AngularJS directive to scroll to a given item - angularjs

I have a scope variable $scope.first_unread_id which is defined in my controller. In my template, I have:
<div id="items" >
<ul class="standard-list">
<li ng-repeat="item in items" scroll-to-id="first_unread_id">
<span class="content">{{ item.content }}</span>
and my directive looks like:
angular.module('ScrollToId', []).
directive('scrollToId', function () {
return function (scope, element, attributes) {
var id = scope.$parent[attributes["scrollToId"]];
if (id === {
setTimeout(function () {
window.scrollTo(0, element[0].offsetTop - 100)
}, 20);
it works, however, two questions:
Is there a better way of getting the "first_unread_id" off the controller scope into the direct than interrogating scope.$parent? This seems a bit 'icky'. I was hoping I could pass that through the view to the direct as a parameter w/o having to repeat that on ever li element.
Is there a better way to avoid the need of the setTimeout() call? Without it, it works sometimes - I imagine due to difference in timing of layout. I understand the syntax I have used is defining a link function - but it isn't clear to me if that is a pre or post-link by default - and if that even matters for my issue.

You shouldn't need the scope.$parent - since it will inherit the value from the parent scope, and when it changes in the parent scope it will be passed down.
The default is a post-link function. Do you have some images or something loading that would make the page layout change shortly after initial load? Have you tried a setTimeout with no time on it, eg setTimeout(function(){})? This would make sure this would go 'one after' everything else is done.
I would also change the logic of your directive a bit to make it more general. I would make it scroll to the element if a given condition is true.
Here are those 3 changes:
<div id="items" >
<ul class="standard-list">
<li ng-repeat="item in items" scroll-if=" == first_unread_id">
<span class="content">{{ item.content }}</span>
app.directive('scrollIf', function () {
return function (scope, element, attributes) {
setTimeout(function () {
if (scope.$eval(attributes.scrollIf)) {
window.scrollTo(0, element[0].offsetTop - 100)

Assuming that the parent element is the one where we scroll, this works for me:
app.directive('scrollIf', function () {
return function(scope, element, attrs) {
scope.$watch(attrs.scrollIf, function(value) {
if (value) {
// Scroll to ad.
var pos = $(element).position().top + $(element).parent().scrollTop();
scrollTop : pos
}, 1000);

I ended up with the following code (which does not depend on jQ) which also works if the scrolling element is not the window.
app.directive('scrollIf', function () {
var getScrollingParent = function(element) {
element = element.parentElement;
while (element) {
if (element.scrollHeight !== element.clientHeight) {
return element;
element = element.parentElement;
return null;
return function (scope, element, attrs) {
scope.$watch(attrs.scrollIf, function(value) {
if (value) {
var sp = getScrollingParent(element[0]);
var topMargin = parseInt(attrs.scrollMarginTop) || 0;
var bottomMargin = parseInt(attrs.scrollMarginBottom) || 0;
var elemOffset = element[0].offsetTop;
var elemHeight = element[0].clientHeight;
if (elemOffset - topMargin < sp.scrollTop) {
sp.scrollTop = elemOffset - topMargin;
} else if (elemOffset + elemHeight + bottomMargin > sp.scrollTop + sp.clientHeight) {
sp.scrollTop = elemOffset + elemHeight + bottomMargin - sp.clientHeight;

Same as accepted answer, but uses the javascript built-in method "scrollIntoView":
angular.module('main').directive('scrollIf', function() {
return function(scope, element, attrs) {
scope.$watch(attrs.scrollIf, function(value) {
if (value) {
element[0].scrollIntoView({block: "end", behavior: "smooth"});

In combination with UI Router's $uiViewScroll I ended up with the following directive:
app.directive('scrollIf', function ($uiViewScroll) {
return function (scope, element, attrs) {
scope.$watch(attrs.scrollIf, function(value) {
if (value) {

In combo with #uri, this works for my dynamic content with ui-router and stateChangeSuccess in .run:
$rootScope.$on('$stateChangeSuccess',function(newRoute, oldRoute){
setTimeout(function () {
var postScroll = $state.params.postTitle;
var element = $('#'+postScroll);
var pos = $(element).position().top - 100 + $(element).parent().scrollTop();
scrollTop : pos
}, 1000);
}, 1000);

For an answer taking the best of the answers here, in ES6:
File: scroll.directive.js
export default function ScrollDirective() {
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: {
uiScroll: '='
link: link
function link($scope, $element) {
setTimeout(() => {
if ($scope.uiScroll) {
$element[0].scrollIntoView({block: "end", behavior: "smooth"});
File scroll.module.js
import ScrollDirective from './scroll.directive';
export default angular.module('app.components.scroll', [])
.directive('uiScroll', ScrollDirective);
After importing it in your project, you can use it in the your html:
<div id="items" >
<ul class="standard-list">
<li ng-repeat="item in items" ui-scroll="true">
<span class="content">{{ item.content }}</span>


How to get async html attribut

I have a list of items retreived by an async call and the list is shown with the help of ng-repeat. Since the div container of that list has a fixed height (400px) I want the scrollbar to be at the bottom. And for doing so I need the scrollHeight. But the scrollHeight in postLink is not the final height but the initial height.
<!-- Height of "chatroom" is "400px" -->
<div class="chatroom">
<!-- Height of "messages" after all messages have been loaded is "4468px" -->
<div class="messages" ng-repeat="message in chat.messages">
<chat-message data="message"></chat-message>
// [...]
compile: function(element) {
return function(scope, element, attrs, PpChatController) {
var messagesDiv;
// My idea was to wait until the messages have been loaded...
PpChatController.messages.$loaded(function() {
// ...and then recompile the messages div container
messagesDiv = $compile(element.children()[0])(scope);
// Unfortunately this doesn't work. "messagesDiv[0].scrollHeight" still has its initial height of "400px"
Can someone explain what I missed here?
As required here is a plunk of it
You can get the scrollHeight of the div after the DOM is updated by doing it in the following way.
The below directive sets up a watch on the array i.e. a collection, and uses the $timeout service to wait for the DOM to be updated and then it scrolls to the bottom of the div.
chatDirective.$inject = ['$timeout'];
function chatDirective($timeout) {
return {
require: 'chat',
scope: {
messages: '='
templateUrl: 'partials/chat.tpl.html',
bindToController: true,
controllerAs: 'chat',
controller: ChatController,
link: function(scope, element, attrs, ChatController) {
scope.$watchCollection(function () {
}, function (newValue, oldValue) {
if (newValue.length) {
$timeout(function () {
var chatBox = document.getElementsByClassName('chat')[0];
console.log(element.children(), chatBox.scrollHeight);
chatBox.scrollTop = chatBox.scrollHeight;
The updated plunker is here.
Also in your Controller you have written as,
var Controller = this;
this.messages = [];
It's better to write in this way, here vm stands for ViewModel
AppController.$inject = ['$timeout'];
function AppController($timeout) {
var vm = this;
vm.messages = [];
function() {
for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
message: getRandomString(),
created: new Date()

Capturing AngularJS Carousel Slide Change Event [duplicate]

I'm using Angular-UI's carousel and I need to tell my google charts to redraw after they have slid into view. In spite of what I've read, I can't seem to hook into the event.
See my attempt:
<carousel id="myC" interval="myInterval">
<slide ng-repeat="slide in slides" active="">
<img ng-src="{{slide.image}}" style="margin:auto;">
<div class="carousel-caption">
<h4>Slide {{$index}}</h4>
On document load:
$('#myC').live('', function (event) { console.log("slid"); } );
It should work something like this: - non-angular-ui carousel
Perhaps there is a more Angular way to hook into the fact that my chart has slid into view?
There are 3 ways I can think of and that depends of your requirement.
Please see for examples.
use $scope.$watch for an individual slide to check if it is become active.
$scope.$watch('slides[0].active', function (active) {
if (active) {
console.log('slide 0 is active');
use $scope.$watch with custom function to find an active slide.
$scope.$watch(function () {
for (var i = 0; i < slides.length; i++) {
if (slides[i].active) {
return slides[i];
}, function (currentSlide, previousSlide) {
if (currentSlide !== previousSlide) {
console.log('currentSlide:', currentSlide);
use a custom directive to intercept select() function of the carousel directive.
.directive('onCarouselChange', function ($parse) {
return {
require: 'carousel',
link: function (scope, element, attrs, carouselCtrl) {
var fn = $parse(attrs.onCarouselChange);
var origSelect =; = function (nextSlide, direction) {
if (nextSlide !== this.currentSlide) {
fn(scope, {
nextSlide: nextSlide,
direction: direction,
return origSelect.apply(this, arguments);
and use it like this:
$scope.onSlideChanged = function (nextSlide, direction) {
console.log('onSlideChanged:', direction, nextSlide);
and in html template:
<carousel interval="myInterval" on-carousel-change="onSlideChanged(nextSlide, direction)">
Hope this help : )
AngularUI Bootstrap has changed naming conventions for controllers as thery have prefixed all of their controllers with prefix uib, so below is the updated solution of the original solution provided by runTarm:
.directive('onCarouselChange', function($parse) {
return {
require: '^uibCarousel',
link: function(scope, element, attrs, carouselCtrl) {
var fn = $parse(attrs.onCarouselChange);
var origSelect =; = function(nextSlide, direction, nextIndex) {
if (nextSlide !== this.currentSlide) {
fn(scope, {
nextSlide: nextSlide,
direction: direction,
nextIndex: this.indexOfSlide(nextSlide)
return origSelect.apply(this, arguments);
Angular with TypeScript:
module App.Directive {
export class CarouselChange implements ng.IDirective {
public require: string = '^uibCarousel';
constructor(private $parse: ng.IParseService) { }
public link: ng.IDirectiveLinkFn = (scope: ng.IScope, element: ng.IAugmentedJQuery, attributes: any, carouselCtrl: any) => {
var fn = this.$parse(attributes.carouselChange);
var origSelect =; = function(nextSlide, direction) {
if (nextSlide !== this.currentSlide) {
fn(scope, {
nextSlide: nextSlide,
direction: direction
return origSelect.apply(this, arguments);
static Factory(): ng.IDirectiveFactory {
var directive: ng.IDirectiveFactory = ($parse: ng.IParseService) => new CarouselChange($parse);
directive['$inject'] = ["$parse"];
return directive;
Following the answer given by runTarm If you want to know the index of the next slide, you should add something like this:
.directive('onCarouselChange', function ($parse) {
return {
require: 'carousel',
link: function (scope, element, attrs, carouselCtrl) {
var fn = $parse(attrs.onCarouselChange);
var origSelect =; = function (nextSlide, direction,nextIndex) {
if (nextSlide !== this.currentSlide) {
fn(scope, {
nextSlide: nextSlide,
direction: direction,
return origSelect.apply(this, arguments);
Then, in the controller you just need to do this to catch the new index:
$scope.onSlideChanged = function (nextSlide, direction, nextIndex) {
I managed to modify runTarm's answer so that it calls the callback once the slide has finished sliding into view (i.e. the sliding animation has finished). Here's my code:
.directive('onCarouselChange', function ($animate, $parse) {
return {
require: 'carousel',
link: function (scope, element, attrs, carouselCtrl) {
var fn = $parse(attrs.onCarouselChange);
var origSelect =; = function (nextSlide, direction) {
if (nextSlide !== this.currentSlide) {
$animate.on('addClass', nextSlide.$element, function (elem, phase) {
if (phase === 'close') {
fn(scope, {
nextSlide: nextSlide,
direction: direction,
$'addClass', elem);
return origSelect.apply(this, arguments);
The secret lies in using $animate's event handler to call our function once the animation is finished.
here's an alternate method that uses controllers, somewhere between runTarm's #2 and #3.
original HTML + a new div:
<carousel id="myC" interval="myInterval">
<slide ng-repeat="slide in slides" active="">
<div ng-controller="SlideController"> <!-- NEW DIV -->
<img ng-src="{{slide.image}}" style="margin:auto;">
<div class="carousel-caption">
<h4>Slide {{$index}}</h4>
the custom controller:
function($log, $scope) {
var slide = $scope.slide;
$scope.$watch('', function(newValue) {
if (newValue) {
And if you just want to start playing a video when the slide comes into view, and pause when it leaves:
{# Uses angular v1.3.20 & angular-ui-bootstrap v0.13.4 Carousel #}
{% addtoblock "js" %}<script type="text/javascript">
angular.module('videoplay', []).directive('videoAutoCtrl', function() {
return {
require: '^carousel',
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
var video = element[0];
function setstate(visible) {
if(visible) {;
} else {
// Because $watch calls $parse on the 1st arg, the property doesn't need to exist on first load
scope.$parent.$watch('active', setstate);
</script>{% endaddtoblock %}
{% addtoblock "ng-requires" %}videoplay{% endaddtoblock %}
NOTE: Has additional bits for Django
<carousel interval="15000">
<video class="img-responsive-upscale" video-auto-ctrl loop preload="metadata">
<source src=

How do I make angular.js reevaluate / recompile inner html?

I'm making a directive that modifies it's inner html. Code so far:
.directive('autotranslate', function($interpolate) {
return function(scope, element, attr) {
var html = element.html();
html = html.replace(/\[\[(\w+)\]\]/g, function(_, text) {
return '<span translate="' + text + '"></span>';
It works, except that the inner html is not evaluated by angular. I want to trigger a revaluation of element's subtree. Is there a way to do that?
Thanks :)
You have to $compile your inner html like
.directive('autotranslate', function($interpolate, $compile) {
return function(scope, element, attr) {
var html = element.html();
html = html.replace(/\[\[(\w+)\]\]/g, function(_, text) {
return '<span translate="' + text + '"></span>';
$compile(element.contents())(scope); //<---- recompilation
Here's a more generic method I developed to solve this problem:
angular.module('kcd.directives').directive('kcdRecompile', function($compile, $parse) {
'use strict';
return {
scope: true, // required to be able to clear watchers safely
compile: function(el) {
var template = getElementAsHtml(el);
return function link(scope, $el, attrs) {
var stopWatching = scope.$parent.$watch(attrs.kcdRecompile, function(_new, _old) {
var useBoolean = attrs.hasOwnProperty('useBoolean');
if ((useBoolean && (!_new || _new === 'false')) || (!useBoolean && (!_new || _new === _old))) {
// reset kcdRecompile to false if we're using a boolean
if (useBoolean) {
$parse(attrs.kcdRecompile).assign(scope.$parent, false);
// recompile
var newEl = $compile(template)(scope.$parent);
// Destroy old scope, reassign new scope.
function getElementAsHtml(el) {
return angular.element('<a></a>').append(el.clone()).html();
You use it like so:
<div kcd-recompile="recompile.things" use-boolean>
<div ng-repeat="thing in ::things">
<img ng-src="{{::thing.getImage()}}">
$scope.recompile = { things: false };
$scope.$on('things.changed', function() { // or some other notification mechanism that you need to recompile...
$scope.recompile.things = true;
If you're looking at this, I would seriously recommend looking at the website's version as that is likely to be more up to date.
This turned out to work even better than #Reza's solution
.directive('autotranslate', function() {
return {
compile: function(element, attrs) {
var html = element.html();
html = html.replace(/\[\[(\w+)\]\]/g, function(_, text) {
return '<span translate="' + text + '"></span>';
Reza's code work when scope is the scope for all of it child elements. However, if there's an ng-controller or something in one of the childnodes of this directive, the scope variables aren't found. However, with this solution ^, it just works!

angular directive encapsulating a delay for ng-change

I have a search input field with a requery function bound to the ng-change.
<input ng-model="search" ng-change="updateSearch()">
However this fires too quickly on every character. So I end up doing something like this alot:
$scope.updateSearch = function(){
searchDelay = $timeout(function(){
So that the request is only made 300ms after the user has stopped typing. Is there any solution to wrap this in a directive?
As of angular 1.3 this is way easier to accomplish, using ngModelOptions:
<input ng-model="search" ng-change="updateSearch()" ng-model-options="{debounce:3000}">
Syntax: {debounce: Miliseconds}
To solve this problem, I created a directive called ngDelay.
ngDelay augments the behavior of ngChange to support the desired delayed behavior, which provides updates whenever the user is inactive, rather than on every keystroke. The trick was to use a child scope, and replace the value of ngChange to a function call that includes the timeout logic and executes the original expression on the parent scope. The second trick was to move any ngModel bindings to the parent scope, if present. These changes are all performed in the compile phase of the ngDelay directive.
Here's a fiddle which contains an example using ngDelay: (Written and edited by me, with help from mainguy and Ryan Q)
You can find this code on GitHub thanks to brentvatne. Thanks Brent!
For quick reference, here's the JavaScript for the ngDelay directive:
app.directive('ngDelay', ['$timeout', function ($timeout) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: true,
compile: function (element, attributes) {
var expression = attributes['ngChange'];
if (!expression)
var ngModel = attributes['ngModel'];
if (ngModel) attributes['ngModel'] = '$parent.' + ngModel;
attributes['ngChange'] = '$$delay.execute()';
return {
post: function (scope, element, attributes) {
scope.$$delay = {
expression: expression,
delay: scope.$eval(attributes['ngDelay']),
execute: function () {
var state = scope.$$delay;
state.then =;
$timeout(function () {
if ( - state.then >= state.delay)
}, state.delay);
And if there are any TypeScript wonks, here's the TypeScript using the angular definitions from DefinitelyTyped:
components.directive('ngDelay', ['$timeout', ($timeout: ng.ITimeoutService) => {
var directive: ng.IDirective = {
restrict: 'A',
scope: true,
compile: (element: ng.IAugmentedJQuery, attributes: ng.IAttributes) => {
var expression = attributes['ngChange'];
if (!expression)
var ngModel = attributes['ngModel'];
if (ngModel) attributes['ngModel'] = '$parent.' + ngModel;
attributes['ngChange'] = '$$delay.execute()';
return {
post: (scope: IDelayScope, element: ng.IAugmentedJQuery, attributes: ng.IAttributes) => {
scope.$$delay = {
expression: <string>expression,
delay: <number>scope.$eval(attributes['ngDelay']),
execute: function () {
var state = scope.$$delay;
state.then =;
$timeout(function () {
if ( - state.then >= state.delay)
}, state.delay);
return directive;
interface IDelayScope extends ng.IScope {
$$delay: IDelayState;
interface IDelayState {
delay: number;
expression: string;
execute(): void;
then?: number;
action?: ng.IPromise<any>;
This works perfectly for me: JSFiddle
var app = angular.module('app', []);
app.directive('delaySearch', function ($timeout) {
return {
restrict: 'EA',
template: ' <input ng-model="search" ng-change="modelChanged()">',
link: function ($scope, element, attrs) {
$scope.modelChanged = function () {
$timeout(function () {
if ($scope.lastSearch != $ {
if ($scope.delayedMethod) {
$scope.lastSearch = $;
$scope.delayedMethod({ search: $ });
}, 300);
scope: {
Using the directive
In your controller:
app.controller('ctrl', function ($scope,$timeout) {
$scope.requery = function (search) {
In your view:
<div ng-app="app">
<div ng-controller="ctrl">
<delay-search delayed-method="requery(search)"></delay-search>
I know i'm late to the game but,hopefully this will help anyone still using 1.2.
Pre ng-model-options i found this worked for me, as ngchange will not fire when the value is invalid.
this is a slight variation on #doug's answer as it uses ngKeypress which doesn't care what state the model is in.
function delayChangeDirective($timeout) {
var directive = {
restrict: 'A',
priority: 10,
controller: delayChangeController,
controllerAs: "$ctrl",
scope: true,
compile: function compileHandler(element, attributes) {
var expression = attributes['ngKeypress'];
if (!expression)
var ngModel = attributes['ngModel'];
if (ngModel) {
attributes['ngModel'] = '$parent.' + ngModel;
attributes['ngKeypress'] = '$$delay.execute()';
return {
post: postHandler,
function postHandler(scope, element, attributes) {
scope.$$delay = {
expression: expression,
delay: scope.$eval(attributes['ngKeypressDelay']),
execute: function () {
var state = scope.$$delay;
state.then =;
if (scope.promise) {
scope.promise = $timeout(function() {
delayedActionHandler(scope, state, expression);
scope.promise = null;
}, state.delay);
function delayedActionHandler(scope, state, expression) {
var now =;
if (now - state.then >= state.delay) {
return directive;

Create Hoverable popover using angular-ui-bootstrap

I have the following code for creating a popover in my template file:
<span class="icon-globe visibility"
I have a few clickable links on the popover. But the problem is I'm not able to hover on the popover created. I referred to the link
and tried to create a directive viz. 'visibility' for this purpose.
Here is the code:
myAppModule.directive("visibility", function ($timeout,$rootScope) {
return {
controller: function ($scope, $element) {
$scope.attachEvents = function (element) {
$('.popover').on('mouseenter', function () {
$rootScope.insidePopover = true;
$('.popover').on('mouseleave', function () {
$rootScope.insidePopover = false;
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
$rootScope.insidePopover = false;
element.bind('mouseenter', function (e) {
$timeout(function () {
if (!$rootScope.insidePopover) {
}, 200);
element.bind('mouseout', function (e) {
$timeout(function () {
if (!$rootScope.insidePopover) {
}, 200);
But I get an exception for 'element.popover' since it is undefined. Please point as to what I'm doing wrong and how can I show/hide the angular ui popover from the directive. I am using angular ui bootstrap JS file.
I have solved it in a very cleaned way and thought to share it:
.popover is being created not as a child of the uib-popover
so the idea is to wrap uib-popover with a parent and to control show&hide on hovering the parent.
.popover and uib-popover are children of this parent
so just left to set popover-trigger=none and you have what you are wishing for.
I created a plunk example:
<span ng-init="popoverOpened=false" ng-mouseover="popoverOpened=true" ng-mouseleave="popoverOpened=false">
<button class="btn btn-default" uib-popover-html="htmlPopover"
popover-trigger="none" popover-placement="bottom-left" popover-is-open="popoverOpened" >
<span>hover me</span>
I don't know if this is relevant to the OP anymore, but I've had the same problem and fortunately I managed to solve it.
Undefined error
First thing first, the undefined error you are getting might be (at least in my case) because you are using the development version of ui-bootstrap. In my case I got this error when trying to bind element.popover. After adding the minified version of the library the error went away.
Keep the popover open when hovering over it
To do this I have created a custom directive that makes use of the popover from the ui-bootstrap library.
app.directive('hoverPopover', function ($compile, $templateCache, $timeout, $rootScope) {
var getTemplate = function (contentType) {
return $templateCache.get('popoverTemplate.html');
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
var content = getTemplate();
$rootScope.insidePopover = false;
content: content,
placement: 'top',
html: true
$(element).bind('mouseenter', function (e) {
$timeout(function () {
if (!$rootScope.insidePopover) {
}, 200);
$(element).bind('mouseleave', function (e) {
$timeout(function () {
if (!$rootScope.insidePopover)
}, 400);
controller: function ($scope, $element) {
$scope.attachEvents = function (element) {
$('.popover').on('mouseenter', function () {
$rootScope.insidePopover = true;
$('.popover').on('mouseleave', function () {
$rootScope.insidePopover = false;
This directive also accepts a custom template for the popover, so you are not limited to just title and some text in it. You can create your own html template and feed it to the control.
<a href="#" hover-popover>Click here</a>
Hopes this helps someone else in the future :)
As requested, here is a Fiddle link. It lacks the styling, but it should demonstrate the way it works.
There I spend 1 day and finally get solution.
<button uib-popover="{{dynamicPopover.content}}"
popover-trigger="outsideClick" popover-is-open="popoverIsOpen"
ng-mouseenter="popoverIsOpen = !popoverIsOpen"
popover-title="{{dynamicPopover.title}}" type="button" class="btn btn-default">Dynamic Popover</button>
Please check
Plunkeer Link
Check only Dynamic Popover button code
I think Cosmin has the hoverable popover right, but it does seem to be using the Twitter Bootstrap popover method. The idea is to have this hoverable popover implemented only with AngularJS and one of the Bootstrap wrappers for AngularJS, which are UI Bootstrap or AngularStrap.
So I have put together an implementation which uses only AngularStrap:
myApp.directive('hoverablePopover', function ($rootScope, $timeout, $popover) {
return {
restrict: "A",
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
element.bind('mouseenter', function (e) {
$timeout(function () {
if (!scope.insidePopover) {;
}, 200);
element.bind('mouseout', function (e) {
$timeout(function () {
if (!scope.insidePopover) {
}, 400);
controller: function ($scope, $element, $attrs) {
//The $attrs will server as the options to the $popover.
//We also need to pass the scope so that scope expressions are supported in the popover attributes
//like title and content.
$attrs.scope = $scope;
var popover = $popover($element, $attrs);
$scope.popover = popover;
$scope.insidePopover = false;
$scope.attachEventsToPopoverContent = function () {
$($scope.popover.$element).on('mouseenter', function () {
$scope.insidePopover = true;
$($scope.popover.$element).on('mouseleave', function () {
$scope.insidePopover = false;
When you have a popover element, you need to take into account that you have the element that triggers the popover and you also have the element with the actual popover content.
The idea is to keep the popover open when you mouse over the element with the actual popover content. In the case of my directive, the link function takes care of the element that triggers the popover and attaches the mouseenter/mouseout event handlers.
The controller takes care of setting the scope and the popover itself via the AngularStrap $popover service. The controller adds the popover object returned by the AngularStrap service on the scope so that it is available in the link function. It also adds a method attachEventsToPopoverContent, which attaches the mouseenter/mouseout events to the element with the popover content.
The usage of this directive is like this:
<a title="Popover Title" data-placement="left" data-trigger="manual" data-content="{{someScopeObject}}" content-template="idOfTemplateInTemplateCache" hoverablePopover="">
You have to put the trigger in single quotes, because, reasons:
<button uib-popover="I appeared on mouse enter!" popover-trigger="'mouseenter'" type="button" class="btn btn-default">Mouseenter</button>
myAppModule.directive('popoverHoverable', ['$timeout', '$document', function ($timeout, $document) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: {
popoverHoverable: '=',
popoverIsOpen: '='
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
scope.insidePopover = false;
scope.$watch('insidePopover', function (insidePopover) {
scope.$watch('popoverIsOpen', function (popoverIsOpen) {
scope.insidePopover = popoverIsOpen;
function togglePopover (isInsidePopover) {
togglePopover.$timer = $timeout(function () {
if (isInsidePopover) {
} else {
}, 100)
function showPopover () {
if (scope.popoverIsOpen) {
function hidePopover () {
scope.popoverIsOpen = false;
$(document).bind('mouseover', function (e) {
var target =;
if (inside(target)) {
scope.insidePopover = true;
$(document).bind('mouseout', function (e) {
var target =;
if (inside(target)) {
scope.insidePopover = false;
scope.$on('$destroy', function () {
function inside (target) {
return insideTrigger(target) || insidePopover(target);
function insideTrigger (target) {
return element[0].contains(target);
function insidePopover (target) {
var isIn = false;
var popovers = $('.popover-inner');
for (var i = 0, len = popovers.length; i < len; i++) {
if (popovers[i].contains(target)) {
isIn = true;
return isIn;
<span class="icon-globe visibility"
<span class="icon-globe" id="visibilityFor" popover="hello how are you"
popover-placement="right" popover-trigger="mouseenter"
popover-popup-delay="50" viz>
myAppModule.directive('viz', function ($rootScope,$timeout){
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
$rootScope.insidePopover = false;
element.bind('mouseenter', function (e) {
$timeout(function () {
if (!$rootScope.insidePopover) {
// attachEvents(element);
}, 200);
element.bind('mouseout', function (e) {
$timeout(function () {
if (!$rootScope.insidePopover) {
// attachEvents(element);
}, 200);
Note : - Don't forget to include angular-strap after jQuery.js & angular.js
This feature was added in Angular UI Bootstrap 0.14.0 and is documented here. Disable the triggers and use the popover-is-open property to manually dictate the opened/closed state.
What I did that gets my by in 0.13.X is to set the element to be hoverable to a <button> and then set the popover-trigger="focus". Then style the button how you wish, and focus the button by clicking it. You can hover in the popover and click a link, all I need to do.
Easiest way to have a mouse-event using uib-popover
Look at the below working example !
You need not have a uib-tabset, I faced an issue with uib-tabset and so added that example.
Tab 1
<span ng-mouseover="popoverIsOpen = true"
ng-mouseleave="popoverIsOpen = false">
<button uib-popover-template="'includeFile.html'"
type="button" class="btn btn-default">
Dynamic Popover
<p> tab 1</p>
Tab 2
<p> tab 2</p>
Template: includeFile.html
<span>This is for tesitng</span>
I needed to do this as well. I have a checkbox in a table cell that can have 3 possible states: Enabled, Disabled, or Special case. The UI spec I have asked for a popover over the box that shows either of those statuses, or for the special case a sentence with a link.
I tried several of these solutions and one of them worked for me, and they all added extra code. After some playing around, I determined I could just add the "popover-popup-close-delay" attribute with a dynamic value. So this works for me:
<td uib-popover-html="getPopoverTxt()" popover-popup-close-delay="{{ele.isspecial ? 2000 : 300}}" popover-popup-delay="300" popover-append-to-body="true" popover-placement="top" popover-trigger="mouseenter">
<input id="issynced{{}}" name="isChecked" type="checkbox" data-ng-checked="ele.ischecked" data-ng-model="ele.ischecked">
<label for="issynced{{}}"></label>
Some context: My table is looping over an array of data objects, so ele is a single object. The getPopoverTxt() is just a simple method in my controller that returns one of the 3 labels I want to show ("Enabled", "Disabled", or "Special Text with HTML"). Its not necessary here, but the takeaway is to get the HTML to work, you have to wrap the string value in $sce.trustAsHtml(), like:
var specialText = $sce.trustAsHtml('Text with a link to contact support');
The rest is all the usual popover and form input settings we normally use. The "popover-popup-close-delay" is the key.
