Using Table valued function the code - sql-server

I have 3 tables and one table valued function: EmpHistory,EmpRank,Emp and fnEmpRank.
The sample data are given as follows:
EmpHistID EmpID RankID MonitorDate RankName
1 aba JPR 2008-10-06 Junior Prof
2 aba JPR 2009-11-07 Junior Prof
3 aba TERM 2012-2-08 Termoinated Prof
4 aba ASST 2012-6-22 lab Assistant
5 aba ASST 2012-7-2 Lab Assistant
6 aba TSST 2012-8-4 Terminated Assistant
RankID RankName
JPR Junior Professor
SPR Senior Professor
ASST Junior Assistant
SASST Senior Assistant
PL Principal
EmpID EmpStartDate
aba 2008-10-06
abc01 2007-09-23
sdh 2009-7-26
sbs 2012-2-8
The fnEmpRank function takes the emproleID and gives the employee history same as the empHistory Table. There is also empoyeerole table which has employeeroleid column.
Now my problem is: I want the second last professor rank of the employee i.e in this case I want Junior Professor row(i.e) 2nd row from emphistory table). Currntly my code is using emphistory table but now intead of that table I want to use fnEmpRank as it gives the same data. I am also giving the sample code.
from dbo.vwEmployee A(nolock)
INNER join dbo.EmpHistory c(nolock) on c.Empid = a.EmpID
and c.EmpHistoryID = (select max(c1.EmpHistoryID)
from dbo.EmpHistory c1(nolock)
where c1.Empid = c.EmpID
and c1.MonitorDate =
I have 3 tables and one table valued function: EmpHistory,EmpRank,Emp and fnEmpRank.
The sample data are given as follows:
create table EmpHistory(
EmpHistID int,
EmpID varchar,
RankID varchar,
Monitordate Date,
Rankname varchar)
insert into EmpHistory
select 1,'aba','JPR','2008-10-6','Junior Professor'
insert into EmpHistory
select 2,'aba','JPR','2009-11-7','Junior Professor'
insert into EmpHistory
select 3,'aba','TERM','2012-2-8','Terminated Prof'
insert into EmpHistory
select 4,'aba','ASST','2012-6-22','Lab Assistant'
insert into EmpHistory
select 5,'aba','ASST','2012-7-2','Lab Assistant'
insert into EmpHistory
select 1,'aba','JPR','2012-8-4','Terminated Assistant'
create table EmpRank(
RankID varchar,
RankName varchar
insert into EmpRank
select 'JPR','Junior Professor'
insert into EmpRank
select 'SPR','Senior Professor'
insert into EmpRank
select 'ASST','Junior Assistant'
insert into EmpRank
select 'SASST','Senior Assistant'
insert into EmpRank
select 'PL','Principal'
create table Employee(
EmpID varchar,
EmpStartDate date
insert into Employee
select 'aba','2008-10-06'
insert into Employee
select 'abc01','2007-9-23'
insert into Employee
select 'sdh','2009-7-26'
insert into Employee
select 'sbs','2012-2-8'
The fnEmpRank function takes the emproleID and gives the employee history same as the empHistory Table. There is also empoyeerole table which has employeeroleid column.
Now my problem is: I want the second last professor rank of the employee i.e in this case I want Junior Professor row(i.e) 2nd row from emphistory table). Currntly my code is using emphistory table but now intead of that table I want to use fnEmpRank as it gives the same data. I am also giving the sample code.
from dbo.vwEmployee A(nolock)
INNER join dbo.EmpHistory c(nolock) on c.Empid = a.EmpID
and c.EmpHistoryID = (select max(c1.EmpHistoryID)
from dbo.EmpHistory c1(nolock)
where c1.Empid = c.EmpID
and c1.MonitorDate =
SELECT MAX(C2.MonitorDate)
FROM dbo.EmpHistory C2
join dbo.EmpRank d(nolock) on d.RankID = a.RankID
left join dbo.EmpHistory f(nolock) on f.EmpID = a.EmpID
and f.EmpHistoryID = (select max(g.EmpHistoryID)
from dbo.EmpHistory g(nolock)
where g.EmpID = a.EmpID
AND G.RankID not like 'T%'
and g.EmpHistoryID < c.EmpHistoryID)
left join dbo.EmpRank h(nolock) on h.RankID = f.RankID
LEFT JOIN dbo.EmpHistory J(NOLOCK) ON J.EmpID = A.EmpID
AND J.EmpHistoryID = (
SELECT max(K.EmpHistoryID )
FROM dbo.EmpHistory K(NOLOCK)
AND K.MonitorDate = (
SELECT max(M.MonitorDate )
FROM dbo.EmpHistory M(NOLOCK)
c.RankID like 'T%'
AND c.RankID <>'TSST'
AND A.StartDate is not null
Here there is one more problem: Even if the Employee is terminated from professor to Assitant, A.Prof values is still 1 and basically Assistant dont have the start dates but when professor are transformed to Assitant, they still contain the start date. How can I handle this in the code. Basically this code assumes that that if emp has the start date then he is the professor. Can any one help me?
SELECT MAX(C2.MonitorDate)
FROM dbo.EmpHistory C2
join dbo.EmpRank d(nolock) on d.RankID = a.RankID
left join dbo.EmpHistory f(nolock) on f.EmpID = a.EmpID
and f.EmpHistoryID = (select max(g.EmpHistoryID)
from dbo.EmpHistory g(nolock)
where g.EmpID = a.EmpID
AND G.RankID not like 'T%'
and g.EmpHistoryID < c.EmpHistoryID)
left join dbo.EmpRank h(nolock) on h.RankID = f.RankID
LEFT JOIN dbo.EmpHistory J(NOLOCK) ON J.EmpID = A.EmpID
AND J.EmpHistoryID = (
SELECT max(K.EmpHistoryID )
FROM dbo.EmpHistory K(NOLOCK)
AND K.MonitorDate = (
SELECT max(M.MonitorDate )
FROM dbo.EmpHistory M(NOLOCK)
c.RankID like 'T%'
AND c.RankID <>'TSST'
AND A.StartDate is not null
Here there is one more problem: Even if the Employee is terminated from professor to Assitant, A.Prof values is still 1 and basically Assistant dont have the start dates but when professor are transformed to Assitant, they still contain the start date. How can I handle this in the code. Basically this code assumes that that if emp has the start date then he is the professor. Can any one help me?

create fnemprank(#inputrankid int)
returns #result table(
EmpHistID int,
EmpID nvarchar,
RankID nvarchar,
MonitorDate date,
RankName nvarchar)
insert into #result (EmpHistID,EmpID,RankID,MonitorDate,RankName)
select top 1 * from emphistory eh where eh.rankid=#inputrankid
order by eh.monitordate desc


Select distinct on declared table

I need to create concatenated query will get data with checking data in other tables.
Firstly I declared (and filled it) two tables with list of ID I'll check in other tables. On next step (2) I declared new table and filled it values I get by some checking params. This table contains only one column (ID).
After filling if I execute SELECT DISTINCT query from this table I'll get really unique ID. It's OK.
But on next step (3) I declare more one table and filling it by 3 tables. Of course it contains many duplicates. But I must create this query for checking and concatenating. And after that if I execute select distinct h from #NonUnicalConcat it returns many duplicate IDs.
What I did wrong? Where is an error?
USE CurrentBase;
--STEP 1
DECLARE #TempCSTable TABLE(TempTableIDColumn int);
INSERT INTO #TempCSTable VALUES('3'),('4');
DECLARE #TempCVTable TABLE(TempTableIDColumn int);
INSERT INTO #TempCVTable VALUES('2'),('13');
--STEP 2
DECLARE #TempIdTable TABLE(id int);
FROM Table1 AS TT1
LEFT OUTER JOIN Table2 ON Table2.ID = TT1.OptionalColumn
LEFT OUTER JOIN Table3 AS TT2 ON TT2.ID = TT1.OptionalColumn
LEFT OUTER JOIN Table4 AS TT3 ON TT3.ID = TT2.OptionalColumn
WHERE TT1.ValueDate > '2020-06-30'
AND TT1.ValueDate < '2020-08-04'
AND TT1.OptBool = '1'
AND TT1.OptBool2 = '0'
FROM Table5
WHERE Table5.ID = TT1.ID
AND Table5.CV IN
SELECT TempTableIDColumn
FROM #TempCVTable
AND Table5.OptBool = '1'
FROM Table6
AND Table6.CS IN
SELECT TempTableIDColumn
FROM #TempCSTable
SELECT distinct * FROM #TempIdTable;--this code realy select distinct
--STEP 3
DECLARE #NonUnicalConcat TABLE(c int, s int, h int);
INSERT INTO #NonUnicalConcat
SELECT TT1.TempTableIDColumn AS cc,
TT2.TempTableIDColumn AS ss, AS hh
FROM #TempCVTable AS TT1,
#TempCSTable AS TT2,
#TempIdTable AS TT3
FROM OtherBase.dbo.Table1
AND CS = TT2.TempTableIDColumn
AND CV = TT1.TempTableIDColumn
select distinct h from #NonUnicalConcat;--this code return many duplicates

T-SQL query to show all the past steps, active and future steps

I have 3 tables in SQL Server:
map_table: (workflow map path)
stepId step_name
1 A
2 B
3 C
4 D
5 E
stepId timestamp author
1 9:00am John
2 9:20am Mary
Id currentStageId waitingFor
12345 3 Kat
I would like to write a query to show the map with the workflow status. Like this result here:
step name time author
1 A 9:00am John
2 B 9:20am Mary
3 C waiting Kat
4 D
5 E
I tried left join
m.stepId, m.step_name, h.timestamp,
map_table m
left join
history_table h on m.stepId = h.stepId
I thought it will list all the records from the map table, since I am using left join, but somehow it only shows 3 records which is from history table..
So I changed to
m.stepId, m.step_name, h.timestamp,
map_table m
left join
history_table h on m.stepId = h.stepId
m.stepId, m.step_name, '' as timestamp, '' as author
map_table m
m.stageId not in (select stageId from history_table)
order by
Then it list the result almost as I expected, but how do I add the 3rd table in to show the current active stage?
Thank you very much for all your help!! Much appreciated.
Looks like it's what you asked:
with map_table as (
select * from (values (1,'A')
,(5,'E')) t(stepId, step_name)
, history_table as (
select * from (values
,(2,'9:20am','Mary')) t(stepId, timestamp, author)
, current_stapeTable as (
select * from (values (2345, 3, 'Kat')) t(Id, currentStageId, waitingFor)
m.stepId, m.step_name
, time = coalesce(h.timestamp, case when c.waitingFor is not null then 'waiting' end)
, author = coalesce(, c.waitingFor)
map_table m
left join history_table h on m.stepId = h.stepId
left join current_stapeTable c on m.stepId = c.currentStageId
I think a union fits well with the data and avoids the coalescing the values on multiple joins.
with timeline as (
select stepId, "timestamp" as ts, author from history_table
union all
select currentStageId, 'waiting', waitingFor from current_stageTable
select step_id, step_name, "timestamp", author
map_table as m left outer join timeline as t
on t.stepId = m.stepId

Update records SQL?

First when I started this project seemed very simple. Two tables, field tbl1_USERMASTERID in Table 1 should be update from field tbl2_USERMASTERID Table 2. After I looked deeply in Table 2, there is no unique ID that I can use as a key to join these two tables. Only way to match the records from Table 1 and Table 2 is based on FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME AND DOB. So I have to find records in Table 1 where:
tbl1_FIRST_NAME equals tbl2_FIRST_NAME
tbl1_LAST_NAME equals tbl2_LAST_NAME
tbl1_DOB equals tbl2_DOB
and then update USERMASTERID field. I was afraid that this can cause some duplicates and some users will end up with USERMASTERID that does not belong to them. So if I find more than one record based on first,last name and dob those records would not be updated. I would like just to skip and leave them blank. That way I wouldn't populate invalid USERMASTERID. I'm not sure what is the best way to approach this problem, should I use SQL or ColdFusion (my server side language)? Also how to detect more than one matching record?
Here is what I have so far:
UPDATE Table1 AS tbl1
ON tbl1.dob = tbl2.dob
AND tbl1.fname = tbl2.fname
AND tbl1.lname = tbl2.lname
SET tbl1.usermasterid = tbl2.usermasterid
WHERE LTRIM(RTRIM(tbl1.usermasterid)) = ''
Here is query where I tried to detect duplicates:
COUNT(*) AS count
FROM Table1 AS tbl1
ON tbl1.dob = tbl2.dob
AND tbl1.FName = tbl2.first
AND tbl1.LName = tbl2.last
WHERE LTRIM(RTRIM(tbl1.usermasterid)) = ''
AND LTRIM(RTRIM(tbl1.first)) <> ''
AND LTRIM(RTRIM(tbl1.last)) <> ''
AND LTRIM(RTRIM(tbl1.dob)) <> ''
GROUP BY tbl1.FName,tbl1.LName,tbl1.dob
Some data after I tested query above:
First Last DOB Count
John Cook 2008-07-11 2
Kate Witt 2013-06-05 1
Deb Ruis 2016-01-22 1
Mike Bennet 2007-01-15 1
Kristy Cruz 1997-10-20 1
Colin Jones 2011-10-13 1
Kevin Smith 2010-02-24 1
Corey Bruce 2008-04-11 1
Shawn Maiers 2016-08-28 1
Alenn Fitchner 1998-05-17 1
If anyone have idea how I can prevent/skip updating duplicate records or how to improve this query please let me know. Thank you.
You could check for and avoid duplicate matches using with common_table_expression (Transact-SQL)
along with row_number()., like so:
with cte as (
, t.lname
, t.dob
, t.usermasterid
, NewUserMasterId = t2.usermasterid
, rn = row_number() over (partition by t.fname, t.lname, t.dob order by t2.usermasterid)
from table1 as t
inner join table2 as t2 on t.dob = t2.dob
and t.fname = t2.fname
and t.lname = t2.lname
and ltrim(rtrim(t.usermasterid)) = ''
--/* confirm these are the rows you want updated
select *
from cte as t
where t.NewUserMasterId != ''
and not exists (
select 1
from cte as i
where t.dob = i.dob
and t.fname = i.fname
and t.lname = i.lname
and i.rn>1
/* update those where only 1 usermasterid matches this record
update t
set t.usermasterid = t.NewUserMasterId
from cte as t
where t.NewUserMasterId != ''
and not exists (
select 1
from cte as i
where t.dob = i.dob
and t.fname = i.fname
and t.lname = i.lname
and i.rn>1
I use the cte to extract out the sub query for readability. Per the documentation, a common table expression (cte):
Specifies a temporary named result set, known as a common table expression (CTE). This is derived from a simple query and defined within the execution scope of a single SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement.
Using row_number() to assign a number for each row, starting at 1 for each partition of t.fname, t.lname, t.dob. Having those numbered allows us to check for the existence of duplicates with the not exists() clause with ... and i.rn>1
You could use a CTE to filter out the duplicates from Table1 before joining:
; with CTE as (select *
, count(ID) over (partition by LastName, FirstName, DoB) as IDs
from Table1)
update a
set a.ID = b.ID
from Table2 a
left join CTE b
on a.FirstName = b.FirstName
and a.LastName = b.LastName
and a.Dob = b.Dob
and b.IDs = 1
This will work provided there are no exact duplicates (same demographics and same ID) in table 1. If there are exact duplicates, they will also be excluded from the join, but you can filter them out before the CTE to avoid this.
Please try below SQL:
UPDATE Table1 AS tbl1
INNER JOIN Table2 AS tbl2
ON tbl1.dob = tbl2.dob
AND tbl1.fname = tbl2.fname
AND tbl1.lname = tbl2.lname
LEFT JOIN Table2 AS tbl3
ON tbl3.dob = tbl2.dob
AND tbl3.fname = tbl2.fname
AND tbl3.lname = tbl2.lname
AND tbl3.usermasterid <> tbl2.usermasterid
SET tbl1.usermasterid = tbl2.usermasterid
WHERE LTRIM(RTRIM(tbl1.usermasterid)) = ''
AND tbl3.usermasterid is null

Multiple value IF statement, to show in select

Any help appreciated,
the code below is from a database which someone made, every time a receipt is made a unique receipt id is issued. same when a reversal is made a new receipt is issued. what links the two are the pay in number. If a reverse is issued, the reverse flag changes on the old receipt to Y and the new one says N. i have my query that select Minimum date and Max data, for receipts returned will have a much later date that when it was first created. The issue is when there is no reverse, it still pulls information as the min and max date are the same. I am fully aware that i need an if statement, but have no idea how to do it since i am new to Databases.
Select distinct r.receipt_date, r.receipt_no, r.doc_no as Payin_No,r.trans_amt,l.location_desc, ct.charge_type_desc,
(select un.first_name + ' ' + un.last_name)as cashier,
r.payee, r.comments, r.reverse_flag, ret1.returned_by, ret1.return_date
from Cashier..receipts as r
inner join Cashier..location as l on r.location_id=l.location_id
inner join [Cashier].[dbo].[charge_type] as ct on ct.charge_type_no=r.charge_type_no
inner join Cashier..user_name as un on un.user_name=(UPPER(r.created_by))
inner join (
select receipt_no as Return_Receipt ,
(select un2.first_name + ' ' + un2.last_name) as returned_by,
created_date as return_date, doc_no as Payin_no,
from Cashier..receipts as r1
inner join Cashier..user_name as un2 on un2.user_name=(UPPER(r1.created_by))
where doc_no = r1.doc_no
and created_date = (select MAX(created_date)
from Cashier..receipts where doc_no = r1.doc_no)) as ret1
on (ret1.Payin_no=r.doc_no)
where r.receipt_date = (select MIN(r1.receipt_date) from Cashier..receipts as r1 where r1.receipt_no = r.receipt_no )
Issue i am having, the return by is the same as created
Desired result
Is this basically what you're trying to do?
-- test data creation, for me
create table receipts (receipt_no int, receipt_date datetime, doc_no int, reverse_flag char(1), returned_by varchar(10), create_date datetime, created_date datetime)
insert into receipts values (1, '1/1/2016', 12345, 'Y', 'John', null, '1/1/2016')
insert into receipts values (2, '2/15/2016', 12345, 'N', null, '2/15/2016', '2/15/2016')
SELECT r.receipt_date, r.receipt_no, r.doc_no, r.reverse_flag, ret1.return_date
FROM receipts r
SELECT doc_no, create_date as return_date
FROM receipts
WHERE reverse_flag = 'N')ret1 on r.doc_no = ret1.doc_no and ret1.return_date > r.receipt_date
WHERE r.reverse_flag = 'Y' and r.doc_no = 12345
If that's your goal, I think you just tack this on to the very end of your query:
and r.receipt_date < ret1.return_date
Edit: Based on your update, I think tack this onto the end:
and convert(date, r.receipt_date) < convert(date, ret1.return_date)
I'm still really not sure what you want.
select *
from ( select doc_no, min(receipt_date) as min_receipt_date
from receipts group by doc_no ) as min_receipt
left outer join ( select doc_no, max(receipt_date) as max_receipt_date
from receipts group by doc_no) as max_receipt
on min_receipt.doc_no = max_receipt.doc_no and
min_receipt.min_receipt_date <> max_receipt.max_receipt_date
insert into receipts values (1, '2016-01-01', 12345, 'Y', 'John', null, '2016-01-01');
insert into receipts values (2, '2016-03-15', 12345, 'N', null, '2016-03-15', '2016-03-15');
insert into receipts values (3, '2016-03-15', 123667, 'N', null, '2016-03-15', '2016-03-15');
doc_no min_receipt_date doc_no max_receipt_date
12345 January, 01 2016 00:00:00 12345 March, 15 2016 00:00:00
123667 March, 15 2016 00:00:00 (null) (null)
but it assumes that the return date will never be the same as the original receipt date. I also left off the Y and N flags because I don't see how it's necessary if the min date is always the original purchase date. The other answer here uses the created_date but in your screenshot of the table data, you only show one date so I wrote it assuming only one date (the receipt date). I tested that on MySQL because SQLFiddle was hating on my SQL Server syntax for inserts and I don't have another way to test right now.
This is what i was looking for, figured it out. Thank you Max for opening insights on how i could tackle the problem.
Select distinct r.receipt_date, r.receipt_no, r.doc_no as Payin_No,r.trans_amt,l.location_desc, ct.charge_type_desc,
(select un.first_name + ' ' + un.last_name)as cashier,
r.payee, r.comments, r.cost_centre, r.item, r.programme, r.activity, r.btl_sof, r.reverse_flag, --, ret1.returned_by, ret1.return_date
(case when r.reverse_flag = 'Y' then (select (un2.first_name + ' ' + un2.last_name)from Cashier..receipts as r1
inner join Cashier..user_name as un2 on un2.user_name=(UPPER(r1.created_by)) where created_date = (select MAX(created_date)
from Cashier..receipts where doc_no = r.doc_no)) end ) as returned_by ,
(case when r.reverse_flag = 'Y' then (select created_date from Cashier..receipts as r1
inner join Cashier..user_name as un2 on un2.user_name=(UPPER(r1.created_by)) where created_date = (select MAX(created_date)
from Cashier..receipts where doc_no = r.doc_no)) end ) as returned_date
from Cashier..receipts as r
inner join Cashier..location as l on r.location_id=l.location_id
inner join [Cashier].[dbo].[charge_type] as ct on ct.charge_type_no=r.charge_type_no
inner join Cashier..user_name as un on un.user_name=(UPPER(r.created_by))
where r.receipt_date = (select MIN(r1.receipt_date) from Cashier..receipts as r1 where r1.receipt_no = r.receipt_no )

mssql query join to work out esclation person based on discounts percentage

Hi I have the below working query(mssql)
max(load_number) load_number,max(linediscount) maxlinediscount,max(CustomerBand) customer_band
from [Linked_Order_lines]
join [Customer_Order_Summary]
on [Customer_Order_Summary].[CustomerOrderID]=[Linked_Order_lines].[load_number]
join [Customers]
on Customers.CustomerName=Customer_Order_Summary.CustomerName
join Customer_Order_lines
on Customer_Order_Summary.CustomerOrderID=Customer_Order_lines.CustomerOrderID
join price_escalation_bands
where [linked_order_id] in
select [linkedorderid] from
[Linked_Order_Summary] join [Linked_Order_lines] on
[Linked_Order_Summary].[linkedorderid] = [Linked_Order_lines].[linked_order_id]
where [load_number]='7'
and Customer_Order_lines.linestatus='current'
group by load_number
This produces the result
In this query, I have already joined to the table price_escalation_bands which looks like this:
What I am wanting to do, is compare the maxlinediscount from my query with the discount column of table price_escalation_bands and return the user id (fk_salesman_userid) of the record in the table that is the next greatest. so discount of 11 would go to discount 15 and return fk_salesman_userid 9. if the discount was 18, it would go to 100 and return fk_salesman_userid 21.
I am basically trying to work out the fk_salesman_userid that can approve the discount in maxlinediscount
So desired output would be:
Do I need a case statement and if so how do I use it with the max statements in my existing select statement?
thanks in advance as aways
While joining the price_escalation_bands you can use one more condition for discount.
Check the FIDDLE. Here I have tried with the result in a temp table. You can try the same subquery with your join price_escalation_bands by passing the max(linediscount).
Hope this will help you.
Final Working syntax:
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#linkloads') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE #linkloads
CREATE TABLE #linkloads
maxlinediscount [decimal](10,3),
customer_band [varchar](50),
load_number [int],
totalcost [decimal](10,3),
period [datetime],
CustomerName [varchar](100),
insert into #linkloads
select max(linediscount) maxlinediscount,max(CustomerBand) customer_band,max(load_number) load_number,max(totalcost) totalcost,max(Customer_Order_Summary.PeriodStart) period,max(Customers.CreditLimit) CreditLimit ,max(Customers.CurrentBalance)CurrentBalance,max(Customer_Order_Summary.CustomerName)CustomerName,max(TotalCubes) TotalCubes,max(TreatedCubes)TreatedCubes ,max(TotalCubes-TreatedCubes) as NormalCubes,sum(case when pricingissue=1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) pricingissue
from [Linked_Order_lines]
join [Customer_Order_Summary]
on [Customer_Order_Summary].[CustomerOrderID]=[Linked_Order_lines].[load_number]
join [Customers]
on Customers.CustomerName=Customer_Order_Summary.CustomerName
join Customer_Order_lines
on Customer_Order_Summary.CustomerOrderID=Customer_Order_lines.CustomerOrderID
where [linked_order_id] in
select [linkedorderid] from
[Linked_Order_Summary] join [Linked_Order_lines] on
[Linked_Order_Summary].[linkedorderid] = [Linked_Order_lines].[linked_order_id]
where [load_number]='10'
and Customer_Order_lines.linestatus='current'
group by load_number;
select * from #linkloads;
select load_number,maxlinediscount,customer_band,[Salesman_Discounts_per_band].fk_salesman_userid,totalcost,period,creditlimit,currentbalance,customername,totalcubes,treatedcubes,normalcubes,pricingissue from #linkloads
left outer JOIN [Salesman_Discounts_per_band] on [Salesman_Discounts_per_band].band=#linkloads.customer_band
AND [Salesman_Discounts_per_band].[discount_allowed] = (
SELECT top 1 [Salesman_Discounts_per_band].[discount_allowed]
FROM [Salesman_Discounts_per_band]
WHERE [Salesman_Discounts_per_band].band=#linkloads.customer_band
AND [Salesman_Discounts_per_band].[discount_allowed]<=#linkloads.maxlinediscount
ORDER BY [Salesman_Discounts_per_band].[discount_allowed]
