How to link latest stable version of libCURL using vc++2010 - c

On 2 separate machines in completely different environments (work, home) I've been unable to compile libCURL out of the box. Running nmake -f mode=dll VC=10, I get an unresolved external symbol errors for _IdnToAscii and _IdnToUnicode. I believe the definitions are in Normaliz.lib, which is referenced in LFLAGS, but it either isn't finding it or the version I have doesn't have those functions. But I don't see any option to download this file...anyone have a good solution short of commenting out the 2 lines that use these functions?

It looks like you don't have the IDN API from Windows.
According to the Windows documentation:
And to the libcurl building instructions:
IDN API is available from Vista and later and can be installed from:
You can either build it on Vista or install the package from Microsoft or forgo IDN.
To build without IDN just pass ENABLE_IDN=no to the nmake.
NB: It's important to delete the assorted build directories prior ro rerunning nmake with different parameters as some library references may be already in the generated object code.


Linker directory for Qt5

I want to run an application based on Qt5 shared objects.
Although I have apt installed qt5-default, qttools5-dev and qttools5-dev-tools I get the error bellow:
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `Qt_5.7' not found
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `Qt_5' not found
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `Qt_5' not found
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `Qt_5' not found
I have also tried to change some environment variables as LD_LIBRARY_PATH and DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH, resulted in no success!
What do you suggest?
When you built your application, which version of Qt5 did you build against? You can see this in QtCreator by looking at the currently selected kit:
If you just installed QtCreator from binary, it is shipped with it's own set of Qt5 shared libraries that your application is linked against, however your OS' version of those libraries (those installed from apt-get and similar) may not match.
When you try to run the application on it's own outside QtCreator, it may try to link against the OS version of the libs which are usually much older.
There are many ways to resolve this. One way, which would be preferred if you don't care for the newest version of Qt, is simply building towards the Qt libs supploed by the OS. You can do this by creating a new kit that specifies to build against the OS' libraries following this procedure.
Another way is shipping the shared libraries that you used from QtCreator together with the application so that those will override the OS ones. Usually just chucking them into the same folder as the executable will do the trick, as they will be found before the ones under /usr/lib/whatever etc.
Yet another way is to build your own static version of Qt and link with that. This has some benefits and some drawbacks. This is an advanced topic, so I won't go into detail (you can see here). But in this case the Qt libs are built into your app and will not depend on any external Qt libs version.

Cross-build partprobe for ARM / Linux: configure error concerning libuuid

I want to cross-build partprobe (e.g. parted-3.1 from [here] ) for an ARMv7-controller but keep getting error messages concerning libuuid and uuid_generate.
Actually I only need partprobe which may not even rely on that uuid_generate function, but I don't see any options in the configure script to disable any features.
I've successfully cross-built software before using the BPS as well as using the ARM toolchain provided by my distribution (Mint 17).
Here's what I've tried so far:
1) Using the manufacturer's BSP
I have a board support package that provides libraries and headers as well as a toolchain:
When I invoke
./configure \
--libdir=/path/to/bsp/_rootfs/lib/ \
--includedir=/path/to/bsp/board-support/linux-3.2.0-psp04.06.00.11/include/ \
--bindir=/path/to/bsp/linux-devkit/am3352/bin/ \
--with-sysroot=/path/to/bsp/_rootfs \
I get the following error
checking for uuid_generate in -luuid... no
configure: error: GNU Parted requires libuuid - a part of the util-linux-ng package (but
usually distributed separately in libuuid-devel, uuid-dev or similar)
This can probably be found on your distribution's CD or FTP site or at:
Note: originally, libuuid was part of the e2fsprogs package. Later, it
moved to util-linux-ng-2.16, and that package is now the preferred source.
The uuid.h and libraries are available, so I thought the configure script should not complain, but the error seems to be misleading. The header uuid.h is available but does not contain a uuid_generate function declaration, while the library contains such a function (checked with nm -D).
I'm not sure what to do with that...does the BSP contain incompatible version of the header and the library?
However the busybox binary contains wget which seems to use some point it must have worked.
Replacing the original uuid.h with a from the /path/to/bsp/docs/am3352/licenses/e2fsprogs/ (which contains uuid_generate) still results in the same error.
2) Using the Linux distro's ARM-environment
I also tried using the ARM-toolchain provided by my Linux distribution (packages gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf, libuuid1:armhf)
aptitude install uuid-dev:armhf
shows conflicts with the x86 package of uuid-dev, but there are already available:
BTW: None of those two header files includes a string uuid_generate, while the libraries do.
./configure host=arm-linux-gnueabihf
runs without errors, but creates a Makefile that lacks any info on the cross-build environment.
BTW: Invoking make anyway exits with error; trying the same with the current source code from git:// configures and builds successfully, but no magic involved: the result are libraries/binaries for x86 and not for ARM.
Right now I'm at my wits' end - so my question is:
Can someone see the problem(s) I'm missing?

Missing libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll

I have a Windows 7 64bit system with the latest MinGW (32bit) installed along with the Qt 5.5 SDK (again 32bit) which also ships with its own MinGW. Due to the fact that I'm not the only one using the system I can't remove the standalone MinGW.
My project is using qmake and is a plain C project (not C++). Everything builds fine but when I try to execute my binary in the command line I get that the application was unable to start due to a missing libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll on the system.
After looking into the issue I found that both the standalone MinGW and the one shipped alongside the Qt SDK have the mentioned DLL.
Standalone MinGW - libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll is located inside the bin subdirectory of the MinGW installation where the binaries are located (gcc, g++, gdb etc.)
Qt MinGW - libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll is located inside C:\Qt\Tools\mingw492_32\i686-w64-mingw32\lib subdirectory while the MinGW components' binaries are inside C:\Qt\Tools\mingw492_32\i686-w64-mingw32\bin.
I would like to know how to properly set my PATH variable so that:
The application starts properly
No conflicts with the standalone MinGW installation occur
Just a side-note: I've already checked other posts here on SO but was unable to find a solution (perhaps I've missed it). I have also tried LIBS += -static but the result is the same.
You just need to copy this dll with your executable, i.e.:
cp <path-to-qt-install-dir>\qt5.7.0\5.7\mingw53_32\bin\libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll <path-to-dest-dir>
You mat find that you have other dependencies, to see which other deps you have you can use: ldd <your-executable>. You only need to copy the qt specific dlls you can see these by:
ldd <executable> | grep -i qt
You can statically link it with:
linker commands like -static-libgcc or -static, but I think you start to hit LGPL issues and also you may need to statically compile qt from source - can't recall for this particular file.
Sorry ldd is for linux, just realized you have windows, in which case you can use one or both of:
dependency walker: from here
<path-to-qt-bin-folder>\windeployqt.exe <path-to-your-executable>
I have mixed results with windeployqt, but if you have any plugins its quiet good for getting that part sorted.

Haskell: Missing C library on Arch Linux works on Ubuntu

I recently switched my PC at work from Ubuntu to Arch Linux.
And I am now getting the following error (I am using stack to build my project):
setup-Simple-Cabal- Missing dependency on a
* Missing C library: HSrts-ghc7.10.2
This problem can usually be solved by installing the system package that
provides this library (you may need the "-dev" version). If the library is
already installed but in a non-standard location then you can use the flags
--extra-include-dirs= and --extra-lib-dirs= to specify where it is.
As far as I understand it, the difference in Linux Distribution should not cause any issue.
Things I have tried:
-add the path where the library is with --extra-lib-dirs
-make sure that the version of stack/ghc are the same acrose both systems
-tried unsucesfully to find a relevant difference between the 2 systems
(gcc version was different but didn't change anything)
I have a docker container based on ubutu where it builds without an issue.
The only thing I can think of is that this library gets handled differently from some random C-library since it contains the Haskell-Runtime. But I have no idea what this difference would be. Or how a differnent handling would cause an issue on my Arch System.
Here my .cabal file (the folder also contains the whole project):
Okay i figured out a workaround, instead of specifiyc the library in the .cabal file:
extra-libraries: HSrts-ghc7.10.2
you add it to your stack.yaml file:
package-name: -lHSrts-ghc7.10.2
If you also have a exectuable defined in your .cabal file this will break the executable, since the library is not only included in the library. And including the runtime library in an executable results in an instant segementation fault.

Build Cyrus SASL as static library on Windows

I need the library Cyrus SASL as a static library on Windows (
How to do that ?
As far as I know, you will need a MinGW and MSYS environment and then just build the SASL from sources like it were on Unix-like, i. e.
make install
You will get some *.a files -- those are static libraries, built with MinGW, they should work for Windows.
I'm still checking this topic, so I'll add some more info if I'm done with it.
For more reference about building projects from sources check the INSTALL file in your project's root directory, i. e. cyrus-sasl-<version>/INSTALL
upd: this seems to be not an easy thing to do, check out this article
upd2: if you prefer Visual Studio, you could check this rather outdated howto.
upd3: in general good article from GNU
