Beginner: syntax error before int main () - c

I'm trying to run a Hello World program but am getting the error
./ex1.c: line 3: syntax error near unexpected token `(`
./ex1.c: line 3: `int main (int argc, char *argv[])'
./ex1.c: 3: ./ex1.c: Syntax error: "(" unexpected
./ex1.c:3: unknown file attribute: i
./ex1.c:4: parse error near `}'
The weird thing is I've run this same program before and had no issues.
Not sure if these issues are related but the problem happened after I installed Valgrind to run exercise 4 in Learn C The Hard Way. I received an error that said permission denied which I fixed using chmod +x. Then all my .c files needed permission which they had not before. I then did chmod -R 0777 for the directory with all of my .c practice files. So the permission problem is fixed but then the error above started. They may be completed unrelated but wanted to include just in case.

You can't run a .c file just by using ./ex1.c; you have to compile it into a runnable program first.
Assuming you have a Linux/OS X machine, use gcc -Wall ex1.c -o ex1 to compile it (or, more simply, make ex1). Then you can ./ex1 to run the program.

After you compile the program by using make "your program name" (like make mario in this case), then just use ./"your program name" (this case ./mario). DO NOT add .c when running the program.


Syntax error while running the c program despite having no problem during compiling

I am trying to run a basic program 'hello world'using this code
int main()
printf("hello world\n");
return 0;
There is no error while compiling but when i try to run the code the error is:
./hello.c: line 2: syntax error near unexpected token'('
./hello.c: line 2: 'int main()'
How can i solve this because ive tried everything and i dont think there is a syntax error.
You don't run the .c file from the shell. After you compile the program, you run the executable that was created.
So if you compiled it like:
gcc -o hello hello.c
Then you run it with
When you use ./hello.c, the shell tries to run your C source code as a shell script. That won't work because they're completely different languages.

Trying to compile xf86drm.h example

On this page someone has published an example on how to properly use the drm api.
I downloaded the source file compiled it with gcc -I/usr/include/drm/ modeset.h -o modeset, marked it as executeable chmod +x modeset and launched it ./modeset
michael#lord:~/Documents/cpp/modeset$ ./modeset
./modeset: line 1: $'gpchC014\310\b\032\231\253\267+\277\331\022\225I\021': command not found
./modeset: line 17: syntax error near unexpected token `$'\375?\250\001\177\001\001''
./modeset: line 17: `ø?¨
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I do not understand this low level framebuffer example so I am a bit lost right now. The web is also not revealing any docs. Some basic hints about what's happening here would be enough.
I am also using xorg server.
The file you are invoking seems not to be a valid ELF executable, bash tries to process it as a bash script and fails. You can check for sure by using file command, e.g. file modeset.
Check for the errors during your GCC build. Note that you try to compile modeset.h, not modeset.c.

Syntax error near unexpected token '('

As a beginner, I am trying to write a simple c program to learn and execute the "write" function.
I am trying to execute a simple c program simple_write.c
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main()
if ((write(1, “Here is some data\n”, 18)) != 18)
write(2, “A write error has occurred on file descriptor 1\n”,46);
I also execute chmod +x simple_write.c
But when i execute ./simple_write.c, it gives me syntax error near unexpected token '('
Couldn't figure out why this happens ??
P.S: The expected output is:-
$ ./simple_write
Here is some data
You did
$ chmod +x simple_write.c
$ ./simple_write.c
when you should have done
$ cc simple_write.c -o simple_write
$ chmod +x simple_write # On second thought, you probably don’t need this.
$ ./simple_write
In words: compile the program to create an executable simple_write
(without .c) file, and then run that. 
What you did was attempt to execute your C source code file
as a shell script.
The simple_write file will be a binary file. 
Do not look at it with tools meant for text files
(e.g., cat, less, or text editors such as gedit).
cc is the historical name for the C compiler. 
If you get cc: not found (or something equivalent),
try the command again with gcc (GNU C compiler). 
If that doesn’t work,
If you’re on a shared system (e.g., school or library),
ask a system administrator how to compile a C program.
If you’re on your personal computer (i.e., you’re the administrator),
you will need to install the compiler yourself (or get a friend to do it). 
There’s lots of guidance written about this; just search for it.
When you get to writing more complicated programs,
you are going to want to use
make simple_write
which has the advantages of
being able to orchestrate a multi-step build,
which is typical for complex programs, and
it knows the standard ways of compiling programs on that system
(for example, it will probably “know” whether to use cc or gcc).
And, in fact, you should be able to use the above command now. 
This may (or may not) simplify your life.
P.S. Now that this question is on Stack Overflow,
I’m allowed to talk about the programming aspect of it. 
It looks to me like it should compile, but
The first write line has more parentheses than it needs.
if (write(1, "Here is some data\n", 18) != 18)
should work.
In the second write line,
I count the string as being 48 characters long, not 46.
By the way, do you know how to make the first write fail,
so the second one will execute?  Try
./simple_write >&-
You cannot execute C source code in Linux (or other systems) directly.
C is a language that requires compilation to binary format.
You need to install C compiler (the actual procedure differs depending on your system), compile your program and only then you can execute it.
Currently it was interpreted by shell. The first two lines starting with # were ignored as comments. The third line caused a syntax error.
I got what i was doing wrong.
These are the steps that I took to get my problem corrected:-
$ gedit simple_write.c
Write the code into this file and save it (with .c extension).
$ make simple_write
$ ./simple_write
And I got the desired output.

Unable to run C program through cmd

Hello everyone I'm learning C and am trying to figure out how to run it through the command console cmd. I have eclipse installed along with Mingw and added these to the path:
I wrote this program on notepad++ for a quick test run and save it to C:\test.c and also under a folder C:\Users\Pikachu\Music\C code while I was trying to figure it out:
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
printf("Hey, Buddy!\n");
return 0;
On the cmd console I typed:
c:\>gcc test.c
and got the error message:
c:/mingw/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.8.1/../../../../mingw32/bin/id.exe: cannot ope
n output file a.exe: Invalid argument
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
When I typed:
c:\>cd c:\Users\Pikachu\Music\c code
and then:
gcc test.c
it just skipped a line as if nothing happened and went back to square one:
c:\Users\Pikachu\Music\c code>gcc test.c
c:\Users\Pikachu\Music\c code>
I was wondering if anyone knows what's going on and could help me out, I'd be so happy if I could see "Hey, Buddy" from cmd! Does anyone also know why I get the error message running it from c:\ and nothing when I run it from the Music\c code\test.c folder even though I'm supposedly running the same file test.c?
I've tried searching around and have picked up references on how the computer can't link to the proper dll's however I'm not sure how to implement this to my specific problem.
Oh and curiously enough when I tried to save another file in c:\ I got a message saying that I didn't have permission to do that even though 5 minutes prior I had done just this. Any insights?
Thanks for your help!
When you run gcc on your C source file, all that it will do it generate an executable file. I believe its called a.exe by default but I would recommend naming it with the -o option:
gcc text.c -o test.exe
Once your file is successfully compiled, run the executable to say hello to the worls:
c:\Users\Pikachu\Music\c code> .\test.exe
As for the first error you got, maybe it has to do with gcc not being able to create the output executable on the root c: folder. I would recommend doing your coding some folder your user owns instead of on a system folder for this reason.
By the way, gcc supports many other options. I highly recommend using -Wall to turn on warnings and choosing what version of the C standard to follow (-std=c99 or -ansi, together with the -pedantic flag).

syntax error in main simple c program osx using make

This is a n00b question and I've seen an answer that does not help me.
I'm running a simple c program (firsty.c) written in textmate:
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
printf("hi world.\n");
return 0;
I've entered the following into the terminal with the following results:
$ make firsty.c
make: Nothing to be done for `firsty.c'.
$ ./firsty.c
./firsty.c: line 3: syntax error near unexpected token `('
./firsty.c: line 3: `int main()'
probably something simple, but I don't understand what's wrong.
make firsty.c isn't doing anything at all. Try instead make firsty, and then ./firsty.
You are trying to execute the source file. You need to execute the binary file which was hopefully built by make.
I do not know what your makefile is doing, however if it's something like gcc firsty.c the binary output file will be named a.out by default. Use gcc -o executable_name_here to have differently named output file (
Unix (osx at this time) is considering executable file a script, and tries to execute it. On other thing to do would be to remove executable permissions from your source file and then you will not be able to run it.
I think u have not created any Makefile which is used by make command to compile the given source file(s)... so try to write a makefile( else try to compile as...
gcc firsty.c -o firstly
then u'll get the executable file in the same directory & u can execute it as
take care of the '#'. when you excute a source code file, the OS maybe excute it with the shell. So we get the syntax error.
Try make firsty, it will work and will make a executable with a name firstly.
If this oes not work, try make ./firstly.
Please note that while doing a make as such you need to supply the name of file only and not the extension as .c
The output file is created with the name of file and it will search for corresponding .c file to compile.
In your case
make firsty
This will look for firsty.c to be compiled and create an output file with name firsty.
