How to stop video replay in silverlight? - silverlight

Ive used silverlight player in our internal builds and one issue we are facing is that the video is automatically replaying as soon as its over.
Does anyone know a fix?

You can try to hook up the MediaEnded event and stop the video when it finishes.
private void player_MediaEnded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)


Wpf webbrowser disable external links

elI am working on a Wpf application. it contains a webbrowser where the user authenticates via Facebook. The problem is that the user is capable of clicking on links (for example: Forgot your password?) the standaard browser then open... what i want to do is to disable/block all the external links. so users can only authenticate and not navigate through the webbrowser control. I hoop you guys can help me out.
Update 1
Like suggested i can check the source of the webbrowser. So i can allow the wanted pages. but the problem are the links. they open on IE. i dont want to open them, but to block them at all
Description image
private void webBrowserFacebook_Navigating_1(object sender, NavigatingCancelEventArgs e)
string huidigeLink = Convert.ToString(webBrowserFacebook.Source);
// check for allowed pages
Update 2
I was able to find a solution:
Very slef explanatory.. thank you guys for the help!
void Window1_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
browser = new WebBrowser();
browser.Navigate(new Uri(""));
browser.Navigating += new NavigatingCancelEventHandler(browser_Navigating);
browser.Navigated += new NavigatedEventHandler(browser_Navigated);
void browser_Navigating(object sender, NavigatingCancelEventArgs e)
//Your checks should happen here..
Console.WriteLine("Loading Webpage !!");
void browser_Navigated(object sender, NavigationEventArgs e)
Console.WriteLine("Webpage Loaded !!");
You can register for WebBrowser.Navigating Event.
Navigating event handlers are passed an instance of the NavigatingCancelEventArgs class. You can cancel the navigation by setting the Cancel property of the NavigatingCancelEventArgs object to true.
Or you can invoke script or browser instance to stop loading if URL navigating doesn't matches.
yourWebBrowser.InvokeScript("eval", "document.execCommand('Stop');");

Black screen in Silverlight

It's really puzzling but my user reported an error yesterday: there were a whole array of error messages popping up, and bam! the Silverlight screen goes black. This happened in Chrome; I'm not able to reproduce it (I don't know how), so it totally gets me...
Has anyone faced this before? is there a way to reproduce it, or resolve it? Many thanks...
This has been an issue for me as well. The browser hangs for a second until the silverlight object crashes.
For me the solution was to do the server-calls and loading logic in the Loaded event instead of in the constructor, such as:
public MyUserControl()
this.Loaded += new RoutedEventHandler(MyUserControl_Loaded);
// this.DoAllBuisnessStuff() should not be here.
private void MyUserControl_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

Continuously updating an OpenTK GLControl in WindowsFormsHost in WPF - How?

I have an OpenTK GLControl embedden in a WindowsFormsHost in my WPF application.
I want to continuously update and render it.
In Winforms a solution would be to attach the UpdateAndRender method to the Application.Idle event, but there is no such thing in WPF.
So what would be the best way to do (60FPS) updating of my scene and GLControl ?
You can use a System.Timers.Timer to control how often your render code is called. In your window containing the GLControl-in-WindowsFormsHost, declare a private System.Timers.Timer _timer;, then when you're ready to start the rendering loop, set the timer interval and it's event handler, then start it up, as in the following example:
private void btnLoadModel_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
LoadModel(); // do whatever you need to do to prepare your scene for rendering
_timer = new System.Timers.Timer(10.0); // in milliseconds - you might have to play with this value to throttle your framerate depending on how involved your update and render code is
_timer.Elapsed += TimerElapsed;
private void TimerElapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
UpdateModel(); // this is where you'd do whatever you need to do to update your model per frame
// Invalidate will cause the Paint event on your GLControl to fire
_glControl.Invalidate(); // _glControl is obviously a private reference to the GLControl
You'll clearly need to add using System.Timers to your usings.
You can use Invalidate() for it. This causes the GLControl to redraw it's content.
If you call it at the end of Paint() you may blocking some UI rendering of the other WPF controls.
WPF provides a per frame render event: CompositionTarget.Rendering. This event is called before WPF wants to render the content. Subscribe from it and call Invalidate:
public YourConstructor()
CompositionTarget.Rendering += CompositionTarget_Rendering;
void CompositionTarget_Rendering(object sender, EventArgs e)
You need to unsubscribe if you don't use it anymore (to avoid memory leaks).
Here is a How to: Render on a Per Frame Interval Using CompositionTarget from MSDN.
I use GLControl with that method and it works fine. I did not checked how much FPS I have but it feels smooth.
You may also have a look on this: Why is Frame Rate in WPF Irregular and Not Limited To Monitor Refresh?

idle state detection silverlight 4 application

What's the best way to detect idle state for a silverlight application? I have read quite a few articles on the net by now and usually they are either for wpf/mobile apps etc.
I have created a DispatcherTimer which locks the screen after 5 minutes and it seems that I will have to go to every widget in every screen(my application has around 4-5 screens) and add a mousebuttondown or mouseenter eventhandler to reset this timer. This doesn't seem to be efficient but just adding the handler to the layroot is not helping either.
Any helpful suggestions?
You don't need to modify every control. If you add the following code on startup:
Application.Current.RootVisual.MouseMove += new MouseEventHandler(RootVisual_MouseMove);
Application.Current.RootVisual.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(RootVisual_KeyDown);
With the following event handlers:
private void RootVisual_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
idle = false;
private void RootVisual_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
idle = false;
Where idle is the variable you use in your DispatcherTimer Tick event to check if things are happening or not.
As events bubble up the tree this should work for all your controls.
Handled events will not bubble up to root control. Instead you should use the AddHandler method with handledEventsToo = true.

In WPF how to show changed state on controls before and after a time-intensive process completes?

The LoadIt() method below takes 5-10 seconds to complete.
I want the message area to display "Loading..." before LoadIt() starts and display "Reloaded" after it finishes.
How can I do that?
The following code doesn't work. It seems to not update the label until everything is finished, at which point it just displays "Reloaded" again.
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
lblMessage.Text = "Loading...";
lblMessage.Text = "Reloaded";
There's more than one solution discussed here:
you could move LoadIt to a separate thread, or you could simulate the WinForms Application.DoEvents but this is quite a hack (!FD9A0F1F8DD06954!526.entry)
You can use the Dispatcher object to start tasks in the background thread:
public delegate void LoadItDelegate();
new LoadItDelegate(LoadIt));
Make sure its in the background, because the UI thread has more priority, so the UI gets updated.. and also move your "I am done message" to the end of your LoadIt method :)
