how to enter while loop using gdb? - c

I have a while loop as below.
while (*d++ = *sc++)
As I wish to understand pointers in dept I would like to enter the while loop and understand how the while loop is working with the pointers.
I used step in gdb but it does not go into the while loop completely. Is there any way to get into the while loop and understand the manipulation in every step.

* binds tighter then postfix ++. ++ on the right side will be applied last, so:
while (*d++ = *sc++)
is the same as:
while (*d = *sc)
The modification is much better to be traced in gdb.
Don't code like this OP!
Although it might look cool, and prove you are smart. It's difficult to be parsed by the common human brain and therefore error prone? Which we do not want, do we?
Better go for a more clear alternative like proposed above and let the compiler scramble the code.

Option 1:
Look into the assembly code debugging as suggested by Olaf Dietsche.
Option 2:
Use gcc -S test.c to stop compiler after assembling to see the assembly code of your program. Understanding assembly code might be a little hard. More info here
Option 3:
Rewrite your program to something like
if(*d++ != *sc++)
So that you can put breakpoints and see the values changing.

An alternative, but identical way to write the code is:
*d = *sc;
while (*d > 0)
*d = *sc;


Force an error or give a warning in one of the if conditions in C

I want to write a function in C and to put a condition in it. If the condition isn't met the program gives and error and prevents the user (developer) from compiling the code.
For example:
void func(int x)
if (x > 0)
//do stuff
//give an error and stops the code from compiling
prevents the user (developer) from compiling the code.
There's a problem there. You can decide on the user's behaviour, but you can't decide on the compilation of the program. If the code is right (right in the language sense, so it makes sense to the compiler), it will compile, else it won't. You can't make up new arbitrary rules for the compiler.
Before you can even run a program written in C, the compilation needs to be fulfilled.
Functions are called at run-time and so are the parameter values determined at run-time, too.
You can't make the compilation of your code dependent upon the variable x in C.
What you're trying to achieve is basically completely impossible.
Let's take an example. Assume that you want to manufacture an elevator, and you set the weight limit to 800 kilograms. You could build in something that makes the elevator stop if the weight exceeds the limit.
So take the scenario where we program the elevator so that it does not move if the weight limit is exceeded. That would typically be done with an assert() or something like that.
You could also in various way try to prevent this from happening, like making the elevator very small so that you cannot fit too many people. But that is not a fail safe option. We have restricted the volume, but nothing prevents a person from bringing a big chunk of solid gold into the elevator.
The point here is that you can measure the weight before moving the elevator, since this is done at runtime. But preventing someone from even trying to exceed the limit is virtually impossible.
In the general case, what you're asking for is completely impossible. What you can do is something like this:
void func(int x)
/* Do stuff */
And a slightly related thing that is possible is to create a test that is a part of the build process. You cannot prevent compilation the way you want, but you can use it to fail the whole build process. An example.
// main.c
int add(int x, int y)
return x+y;
bool test()
if(add(4,5) != 9) return false;
return true;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
if(strcmp(argv[1], "--test") == 0) {
if(!test()) {
printf("Test failed\n");
// More tests
printf("All tests passed\n");
/* Rest of the main function */
Then you create a Makefile that compiles main.c and then calls ./a.out --test as a part of the build process. The above example is a very simple case, and for a more realistic case I would have made it a bit more sophisticated, but it shows how it can be done. Also, there are libraries that can take care of this kind of stuff, but this is a way to do it without having to use that.

C: Segmentation fault and maybe GDB is lying to me

Here is a C function that segfaults:
void compileShaders(OGL_STATE_T *state) {
// First testing to see if I can access object properly. Correctly outputs:
// nsHandle: 6
state->nsHandle = 6;
printf("nsHandle: %d\n", state->nsHandle);
// Next testing if glCreateProgram() returns proper value. Correctly outputs:
// glCreateProgram: 1
printf("glCreateProgram: %d\n", glCreateProgram());
// Then the program segfaults on the following line according to gdb
state->nsHandle = glCreateProgram();
For the record state->nsHandle is of type GLuint and glCreateProgram() returns a GLuint so that shouldn't be my problem.
gdb says that my program segfaults on line 303 which is actually the comment line before that line. I don't know if that actually matters.
Is gdb lying to me? How do I debug this?
Turned off optimizations (-O3) and now it's working. If somebody could explain why that would be great though.
For the purpose of the comments, here's a watered down version of the important components:
typedef struct {
GLuint nsHandle;
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
OGL_STATE_T _state, *state=&_state;
Here's a test I did:
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
OGL_STATE_T _state, *state=&_state;
// Assign value and try to print it in other function
state->nsHandle = 5;
void compileShaders(OGL_STATE_T *state) {
// Test to see if the first call to state is getting optimized out
// Correctly outputs:
// nsHandle (At entry): 5
printf("nsHandle (At entry): %d\n", state->nsHandle);
Not sure if that helps anything or if the compiler would actually optimize the value from the main function.
Printed out pointer address in main and compileShaders and everything matches. So I'm gonna assume it's segfaulting somewhere else and gdb is lying to me about which line is actually causing it.
This is going to be guesswork based on what you have, but with optimization on this line:
state->nsHandle = 6;
printf("nsHandle: %d\n", state->nsHandle);
is probably optimized to just
printf("nsHandle: 6\n");
So the first access to state is where the segfault is. With optimization on GDB can report odd line numbers for where the issue is because the running code may no longer map cleanly to source code lines as you can see from the example above.
As mentioned in the comments, state is almost certainly not initialized. Some other difference in the optimized code is causing it to point to an invalid memory area whereas the non-optimized code it's pointing somewhere valid.
This might happen if you're doing something with pointers directly that prevents the optimizer from 'seeing' that a given variable is used.
A sanity check would be useful to check that state != 0 but it'll not help if it's non-zero but invalid.
You'd need to post the calling code for anyone to tell you more. However, you asked how to debug it -- I would print (or use GDB to view) the value of state when that function is entered, I imagine it will be vastly different in optimized and non-optimized versions. Then track back to the function call to work out why that's the case.
You posted the calling code -- that should be fine. Are you getting warnings when compiling (turn all the warnings on with -Wall). In any case my advice about printing the value of state in different scenarios still stands.
(removed comment about adding & since you edited the question again)
When you optimize your program, there is no more 1:1 mapping between source lines and emmitted code.
Typically, the compiler will reorder the code to be more efficient for your CPU, or will inline function call, etc...
This code is wrong:
It should be:
Well, you edited your post, so ignore the above fix.
Check for the NULL condition before de-referencing the pointer or reading it. If the values you pass are NULL or if the values stored are NULL then you will hit segfault without performing any checks.
FYI: GDB Can't Lie !
I ended up starting a new thread with more relevant information and somebody found the answer. New thread is here:
GCC: Segmentation fault and debugging program that only crashes when optimized

Why is this construct used? Mad or genius?

I'm working with a large SDK codebase glommed together from various sources of varying quality / competence / sanity from Linus Torvalds to unidentified Elbonian code slaves.
There are an assortment of styles of code, some clearly better than others, and it's proving an interesting opportunity to expand my knowledge / despair for the future of humanity in alternate measures.
I've just come across a pile of functions which repeatedly use a slightly odd (to me) style, namely:
void do_thing(foo)
do {
if(this_works(foo) != success)
} while (0);
There's nothing complicated being done in this code (I haven't cut 10,000 lines of wizardry out for this post), they could just as easily do:
if(this_works(foo) == success)
Which would seem somehow nicer / neater / more intuitive / easier to read.
So I'm now wondering if there is some (good) reason for doing it the other way, or is it just the way they always do it in the Elbonian Code Mines?
Edit: As per the "possible duplicate" links, this code is not pre-processed in any sort of macro, it is just in the normal code. I can believe it might be due to a coding style rule about error checking, as per this answer.
Another guess: maybe you didn't quote the original code correctly? I have seen the same pattern used by people who want to avoid goto: they use a do-while(0) loop which at the end returns a success value. They can also break out of the loop for the error handling:
int doXandY() {
do {
if (!x()) {
if (!y()) {
return 0;
} while( 0 );
/* Error handling code goes here. */
globalErrorFlag = 12345;
return -1;
In your example there's not much point to it because the loop is very short (i.e. just one error case) and the error handling code is just a return, but I suspect that in the real code it can be more complex.
Some people use the do{} while(0); construct with break; inside the loop to be compliant in some way with MISRA rule 14.7. This rule says that there can be only single enter and exit point in the function. This rule is also required by safety norm ISO26262. Please find an example function:
int32_t MODULE_some_function(bool first_condition,bool second_condition)
int32_t ret = -1 ;
ret = 0 ;
break ;
/* some code here */
ret = 0 ;
break ;
/* some code here */
} while(0) ;
return ret ;
Please note however that such a construct as I show above violates different MISRA rule which is rule 14.6. Writing such a code you are going to be compliant with one MISRA rule, and as far as I know people use such a construct as workaround against using multiple returns from function.
In my opinion practical usage of the do{}while(0); construct truely exist in the way you should construct some types of macros.Please check below question, it was very helpful for me :
Why use apparently meaningless do-while and if-else statements in macros?
It's worth notice also that in some cases do{}while(0); construct is going to be completely optimized away if you compile your code with proper optimization option.
Hm, the code might be preprocessed somehow. The do { } while(0) is a trick used in preprocessor macros; you can define them like this:
#define some_macro(a) do { whatever(); } while(0)
The advantage being that you can use them anywhere, because it is allowed to put a semicolon after the while(0), like in your code above.
The reason for this is that if you write
#define some_macro(a) { whatever(); }
if (some_condition)
printf("this can cause problems\n");
Since there is an extra semicolon before the else statement, this code is invalid. The do { ... } while(0) will work anywhere.
do {...} while(0) arranged with "break" is some kind of "RAII for Plain C".
Here, "break" is treated as abnormal scope exit (kind of "Plain C exceptions"), so you can be sure that there is only one place to deallocate a resource: after a "while(0)". It seems slightly unusual, but actually it's very common idiom in the world of plain C.
I would guess that this code was originally written with gotos for error handling:
void do_thing(foo)
if(this_works(foo) != success)
goto error;
But at some point an edict came down from on high "thou shalt not use goto", so someone did a semi-automatic translation from goto style to loop-break style (perhaps with simple script). Probably when the code was merged/moved from one project to another.

Search and replace a string as shown below

I am reading a file say x.c and I have to find for the string "shared". Once the string like that has been found, the following has to be done.
Output has to be
*var = &x;
*var1 = &n;
Pointers can be of any name. Output has to be written to a different file. How to do this?
I'm developing a source to source compiler for concurrent platforms using lex and yacc. This can be a routine written in C or if u can using lex and yacc. Can anyone please help?
If, as you state, the arguments can only be variables and not any kind of other expressions, then there are a couple of simple solutions.
One is to use regular expressions, and do a simple search/replace on the whole file using a pretty simple regular expression.
Another is to simply load the entire source file into memory, search using strstr for "shared(", and use e.g. strtok to get the arguments. Copy everything else verbatim to the destination.
Take advantage of the C preprocessor.
Put this at the top of the file
#define shared(x,n) { *var = &(x); *var1 = &(n); }
and run in through cpp. This will include external resources also and replace all macros, but you can simply remove all #something lines from the code, convert using injected preprocessor rules and then re-add them.
By the way, why not a simple macro set in a header file for the developer to include?
A doubt: where do var and var1 come from?
EDIT: corrected as shown by johnchen902
When it comes to preprocessor, I'll do this:
#define shared(x,n) (*var=&(x),*var1=&(n))
Why I think it's better than esseks's answer?
Suppose this situation:
if( someBool )
else { /* something else */ }
In esseks's answer it will becomes to:
if( someBool )
{ *var = &x; *var1 = &n; }; // compile error
else { /* something else */ }
And in my answer it will becomes to:
if( someBool )
(*var=&(x),*var1=&(n)); // good!
else { /* something else */ }

C programming. Why does 'this' code work but not 'that' code?

Hello I am studying for a test for an intro to C programming class and yesterday I was trying to write this program to print out the even prime numbers between 2 and whatever number the user enters and I spent about 2 hours trying to write it properly and eventually I did it. I have 2 pictures I uploaded below. One of which displays the correct code and the correct output. The other shows one of my first attempts at the problem which didn't work correctly, I went back and made it as similar to the working code as I could without directly copying and pasting everything.
unfortunately new users aren't allowed to post pictures hopefully these links below will work.
This fails, it doesn't print all numbers in range with natural square root:
for (i = 2; i <= x; i++)
//non relevant line
a = sqrt(i);
aa = a * a;
if (aa == i);
printf("%d ",i);
While this succeeds, and prints even numbers with natural sqaure root
for (i = 2; i <= x; i++)
a = sqrt(i);
aa = a * a;
if (aa == i && ((i/2) *2) == i)
printf("%d ", i);
Hopefully you can see and read the screen shots I have here. I know that the 'incorrect code' picture does not have the (i/2)*2 == i part but I figured that it would still print just the odd and even numbers, it also has the code to calculate "sqrd" but that shouldn't affect the output. Please correct me if I'm wrong on that last part though.
And Yes I am using Dev-C++ which I've read is kinda crappy of a program but I initally did this on code::blocks and it did the same thing...
Please I would very much appreciate any advice or suggestions as to what I did wrong 2 hours prior to actually getting the darn code to work for me.
Thank you,
your code in 'that' includes:
if (aa == i);
// ^
[note the ; at the end of the if condition]
Thus, if aa == i - an empty statement happens, and the print always occures, because it is out of the scope of the if statement.
To avoid this issue in the future, you might want to use explicit scoping1 [using {, } after control flow statements] - at least during your first steps of programming the language.
1: spartan programmers will probably hate this statement
Such errors are common. I use "step Over", "Step Into", "Break Points" and "watch window" to debug my program. Using these options, you can execute your program line by line and keep track of the variables used in each line. This way, u'll know which line is not getting executed in the desired way.
