UICollectionView Tutorial Request - ios6

Looking for a tutorial or help doing the following
Keep it as an iPad App and using Storyboards. I need a (this is my Main) viewController (No Detail or Navigation View) with a popover that displays a UiCollectionView (and the Cells) of images). I want a ContainerView inside my main). The Container displays a default imageView and selection from the CollectionView, changes the Image in the Container. Also, the segue from the CollectionView Cell to the Container's Imageneeds to be of Custom Segue Type.
Remember, it's for an IPad, with Storyboard. No detail or Navigation Controller.
How's that for a Tutorial. There is nothing else like it right now and I could sure use the help.

This one appears pretty good.. The code is also sitting on github..
Tutorial: http://maniacdev.com/2012/09/tutorial-how-to-create-an-ios-6-uicollectionview-using-storyboards/
Source: https://github.com/AshFurrow/UICollectionViewExample

Yet another UICollectionView tutorial


iOS 7 static table view selection style bug

I think I found a little iOS 7 bug..
If you have a static table view as a part of a navigation view controller and the user use the swipe back gesture to get one level back, the selection highlight doesn't dismiss!
(if the user press the back navigation bar button the selection dismiss normal)
Does anybody also detect this bug?
Does anybody has a fix for that?
Thank you a lot
A quick fix for this could be:
[tableView deselectRowAtIndexPath:[tableView indexPathForSelectedRow] animated:YES];
inside the viewDidAppear method. (not tested)

Configuring bottom bar in QLPreviewController

I have integrated QLPreviewController and UIDocumentInteractionController in my app, and it is working fine.
The only problem is- I want to configure the bottom toolbar, I want to remove the default toolbar items, which appear as shown in image below:
Is there any way to do so, please suggest.
Short Answer: NO, Not in IOS6+
One thing to note about QLPreviewController is that it's not meant to be customized. There were other libraries allowing you to change the functionality such as:
Which are not working in iOS 6+ since apple made a big change in QLPreviewController and it's technically running in a separate process. Although it might be possible (not sure) using private apis but your app will be rejected then.
You can find more info about this change here:
Hope this helps
Subclass UIToolbar
Create UINavigationController using
init(navigationBarClass:toolbarClass:) and supply UIToolbar subsclass created in step 1 for toolbarClass
Create QLPreviewController instance and push onto UINavigationController stack
Inside of UIToolbar subsclass override
setItems(_:animated:). To remove all buttons call super with empty array super.setItems([], animated: false) or potentially you can add only buttons you want to keep.
Present UINavigationController created in step 2
Here is the example PreviewControllerHideBottomButtons
Subclass QLPreviewController.
Search for the Toolbar in the view hierarchy.
Have a UIToolbar property in your class that has the same frame as the original toolbar.
Place your own toolbar above the default one with whatever buttons you want.
If you want it to be hidden as the default behavior of the QLPreviewController you can key value observe the hidden property of the default toolbar and present / hide your own accordingly.

Google Maps Android API v2 - InfoWindow with clickable buttons

I'm trying to put multiple buttons inside an GoogleMaps InfoWindos.
I know that: "Info window is not a live View, rather the view is rendered as an image onto the map. As a result, any listeners you set on the view are disregarded and you cannot distinguish between click events on various parts of the view. You are advised not to place interactive components — such as buttons, checkboxes, or text inputs — within your custom info window."
Soo I'm looking for an alternative.
Thanks for your help.
impliment the infowindowcliclistner.

Navigation bar button item missing after segue style "Replace"

The iPad app that I'm working on makes use of Storyboards and segues. I'm trying to display a different view controller when the user clicks on different cells in the master view.
After referring to different tutorials, the steps that were taken were -
In the Storyboard, Master View Controller, created static cells for the table view and added 3 different rows (i.e. cell 1, cell 2, cell 3)
Added a View Controller, selected it and attached a Navigation Controller to it (Editor -> Embed In -> Navigation Controller)
From cell 1 in Master View, I did a ctrl-click on the Navigation Controller.
Chose Segue Style "Replace" and Destination "Detail Split"
In tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath, added [self performSegueWithIdentifier:#"NewViewController" sender:self] to do the transition.
The result that I see is the detail view gets replaced.
But the navigation bar does not have the bar button item Master.
So I'm unable to click the Master button which would show the table containing cells from where I can navigate to a different view.
I've already read many blogs and seen commentary which talk about replacing a segue for similar problems. However nobody seems to have faced this specific issue while using storyboards and segues.
From my understanding using segues should help me achieve what I want. From those who have tried this approach, any pointers in the right direction will be helpful.
Try changing the Segue Style from Replace to Push. It should resolve your problem.
When you push a UIViewController on a UINavigationController, it will be added to a stack and you will be able to navigate back :
Your navigation controller stack before tapping "Detail":
Your navigation controller after tapping detail and navigating a little more ...:
Master -> Detail (Navigation button is displayed) -> Some other details (Navigation button is displayed) -> And maybe some more (Navigation button is displayed)
When you call a new segue using Replace like you did, the Master will be replaced with Detail, and you will not be able to navigate back because Master was replaced and it's not on the stack anymore.
Your navigation controller stack before tapping "Detail":
Your navigation controller after tapping detail using replace like you did:
Detail (no navigation button because master was replaced and we don't have nothing more on the stack)

In my Windows Phone app,I want to turn my current page unable in gray and show a textbox in foreground

Like the title said,how may i turn the grid(or page) and the components in it into background gray and unable and show a new component in foreground.
It's a common effect in the web page,but i cannot do that with a xaml.
Please answer in detail better with sample code if you do.Thanks in advance.
Here's an example of using a Popup to display a UserControl when a Page is navigated to. The OnNavigatedTo function creates a popup, binds a Click event to the UserControl, and then shows the UserControl over the entire page. If the correct password is entered, ("password" in the example) the control disappears. You'll need to modify it for your own requirements, but it should definitely get you started.
You'll want to use the VisualStateManager and create some animation transitions to switch between the old and new components. I won't paste the code here for brevity, but if you check out:
You'll see a simple example of switching between two UI components on a single page within a Windows Phone 7 PhoneApplicationPage. In your scenario, you'd use this paradigm to create 2 animation storyboards, one for showing an overlay control and one for settings the 'disabled' property on the main grid.
