How to set run-time character set in C? - c

How to set run-time character set in the C programming language, in linux environment?
For example, I want to set it to iso8859-1, utf-8, or ascii.

What printf( "%c", '\xa3') does is always the same -- it outputs one byte with the value 0xA3 (= 163) to the standard output stream.
What is then shown on your screen depends on how your terminal (e.g., xterm or the Linux console) reacts to seeing a byte with value 163 written to it. That is a question of the character setting of your terminal, and there is no direct way your C program can influence it. What you need to do is allow the C program to find out what charset the terminal expects, and then generate output that matches that.
Simple programs can often can get away with assuming that the charset their input is in is also the charset their output is expected to be in, and then they just ignore charset issues and simply reproduce high-bit bytes in their output exactly as they appeared in the input. (The UTF-8 encoding of Unicode is deliberately designed to make this strategy work in many cases).
However, when that is not the case -- such as if your program contains hardcoded string with non-English letters -- you need to use the locale functions to figure out which character encoding your program is supposed to produce, and then make sure to do that. Libraries such as libiconv can often help with this relatively painlessly.

You need to be a little more specific about what you mean. For the most part, C doesn't really have a character set; its strings are simply null-delimited strings of bytes, and doesn't do anything to encode or decode them.
There are a few functions in the C standard library, and in POSIX which depend on the current locale. You can use use setlocale to set the current locale; it defaults to the C locale, in which strings are treated as ASCII and compared according to byte values.
If you want to convert character sets, use iconv; this will allow you to convert buffers from one encoding to another. For instance, if you represent your text internally in UTF-8, but want to print it out in ISO-8859-1, this is what you would use.
edit to add: From a comment on another answer, you ask:
I set my terminal's expected character set to be "ISO 8859-1", but why when I call the function setlocale( LC_CTYPE, NULL );, it still returns C? I think it should return ISO 8859-1 as this is the terminal's expected charset.
When the program starts up, its locale is always "C". If you want to set the locale based on the environment variables, you need to call setlocale( LC_ALL, "") or setlocal( LC_CTYPE, ""); that is, you need to pass in an empty string, and then the locale will be set based on your environment variables.

See setlocale(3), which sets the program's current locale.

Standard C provides the setlocale() function to set a locale. The value for LC_CTYPE defines the character type. For some finer details, also see what POSIX has to say.
To find out the locales supported on your system, run
locale -a


What character encoding is used by fopen() or open()?

When you use a function like fopen(), you have to pass it a string argument for the filename. I want to know what the character encoding of this string should be.
This question has already been asked here, but it has contradictory answers. One answer says the following:
It depends on the system locale. Look at the output of the "locale"
command. If the variables end in UTF-8, then your locale is UTF-8.
Most modern linuxes will be using UTF-8. Although Andrew is correct
that technically it's just a byte string, if you don't match the
system locale some programs may not work correctly and it will be
impossible to get correct user input, etc. It's best to stick with
While another answer says the following:
Filesystem calls on Linux are encoding-agnostic, i.e. they do not
(need to) know about the particular encoding. As far as they are
concerned, the byte-string pointed to by the filename argument is
passed down to the filesystem as-is. The filesystem expects that
filenames are in the correct encoding (usually UTF-8, as mentioned by
Matthew Talbert).
This means that you often don't need to do anything (filenames are
treated as opaque byte-strings), but it really depends on where you
receive the filename from, and whether you need to manipulate the
filename in any way.
Which answer is the correct one?
They're both correct in some ways.
The strings passed to the file system calls are a string of bytes, with a null byte marking the end of the string and '/' used to separate path components. Within the file name segments, the meaning of the bytes is immaterial to the file system — they're just a sequence of bytes.
How the bytes that form the file name are displayed depends on the equipment used to display them. If the names use UTF-8 with non-ASCII characters, printing that data using ISO 8859-15 (or 8859-1 for intransigent residents of the USA) yields gibberish, often including C1 control bytes from the byte range 0x80 .. 0x9F. If the names use 8859-15 with non-ASCII characters, there will be sequences that are not valid UTF-8 and you will get illegible or meaningless data displayed (question marks, or other indications of invalid UTF-8 sequences).

Clarification on Winapi Paths and Filename (W functions and A functions)

I have try to check an importance and reason to use W winapi vs A, (W meaning wide char, A meaning ascii right?)
I have made a simple example, i receive a temp path for current user like this:
CHAR pszUserTempPathA[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
WCHAR pwszUserTempPathW[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
GetTempPathA(MAX_PATH - 1, pszUserTempPathA);
GetTempPathW(MAX_PATH - 1, pwszUserTempPathW);
My current user has a russian name, so its written in cyrillic, printf outputs like this:
So both paths are allright, i thought i will receive some error, or a mess of symbols with a GetTempPathA since the current user is a unicode, but i figured out, that cyrillic characters are actually included in extended ascii character set. So i have a question, if i were to use my software, and it will extract data in a temp folder of current user, who is chinese ( assuming he have chinese symbols in user name ), will i get a mess or an error using the GetTempPathA version? Should i always use a W prefixed functions, for a production software, that is working with winapi directly?
First, the -A suffix stands for ANSI, not ASCII. ASCII is a 7-bit character set. ANSI, as Microsoft uses the term, is for an encoding using 8-bit code units (chars) and code pages.
Some people use the terms "extended ASCII" or "high ASCII," but that's not actually a standard and, in some cases, isn't quite the same as ANSI. Extended ASCII is the ASCII character set plus (at most) 128 additional characters. For many ANSI code pages this is identical to extended ASCII, but some code pages accommodate variable length characters (which Microsoft calls multi-byte). Some people consider "extended ASCII" to just mean ISO-Latin-1 (which is nearly identical to Windows-1252).
Anyway, with an ANSI function, your string can include any characters from your current code page. If you need characters that aren't part of your current code page, you're out-of-luck. You'll have to use the wide -W versions.
In modern versions of Windows, you can generally think of the -A functions as wrappers around the -W functions that use MultiByteToWideChar and/or WideCharToMultiByte to convert any strings passing through the API. But the latter conversion can be lossy, since wide character strings might include characters that your multibyte strings cannot represent.
Portable, cross-platform code often stores all text in UTF-8, which uses 8-bit code units (chars) but can represent any Unicode code point, and anytime text needs to go through a Windows API, you'd explicitly convert to/from wide chars and then call the -W version of the API.
UTF-8 is nearly similar to what Microsoft calls a multibyte ANSI code page, except that Windows does not completely support a UTF-8 code page. There is CP_UTF8, but it works only with certain APIs (like WideCharToMultiByte and MultiByteToWideChar). You cannot set your code page to CP_UTF8 and expect the general -A APIs to do the right thing.
As you try to test things, be aware that it's difficult (and sometimes impossible) to get the CMD console window to display characters outside the current code page. If you want to display multi-script strings, you probably should write a GUI application and/or use the debugger to inspect the actual content of the strings.
Of course, you need the wide version. ASCII version can't even technically handle more than 256 distinct characters. Cyrillic is included in the extended ASCII set (if that's your localization) while Chinese isn't and can't due to much larger set of characters needed to represent it. Moreover, you can get mess with Cyrillic as well - it will only work properly if the executing machine has matching localization. So on a machine with non-cyrillic localization the text will be displayed according to whatever is defined by the localization settings.

Portable literal strings in C source files

Ok, I have this:
HANDLE consoleHandle = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
WriteConsoleA(consoleHandle, "aΕλληνικά\n", 10, NULL, NULL);
WriteConsoleW(consoleHandle, L"wΕλληνικά\n", 10, NULL, NULL);
Now, the issue is that depending on the encoding file was saved as only some these works. wprintf never works, but I already know why (broken Microsoft stdout implementation, which only accepts narrow characters). Yet, I have issue with three others. If I save file as UTF-8 without signature (BOM) and use MS Visual C++ compiler, only last printf works. If I want ANSI version working I need to increase character(?) count to 18:
WriteConsoleA(consoleHandle, "aΕλληνικά\n", 18, NULL, NULL);
WriteConsoleW does not work, I assume, because the string is saved as UTF-8 byte sequence even I explicitly request it to be stored as wide-char (UTF-16) with L prefix and implementation most probably expects UTF-16 encoded string not UTF-8.
If I save it in UTF-8 with BOM (as it should be), then WriteConsoleW starts to work somehow (???) and everything else stops (I get ? instead of a character). I need to decrease character count in WriteConsoleA back to 10 to keep formatting the same (otherwise i get 8 additional rectangles). Basically, WTF?
Now, let's go to UTF-16 (Unicode - Codepage 1200). Works only WriteConsoleW. Character count in WriteConsoleA should be 10 to keep formatting precise.
Saving in UTF-16 Big Endian mode (Unicode - Codepage 1201) does not change anything. Again, WTF? Shouldn't byte order inside the strings be inverted when stored to file?
Conclusion is that the way strings are compiled into binary form depends on the encoding used. Therefore, what is the portable and compiler independent way to store strings? Is there a preprocessor which would convert one string representation into another before compilation, so I could store file in UTF-8 and only preprocess strings which I need to have in UTF-16 by wrapping them some macro.
I think you've got at least a few assumptions here which are either wrong or not 100% correct as far as I know:
Now, the issue is that depending on the encoding file was saved as only some these works.
Of course, because the encoding determines how to Interpret the string literals.
wprintf never works, but I already know why (broken Microsoft stdout implementation, which only accepts narrow characters).
I've never heard of that one, but I'm rather sure this depends on the locale set for your program. I've got a few work Projects where a locale is set and the output is just fine using German umlauts etc.
If I save file as UTF-8 without signature (BOM) and use MS Visual C++ compiler, only last printf works. If I want ANSI version working I need to increase character(?) count to 18:
That's because the ANSI version wants an ANSI string, while you're passing a UTF-8 encoded string (based on the file's encoding). The output still works, because the console handles the UTF-8 conversion for you - you're essentially printing raw UTF-8 here.
WriteConsoleW does not work, I assume, because the string is saved as UTF-8 byte sequence even I explicitly request it to be stored as wide-char (UTF-16) with L prefix and implementation most probably expects UTF-16 encoded string not UTF-8.
I don't think so (although I'm not sure why it isn't working either). Have you tried Setting some easy to find string and look for it in the resulting binary? I'm rather sure it's indeed encoded using UTF-16. I assume due to the missing BOM the compiler might interpret the whole thing as a narrow string and therefore converts the UTF-8 stuff wrong.
If I save it in UTF-8 with BOM (as it should be), then WriteConsoleW starts to work somehow (???) and everything else stops (I get ? instead of a character). I need to decrease character count in WriteConsoleA back to 10 to keep formatting the same (otherwise i get 8 additional rectangles). Basically, WTF?
This is exactly what I described above. Now the wide string is encoded properly, because the Compiler now knows the file is in UTF-8, not ANSI (or some codepage). The narrow string is properly converted to the locale being used as well.
Overall, there's no encoding independant way to do it, unless you escape everything using the proper codepage and/or UTF codes in advance. I'd just stick to UTF-8 with BOM, because I think all current compilers will be able to properly read and Interpret the file (besides Microsoft's Resource Compiler; although I haven't tried feeding the 2012 Version with UTF-8).
To use an analogy:
You're essentially saving a raw image to a file and you expect it to work properly, no matter whether other programs try to read it as a grayscale, palettized, or full color image. This won't work (despite differences being smaller).
The answer is here.
It is impossible for the compiler to intermix UTF-8 and UTF-16
strings into the compiled output! So you have to decide for one source
code file:
either use UTF-8 with BOM and generate UTF-16 strings only (i.e.always use L prefix),
or UTF-8 without BOM and generate UTF-8 strings only (i.e. never use L prefix),
7-bit ASCII characters are not involved and can be used with or without L prefix
The only portable and compiler independent way is to use ASCII charset and escape sequences, because there are no guarantees that any compiler would accept UTF-8 encoded file and a compiler treatment of those multibyte sequences might vary.

Behavior of extended bytes/characters in C/POSIX locale

C and POSIX both require only a very limited set of characters be present in the C/POSIX locale, but allow additional characters to exist. This leaves a great deal of freedom to the implementation; for instance, supporting all of Unicode (as UTF-8) in the C locale is conforming behavior. However, most historical implementations treat the C locale as having an "8-bit-clean" single-byte character encoding, either ISO-8859-1 (Latin-1) or a sort of "abstract 8-bit character set" where the non-ASCII bytes are abstract characters with no particular identity. (However, in the latter case, if the compiler defines __STDC_ISO_10646__, they normatively correspond to Unicode characters, usually the Latin-1 range.)
Another conforming option that seems much less popular is to treat all non-ASCII bytes as non-characters, i.e. respond to them with an EILSEQ error.
What I'm interested in knowing is whether there are implementations which take this or any other unusual options in implementing the C locale. Are there implementations where attempting to convert "high bytes" in the C locale results in EILSEQ or anything other than treating them as (abstract or Latin-1) single-byte characters or UTF-8?
From your comment to the previous answer:
The ways in which the assumption could be wrong are basically that bytes outside the portable character set could be illegal non-character bytes (EILSEQ) or make up some multibyte encoding (UTF-8 or a stateless legacy CJK encoding)
Here you can find one example.
Plan 9 only supports the "C" locale. As you can see in utf.c and rune.c, when it find a rune outside the portable characters, it simply handles it as a character from a different encoding.
Another candidates could be Minix and the *BSD family (as far as they use citrus). In the Minix source code I've also found the file command looking for new encoding when the character size is not 8bit.
Amusingly, I just found that the most widely-used implementation, glibc, is an example of what I'm looking for. Consider this simple program:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
wchar_t wc = 0;
int n = mbtowc(&wc, "\x80", 1);
printf("%d %.4x\n", n, (int)wc);
On glibc, it prints -1 0000. If the byte 0x80 were an extended character in the implementation's C/POSIX locale, it would print 1 followed by some nonzero character number.
Thus, the "common knowledge" that the C/POSIX locale is "8-bit-clean" on glibc is simply false. What's going on is that there's a gross inconsistency; despite the fact that all the standard utilities, regular expression matching, etc. are specified to operate on (multibyte) characters as if read by mbrtowc, the implementations of these utilities/functions are taking a shortcut when they see MB_CUR_MAX==1 or LC_CTYPE containing "C" (or similar) and reading char values directly instead of processing input with mbrtowc or similar. This is leading to an inconsistency between the specified behavior (which, as their implementation of the C/POSIX locale is defined, would have to treat high bytes as illegal sequences) and the implementation behavior (which is bypassing the locale system entirely).
With all that said, I am still looking for other implementations with the properties requested in the question.
"What I'm interested in knowing is whether there are implementations which take this or any other unusual options in implementing the C locale."
This question is very difficult to answer because it mixes the "C Locale", which I'm assuming refers to the C Standard limited character set mentioned above, with "other unusual options", which I'm assuming refers to how the specific implementation handles characters outside the (limited) C locale. Every C Implementation must implement the C Locale; I don't think there's any unusual options surrounding that.
Let's assume for argument that the question is: "...unusual options in implementing additional/extended characters beyond the C locale." Now this becomes an implementation-dependent question, and as you have already mentioned, it "leaves a great deal of freedom to the implementation." So without knowing the target compiler/hardware, it would still be difficult to answer definitively.
Now the last part:
"...attempting to convert "high bytes" in the C locale results in EILSEQ or anything other than treating them as (abstract or Latin-1) single-byte characters or UTF-8?"
Instead of converting high bytes while in the C Locale, you might be able to set the Locale in your program as in this SO Question: Does the underlying character set depend only on the C implementation?
This way you can ensure that your characters will be treated in the Locale that you expect.
It is my understanding that the C Locale only concerns itself with the first 7-bits (of an 8-bit char type), based on the sources below:
The terms "high bytes" and "Unicode" and "UTF-8" are in the class of multi-byte or wide-character encodings, and are very locale specific (and beyond the range of the minimal C Locale). I'm not clear on how it would be possible to "convert high bytes" in the (pure) C Locale. It's quite possible that implementations would pick a default (extended) locale if none was explicitly set (or pull it from the OS environment settings as stated in one of the links above).
The POSIX standard is quite clear in this regard.
The introduction to character sets in POSIX.1-2017 says:
6.2 Character Encoding
The POSIX locale shall contain 256 single-byte characters including the characters in Portable Character Set and Non-Portable Control Characters, which have the properties listed in LC_CTYPE. It is unspecified whether characters not listed in those two tables are classified as punct or cntrl, or neither. Other locales shall contain the characters in Portable Character Set and may contain any or all of the control characters identified in Non-Portable Control Characters; the presence, meaning, and representation of any additional characters are locale-specific.
(emphasis mine)
The page for mbtowc() says:
The mbtowc() function shall fail if:
 An invalid character sequence is detected. In the POSIX locale an [EILSEQ] error cannot occur since all byte values are valid characters.
Note that the POSIX locale is defined to be identical to the C locale.
So if an operating system conforms to POSIX, mbtowc is a no-op in the POSIX locale. Characters 128–255 are passed through just as characters 0–127 are. Implementations that operate differently are in violation of the standard.

isLetter with accented characters in C

I'd like to create (or find) a C function to check if a char c is a letter...
I can do this for a-z and A-Z easily of course.
However i get an error if testing c == á,ã,ô,ç,ë, etc
Probably those special characters are stored in more then a char...
I'd like to know:
How these special characters are stored, which arguments my function needs to receive, and how to do it?
I'd also like to know if are there any standard function that already does this.
I think you're looking for the iswalpha() routine:
#include <wctype.h>
int iswalpha(wint_t wc);
The iswalpha() function is the wide-character equivalent of
the isalpha(3) function. It tests whether wc is a wide
character belonging to the wide-character class "alpha".
It does depend upon the LC_CTYPE of the current locale(7), so its use in a program that is supposed to handle multiple types of input correctly simultaneously might not be ideal.
If you are working with single-byte codesets such as ISO 8859-1 or 8859-15 (or any of the other 8859-x codesets), then the isalpha() function will do the job if you also remember to use setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); (or some other suitable invocation of setlocale()) in your program. Without this, the program runs in the C locale, which only classifies the ASCII characters (8859-x characters in the range 0x00..0x7F).
If you are working with multibyte or wide character codesets (such as UTF8 or UTF16), then you need to look to the wide character functions found in <wchar.h> and <wctype.h>.
How these characters are stored is locale-dependent. On most UNIX systems, they'll be stored as UTF8, whereas a Win32 machine will likely represent them as UTF16. UTF8 is stored as a variable-amount of chars, whereas UTF16 is stored using surrogate pairs - and thus inside a wchar_t (or unsigned short) (though incidentally, sizeof(wchar_t) on Windows is only 2 (vs 4 on *nix), and thus you'll often need 2 wchar_t types to store the 1 character if a surrogate pair encoding is used - which it will be in many cases).
As was mentioned, the iswalpha() routine will do this for you, and is documented here. It should take care of locale-specific issues for you.
You probably want It provides a portable library with APIs for this.
