Header naming convention - c

How can I define a C function in one file, then call it from another?
Say I define a function in the file func1.c, and I want to call it from
the file call.c, how would I accomplish this?
and the answer
You would put a declaration for the function in the file func1.h, and add
#include "func1.h" in call.c. Then you would compile or link func1.c
and call.c together (details depend on which C system).
My question is does the name of the header file have to be func1.h, as in <name-of-c-file>.h, or is this just a best practice? Please provide link for reference if possible.

In c, you don't have to call your files anything at all. As such, you can call your header mylongheadername.h, while you call your source file a.c and have a function in it called justArandomFunctionName.
However, you should be aware that your source file needs to include your header file. Generally there is a strong link between headers and source files, so that's the reason this is just about always done in this way. However, the following is completely valid:
a.c : func1 implementation
func2 implementation
b.c : func3 implementation
func4 implementation
c.h : func1 declaration
func3 declaration
d.h : func2 declaration
func4 declaration
However, there are some problems to this approach that might occur when using files set up like this (which mean you have to put extra work into structuring these files right) and it's just poor practice. But, the way one uses header files is just convention and barely any of it is enforced by the language.
Then there is the question how this can work if the header file does not know where the function is defined. The idea of this is that it doesn't need to know.
Basically, all your header does is tell your compiler that somewhere you defined a function that fits a certain profile (what name, what parameters, what return type). When your compiler reads this, basically all it does is mix all this info into a fancy name, which it will then insert into the file that is calling, which means it still doesn't do anything. The next step you need to take is to use the linker to turn the compiled versions of each of your files into a single executable. This does a number of things, but one of the most important ones is that it resolves all those fancy names the compiler cooked up. However, the way that your linker does this, is that it just reads all the compiled versions of your files and matches the definition of functions to their actual location in other code. Because it just handles all you have at the same time, it doesn't matter where your functions were defined and the header file never needs to know this.

No, header files do not need to match any corresponding C source file. It is as you've said just convention.


Where are the header functions defined? [duplicate]

When I include some function from a header file in a C++ program, does the entire header file code get copied to the final executable or only the machine code for the specific function is generated. For example, if I call std::sort from the <algorithm> header in C++, is the machine code generated only for the sort() function or for the entire <algorithm> header file.
I think that a similar question exists somewhere on Stack Overflow, but I have tried my best to find it (I glanced over it once, but lost the link). If you can point me to that, it would be wonderful.
You're mixing two distinct issues here:
Header files, handled by the preprocessor
Selective linking of code by the C++ linker
Header files
These are simply copied verbatim by the preprocessor into the place that includes them. All the code of algorithm is copied into the .cpp file when you #include <algorithm>.
Selective linking
Most modern linkers won't link in functions that aren't getting called in your application. I.e. write a function foo and never call it - its code won't get into the executable. So if you #include <algorithm> and only use sort here's what happens:
The preprocessor shoves the whole algorithm file into your source file
You call only sort
The linked analyzes this and only adds the source of sort (and functions it calls, if any) to the executable. The other algorithms' code isn't getting added
That said, C++ templates complicate the matter a bit further. It's a complex issue to explain here, but in a nutshell - templates get expanded by the compiler for all the types that you're actually using. So if have a vector of int and a vector of string, the compiler will generate two copies of the whole code for the vector class in your code. Since you are using it (otherwise the compiler wouldn't generate it), the linker also places it into the executable.
In fact, the entire file is copied into .cpp file, and it depends on compiler/linker, if it picks up only 'needed' functions, or all of them.
In general, simplified summary:
debug configuration means compiling in all of non-template functions,
release configuration strips all unneeded functions.
Plus it depends on attributes -> function declared for export will be never stripped.
On the other side, template function variants are 'generated' when used, so only the ones you explicitly use are compiled in.
EDIT: header file code isn't generated, but in most cases hand-written.
If you #include a header file in your source code, it acts as if the text in that header was written in place of the #include preprocessor directive.
Generally headers contain declarations, i.e. information about what's inside a library. This way the compiler allows you to call things for which the code exists outside the current compilation unit (e.g. the .cpp file you are including the header from). When the program is linked into an executable that you can run, the linker decides what to include, usually based on what your program actually uses. Libraries may also be linked dynamically, meaning that the executable file does not actually include the library code but the library is linked at runtime.
It depends on the compiler. Most compilers today do flow analysis to prune out uncalled functions. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data-flow_analysis

What is the difference between stdio.c and stdio.h?

Couldn't stdio functions and variables be defined in header files without having to use .c files.
If not, what are .c files used for?
The functions defined in the header file have to be implemented. The .c file contains the implementation, though these have already been compiled into a static or shared library that your compiler can use.
The header file should contain a minimal description of the function to save time when compiling. If it included the entire source it'd force the compiler to rebuild it each and every time you compile which is really wasteful since that source never changes.
In effect, the header file serves as a cheat sheet on how to interact with the already compiled library.
The reason the .c files are provided is primarily for debugging, so your debugger can step through in your debug build and show you source instead of raw machine code. In rare cases you may want to look at the implementation of a particular function in order to better understand it, or in even more rare cases, identify a bug. They're not actually used to compile your program.
In your code you should only ever reference the header file version, the .h via an #include directive.
stdio.h is a standard header, required to be provided by every conforming hosted C implementation. It declares, but does not define, a number of entities, mostly library functions like putchar and scanf.
stdio.c, if it exists, is likely to be a C source file that defines the functions declared in stdio.h. There is no requirement that an implementation must make it available. It might not even exist; for example the implementations of the functions declared in stdio.h might appear in multiple *.c files.
The declaration of putchar is:
int putchar(int c);
and that's all the compiler needs to know when it sees a call to putchar in your program. The code that implements putchar is typically provided as machine code, and the linker's job is to resolve your putchar() call so it ends up invoking that code. putchar() might not even be written in C (though it probably is).
An executable program can be built from multiple *.c source files. One and only one copy of the code that implements putchar is needed for an entire program. If the implementation of putchar were in the header file, then it would be included in each separately compiled source file, creating conflicts and, at best, wasting space. The code that implements putchar() (and all the other functions in the library) only needs to be compiled once.
The .c files has specific function for any aim. For example stdio.c files has standart input-output functions to use within C program. In stdio.h header files has function prototypes for all stdio.c functions, all defines, all macros etc. When you #include <stdio.h> in your main code.c file your main code assumes there is a " int printf(const char *format, ...)" function. Returns int value and you can pass argument ..... etc. When you call printf() function actually you use stdio.c files..
There are languages where if you want to make use of something someone else has written, you say something like
import module
and that takes care of everything.
C is not one of those languages.
You could put "library" source code in a file, and then use #include to pull it in wherever you needed it. But this wouldn't work at all, for two reasons:
If you used #include to pull it in from two different source files, and then linked the two resulting object files together, everything in the "library" would be defined twice.
You might not want to deliver your "library" code as source; you might prefer to deliver it in compiled, object form.

Included files, all or nothing?

If I #include a file in C, do I get the entire contents of the file linked in, or just the parts I use?
If it has 10 functions in it, and I only use one of the functions, does the code for the other nine functions get included in my executable? This is especially relevant for me right now as I am working on a microcontroller and memory is precious.
Firstly, header files do not get "linked in". #include is basically a textual copy-paste feature. Everything from your include file gets pasted by preprocessor into the final translation unit, which will later be seamlessly processed by the compiler proper. The compiler proper knows nothing about any header files or #include directives.
Secondly, it means that if in your code you declared or defined some function or variable that you do not use, it is completely irrelevant whether it came from a header file through #include or was written directly in source file. There's absolutely no difference.
Thirdly, the question is: what exactly do you have in your header file that you include? Typically, header files do not define objects and functions, they simply declare them. Declarations do not produce any code, regardless whether you use the function or not. Declarations simply tell the compiler that the code (generated from the function definition) already exists elsewhere. Thus, as long as we are talking about typical header files, #include directives and header files by themselves have no effect on final code size.
Fourthly, if your header file is of some unusual kind that contains function (or object) definitions, then see "firstly" and "secondly" above. The compiler proper can see only one translation unit at a time, for which reason a typical strategy for the compiler proper is to completely discard unused entities with internal linkage (i.e. static objects and functions) and keep all entities with external linkage. Entities with external linkage cannot be discarded by compiler proper, since they might be needed in some other translation unit.
Fifthly, at linking stage linker can see the program in its entirety and, for that reason, can discard unused objects and functions, if it is advanced enough for that (and if you allow linker to do it). Meanwhile, inclusion-exclusion precision of a typical run-of-the-mill linker is limited to a single object file. Each object file is atomic to such linker. This means that if you want to be able to exclude unused functions on per-function basis, you might have to adopt "one function per object file" strategy, i.e. write one and only one function per .c file. Of course, this is only possible when you write your own code. If some third-party library you want to use does not adhere to this convention, then you might not be able to exclude individual functions.
If you #include a file in C, the entire contents of that file are added to your source file and compiled by your compiler. A header file, though, usually only has declarations of functions and no definitions (so no actual code is compiled).
The linker, on the other hand, takes all the functions from all the libraries and compiled source code and merges them into the final output file. At this time, the linker will discard any functions that you aren't using.
So, to answer your question: only the functions you use (and indirectly depend on) will be included in your final program file, and this is independent of what files you #include. Happy hacking!
You have to distinguish between different scenarios:
What does the included header file contain? Declarations of external functions only, or also static function definitions?
How are the implementations of the external functions distributed which are declared in that the header file you include? Are they all implemented in one .c file, or distributed across several .c files?
Regarding point 1: Only by #includeing external declarations, no other code will become part of your object file. And, definitions of static functions that are part of the header file, but which are not referenced by your code, may not become part of your object file - this is an optimization that is fairly common. It depends on your compiler, however.
Regarding point 2: Some linkers can only link whole object files, all or nothing. That means, if all the external functions declared in a header file are implemented in one .c file, and, if your code references at least one of these functions, chances are that you will get the whole object file, including all the other functions you don't use. Some linkers, however, can avoid this and remove unused parts when linking object files.
One brute-force approach to deal with non-optimizing linkers is, to put every external function into a .c file of its own. You will, however, have to find a way to deal with the situation that some of these functions refer to a common static function that is part of the original .c file...
Include simply presents the compiler ultimately with what looks like a single file (and if you do save-temps on GCC you will see that exactly a single file is presented to the actual compiler). It is no more complicated than that. So if you have some function prototypes or defines in your .c file then having them come from an include makes no difference whatsoever; the end result is the same.
If the things you include include code, functions, and not just prototypes, then it is the same as if you had those in the .c file itself. Whether or not those show up in the final binary has to do with whether or not you declared them as global or not using static, and then whether or not you optimized, etc. The same goes for variables and structures and other things.
Not all linkers are the same, but a common way to do it is whatever the compiler left in the object goes into the final binary. But if you take those objects and make a library out of them then some/many(?) linkers don’t suck everything into the binary on the portions that are required to resolve the dependencies.

How to use a function from a header file without including the header in C?

Suppose I have a header file abc.h which defines a function foo(). How can I use the function foo() in the header file abc.h without using #include<abc.h> in my program?
I could come up with the following solutions
Copy the function from the header file into the program manually. But this would fail for most of the cases where the function definition has been pre-compiled into object files. Because in that case copy pasting function prototype won't do any good because unresolved references to the function couldn't be resolved.
Don't do anything in case of standard libraries as IDE can take care of that. But this is obviously undefined behaviour and would depend on IDE. Also for non-standard libraries it would surely fail.
So how can I use a function in a header file(not necessarily from the standard library) without including the header file?
This was an interview question so it is essentially a trick question. Not real use.
I believe the key word here is "defined" in the header file, not just declared. The header would have to be compiled to an object. To use it, you'd "declare" the function in your source and link with the object file.
That said, I hate interview questions like this since you're never really sure if that's what they are looking for because no one in their right mind would do this in practice.
But this would fail for most of the cases where the header has been pre-compiled into object files
This sentence makes no sense. A header can be used to compile an object file, but they never get compiled into object files; they are always used externally.

Detect undefined symbols in C header file

Suposse I coded a C library which provides a bunch of "public" functions, declared in a mylib.h header file. Those functions are supposedly implemented in (say) a mylib.c file which is compiled to a (say) static lib mylib.c -> mylib.o -> mylib.a.
Is there some way to detect that I forgot to provide the implementation of some declared function in mylib.h? (Yes, I know about unit testing, good practices, etc - and, yes, I understand the meaning of a plain function declaration in C).
Suppose mylib.h declares a void func1(); and this function was not coded in the provided library. This will trigger an error only if the linker needs to use that function. Otherwise, it will compile ok and even without warnings - AFAIK. Is there a way (perhaps compiler dependent) to trigger a warning for declared but not implemented functions, or there is any other way to deal with this issue?
BTW: nm -u lists not all undefined declared functions, but only those "used" by the library, i.e., those functions that will trigger an error in the linking phase if not declared somewhere. (Which makes sense, the library object file does not know about header files, of course.)
Basically, the most reliable way is to have a program (or possibly a series of programs) which formally exercise each and every one of the functions. If one of the programs fails to link because of a missing symbol, you've goofed.
I suppose you could try to do something by editing a copy of the header into a source file (as in, file ending .c), converting the function declarations into dummy function definitions:
extern int somefunc(void);
extern int somefunc(void){}
Then compile the modified source with minimum warnings - and ignore anything to do with "function that is supposed to return a value doesn't". Then compare the defined symbols in the object file from the revised source with the defined symbols in the library (using nm -g on Unix-like systems). Anything present in the object file that isn't present in the library is missing and should be supplied.
Note: if your header includes other headers of your own which define functions, you need to process all of those. If your header includes standard headers such as <stdio.h>, then clearly you won't be defining functions such as fopen() or printf() in the ordinary course of events. So, choose the headers you reprocess into source code carefully.
There's no easy way.
For example, you can analyse the output of clang -Xclang -ast-print-xml or gcc-xml and filter out declarations with no implementations for a given .h file.
You could grep for signatures of exported function in both .h and .c, and compare the lists.
Use wc -l for counting matches, Both numbers should be equal.
Another thought, just came to my mind. It is ihmo not possible to handle it using compiler. it is not always the case, that function declares in mylib.h is implemented in mylib.c
Is there some way to detect that I forgot to provide the implementation of some declared function in mylib.h?
Write the implementation first, then worry about header contents -- because that way, it can be flagged.
