Approximate Order-Preserving Huffman Code - c

I am working on an assignment for an Algorithms and Data Structures class. I am having trouble understanding the instructions given. I will do my best to explain the problem.
The input I am given is a positive integer n followed by n positive integers which represent the frequency (or weight) for symbols in an ordered character set. The first goal is to construct a tree that gives an approximate order-preserving Huffman code for each character of the ordered character set. We are to accomplish this by "greedily merging the two adjacent trees whose weights have the smallest sum."
In the assignment we are shown that a conventional Huffman code tree is constructed by first inserting the weights into a priority queue. Then by using a delmin() function to "pop" off the root from the priority queue I can obtain the two nodes with the lowest frequencies and merge them into one node with its left and right being these two lowest frequency nodes and its priority being the sum of the priorities of its children. This merged node then is inserted back into the min-heap. The process is repeated until all input nodes have been merged. I have implemented this using an array of size 2*n*-1 with the input nodes being from 0...n-1 and then from n...2*n*-1 being the merged nodes.
I do not understand how I can greedily merge the two adjacent trees whose weights have the smallest sum. My input has basically been organized into a min-heap and from there I must find the two adjacent nodes that have the smallest sum and merge them. By adjacent I assume my professor means that they are next to each other in the input.
Example Input:
Then my min-heap would look like so:
/ \
2 1
/ \ / \
2 2 3 1
/ \
3 3
The two adjacent trees (or nodes) with the smallest sum, then, are the two consecutive 1's that appear near the end of the input. What logic can I apply to start with these nodes? I seem to be missing something but I can't quite grasp it. Please, let me know if you need any more information. I can elaborate myself or provide the entire assignment page if something is unclear.

I think this can be done with a small modification to the conventional algoritm. Instead of storing single trees in your priority queue heap, store pairs of adjacent trees. Then, at each step you remove the minimum pair (t1, t2) as well as the up to two pairs that also contain those trees, i.e. (u, t1) and (t2, r). Then merge t1 and t2 to a new tree t', re-insert the pairs (u, t') and (t', r) in the heap with updated weights and repeat.

You need to pop two trees and make 3rd tree. To it left node join tree with smaller sum and to right node join second tree. Put this tree to heap. From your example
Pop 2 tree from heap:
1 1
Make tree
/ \
? ?
Put smaller tree to left node
min(1, 1) = 1
/ \
1 ?
Put to right node second tree
/ \
1 1
Tree you made have sum = sum of left node + sum of right node
/ \
1 1
Put new tree (sum 2) to heap.
Finally you will have one tree, It's Huffman tree.


Rascal MPL print id of all traversed nodes in a visit

Is it possible to print all node ids / values that are traversed in a visit? Take the following code sample:
top-down visit(asts) {
case x: println(typeOf(x));
I now get all types of the nodes that were visited. I would instead like to know the ids / values of all x that were encountered (without printing the entire tree). In other words, I am curious as to how Rascal traverses the list[Declaration] asts containing lang::java::m3::ASTs.
As a corrolary, is it possible to print direct ascendants / descendants of a Declaration regardless of their type? Or print the total number of children of an ast?
In the documentation ( there is no mention of this.
in principle a Rascal value does not have an "id". It's structure is its "id" and its id is its structure. You can print a hash if you want, using md5sum for example from the IO function: case value x : println(md5sum(x));
Rascal traverses lists from left to right. In top-down mode it first visits the entire list and in bottom-up mode it goes first to the children.
printing the total number of nodes in a tree: (0 | it + 1 | /_ <- t)
printing all children of a node: import Node;, case node n: println(getChildren(n));
ascendants are not accessible unless you match deeper and include two levels of nodes in a pattern.

Check if 2 BSTs have the same in-order traversal simultaneously using recursion

I am looking at this problem discussed on YouTube:
Given two binary trees, determine whether they have the same inorder traversal:
Tree 1 Tree 2
5 3
/ \ / \
3 7 1 6
/ / / \
1 6 5 7
[1,3,5,6,7] [1,3,5,6,7]
I wanted to know how to solve this problem by doing a simultaneous in-order traversal of both trees using only recursion. I know people alluded to it in the comment section but I assume they mean iteratively.
My first thought was to use 1 function and pass in 2 lists to hold the values of the trees, and then compare them in the parent function. But this seems to work on only trees that have the same height (I think).
def dual_inorder_traversal(self, p, q, pn = [], qn = []):
if not p and not q: return
if not q: pn.append(p.val)
if not p: qn.append(q.val)
if p and q:
self.dualInorder(p.left, q.left)
self.dualInorder(p.right, q.right)
return pn, qn
I then tried mutual recursion in which I have two functions, one that recurses tree1 and another that recurses tree2 and have them call each other. My idea was that we could append the root in the tree1 function when we visit it, and then then pop it from the list and compare when we visit the root in the tree2 function. Not even going to post what I tried because it didn't work at all lol. Also not even sure if mutual recursion is even possible in this case.
You are right that your first attempt to recurse through both trees in a single recursive function is difficult to do when the trees have different shapes: you may need to recur deeper in one tree, while in the other you are stuck at a leaf. This means you need to maintain lists to collect values (as can be seen in your code).
But storing values in lists is really defeating the purpose of the challenge. You might then as well collect all values in two lists and compare the lists, or collect the values of one tree in one list and compare against that list while making the traversal in the other (as is done in the video you linked to). Yet, it should not be necessary to use that much space for the job.
The idea to have two separate traversals going on in tandem is more promising. It becomes really easy when you make the traversal function a generator. This way that function stops running whenever the next value is found, giving you the opportunity to proceed in the other traversal also with one step.
Here is an inorder generator you could define in the Node class:
class Node:
def __init__(self, value, left=None, right=None):
self.value = value
self.left = left
self.right = right
def inorder(self):
if self.left:
yield from self.left.inorder()
yield self.value
if self.right:
yield from self.right.inorder()
Now it is a matter of iterating through p.inorder() and q.inorder() in tandem. You can write this with a loop, but itertools has a very usefull zip_longest function for that purpose:
from itertools import zip_longest
def same_inorder(p, q):
return all(v1 == v2 for v1, v2 in zip_longest(p.inorder(), q.inorder()))
There is a boundary case when the trees have a different number of nodes, but their inorder traversal is the same until the smaller tree is fully iterated. Then zip_longest will fill up the gap and produce None values to compare with. So as long as the tree nodes do not have None as value, that is fine. If however you expect nodes to have None values (quite odd), then use a different filler value. For instance nan could be an option:
zip_longest(p.inorder(), q.inorder(), fillvalue=float("nan"))
As a demo, let's take these two trees:
5 3
/ \ / \
3 7 1 6
/ / / \
1 6 5 7
Then you can create and compare their inorder traversals as follows:
tree1 = Node(5,
), Node(7,
tree2 = Node(3,
print(same_inorder(tree1, tree2)) # True
Time and Space use
Let's define π‘š as the number of nodes in the first tree and 𝑛 as the number of nodes in the second tree.
Runtime complexity = O(π‘š+𝑛)
Average, auxiliary space complexity = O(log(𝑛) + log(π‘š))
The auxiliary space excludes the space already used by the input, which is O(𝑛+π‘š). On top of this we need to use the stack during the recursion. On average that will be O(log(𝑛) + log(π‘š))

Sorting 2 linked list of 50000 numbers with a limited set of operations

So I have this project for school : I have a linked list of 50 000 numbers and a second empty list. I only have a very limited panel of instructions. They are :
"sa" swaps the first two elements of list 1
"sb" swaps the first two elements of list 2
"ss" is "sa" and "sb" at the same time
"pa" : push top element of list 2 on top of list 1
"pb": push top element of list 1 on top of list 2
"ra": rotate list 1 (first element becomes last)
"rb":rotate list 2 (first becomes last)
"rr": "ra"and "rb" at once
"rra": rotate list 1 (last becomes first)
"rrb": rotate list 2(last becomes first)
"rrr": "rra" and "rrb" at once
I have to implement a sorting algorithm in c and the goal is to do it with the smallest amount of instructions.
I tried with a very simple algorithm that rotated list one until the maximum was on top and then pushed it in list 2 repeatedly until everything was in list 2 and then pushed everything back in list 1, but I was not able to sort lists of more than 5k numbers in a reasonable amount of time
I think I've figured out how to do this using quick sort. Here's some pseudocode.
edit: updated pseudocode to focus on what it's doing and not unnecessary syntax
quicksort(int n)
if n == 1 return
int top_half_len = 0
choose a median //it's up to you to determine the best way to do this
for 0 to n { //filter all values above the median into list 2
if (value > median) {
push list 1 top to list 2 //list 2 stores the larger half
rotate list 1 forward
//reverse the list back to original position
rotate list 1 backward (n - top_half_len) times
//push larger half onto smaller half
push list 2 top to list 1 top_half_len times
//recursively call this on the larger half
//rotate smaller half to front
rotate list 1 forward top_half_len times
//recursively call this on smaller half
quicksort(n - top_half_len)
//reverse list back to original position
rotate list 1 backward top_half_len times
Basically, it splits the list into a portion smaller or equal than the median (smaller half) and a portion greater than the median (larger half). Then it calls itself on both of these halves. Once they're length 1, the algorithm is done, since a 1 length list is sorted. Google quick sort for an actual explanation.
I'm think this should work, but I may have missed some edge case. Don't blindly follow this. Also, if you were dealing with arrays, I'd recommend you stop the quick sort at a certain recursion depth and use heap sort (or something to prevent the worst case O(n^2) complexity), but I'm not sure what would be efficient here. update: according to Peter Cordes, you should use insertion sort when you get below a certain array size (IMO you should at a certain recursion depth too).
Apparently merge sort is faster on linked lists. It probably wouldn't be too hard to modify this to implement merge sort. Merge sort is pretty similar to quick sort.
why is merge sort preferred over quick sort for sorting linked lists
The problem statement is missing a compare function, so I would define compare(lista, listb) to compare the first node of lista with the first node of listb and return -1 for <, 0 for =, 1 for greater, or all that is really needed for merge sort is 0 for <= and 1 for >.
Also missing is a return value to indicate a list is empty when doing pa or pb. I would define pa or pb to return 1 if source list is not empty and 0 if source list is empty (no node to copy).
It's not clear if the goal is smallest amount of instructions refers to the number of instructions in the source code or the number of instructions executed during the sort.
Smallest number of instructions in the code would rotate list2 based on compares with list1 to insert nodes into list2 at the proper location. Start with a pb, and set list2 size to 1. Then rb or rrb are done to rotate list2 to where the next pb should be done. The code would keep track of list2 "offset" to smallest node in order to avoid endless loop in rotating list2. Complexity is O(n^2).
I'm thinking the fastest sort and perhaps fewest number of instructions executed is a bottom up merge sort.
Do a bottom up merge sort while rotating the lists, using them like circular buffers / lists. Copy list1 to list2 to generate a count of nodes, using the sequence | count = 0 | while(pb){rb | count += 1 }.
Using the count, move every other node from list2 to list1 using {pa, rr}, n/2 times. Always keep track of the actual number of nodes on each list in order to know when the logical end of a list is reached. Also keep track of a run counter for each list to know when the logical end of a run is reached. At this point you have two lists where the even nodes are on list1 and odd nodes are on list2.
Run size starts off at 1 and doubles on each pass. For the first pass with run size of 1, merge even nodes with odd nodes, creating sorted runs of size 2, alternating appending the sorted pairs of nodes to list1 and list2. For example, if appending to list1, and list1 node <= list2 node, use {ra, run1count -= 1}, else use {pa, ra, run2count -= 1}. When the end of a run is reached, the append the rest of the remaining run to the end of a list. On the next pass, merge sorted runs of 2 nodes from the lists, alternately appending sorted runs of 4 nodes to each list. Continue this for runs of 8, 16, ... until all nodes end up on one list.
So that's one pass to count the nodes, one pass to split up the even and odd nodes, and ceil(log2(n)) passes to do the merge sort. The overhead for the linked list operations is small (rotate removes and appends a node), so the overall merge should be fairly quick.
The number of instructions on the count pass could be reduced with while(pb){count +=1}, which would copy list1 to list2 reversed. Then spitting up list2 into list1 would also be done using rrr to unreverse them.
Complexity is O(n log(n)).

How to, given a predetermined set of keys, reorder the keys such that the minimum number of nodes are used when inserting into a B-Tree?

So I have a problem which i'm pretty sure is solvable, but after many, many hours of thinking and discussion, only partial progress has been made.
The issue is as follows. I'm building a BTree of, potentially, a few million keys. When searching the BTree, it is paged on demand from disk into memory, and each page in operation is relatively expensive. This effectively means that we want to need to traverse as few nodes as possible (although after a node has been traversed to, the cost of traversing through that node, up to that node is 0). As a result, we don't want to waste space by having lots of nodes nearing minimum capacity. In theory, this should be preventable (within reason) as the structure of the tree is dependent on the order that the keys were inserted in.
So, the question is how to reorder the keys such that after the BTree is built the fewest number of nodes are used. Here's an example:
I did stumble on this question In what order should you insert a set of known keys into a B-Tree to get minimal height? which unfortunately asks a slightly different question. The answers, also don't seem to solve my problem. It is also worth adding that we want the mathematical guarantees that come from not building the tree manually, and only using the insert option. We don't want to build a tree manually, make a mistake, and then find it is unsearchable!
I've also stumbled upon 2 research papers which are so close to solving my question but aren't quite there!
Time-and Space-Optimality in B-Trees and Optimal 2,3-Trees (where I took the above image from in fact) discuss and quantify the differences between space optimal and space pessimal BTrees, but don't go as far as to describe how to design an insert order as far as I can see.
Any help on this would be greatly, greatly appreciated.
Research papers can be found at:
EDIT:: I ended up filling a btree skeleton constructed as described in the above papers with the FILLORDER algorithm. As previously mentioned, I was hoping to avoid this, however I ended up implementing it before the 2 excellent answers were posted!
The algorithm below should work for B-Trees with minimum number of keys in node = d and maximum = 2*d I suppose it can be generalized for 2*d + 1 max keys if way of selecting median is known.
Algorithm below is designed to minimize the number of nodes not just height of the tree.
Method is based on idea of putting keys into any non-full leaf or if all leaves are full to put key under lowest non full node.
More precisely, tree generated by proposed algorithm meets following requirements:
It has minimum possible height;
It has no more then two nonfull nodes on each level. (It's always two most right nodes.)
Since we know that number of nodes on any level excepts root is strictly equal to sum of node number and total keys number on level above we can prove that there is no valid rearrangement of nodes between levels which decrease total number of nodes. For example increasing number of keys inserted above any certain level will lead to increase of nodes on that level and consequently increasing of total number of nodes. While any attempt to decrease number of keys above the certain level will lead to decrease of nodes count on that level and fail to fit all keys on that level without increasing tree height.
It also obvious that arrangement of keys on any certain level is one of optimal ones.
Using reasoning above also more formal proof through math induction may be constructed.
The idea is to hold list of counters (size of list no bigger than height of the tree) to track how much keys added on each level. Once I have d keys added to some level it means node filled in half created in that level and if there is enough keys to fill another half of this node we should skip this keys and add root for higher level. Through this way, root will be placed exactly between first half of previous subtree and first half of next subtree, it will cause split, when root will take it's place and two halfs of subtrees will become separated. Place for skipped keys will be safe while we go through bigger keys and can be filled later.
Here is nearly working (pseudo)code, array needs to be sorted:
PushArray(BTree bTree, int d, key[] Array)
List<int> counters = new List<int>{0};
//skip list will contain numbers of nodes to skip
//after filling node of some order in half
List<int> skip = new List<int>();
List<Pair<int,int>> skipList = List<Pair<int,int>>();
int i = -1;
int order = 0;
while(counters[order] == d) order += 1;
for(int j = order - 1; j >= 0; j--) counters[j] = 0;
if (counters.Lenght <= order + 1) counters.Add(0);
counters[order] += 1;
if (skip.Count <= order)
skip.Add(i + 2);
if (order > 0)
skipList.Add({i,order}); //list of skipped parts that will be needed later
i += skip[order];
if (i > N) break;
//now we need to add all skipped keys in correct order
foreach(Pair<int,int> p in skipList)
for(int i = p.2; i > 0; i--)
PushArray(bTree, d, Array.SubArray(p.1 + skip[i - 1], skip[i] -1))
Here is how numbers and corresponding counters keys should be arranged for d = 2 while first pass through array. I marked keys which pushed into the B-Tree during first pass (before loop with recursion) with 'o' and skipped with 'x'.
4 9 14 19 29
0 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 30 ...
o o x x o o o x x o o o x x x x x x x x x x x x o o o x x o o ...
1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 ...
0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 0 0 0 1 1 ...
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 ...
skip[0] = 1
skip[1] = 3
skip[2] = 13
Since we don't iterate through skipped keys we have O(n) time complexity without adding to B-Tree itself and for sorted array;
In this form it may be unclear how it works when there is not enough keys to fill second half of node after skipped block but we can also avoid skipping of all skip[order] keys if total length of array lesser than ~ i + 2 * skip[order] and skip for skip[order - 1] keys instead, such string after changing counters but before changing variable i might be added:
while(order > 0 && i + 2*skip[order] > N) --order;
it will be correct cause if total count of keys on current level is lesser or equal than 3*d they still are split correctly if add them in original order. Such will lead to slightly different rearrangement of keys between two last nodes on some levels, but will not break any described requirements, and may be it will make behavior more easy to understand.
May be it's reasonable to find some animation and watch how it works, here is the sequence which should be generated on 0..29 range: 0 1 4 5 6 9 10 11 24 25 26 29 /end of first pass/ 2 3 7 8 14 15 16 19 20 21 12 13 17 18 22 23 27 28
The algorithm below attempts to prepare the order the keys so that you don't need to have power or even knowledge about the insertion procedure. The only assumption is that overfilled tree nodes are either split at the middle or at the position of the last inserted element, otherwise the B-tree can be treated as a black box.
The trick is to trigger node splits in a controlled way. First you fill a node exactly, the left half with keys that belong together and the right half with another range of keys that belong together. Finally you insert a key that falls in between those two ranges but which belongs with neither; the two subranges are split into separate nodes and the last inserted key ends up in the parent node. After splitting off in this fashion you can fill the remainder of both child nodes to make the tree as compact as possible. This also works for parent nodes with more than two child nodes, just repeat the trick with one of the children until the desired number of child nodes is created. Below, I use what is conceptually the rightmost childnode as the "splitting ground" (steps 5 and 6.1).
Apply the splitting trick recursively, and all elements should end up in their ideal place (which depends on the number of elements). I believe the algorithm below guarantees that the height of the tree is always minimal and that all nodes except for the root are as full as possible. However, as you can probably imagine it is hard to be completely sure without actually implementing and testing it thoroughly. I have tried this on paper and I do feel confident that this algorithm, or something extremely similar, should do the job.
Implied tree T with maximum branching factor M.
Top procedure with keys of length N:
Sort the keys.
Set minimal-tree-height to ceil(log(N+1)/log(M)).
Call insert-chunk with chunk = keys and H = minimal-tree-height.
Procedure insert-chunk with chunk of length L, subtree height H:
If H is equal to 1:
Insert all keys from the chunk into T
Return immediately.
Set the ideal subchunk size S to pow(M, H - 1).
Set the number of subtrees T to ceil((L + 1) / S).
Set the actual subchunk size S' to ceil((L + 1) / T).
Recursively call insert-chunk with chunk' = the last floor((S - 1) / 2) keys of chunk and H' = H - 1.
For each of the ceil(L / S') subchunks (of size S') except for the last with index I:
Recursively call insert-chunk with chunk' = the first ceil((S - 1) / 2) keys of subchunk I and H' = H - 1.
Insert the last key of subchunk I into T (this insertion purposefully triggers a split).
Recursively call insert-chunk with chunk' = the remaining keys of subchunk I (if any) and H' = H - 1.
Recursively call insert-chunk with chunk' = the remaining keys of the last subchunk and H' = H - 1.
Note that the recursive procedure is called twice for each subtree; that is fine, because the first call always creates a perfectly filled half subtree.
Here is a way which would lead to minimum height in any BST (including b tree) :-
sort array
Say you can have m key in b tree
Divide array recursively in m+1 equal parts using m keys in parent.
construct the child tree of n/(m+1) sorted keys using recursion.
example : -
m = 2 array = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]
divide array into three parts :-
root = [4,8]
recursively solve :-
child1 = [1 2 3]
root1 = [2]
left1 = [1]
right1 = [3]
similarly for all childs solve recursively.
So is this about optimising the creation procedure, or optimising the tree?
You can clearly create a maximally efficient B-Tree by first creating a full Balanced Binary Tree, and then contracting nodes.
At any level in a binary tree, the gap in numbers between two nodes contains all the numbers between those two values by the definition of a binary tree, and this is more or less the definition of a B-Tree. You simply start contracting the binary tree divisions into B-Tree nodes. Since the binary tree is balanced by construction, the gaps between nodes on the same level always contain the same number of nodes (assuming the tree is filled). Thus the BTree so constructed is guaranteed balanced.
In practice this is probably quite a slow way to create a BTree, but it certainly meets your criteria for constructing the optimal B-Tree, and the literature on creating balanced binary trees is comprehensive.
In your case, where you might take an off the shelf "better" over a constructed optimal version, have you considered simply changing the number of children nodes can have? Your diagram looks like a classic 2-3 tree, but its perfectly possible to have a 3-4 tree, or a 3-5 tree, which means that every node will have at least three children.
Your question is about btree optimization. It is unlikely that you do this just for fun. So I can only assume that you would like to optimize data accesses - maybe as part of database programming or something like this. You wrote: "When searching the BTree, it is paged on demand from disk into memory", which means that you either have not enough memory to do any sort of caching or you have a policy to utilize as less memory as possible. In either way this may be the root cause for why any answer to your question will not be satisfying. Let me explain why.
When it comes to data access optimization, memory is your friend. It does not matter if you do read or write optimization you need memory. Any sort of write optimization always works on the assumption that it can read information in a quick way (from memory) - sorting needs data. If you do not have enough memory for read optimization you will not have that for write optimization too.
As soon as you are willing to accept at least some memory utilization you can rethink your statement "When searching the BTree, it is paged on demand from disk into memory", which makes up room for balancing between read and write optimization. A to maximum optimized BTREE is maximized write optimization. In most data access scenarios I know you get a write at any 10-100 reads. That means that a maximized write optimization is likely to give a poor performance in terms of data access optimization. That is why databases accept restructuring cycles, key space waste, unbalanced btrees and things like that...

Are there any interesting algorithms using both a stack and queue (deque) ADT?

We often use stacks or queues in our algorithms, but are there any cases where we use a doubly linked list to implement both a stack and a queue in the algorithm? For example, at one stage, we push() 6 items onto the stack, pop() 2 items, and then dequeue() the rest of the items (4) from the tail of the doubly linked list. What I am looking for are obscure, interesting algorithms that implement something in this method, or even stranger. Pseudocode, links and explanations would be nice.
The Melkman algorithm (for computing the convex hull of a simple polygonal chain in linear time) uses a double-ended queue (a.k.a deque) to store an incremental hull for the vertices already processed.
Input: a simple polyline W with n vertices V[i]
Put first 3 vertices onto deque D so that:
a) 3rd vertex V[2] is at bottom and top of D
b) on D they form a counterclockwise (ccw) triangle
While there are more polyline vertices of W to process
Get the next vertex V[i]
Note that:
a) D is the convex hull of already processed vertices
b) D[bot] = D[top] = the last vertex added to D
// Test if V[i] is inside D (as a polygon)
If V[i] is left of D[bot]D[bot+1] and D[top-1]D[top]
Skip V[i] and Continue with the next vertex
// Get the tangent to the bottom
While V[i] is right of D[bot]D[bot+1]
Remove D[bot] from the bottom of D
Insert V[i] at the bottom of D
// Get the tangent to the top
While V[i] is right of D[top-1]D[top]
Pop D[top] from the top of D
Push V[i] onto the top of D
Output: D = the ccw convex hull of W.
Joe Mitchell: Melkman’s Convex Hull Algorithm (PDF)
This structure is called Deque, that is a queue where elements can be added to or removed from the head or tail. See more at 1.
I'm not sure whether this qualifies, but you can use a double-ended priority queue to apply quicksort to a file too large to fit into memory. The idea is that in a regular quicksort, you pick an element as a pivot, then partition the elements into three groups - elements less than the pivot, elements equal to the pivot, and elements greater than the pivot. If you can't fit all of the items into memory at once, you can adapt this solution as follows. Instead of choosing a single element as the pivot, instead pick some huge number of elements (as many as you can fit into RAM, say) and insert them into a double-ended priority queue. Then, scan across the rest of the elements one at a time. If the element is less than the smallest element of the double-ended priority queue, put it into the group of elements smaller than all the pivots. If it's bigger than the largest element of the priority queue, then put it into a group of elements greater than the pivots. Otherwise, insert the element into the double-ended priority queue and then kick out either the smallest or largest element from the queue and put it into the appropriate group. Once you've finished doing this, you'll have split the elements into three pieces - a group of small elements that can then be recursively sorted, a group of elements in the middle that are now fully sorted (since if you dequeue them all from the double-ended priority queue they'll be extracted in sorted order), and a group of elements greater than the middle elements that can be sorted as well.
For more info on this algorithm and double-ended priority queues in general, consider looking into this link to a chapter on the subject.
We can modify Breadth First Search (that is usually used to find shortest pathes in a graph with 1-weighted edges) to work with 0-1 graphs (i.e. graph with edges of 0 and 1 weights). We can do it next way: when we used 1-edge we add the vertex to the back and when we use 0-edge we add the vertex to the begin.
