Add tables to custom query in cakephp - cakephp

Im trying to replicate the following query in cakephp:
FROM uploads, proposals
WHERE = uploads.proposal_id AND proposals.tender_id = 10
Im using the find method in the Upload model with the following conditions:
$conditions = array(
'' => $id,
'AND' => array(
'Upload.proposal_id' => ''
return($this->find('list', array('conditions' => $conditions)));
but im getting this query instead
SELECT `Upload`.`id`, `Upload`.`title`
FROM `kumalabs_lic`.`uploads` AS `Upload`
WHERE `Proposal`.`id` = 10 AND `Upload`.`proposal_id` = ''
as you can see, the proposals table is missing, can somebody explain me how can i make this query?
Thanks :)

I would recommend you use the linkable behaviour for this. It is much easier than the default way of doing joins in CakePHP. It works with the latest version of CakePHP, as well as 1.3.
CakePHP Linkable Behavior
You would then modify your find to look like this:
return($this->find('list', array(
'link' => array('Proposal'),
'conditions' => array(
'' => $id,
'fields' => array(
CakePHP will automatically join on your primary / foreign key, so no need to have the
'Upload.proposal_id' => ''
Though you don't need that condition, I also want to point out that you are doing your AND wrong. This is how you do AND and OR in CakePHP
'conditions' => array(
'and' => array(
'field1' => 'value1', // Both of these conditions must be true
'field2' => 'value2'
'or' => array(
'field1' => 'value1', // One of these conditions must be true
'field2' => 'value2'

If the model have association, CakePHP automatically join the table by 'contain' keyword. Try code bellow:
public function getProposalsFromTender($id){
$data = $this->find('all', array(
'conditions' => array('' => $id),
'fields' => array('Upload.*', 'Proposal.*'),
'contain' => array('Proposal')
CakePHP use explicit join instead of implicit join like ...from proposals, uploads...

I'm not familiar with that JOIN syntax but I believe it equals this:
FROM uploads
INNER JOIN proposals ON = uploads.proposal_id
WHERE proposals.tender_id = 10
... so you need something similar to this:
// Untested
$conditions = array(
'' => $id,
'joins' => array(
'alias' => 'Proposal',
'table' => 'proposals',
'type' => 'INNER',
'conditions' => ' = Upload.proposal_id',
Of course, this is a direct translation of your JOIN. If your models are properly related, it should all happen automatically.


JOIN in CakePHP - A better understanding

I'd like to understand joins in CakePHP (v 2.4.5) a bit better by solving the following example:
Post hasMany Comment == Comment.post_id
Comment.published can be 1 or 0
I need to find all Posts that have at least one published Comment
I want to write the query from the Post model. In order not to break pagination and so I can add order/conditions based on Post
I do not want to filter out results afterwards in PHP (in order not to break pagination)
You might suggest to approach this issue from the Comment model like here:
But this is about understanding joins better, so I'd like to set a requirement to write the query from the Post model.
I have roughly the following idea, hoping that the RIGHT join would exclude all non conforming Posts:
$this->Post->find('all', array(
'joins' => array(
'table' => 'comments',
'alias' => 'CommentsJoined',
'type' => 'RIGHT',
'conditions' => array(
' = CommentsJoined.post_id',
'CommentsJoined.published = true'
'contain' => array(
'Comment' => array(
'conditions' => array(
'Comment.published' => 1
But it did not work for me yet.
Currently my query returns 19 times the same Post, instead of 19 unique Posts.
How to go from here? Is the approach the right one?
Kind regards!
It seems I was on the right track. The final step was to remove the duplicate Posts.
This is done by adding 'group' => '' as an attribute to the query.
Like this:
$this->Post->find('all', array(
'joins' => array(
'table' => 'comments',
'alias' => 'CommentsJoined',
'type' => 'RIGHT',
'conditions' => array(
' = CommentsJoined.post_id',
'CommentsJoined.published = true'
'group' => '',
'contain' => array(
'Comment' => array(
'conditions' => array(
'Comment.published' => 1

Containable behavior doesn't return deeper model association and selecting fields

I want to limit the fields returned by a deeper association using containable.
My associations:
Game hasMany Review
The paginate and containable code:
$this->paginate = array(
'conditions' => $conditions,
'fields' => array(
'', '',
'', ''
'contain' => array(
'Game' => array(
'Review' => array(
'fields' => array('', 'ROUND(AVG(Review.score),1)')
$games = $this->paginate('Game');
Currently, all of the fields in the Review table are returned. 'ROUND(AVG(Review.score),1)' is never returned. How can I specify what fields I want returned from the Review association?
SQL dumps for two search results using #theJetzah's answer. The first is a search with one game as a result and the second is a search returning three games.
SELECT `Review`.`id`, `Review`.`review_text`, `Review`.`score`, `Review`.`user_id`, `Review`.`game_id`, `Review`.`created`, `Review`.`platform_id`, (ROUND(AVG(`Review`.`score`),1)) AS `Review__average_score` FROM `videogamedb`.`reviews` AS `Review` WHERE `Review`.`game_id` = (55)
SELECT `Review`.`id`, `Review`.`review_text`, `Review`.`score`, `Review`.`user_id`, `Review`.`game_id`, `Review`.`created`, `Review`.`platform_id`, (ROUND(AVG(`Review`.`score`),1)) AS `Review__average_score` FROM `videogamedb`.`reviews` AS `Review` WHERE `Review`.`game_id` IN (55, 56, 57)
Not a full answer, but an attempt to get it working :)
Approach1 (UPDATE: Containable doesn't support 'group by')
First of all, try to add the 'Game' model to the $uses array of your Controller, if it is not included yet, and re-organise the pagination array (as previously suggested by Sam), so that you'll be pagination the Game model itself.
Then, It may help to create a virtual field for the calculated score, but the results of 'Review' need to be grouped, otherwise you'll not be able to calculate the average score.
I'm not able to test this, but it may worth trying
something like this;
public $uses = array(
// other models
public function myfunction()
$this->Game->Review->virtualFields['average_score'] = 'ROUND(AVG(Review.score),1)';
$this->paginate = array(
'Game' => array(
'fields' => array(
'contain' => array(
'Review' => array(
'fields' => array(
'group' => array(
// Conditions can be passed to paginate,
// that way you can specify 'paginate' at
// one place and don't have to modify it
// to include the conditions
$games = $this->paginate('Game', $conditions);
Alternative approach: Using joins and a database-view
Apparently, the Containable behavior doesn't like group-by clauses; See this ticket for more information: Containable behavior does not implement 'group' option
CakePHP allows you to manually specify a join: Joining Tables
To simplify things and to prevent having to add a 'group by' for all fields, create a simple database-view in your database;
CREATE VIEW review_scores AS
ROUND(AVG(score),1) AS average_score,
COUNT(id) AS total_reviews
If you're unfamiliar with this; a database 'view' is basically a 'stored query', which can be accessed as if it was a regular table. See Create View
Then, use a 'manual' join, using the newly created database-view as the source-table. In your case, this will look something like this;
$this->paginate = array(
'Game' => array(
'fields' => array(
'joins' => array(
'table' => 'review_scores',
'alias' => 'ReviewScore',
'type' => 'LEFT',
'conditions' => array(
'ReviewScores.game_id =',
Hope this helps
I think your array is a configured a little wrong, try:
$this->paginate = array(
'Game' => array(
'conditions' => $conditions,
'fields' => array(
'', '',
'', ''
'contain' => array(
'Review' => array(
'fields' => array('', 'ROUND(AVG(Review.score),1)')
$games = $this->paginate('Game');
As an aside, from personal experience, specifying the fields in a query doesn't always speed it up (certainly for small number of fields), assuming this is the motive for doing so. It does reduce memory occupancy but this is only relative to original size of the record and the number of records returned.

How to remove parent model data by filtering on child model data?

I'm trying to return a set of data based on a condition in the related model.
The problem
Currently the closest I can get is using Containable to return all matching model data, but only returning child data if it matches the contain condition. This isn't ideal as my data still contains the primary model data, rather than it being removed.
I am using a HABTM relationship, between, for example, Product and Category, and I want to find all products in a specific category.
Inital idea
The basic method would be using containable.
$this->Product->find('all', array(
'contain' => array(
'Category' => array(
'conditions' => array(
'' => $categoryId
Although this will return all products, and just remove the Category dimension if it doesn't match the contain condition.
Closest so far
$this->Product->find('all', array(
'contain' => false,
'joins' => array(
'table' => 'categories_products',
'alias' => 'CategoriesProduct',
'type' => 'LEFT',
'conditions' => array(
'CategoriesProduct.product_id' => ''
'table' => 'categories',
'alias' => 'Category',
'type' => 'LEFT',
'conditions' => array(
'' => 'CategoriesProduct.category_id'
'conditions' => array(
'Product.status_id' => 1,
'' => $categoryId
Which generates the following query,
SELECT `Product`.`id`, `Product`.`name`, `Product`.`intro`, `Product`.`content`, `Product`.`price`, `Product`.`image`, `Product`.`image_dir`, `Product`.`icon`, `Product`.`icon_dir`, `Product`.`created`, `Product`.`modified`, `Product`.`status_id`
FROM `skyapps`.`products` AS `Product`
LEFT JOIN `skyapps`.`categories_products` AS `CategoriesProduct` ON (`CategoriesProduct`.`product_id` = '')
LEFT JOIN `skyapps`.`categories` AS `Category` ON (`Category`.`id` = 'CategoriesProduct.category_id')
WHERE `Product`.`status_id` = 1
AND `Category`.`id` = 12
This query is correct, except that the join conditions are being quoted ' instead of `, which breaks the query.
Manual query
FROM products
JOIN categories_products ON categories_products.product_id =
JOIN categories ON = categories_products.category_id
WHERE = 12
The problem lay in the way I was defining my join conditions. It's not an associative array but rather a string.
'conditions' => array(
'CategoriesProduct.product_id' => ''
Changes to
'conditions' => array(
'CategoriesProduct.product_id ='

cakephp unable to sort on afterfind virtual fields with paginate

I have a query that I am running through paginate. This query contains a model ("PaymentException") that has an afterfind method that tacks on a copy of the last "ExceptionWorkflowLog", and calls it "LastWorkflowLog".
The query being passed to paginate:
$this->paginate = array(
'fields' => array(
'PaymentException.*', '', 'Procedure.cpt',
'Procedure.expected_amount', 'Procedure.allowed_amount', 'Procedure.difference_amount',
'', 'Claim.number', 'Payer.abbr'
'limit' => 50,
'joins' => array(
'table' => 'procedures',
'alias' => 'Procedure',
'conditions' => array(' = PaymentException.procedure_id')
'table' => 'claims',
'alias' => 'Claim',
'conditions' => array(' = Procedure.claim_id')
'table' => 'payers',
'alias' => 'Payer',
'conditions' => array(' = Procedure.payer_id')
'table' => 'groups',
'alias' => 'Groups',
'conditions' => array(' = Claim.group_id')
'conditions' => $conditions,
'contain' => array('ExceptionWorkflowLog')
The resulting array (from the query that combines both "PaymentException", "ExceptionWorkflowLog", and "LastWorkflowLog") looks like below:
0 =>
'PaymentException' => array(fields and values),
'ExceptionWorkflowLog' => array(of ExceptionWorkflowLogs),
'LastWorkflowLog' => array(fields and values of the last indexed ExceptionWorkflowLog)
1 => ...
ExceptionWorkflowLog is mapped to PaymentException by It's a many to one relationship (thus the array of results under the ExceptionWorkflowLog).
I would like to use paginate to sort on the "updated" field on either the last indexed ExceptionWorkflowLog or the LastWorkflowLog.
Is there a way to do this with paginate? Currently, if I set the table heading to point to "LastWorkflowLog.updated", the query returns false because the query doesn't know what "LastWorkflowLog" is.
Since this has a couple hundred views, I figured I'd come back and post what I did. CakePHP's handling of joins is absolutely terrible. I rewrote the query to not use joins, but use contains. That seems to have solved it. I feel dirty.

cakephp: using a join for search results

I've completely confused myself now.
I have three tables: applicants, applicants_qualifications, and qualifications.
In the index view for applicants, I have a form with a dropdown of qualifications. The results should be a list of applicants with that qualification.
So I need the table of applicants on the index view to be based on a join, right?
If I add this to my applicants_controller:
$options['joins'] = array(
'table' => 'applicants_qualifications',
'alias' => 'q',
'type' => 'left outer', // so that I get applicants with no qualifications too
'conditions' => array(' = q.applicant_id',)
$this->Applicant->find('all', $options);
I get an additional sql statement at the bottom of the page, with the left outer join but the sql without the join is there too.
I think this line:
$this->set('applicants', $this->paginate());
calls the sql statement without the join.
Looks like I need to combine the join $options with the paginate call. Is that right?
If I use the search form, I get: Unknown column 'Qualifications.qualification_id' in 'where clause'
So the page is obviously not yet 'using' my sql with the join.
Sorry - I'm still a noob. Any help appreciated...
In order to set conditions, joins, etc for your model's pagination, you must do it as follows:
function admin_index() {
$this->Applicant->recursive = 0;
$this->paginate = array(
'Applicant' => array(
// 'conditions' => array('Applicant.approved' => true),
'joins' => array(
'table' => 'applicants_qualifications',
'alias' => 'ApplicationsQualification',
'type' => 'left outer',
'conditions' => array(' = ApplicationsQualification.applicant_id')
// 'order' => array('Applicant.joined DESC')
$this->set('applicants', $this->paginate());
I've commented out some sample keys that you can include later on - just to give you an idea of how it works.
Hope that helps!
You can use inner join instead of left outer join.For eg.
in cource controller
$cond = array(
'table' => 'colleges',
'alias' => 'Colleges',
'type' => 'inner',
'conditions'=> array('Colleges.college_id = Courses.college_id')
) ;
$courses = $this->Courses->find('all',
array('joins' =>$cond,'conditions' => array("Courses.status ='1' AND Colleges.status='1' "),
'fields' => array('course_id','course_name'),'group'=>'Courses.course_id'
