Setting permissions in cakephp Pages controller - cakephp

I followed Andrew Perkins excellent tutorial on setting up permissions in CakePHP 2.0.
My question, however, relates to how to use the allow and deny method in the Pages controller. Currently I have $this->Auth->allow('display') which allows all methods in the Pages controller to be view.
What if I only want the home page allowed but the rest denied? How do I code that?
Thanks in advance.

Make sure you have copied the PageController.php to your app/Controller folder. Then, add a beforeFilter callback method and set access based on the passed page parameter:
public function beforeFilter() {
// Use $this->request->pass to get the requested page name/id
// Decide on access with $this->Auth->allow()
This should solve your problem.
You can find more information on request's lifecycle in CakePHP manual. That's pretty useful stuff.

Have you tried this code?
You can out it into your PageController or into your Controller directly
$views = array ('index'); //array of view that you want allow


Which file will be loaded first in cakephp?

I am working with cakephp , i need some clarification regarding initiating.
which file will be loaded first in cakephp whether index.php or bootstrap file
The answer of Ganesh is not really correct. It does not redirect and it does not load AppController as third file, nor does it load it ever directly.
First you should always configure your site to be accessed from the app/webroot folder NOT the index.php in the level above, because if you do that you expose the whole app structure to the public web as well.
When app/webroot/index.php is accessed CakePHP sets a bunch of constants like the CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH, WWW_ROOT and a few others, the best is to have a look at this file.
Then it will include the bootstrap.php file.
At the end of this file you'll see that not AppController but the Dispatcher is called first and the Request/Response classes are passed to it.
$Dispatcher = new Dispatcher();
new CakeRequest(),
new CakeResponse()
See Dispatcher::dispatch().
Then, still no controller is loaded. It first fires events and by this dispatcher filters which can interrupt the request and already send data back to the client. That's how the AssetDispatcher works for example. Again, still no controller here.
If the filters passed then the dispatcher will call the controller that matches the requested url, not AppController, if you called /users/index it will instantiate the UsersController and call its index() method. See Dispatcher::_loadController().
All your Controllers should extend AppController but AppController actually never gets called directly.
When a cakephp application is accessed first it will load the index.php from there it redirects to bootstrap.php and then AppController.php.

Cake php and using auth in layout

I am using auth component and it works ok.
But in my default layout before the content I have some menu which is different if user is logged in. So I want to determine if user is logged in or not - normally I use $this->Auth->user('id') but $this->Auth doesnt work in layout (it only works in view which controller is using Auth component).
How to do it?
In beforeRender() just call
$this->set('userData', $this->Auth->user());
and set the data to the view and do your checks in the view.
In order to get data in layout, you should call beforeRender() method in AppController.
Passing it through session is not a good idea IMHO. It might be not the usual case but at least I prefer to do things solid: If you're using the session for that your code will fail in a system that is not using a session (stateless auth). Overall I'm not a big fan of accessing the session in a view at all. Session is for me more like a datasource.
You can read Auth data from session. Something like:
$user = $session->read('Auth');
Don`t forget to add Session helper in your AppController.
var $helpers = array('Session');

render a blank view in cakephp

i need to prevent a view to be rendered in a specified case but i can't understand how to prevent it to render.
I tried
but nothing happened, probably because i'm using an API engine that manage rendering differently from regular controllers. Anyone know any trick to do this?
Using $this->layout = 'ajax' does not seem to be enough.
But using these both lines works:
$this->layout = 'ajax';
While searching for a solution, I found this answer. Now when using CakePHP 2.4.x, you could use the following code in your controller:
$this->layout = false;
This will lead to just the view being rendered, without a layout.
It's an old question. The current cake-version is 3.x and there is a easy way to use a blank layout.
Only add the in the controller:
Try to use ajax layout $this->layout = 'ajax' this is the default empty layout, which is used for ajax methods.
public function function_without_layout(){
echo "hello Brij";
$this->layout = false; is deprecated in CakePHP version 3.
Use $this->viewBuilder()->autoLayout(false); for CakePHP version 3.
Add this in your controller:
$this->autoRender = false;
This works in my project.
The CakePHP 3 autoLayout(false) method from the other answer will still have the system try to locate a corresponding view/template file for the action you're calling. Since I needed no output at all, this didn't work for me, so I needed to also render an empty template.
Creating a blank .ctp file for every empty action you might need isn't an option really, because you'd normally want to have one and reuse it. CakePHP 2 had a $this->viewPath property which would let you configure the controller to look into the app/View folder, but it's CakePHP 3 alternative still looks into the corresponding controller and prefix folders. There is a not-so-obvious way to force CakePHP3 to look for a template in a root view path.
Create src/Template/my_blank_view.ctp
Add the following to your controller action:
$this->viewBuilder()->templatePath('.'); // this
Also, I'm using $this->viewBuilder()->layout(false) instead of autoLayout(false) because the latter kind of implies that there might be another layout set later, where the layout(false) just explicitly sets that there's no layout needed.
without knowing anything about API engine you're using, maybe try to make empty layout with empty content and call it in controller as $this->layout = 'empty_layout'

CakePHP global variables in model

I am making one CakePHP project with Auth component. When I log in I got Session variable with user data. At the moment I am using this variable in controllers to pass data to the model.
$user = $this->Session->read('Auth');
$costs = $this->Posts->get_quartal_cost($user, $quartal, TRUE);
As I am using this in many controllers/models I am thinking that this is not DRY approach, so I wanted to make it better - something in AppModel(?)
Do you have some advice how to do that better?
You could use the beforeFilter event in your AppController and do something like this:
public function beforeFilter()
if ( $this->Session->check('Auth') )
Configure::write('Auth', $this->Session->read('Auth'));
From anywhere in your controllers, models and even views, you'll be able to access it by using echo Configure::read('Auth');. See the Configuration class documentation for more information.

How to load custom plugins in CakePHP?

I'm writing a poll plugin for a website based on CakePHP. The plugin works good if I access it from its own URL (eg. but I need to call it from different pages. I would like to include it as a widget in every page.
I'm looking for a method like $myplugin->renderPoll($pollId); but I really didn't find any information about how to instantiate the Polls class. I tried with App::import and ClassRegistry::init with no luck.
Any suggestion ?
Thank you
Looks like you are trying to create some sort of Helper to create poll cross views? I would suggest creating a Helper for that particular class. Simply create a helper in plugins/plugin_name/views/helpers/foo.php, and in each controller (or in app_controller.php) that you need it, include the helpers as $helpers = array("PluginName.Foo"); and inside your view, you should be able to use the methods defined in foo.php by calling $foo->renderPoll($pollId).
class FooHelper extends AppHelper {
var $name = "Foo";
function renderPoll($id=0) {
Use Elements! They're small blocks of presentation code that need to be repeated from page to page, sometimes in different places in the layout.
Check this link out:
I guess this link explains everything you need.
