SQL Server high volume update on one field - sql-server

I am building a VoIP switch and I am going to be doing an insert using a SQL stored procedure.
I need to update the user table "balance field" each time I update the history table. Due to it being a switch I can have hundreds of updates each second.
I wanted to know the best way to update a field with out dead locks and with out wrong info.
I will be using MS sql server 2012.

Partition the user table into evenly sized partitions - SQL 2012 allows 10000 of them. That way the updates are distributed over many allocation units instead of just one. Then add the WITH(ROWLOCK) hint to the update query.
To kick off the actual update you could use a trigger.


Querying large scale table in SQL Server

I have a table with 200 million records. This table is updated per minute and new records added to it. I want to query in format of a group by and sum function for KPI analysis. What is the best way to query the table without performance drawbacks? Currently, I save the result in a separate table and I updated this table with a SQL Server trigger, but it isn't a good way. Is there any other way you can suggest?
If you use SQL Server 2016 or an upper version of SQL Server, you can use
Real-Time Operational Analytics approach in order to overcome this type
of issue. Real-Time Operational helps to run analytics and OLTP workloads
on the same database. In this way, you can avoid the ETL process.
Real-Time Operational Analytics could be an option for your issue.
Using another table is a good solution if the events are stored in the second table. You can save events by month, weekly, daily, etc. and calculate the system analysis according to it.

Database Engine Update Logic

When a record is updated in a SQL Server table, how does the db engine physically execute such a request: is it INSERT + DELETE or UPDATE operation?
As we know, the performance of a database and any statements depends on many variables. But I would like to know if some things can be generalized.
Is there a threshold (table size, query length, # records affected...) after which the database switches to one approach or the other upon UPDATEs?
If there are times when SQL Server is physically performing insert/delete when a logical update is requested, is there a system view or metric that would show this? - i.e, if there is a running total of all the inserts, updates and deletes that the database engine has performed since it was started, then I would be able to figure out how the database behaves after I issue a single UPDATE.
Is there any difference between the UPDATE statement's behavior depending on SQL Server version (2008, 2012...)
Many thanks.
UPDATE on base table without triggers is always physical UPDATE. SQL Server has no such threshold. You can look up usage statistics, for example, in sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats.
Update edits the existing row. If it was insert/delete, then you'd get update failures for duplicate keys.
Insert/Update/Delete also all can be discretely permissioned. So a user could update records, but not insert or delete, also leading to that not being the way it works.

SQL Server 2008 R2 Distributed Partition View Update/Delete issue

I have a big data table for store articles(has more than 500 million record), therefore I use distributed partition view feature of SQL Server 2008 across 3 servers.
Select and Insert operations work fine. But Delete or Update action take long time and never complete.
In Processes tab of Activity Monitor, I see Wait Type field is "PREEMPTIVE_OLEDBOPS" for Update command.
Any idea what's the problem?
Note: I think problem with MSDTC, because Update command not shown in SQL Profiler of second server. but when check MSDTC status on the same server, status column is Update(active).
What is most likely happening is that all the data from the other server is pulled over to the machine where the query is running before the filter of your update statement is applied. This can happen when you use 4-part naming. Possible solutions are:
Make sure each table has a correct "check constraint" which defines the minimum and maximum value of the partition table. Without this partition elimination is not going to work properly.
Call a stored procedure with 4-part naming on the other server to do the update.
use OPENQUERY() to connect to the other server
To serve 500 million records your server seems to be adequate. A setup with Table Partitioning with a sliding window is probably a more cost effective way of handling the volume.

Recording all Sql Server Inserts and Updates

How can I record all the Inserts and Updates being performed on a database (MS SQL Server 2005 and above)?
Basically I want a table in which I can record all the inserts andupdates issues on my database.
Triggers will be tough to manage because there are 100s of tables and growing.
We have hundreds of tables and growing and use triggers. In newer versions of SQL server you can use change Data Capture or Change Tracking but we have not found them adequate for auditing.
What we have is are two separate audit tables for each table (one for recording the details of the instance (1 row even if you updated a million records) and one for recording the actual old and new values), but each has the same structure and is created by running a dynamic SQL proc that looks for unauditied tables and creates the audit triggers. This proc is run every time we deploy.
Then you should also take the time to write a proc to pull the data back out of the audit tables if you want to restore the old values. This can be tricky to write on the fly with this structure, so it is best to have it handy before you have the CEO peering down your neck while you restore the 50,000 users accidentally deleted.
As of SQL Server 2008 and above you have change data capture.
Triggers, although unwieldy and a maintenance nightmare, will do the job on versions prior to 2008.

Sql Server, find all rows that have been updated by a statement

Is there a way of finding all the rows that have been updated by a single statement, sql itself must be tracking this as it could roll back the update if required. I'm interested in finding all the changed rows as I'm getting performance hit using update triggers.
I have a some large (2M-10M) row tables in Sql Server, and I'm adding audit triggers to track when records are updated and by what, trouble is this is killing performance. Most of the updates against the table will touch 20,000+ rows and they're now taking 5-10 times longer than previously.
I've thought of some options
1) Ditch triggers entirely and add the audit fields to every update statement, but that relies on everyone's code being changed.
2) Use before/after checksum values on the fields and then use them to update the changed rows a second time, still a performance hit.
Has anyone else solved this problem?
An UPDATE trigger already has the records affected by an update statement in the inserted and deleted pseudo columns. You can select their primary key columns into a preliminary audit table serving as a queue, and move more complicated calculation into a separate job.
Another option is the OUTPUT clause for the UPDATE statement, which was introduced in SQL Server 2005. (updated after comment by Philip Kelley)
SqlServer knows how to rollback because it has the transaction log. Is not something that you can find in the data tables.
You can try to add a timestamp column to your rows, then save a "current" timestamp, update all the rows. The changed rows should be all the rows with the timestamp greater than your "current" timestamp. THis will help you to find the changed rows, but not to find what has changed them.
You can use Change Tracking or Change Data Capture. These are technologies built into the Engine for tracking changes and are leveraging the Replication infrastructure (log reader or table triggers). Both are only available in SQL Server 2008 or 2008 R2 and CDC requires Enterprise Edition licensing.
Anything else you'd try to do would ultimately boil down to either one of:
reading the log for changes (which is only doable by Replication, including Change Data Capture, otherwise the Engine will recycle the log before you can read it)
track changes in triggers (which is what Change Tracking would use)
track changes in application
There just isn't any Free Lunch. If audit is a requirement, then the overhead of auditing has to be taken into consideration and capacity planning must be done accordingly. All data audit solution will induce significant overhead, so the an increase of operating cost by factors of 2x, 4x or even 10x are not unheard of.
