Avoid second click in silverlight button MVVM - silverlight

I've seen I have a problem with several users that use to double-click in buttons.
I have several buttons bound to commands that launch many actions.
For example there are two windows that communicate between them through a mediator so when I click "close the other window", the bound command sends a "CloseTheOtherWindowMessage". The problem is that when a user makes double click it tries to close the window a second time and, as expected, it crashes.
I've tried to set the window BusyIndicator as IsBusy when I press the button but my finger is quicker than MVVM and it still let me double-click before it starts showing the BusyIndicator.
I've found many examples of how to only admit double click in MVVM using interaction.Behaviors but I want just the opposite. Is there any example or other good and general solution for this problem?

Why is it "as expected" when it crashes? A crash should never be "as expected".
Your finger shouldn't be "quicker than MVVM". The Dispatcher thread always acts deterministically and sequentially. Do you use a multi-threaded approach?
In the command's Execute method or handler, raise its CanExecuteChanged event, and the binding engine will immediately call CanExecute(...). Make it so that this method will return false the second time. Maybe use a timer, or, better yet, you can logically determine by your view model state alone that the action is not possible right now (i.e. because IsOtherStuffAvailable is currently false).


WPF's command firing twice on fast doubleclick

From a production application, we notice that our WPF buttons fire the ICommand.Execute method twice on fast double click.
Now, on every Command, the application is covered with a full-screen spinner animation, preventing any further interaction with the application.
This github repo contains a minimalistic repro of the issue. Note that:
when the Button's Command fires, the "IsBusy" flag is set to true
as a consequence, the BusyIndicator overlay will be shown
as a consequence, the Button cannot be pressed again until after 300ms
However, especially on slow computers, when fast double-clicking (really fast, like gaming fast that is), it is possible to fire the command twice without the BusyIndicator blocking the second call (this can be seen if the output shows 2 'click' lines right after one another).
This is unexpected behavior to me, as the IsBusy flag is set to true right away on the UI thread.
How come a second click is able to pass through?
I would expect the IsBusy Binding to show the overlay on the UI thread, blocking any further interaction?
The github sample also contains 2 workarounds:
using the ICommand.CanExecute to block the Execute handler
using the PreviewMouseDown to prevent double clicks
I'm trying to understand what the issue is.
What work-around would you prefer?
This is only my guess and not a solid and confirmed info, but it seems that when you click the mouse button, the hit-testing is done immediately, but all the mouse related events are only scheduled to be raised (using the Dispatcher I presume). The important thing is that the control that is clicked is determined at the time the click occurred, and not after the previous click has been completely handled (including all UI changes that potentially follow).
So in your case, even if the first click results in showing the BusyIndicator covering (and thus blocking) the Button, if you manage to click for the second time before the BusyIndicator is actually shown (and that does not happen immediately), the click event on the Button will be scheduled to be raised (which will happen after the BusyIndicator is shown), causing the command to be executed again even though at that point the BusyIndicator will possibly be blocking the Button.
If your goal is to prevent command execution while the previous one is still executing the obvious choice is to make the Command.CanExecute result depend on the state of the IsBusy flag. Moreover, I wouldn't even call it a workaround, but a proper design.
What you're facing here is a clear-cut example of why you shouldn't make your business logic rely on UI. Firstly, because rendering strongly depends on the machine's processing power, and secondly because covering a button with another control by far does not guarantee the button cannot be "clicked" (using for example UI Automation framework).

WPF command not executable

I have a button on a toolbar that has its command set to "MyControl.Print" (for example).
In the control the command is added to the command bindings including both the Execute and CanExecute.
The control is within a window with other controls docked appropriately.
I am finding that for the Print button to be enabled I have to "select" MyControl first which does not provide a good user experience and indeed causes various "bugs" being raised and lots of confusion.
Is there a way that I can ensure that the button is enabled whether or not the control has been "selected"?
Since the CanExecute doesn't fire, I think you might be looking at the major downside to RoutedCommands - the way they tunnel and bubble can leave a highly composed interface unable to have commands arrive anywhere useful. For this reason we ended up moving to DelegateCommands from (I think) the Microsoft CAG. Not any of the other stuff, just the commands. Works a lot better, and isn't tied in to the interface so tightly.
Oh, the other response raises a good point. I assumed you meant that to ever print, your MyControl needed to have keyboard focus. Is it only the first time and after that it works?
I recommend http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff921126(PandP.20).aspx as a pretty good starting point. You don't have to worry too much about the IActiveAware up front, since you're hoping for this command to be available all the time (or at least let its availablity be determined by CanExecute).
CommandManager.InvalidateRequerySuggested will force the command manager to re-call all of your CanExecute methods and should disable the button. Perhaps call that onload?

WPF - Why isn't Keyboard.Focus() working?

have a TextBox item (MyTextBox) on a TabItem control. I have code that looks as follows:
When I run this code through the debugger I see the following after the lines are executed:
MyTextBox.IsFocused = true
MyTextBox.IsKeyboardFocused = false
Can anyone tell me why the textbox isn't receiving keyboard focus? It's just a standard TextBox control that is enabled.
When you try to set Focus to an element besides the things enumerated above by our coleague, you must also know that WPF does not allow cross threaded operations.
In some cases this exception is not raised like in the Focus method call case. What I've done to fix this issue is to call all the code that involves Keyboards focus in an action.
This action is ran inside the control dispatcher to make sure that my code is not being executed from another thread than the UI thread (e.g. timer event or an event raised from another thread):
new Action(
/// put your Focus code here
MyTextBox.IsKeyboardFocused is false because you are looking at it under debugger and the keyboard focus is probably in your Visual Studio... Try debugging focus without breakpoints (e.g. Debug.Write or trace brakepoints) to see actual values of MyTextBox.IsKeyboardFocused in runtime.
Also notice that Focus() method returns boolean value that indicates whether focus was successfully set. Does it return False in your case? If yes, I would suggest stepping into Focus() method in order to find out what is wrong.
3 important properties must be true: IsVisible="True", Focusable="True". IsEnabled="True".
To be focusable, Focusable and IsEnabled must both be true.
The accepted answer here does not solve the problem of textboxes who dont gain focus, no matter what the debugger tells you. If you have and can write to your textbox, then you have it keyboard-focused.
I found this here solving the problem (and actually gaining focus, not just settings the values so it looks like focus in the debugger), it comes very close to Pavlov's answer but with the "Focus code" : Keyboard.Focus does not work on text box in WPF
This worked for me (had to do UpdateLayout, otherwise Focus() didn't work immediately after changing tab from script)
tabControl.SelectedIndex = 2;
It's important where your first two lines of code are executed.
If they are in an event handler that relates to the user pressing a key, using the mouse, altering the visibility of a control, or otherwise taking an action that might have an impact on focus, I find manually calling Focus() often doesn't work.
My theory is that internally, WPF operates as follows:
User or code takes action which could have an impact on focus, e.g. a TextBox control becomes enabled inside a focus scope which previously had no focusable control.
WPF notifies various event handlers, including yours which calls Focus().
WPF updates focus based on the state changes in step 1. This overrides whatever you did in step 2.
That is why this answer suggests to call your Focus() in a queued callback which will be executed after step 3.
Side note: you don't need to call both UIElement.Focus and Keyboard.Focus since the first includes the second (at least if you trust the Microsoft docs).
In conclusion, replace your first two lines of code with this:
// using System.Windows.Threading;
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Input, MyTextBox.Focus);

Drop outside the control

I'm improving standart WPF TabControl. I want to add undocking functionality to it:
user drags the page just outside the TabControl and this page undocks in the window.
I want two events in this control - PageDragStart (raises when the page dragged outside) and PageDragEnd (raises when the page dropped outside)
I've got no problem with the first event.
But the second... OnDrop doesn't call, because the item dropped outside the tabcontol container. How can I know that it was dropped?
P.S. I want a universal control (so, undocking functionality shouldn't be connected and hardcoded with the window tabcontrol is placed or something like this)
Why use DoDragDrop at all? As I was reading your description, using Mouse.Capture by itself seemed the obvious solution:
Handle OnMouseLeftButtonDown on the tab and start capture
Handle OnMouseMove on the tab and update the cursor based on hit testing
Handle OnMouseLeftButtonUp on the tab, and stop the capture and make the appropriate change
The reasons you might ever consider DoDragDrop over simple mouse capture are:
Integration with Windows' OLE drag and drop so you can drag and drop between applications and technologies
Modal nature of DoDragDrop call (which actually seems to be more of a disadvantage to me)
Automated hit testing of targets
Standardized "drop operation" API to allow unrelated applications to handle copy vs move, etc.
You apparently don't need the OLE integration or multi-application support and you want to customize the hit testing, so it seems that DoDragDrop has no advantages over directly handling the mouse capture.
I solved the problem - in rather brutal and unsafe way. But for it's gonna work as the temporary solution.
Well, when I'm raising PageDragStart event, I call Mouse.Capture(this, CaptureMode.SubTree);
When the page is dropped somewhere - DoDragDrop throws different exceptions (COMException, NullReference (I couldn't find which object is null) and some others I don't remember).
I catch exception and call PageDragEnd event (if the property IsPageDraggingOut set to true).
As far as you can see this solution is really dirty and bad. But it works.
So, any other ideas (or some ideas how to work with Mouse.Capture properly)?

Responding to a WPF Click Event in a Data-bound User Control

I hope this makes sense.
I have created several WPF User Controls. The lowest level item is 'PostItNote.xaml'. Next, I have a 'NotesGroup.xaml' file that has an ItemsControl bound to a List of PostItNotes. Above that, I have a 'ProgrammerControl.xaml' file. Each ProgrammerControl has a grid with four different NotesGroup user controls on it (and each NotesGroup contains 0-many PostItNotes.
Then, I have my main window. It also has an ItemsControl, bound to a list of Programmers.
So, you end up with a high level visual view of a list of programmers, each programmer has four groups of tickets, each group of tickets has many PostItNotes.
The trouble I'm having, is that I want to respond to a mouse click event in my mainWindow's code behind file.
I can add a MouseClick event into my PostItNote.xaml.vb file and that is getting called when the user clicks a PostItNote, and I can re-raise the event; but I can't seem to get the NotesGroup to listen for that event. I'm not sure if that's even the correct approach.
When the user clicks the PostItNote, I'm going to do a bunch of business-logic type stuff that the PostItNote control doesn't have a reference to/doesn't know about it.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
You have a couple choices:
Use the PreviewXXX events which are fired during the "tunneling" phase of WPF event routing. The parent controls can always preview the events going down through them to children.
Use the more advanced approach to hooking up events leveraging the AddHandler method to which you can pass a parameter called "handledEventsToo" which basically means you want to know when the event happened "within" you even if some descendent element handled the event itself.
I am going to take a flyer here. You probably don't want to be handling the event that high up; not really anyway. You are catching the event at the lower levels, which is unavoidable. Consider invoking a routed command from the PostItNote click event handler.
The routed commands bubble up and tunnel down through the tree. You can have an architecture where a high-level handler can listen to a logical event (Opening a postit note perhaps?). The handler for this doesn't need to care where the command originates from. It might be from you clicking something, it might be from clicking on a toolbar button. Both are valid scenarios.
It sounds like you are creating some kind of custom UI, am I right? You want the application to respond to the users interactions. That is what the RoutedCommands are for.
