I am trying to find the location of the database where a particular website is saving to.
The website is saving to some local database in our system, but I am unable to discover where.
I have tried using WireShark to find the IP of the machine where the website sends data to (i.e. the machine which has the database) but currently the only packets showing up are those from the website to my machine and vice versa.
Any ideas?
I would start by tracking through the code & website config. If you have sufficient access to run Wireshartk on the host can you not search for config files, find the serverside code, etc?
If you can't see packets on the network interface and you know you've found all network interfaces then it would appear possible the DB has to be on the same machine. Check for recently changed files with you favourite tool (Windows explorer/search, find on Unix, etc).
Is it caching so you haven't yet caused it to read/write to a remote DB while watching? Try watching Wireshark at boot up.
Depending on the nature of the data it could be an in memory DB or something that reads from a disk file into memory at boot up.
I have a BACnet network where multiple BACnet IP to MSTP routers are used.
The network configurations are as follows:
Network Configuration sketch
Now I am trying to read data from the network using Volttron. Previously no data was read, so I tried changing use_read_multiple:false in driver configurations. Still to make the request even smaller for the network I changed max_per_request: 1,
Now it is reading data but it shows an error after some time and puts the BMS down. This means we are not able to read or even discover devices on the BMS nor it gives data in VOLTTRON.
It gives an error on the router with most of AHUs, FCUs are attached. I tried testing just that Router (Say its identifier is 4900, now most of the devices like 4900:1, 4900:3, etc.) start giving an error on both BMS and my Laptop.
I have tried grouping too by making groups of 2-5 devices and setting "group_offset_interval" in Platform Driver configurations to some really high value to know whether it is a network congestion issue on the MSTP network. Sometime it starts working but after some time (an hour), it starts giving error on both sides BMS and VOLTTRON too. Although devices are ON.
It gives error on different Routers and sometimes many routers stop working.
How can I solve this issue?
Thanks in anticipation.
Volttron: 7.0
BACpypes: 0.16.7 (as required by Volttron for bacnet)
I could be wrong here (in adding this to the mix) - but as it's relating to MSTP (- BACnet MS/TP), but you might want to also consider if there's a (half-typical) MSTP physical/wiring issue - might not necessarily be the software (or at least not alone).
(You might end up having to consider bifurcating the network / keep 'divide & conquer'ing it into small/2-halves segments to see/locate a wiring issue.)
I installed MicroStack in Ubuntu for the virtual machine. My instance floating IP is I want to access my instance from Windows cmd,only can ping, but can't ping,so I want to change the network to my own network. What should I do?enter image description here
Stackoverflow is about code development, not IT management. serverfault.com would be a more appropriate forum, or perhaps superuser.com.
microstack "fakes" the external network. It's not really external, but only exists on br-ex, the external bridge. It doesn't look like you can create a microstack cloud with a different external network CIDR, but you can try adding a subnet to the external network, inserting ens33 in br-ex and adding IP address to br-ex . I have not tried this.
However, if your only requirement is to access the instance from the PC, you can create a tunnel or add a route. What makes sense in your case depends on the virtual machine hypervisor you are using (yours seems to be VMware - I can't comment on that) and the operating system on which this hypervisor runs.
Is it possible to migrate a single and particular TCP connection inside a running process in one machine to another machine using CRIU tools in Linux?
What I want is to dump a particular TCP Connection information in a memory and transfer this information to a peer machine. Inside this machine, I will use the dumped information to recreate the the migrated TCP connection. Does anyone have an example or tutorial in c language?
I am aware about different solutions like SockMi which provides Kernel Module + User Space APIs to migrate a certain TCP Socket. However, I want to use CRIU tools since it is part of Linux Mainline.
Right now we only have the TCP migration functionality integrated into CRIU tool. It sits in the sk-tcp.c file, the whole TCP-repair code is there, though it's bound to the rest of CRIU.
On the other hand, we've been asked for TCP-only migration for quite a while, it's possible to pull this code into smth like libcriutcp.so, but it will require patching. You're welcome to participate to the https://github.com/xemul/criu/issues/72
I want Flash to communicate directly with
dll files. How can I do this?
If Flash works, great! I just need an honest and descriptive answer
• Work without a server
• Understand what protocol I can use
• Flash GUI interface
• Stand alone unit
• It has a change acceptor and other hardware
There's no accommodations being made for Flash. I've
got to make this easy for other developers, and need enough info to
draw a diagram of how this will work.
Contrary to the other answer, Flash doesn't "run on the host" it runs "on the client" via plugins or standalone players. The server send the client a bytecode compiled package and the client platform executes that code locally. Flash Player and AIR are those platform. Flash will communicate with a server no matter what underlying OS there is, but you need to use the methods built into Flash like ExternalInterface (Flash <-> Javascript), fsCommands (Flash <-> Javascript), or Flash Remoting with Coldfusion Server. You can also use some rudimentary XML requests and posts.
The server simply serves the content and in the case of Remoting flash and Coldfusion swap binary data packets that they both understand. Coldfusion handles the packets server side and Flash handles them Client side.
As far as DLL access. Not likely. I have not tried to have flash access a DLL, nor would I want to. Maybe if you gave more of an idea what you are trying to do I can lead you in a different direction.
i doubt that will "work without a server".
Maybe if you use AIR, but i am not sure that will work.
Flash runs on the host. Which may be a unix that does not support "windows" dlls.
Or the Dll may not work under 64bit Windows 7.
you may at least need a Database-server or an web server.
I am using Rabbit single board computer. I would like to save the data I/O which is connected to another Rabbit single board computer through a wireless connection. Is it able to save the data inside the PC in a .txt file for example?
If you can establish a connection to a PC, and the PC is running some server to log data, yes, you could save to a PC. For example, the PC could run a TFTP server or FTP server on the same wireless network, and you could connect to it from the rabbit SBC and save whatever data you need to.
Yes, this is possible.
There are two parts to this scenario. Your embedded app needs to know how to connect to a server application running on the PC or network, and you must, of course, have said server application running on the target machine.
If you're sending entire files, FTP, as bdonlan suggested, is a good way to go. The protocol is well-understood and you can probably find a library to wrap it for you.
If you need to log data real-time, you'll need to have some sort of application which can receive messages or accept a socket connection, and a protocol to get the text across the wire(less). A web server may be a good way to do this, because you can POST chunks of data to the server with a simple HTTP request, and the server app can decide how to organize and store the information. Once you have a web server running, you may find it beneficial to build some pages that provide basic reporting functionality, so you can see the logged data from any web browser.
This could be less restrictive than FTP, but will require some web development expertise on your part.
Any reasonable solution is going to require that you already have a connection to the wireless network with a correctly-configured and functioning IP stack. Without that, you're probably out of luck connecting to any networked resources.