"

I wondered if anyone could shed some light on the issue I am facing when returning values from a multidimensional array through a function:
$ArrayList = #()
function MultiDimensionalArrayTest
for($i = 0; $i -lt 1; $i++)
$ArrayModify += ,#("Test", "Test")
return $ArrayModify
$ArrayModify = MultiDimensionalArrayTest
foreach ($item in $ArrayModify)
Write-Host $item[0]
When the loop is executed once the values returned are:
However if the for statement is lopped twice, the values returned are:
My aim is to retrieve x amount of values "Test" from the Write-Host $item[0] regardless of how many times the statement is executed
It appears that if two or more rows are captured and returned in the $ArrayModify array, the value is a system.object[], however if looped once, the value "Test, Test" is captured and when Write-Host $item[0] is executed, it will print T.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Not the cleanest way of dealing with it but you need to prevent PowerShell from unrolling the single element array into an array with two elements.
function MultiDimensionalArrayTest{
$ArrayModify = #()
for($i = 0; $i -lt 1; $i++){
$ArrayModify += ,#("Test$i", "Test$i$i")
Using the above function will get the desired output I believe. ,#($ArrayModify) ensures that the array is returned and not unrolled into its elements as you saw above.
$ArrayList = #()
$ArrayList = MultiDimensionalArrayTest
foreach ($item in $ArrayList){$item[0]}
Giving the output for $i -lt 1 in the loop
Giving the output for $i -lt 2 in the loop
Your Output
Concerning your output from your example with $i -lt 1 PowerShell is unrolling the array into a single dimension array with 2 elements "Test" and "Test". You are seeing the letter "T" since all strings support array indexing and will return the character from the requested position.
Other issues with code
Not to beat a dead horse but really look at the other answers and comments as they provide some tips as to some coding errors and anomalies of the code you presented in the question.
First of all I notice several mistakes in your code.
This line $ArrayList = #() is useless since you don't use the $ArrayList variable afterwards.
Regarding the MultiDimensionalArrayTest function, you declared an $ArrayList argument but you never use it in the function.
Finally when this line makes no sense $ArrayModify = MultiDimensionalArrayTest = $item, you probably meant $ArrayModify = MultiDimensionalArrayTest.
This is not a complete answer to your question, since I am not sure what you are trying to achieve, but take a look at this line:
$ArrayModify = MultiDimensionalArrayTest = $item
This makes no sense, since you are calling the function MultiDimensionalArrayTest and passing two arguments to it, which are "=" (powershell assumes this is a string) and $item (null object). Then you assign whatever is returned to $ArrayModify.
The reason "T" is outputted, is because you are outputting the first element of what is at the moment a string. "Test" is outputted when $item is an array of strings.

Array.Find and IndexOf for multiple elements that are exactly the same object

I have trouble of getting index of the current element for multiple elements that are exactly the same object:
$b = "A","D","B","D","C","E","D","F"
$b | ? { $_ -contains "D" }
Alternative version:
$b = "A","D","B","D","C","E","D","F"
[Array]::FindAll($b, [Predicate[String]]{ $args[0] -contains "D" })
This will return:
But this code:
$b | % { $b.IndexOf("D") }
Alternative version:
[Array]::FindAll($b, [Predicate[String]]{ $args[0] -contains "D" }) | % { $b.IndexOf($_) }
so it's pointing at the index of the first element. How to get indexes of the other elements?
You can do this:
$b = "A","D","B","D","C","E","D","F"
(0..($b.Count-1)) | where {$b[$_] -eq 'D'}
mjolinor's answer is conceptually elegant, but slow with large arrays, presumably due to having to build a parallel array of indices first (which is also memory-inefficient).
It is conceptually similar to the following LINQ-based solution (PSv3+), which is more memory-efficient and about twice as fast, but still slow:
$arr = 'A','D','B','D','C','E','D','F'
[Linq.Enumerable]::Range(0, $arr.Length),
[Func[int, bool]] { param($i) $arr[$i] -eq 'D' }
While any PowerShell looping solution is ultimately slow compared to a compiled language, the following alternative, while more verbose, is still much faster with large arrays:
PS C:\> & { param($arr, $val)
$i = 0
foreach ($el in $arr) { if ($el -eq $val) { $i } ++$i }
} ('A','D','B','D','C','E','D','F') 'D'
Perhaps surprisingly, this solution is even faster than Matt's solution, which calls [array]::IndexOf() in a loop instead of enumerating all elements.
Use of a script block (invoked with call operator & and arguments), while not strictly necessary, is used to prevent polluting the enclosing scope with helper variable $i.
The foreach statement is faster than the Foreach-Object cmdlet (whose built-in aliases are % and, confusingly, also foreach).
Simply (implicitly) outputting $i for each match makes PowerShell collect multiple results in an array.
If only one index is found, you'll get a scalar [int] instance instead; wrap the whole command in #(...) to ensure that you always get an array.
While $i by itself outputs the value of $i, ++$i by design does NOT (though you could use (++$i) to achieve that, if needed).
Unlike Array.IndexOf(), PowerShell's -eq operator is case-insensitive by default; for case-sensitivity, use -ceq instead.
It's easy to turn the above into a (simple) function (note that the parameters are purposely untyped, for flexibility):
function get-IndicesOf($Array, $Value) {
$i = 0
foreach ($el in $Array) {
if ($el -eq $Value) { $i }
# Sample call
PS C:\> get-IndicesOf ('A','D','B','D','C','E','D','F') 'D'
You would still need to loop with the static methods from [array] but if you are still curious something like this would work.
$b = "A","D","B","D","C","E","D","F"
$results = #()
$singleIndex = -1
$singleIndex = [array]::IndexOf($b,"D",$singleIndex + 1)
If($singleIndex -ge 0){$results += $singleIndex}
}While($singleIndex -ge 0)
Loop until a match is not found. Assume the match at first by assigning the $singleIndex to -1 ( Which is what a non match would return). When a match is found add the index to a results array.
