Building Simple Web Analytics Tool - analytics

I would like to create a simple Web Analytics tool to be used by a small number of people running different websites as part of a project i'm doing. The reason why I am not using Google Analytics or any other free analytics tool is because I would like to learn how to build one myself. The tool just uses bars, pies and charts to display page views, clicks , referring site, traffic etc.
I've been asking around and people point me to Javascript, Python and MongoDB, the first two I know a little of. Can anyone suggest a framework for me to get started on?

I would definitely look into if you need a place to store analytics event data and want to build your own reporting interface. They have a strong infrastructure and query tool to call up your data quickly inside a custom reporting interface.
You could also use's collection libraries. Through you can still send data to for your own custom use and route the same data to something like Google Analytics or Mixpanel so you have it in a pre-built system if you need it.


How do I streamline/automate data-entry?

I'm looking to create a website around a tool that plugs info from different sites into a form on mine. I'd like to eliminate/streamline data-entry. Anyone know a good way to accomplish this?
There are plenty of web scraper scripts available on github that can do data capture from web.
You will still need programming skills to change and plug those scripts as per your requirement. Here is one such parser but you must know basic DOM and programming to access information of your need from a website.
Apart from this you can also use excel sheet to access web data and then you can fill your form with that data.
You should try to learn web scraping using python. Threre are plenty of web based tutorials for it. Youtube may also be helpful.

Integrate JasperReports Viewer Like Component inside an AngularJs Component

I have been researching this problem for some time and have seen few references (like this).
I know the Viewer is a Swing component, but I would like to achieve something like integrating/having a container in which to preview reports.
I have not seen any such component default provided by Angular. Has anyone attempted something similar or is it better to create own web components (Polymer-wise perhaps).
Thanks in advance.
Probably this is not really possible, due to reasons above.
Just now saw a related idea/approach: just exporting a report as html and providing to an html rendering container, like angular's ng-bind-html (something like this answer).
For now, just another "two cents" in, though.
I can't say about viewer but yeah it's possibility of visualize.js for your requirement.
With Visualize.js, anyone building a Web application can more easily include powerful analytics as an integrated experience. Developers can embed highly interactive visualizations and reports with more control and power than previously available using iFrames, charting libraries, or using other BI vendor solutions. Visualize.js leverages the REST APIs of the Jaspersoft analytic server for built-in services such as data connectivity, repository access, in-memory analytics, and visualization design. Visualize.js offers on-premises or cloud deployment options and low-cost subscription or utility pricing.

How to populate a content driven hybrid mobile app?

I'm trying to develop a hybrid app which will deliver a range of simple teaching material to the user. I am planning on using Telerik App Builder in conjunction with Cordoba 3 to create the app. What I cannot decide is how best to package the actual content into the application. I'd like to achieve a separation of the content from the code, and just combine the two when building the delivery packages. (The content is being prepared by a subject matter expert.)
Is there a way I can use Cordova or Telerik AppBuilder to pre-populate a SQLite database as part of the app install process? Or am going about this in completely the wrong way? I have been researching this in the Telerik documentation but without success so far. If someone could point me towards a suitable example or even the correct places in the Telerik or Cordova docs I'd be very grateful!
I recently ran a techie webinar on the topic. The main idea is that you need a centralized system to host this content and this system needs to expose some kind of a service layer that will feed content to your app. To me this seems like a very growing market opportunity, but feels kinda the same as the web 1.0 days where all of us were trying to figure out how to feed cotnent to websites and everybody was building their own CMS in a way.
Telerik Backend Services provides an editing interface, so it can fit some requirements, but it's not a publishing system, plus you may not want to pay developer licenses to your back-end users or provide them with access. The premise of the webinar I am talking about was that we discussed how to integrate with another telerik product - Sitefinity to do this job for you instead. The first 20-25 minutes are an overview of the platfrom, so if you have seen it already, you can certainly jump to ~;0:25 to see the rest
Now certainly it doesn't have to be Sitefinity or CMS for that matter, Sitefinity provides a bunch of App Builder related features that are handy, but you technically have a few options:
- Build your own applicaiton and back-end.
- Use any type of CMS or platform that will give your SMEs the back-end interface to publish and the service layer to expose to the app. In the webinar I also go through some neat tricks such as using push notifications upon publishing.
This way you get a clear separation of content and code - you can even get a separation of content structure and code, which is an idea i talk about in greater detail.
I hope this helps!

JSPs for a simple Project Reporting Web App?

I'm about to start developing a simple reporting tool for tasks in international projects. In a nutshell: using the tool, a project is created, defining team members, tasks, and work packages. Team members will be asked to periodically submit reports on the work they've done (related to tasks and/or work packages). These reports will be stored and accessed trough the tool.
I'll use Google App Engine (client requirement) and its datastore (using JDO). But I want to ask you for advice on the frontend part: JSP looks pretty messy for non Java developers... any other idea???
Seems like at the moment it's either java or python. However, you may want to look at Grails. GSPs might looks a little less 'messy'. I'm suggesting Grails based on your description of the project, that I suspect will turn out anything but simple later on. You might end up being glad for the mix of constraints and flexibility that Grails will afford.
JSP doesn't need to be any messier than other similar HTML presentation frameworks, it really comes down to implementation. That being said, it is old Java technology which means it's not being kept up to date, and finding a good single source of documentation is difficult.
If you don't want to use JSP, there are other frameworks you can use, you just need to make sure they're compatible with Google App Engine.
The new kid on the block is the Play framework, and that's a Java MVC framework similar to Ruby on Rails. You can find a tutorial here:
If you're going to use Spring, check out this question: Alternatives to JSP for Spring MVC view layer
For a front end developer, if the code is separated correctly, you won't have to know anything about Java since there shouldn't be any Java mixed in with the HTML. If that's your only worry, then I would just go with JSP to keep things simple unless the team has experience with another technology.

Should I buy or build a web services forms module for DotNetNuke?

I'm fairly new to DNN. I need to spin up dozens of similarly skinned sites, all of which have to eventually call a web service that will allow users to submit information.
I want to find a module that will let me point it at said web service, then let me define the workflow (e.g. fill it out over multiple pages?) and select the controls (textbox, checkbox) to fill out a message to post to that web service.
I've seen things like Dynamic Forms and Enterprise Forms, but I cannot find any information as to whether this is possible.
Anyone know of a module or optional idea that will allow me to do this? Am I making something like this up? An absence of answers makes me think "I'll just build it..."
My experience with DNN modules is that they're rarely an exact fit for a particular technical issue. So I'd try the following
1) Email the people behind the tools you mention
2) Buy them anyway, with source, and learn the architecture of a well structured DNN addin - the time saved with more than repay the cost
3) Make your decision based on that knowledge.
I am not aware of any forms modules out there at this time that integrate to a web service.
However, you might want to look at potentially extending an existing module, and simply changing the persistance mechanism for it, rather than a whole custom solution.
