How can I map two observable collections together? - silverlight

I have an interesting problem. I have an existing module that exposes and maintains an observable collection of entities. I want to have an observable collection or some implementation of INotifyCollectionChanged that keeps in step with the adds and removals of items from the other collection but contains wrapper classes (view models) rather than the entities themselves.
I understand shallowly how the CollectionChanged event works, but I want to either handle that completely which I'm not sure I know how to do, or otherwise use an existing pattern. Can anyone help me with this?

Continuous Linq is designed to do exactly that.


WPF bind property to array value using Prism MVVM [duplicate]

I have lots of entities with nested List<> in each.
For example, I have BaseEntity which has List<ColumnEntity>.
ColumnEntity class has List<Info> and so on.
We are working with a WPF UI, and we need to track all changes in every List of BaseEntity. It is implemented by instantiating a new ObservableCollection based on the needed list, and with binding to that ObservableCollection.
What are the pros and cons changing all these nested Lists to ObservableCollections? So we can track all changes in BaseEntity itself without reassigning each list of BaseEntity to modified bound ObservableCollection?
Assuming that methods specific to List are never used.
Interesting question, considering that both List and ObservableCollection implement IList<T> there isn't much of a difference there, ObservableCollection also implements INotifyCollectionChanged interface, which allows WPF to bind to it.
One of the main differences is that ObservableCollection does not have AddRange method, which might have some implications.
Also, I would not use ObservableCollection for places where I know I would not be binding to, for this reason, it is important to go over your design and make sure that you are taking the correct approach in separating layers of concern.
As far as the differences between Collection<T> and List<T> you can have a look here
Generic Lists vs Collection
It depends on exactly what you mean by this:
we need to track all changes in every List of BaseEntity
Would it be enough to track changes to objects already in the list? Or do you need to know when objects are removed from/are added to/change positions within the list?
If a list will contain the same items for their whole lifetime, but the individual objects within that list will change, then it's enough for just the objects to raise change notifications (typically through INotifyPropertyChanged) and List<T> is sufficient. But if the list will contain different objects from time to time, or if the order changes, then you should use ObservableCollection<T>.
So while the differences may be interesting (and a previous poster has already covered those), typically you won't have that much of a choice - either you need ObservableCollection<T> or you don't.
List represents a strongly typed list of objects that can be accessed by index. It provides methods to search, sort, and manipulate lists. The List class is the generic equivalent of the ArrayList class. It implements the IList generic interface using an array whose size is dynamically increased as required.
ObservableCollection is a generic dynamic data collection that uses an interface "INotifyCollectionChanged" to provide notifications when items get added, removed, or when the whole collection is refreshed.
Read more about it in this link:
One more important difference is you can access ObservableCollection only from thread on which it was created where as list can be accessed fromany thread.
I see no problem with that, other than a very marginal performance overhead.
Note that if you modify the internal Lists directly, you are not notified about changes. Also if the objects which are contained in the ObservableCollection are modified you are not notified. Notification occurs only, if elements are added, replaced, removed or moved.

Using ObservableCollections for Master Detail in Silverlight

Using MVVM in a Silverlight project, I would like to be able to take advantage of the INotifyPropertyChanged interface by using ObservableCollections as the source of the data for a Master/Detail configuration. For the source of the Master list, I would like to use an ObservableCollection that retrieves a minimum number of fields from my database to minimixe loading time, and a different ObservableCollection for my Detail view that includes all fields for editing. Doing this with two different ObservableCollections seems to defeat the INotifyPropertyChanged advantage of using ObservableCollection since the changes are being made to a different ObservableCollection than the one used for the Master List. Is there a way to minimize data loading time for the list and still take advantage of INotifyPropertyChanged?
ObservableCollections notify upon changes in the collection - as in add/remove. They do not handle properties within the objects. The objects themselves have to implement INotifyPropertyChanged.
Objects added to the collections are added by reference. That means that if you update the is updated. It won't make any difference which/how many lists contain the object.

Observable Collections and Linq for Silverlight on Windows Phone

I am binding to observable collections, but not sure how to filter and order them with linq. I need them to be observable, otherwise my bindings won't be notified of changes (right?). When you populate an observable collection, will it retain the order items were added to it?
I am not sure where to go from here.
For databinding, is there another type of collection that is observable, but that you can use linq on?
If you need to provide filtering and sorting on top of your list data, then you should probably use CollectionViewSource for binding rather than ObservableCollection. Geoff Hudik's post: WP7 In-App Searching, Filtering covers this.
ObservableCollection is the recommended collection to use when you know that the underlying data will change.
It will retain the order of items in which they were added
You can use other collections for databinding as well, Linq can be used on pretty much anything that implements IEnumerable.

Large Model Collections in MVVM

Whilst implementing my first MVVM application in WPF, I've been wondering about the pros and cons of wrapping Model collections in related ViewModel collections to use in the View.
In our system we are likely to have several potentially large collections e.g. Order Lines in an Order, and Stock Items which could be selected for an Order Line. At present these are looked up from SQL in the Data Access layer, and then SqlDataReaders are looped around to create a collection of Model Objects.
To then loop around the collection of Model objects when creating a collection of ViewModel objects seems like an unnecessary overhead. When there are large collections of Model objects would it be better to expose these directly on the View?
Thanks in advance for your help, Mark
While reading up on this subject I found this MSDN article from July this year (reviewed by Josh Smith no less) which gives a pretty balanced view of MVVM, and in the 'Collections' section said this:
Another problem with collections is
determining when or if to wrap each
Model instance in the collection
within a ViewModel instance. For
smaller collections, the ViewModel may
expose a new observable collection and
copy everything in the underlying
Model collection into the ViewModel
observable collection, wrapping each
Model item in the collection in a
corresponding ViewModel instance as it
goes. The ViewModel might need to
listen for collection-changed events
to transmit user changes back to the
underlying Model.
However, for very large collections
that will be exposed in some form of
virtualizing panel, the easiest and
most pragmatic approach is just to
expose the Model objects directly.
Thanks very much for the comments so far, trying to limit the amount of data passed into the ViewModel, or using paginated or other suitable controls would reduce problems I'm sure, but I wonder if there would there still be situations where it would be better to simply bind to a collection of Model objects within the ViewModel?
I guess that it would really depend on how you want to go about displaying the data. Afterall the ViewModel is primarily there to handle the data that the View requires.
Assuming that your data layer provides you with just the data collections you could always restrict the creation of elements within the ViewModel depending on those that you actually want to see.
For example you may have a Datagrid to display Order Items for a given Order.
Thus you could have a ViewModel Property AllOrderItems bound to the datagrid and yet its getter is as follows:
public List<OrderItems> AllOrderItems
get{return this.DataAccessLayer.GetOrderItems().Where(x=>x.OrderNumber==this.OrderNumber).toList();
Here the DataAccessLayer is a class that holds cache database data and interfaces to the database. If kept as a singleton then data duplication within it will be reduced.
You can adapt your ViewModel to do as much or as little filtering of data from the DataAccessLayer as requried. The collections can be Observable if requried and the DataAccessLayer can generate events for VMs to react to for cases of new data being added, removed, saved to the database.

How do I maintain coherency between model and view-model in MVVM pattern?

Problem Statement
I'm writing a very basic WPF application to alter the contents of a configuration file. The data format is an XML file with a schema. I want to use it as a learning project for MVVM, so I have duly divided the code into
Model: C# classes auto-generated from xsd.exe
View-Model: View-friendly representation of the Model.
View: Xaml and empty code behind
I understand how the View-Model can make View-binding a breeze. However, doesn't that leave the View-Model <-> Model semantics very awkward? Xsd.exe generates C# classes with arrays for multiple XML elements. However, at the V-VM level you need Observable Collections.
Does this really mean I have to keep two completely different collection types representing the same data in coherence?
What are the best practices for maintaining coherence between the Model and the View-Model?
I'm not a big expert, but I think that is the case yes. The general idea is indeed to propagate change between the view and the viewModel via Binding, and then between the ViewModel and the Model via events (in the Model -> ViewModel direction) or dependency (in the other direction).
I don't know how standard that is, but my understanding of MVVM is that the ViewModel should hold a reference to the model so that when the user modifies the view, the ViewModel should call the appropriate code on the model. The other way round, the Model should raise events when modified, and the ViewModel should update itself accordingly (the ViewModel being an observer to the model).
#Does this really mean I have to keep two completely different collection types representing the same data in coherence?
I think yes. It's pretty boring, but it works quite well. Hopefully, in the future we will have also a code generator to create the ViewModel part.
Karl is working on that:
You need clearly ObservableCollections at the viewmodel so, yes, you will need two
completely different collection types in the model and in the viewmodel.
I have done an article about doing undo / redo in MVVM where you can find a possible solution to this. It uses what I call the MirrorCollection: an ObservableCollection derived class witch automatically obtains his items from a List (the list of the model).
I think it is an interesting solution, you can find the articles here
Part 1: Using the Viewmodel pattern to provide Undo / Redo in WPF
Part 2: Viewmodelling lists (here is the MirrorCollection definition)
Expose Events or delegates in Model and hook to the same in ViewModel, when ever values in the model changes notify to viewmodel via event or delegates and from Viewmodle you can update the UI.
If you want to update it from view model to model as simple as that just call some method pass the new values
