How to convert a byte[] to a BufferedImage in Java? - arrays

I'm posting this thread because I have some difficulties to deal with pictures in Java. I would like to be able to convert a picture into a byte[] array, and then to be able to do the reverse operation, so I can change the RGB of each pixel, then make a new picture. I want to use this solution because setRGB() and getRGB() of BufferedImage may be too slow for huge pictures (correct me if I'm wrong).
I read some posts here to obtain a byte[] array (such as here) so that each pixel is represented by 3 or 4 cells of the array containing the red, the green and the blue values (with the additional alpha value, when there are 4 cells), which is quite useful and easy to use for me. Here's the code I use to obtain this array (stored in a PixelArray class I've created) :
public PixelArray(BufferedImage image)
width = image.getWidth();
height = image.getHeight();
DataBuffer toArray = image.getRaster().getDataBuffer();
array = ((DataBufferByte) toArray).getData();
hasAlphaChannel = image.getAlphaRaster() != null;
My big trouble is that I haven't found any efficient method to convert this byte[] array to a new image, if I wanted to transform the picture (for example, remove the blue/green values and only keeping the red one). I tried those solutions :
1) Making a DataBuffer object, then make a SampleModel, to finally create a WritableRaster and then BufferedImage (with additional ColorModel and Hashtable objects). It didn't work because I apparently don't have all the information I need (I have no idea what's the Hashtable for BufferedImage() constructor).
2) Using a ByteArrayInputStream. This didn't work because the byte[] array expected with ByteArrayInputStream has nothing to do with mine : it represents each byte of the file, and not each component of each pixel (with 3-4 bytes for each pixel)...
Could someone help me?

Try this:
private BufferedImage createImageFromBytes(byte[] imageData) {
ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(imageData);
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);

I have tried the approaches mentioned here but for some reason neither of them worked. Using ByteArrayInputStream and returns null, whereas byte[] array = ((DataBufferByte) image.getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData(); returns a copy of the image data, not a direct reference to them (see also here).
However, the following worked for me. Let's suppose that the dimensions and the type of the image data are known. Let also byte[] srcbuf be the buffer of the data to be converted into BufferedImage. Then,
Create a blank image, for example
img=new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR);
Convert the data array to Raster and use setData to fill the image, i.e.
img.setData(Raster.createRaster(img.getSampleModel(), new DataBufferByte(srcbuf, srcbuf.length), new Point() ) );

BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR);
byte[] array = ((DataBufferByte) image.getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData();
System.arraycopy(pixelArray, 0, array, 0, array.length);
This method does tend to get out of sync when you try to use the Graphics object of the resulting image. If you need to draw on top of your image, construct a second image (which can be persistant, i.e. not constructed every time but re-used) and drawImage the first one onto it.

Several people upvoted the comment that the accepted answer is wrong.
If the accepted answer isn't working, it may be because Image.IO doesn't have support for the type of image you're trying, for example tiff images.
To make it work, you need to add an extra jar to handle the image type.
You can add jai-imageio-core-1.3.1.jar to your classpath with:
<!-- -->
To add support for:
gif (write)
You can check the list of supported formats with:
for(String format : ImageIO.getReaderFormatNames())
Note that you only have to drop the jar (jai-imageio-core-1.3.1.jar for example) into your classpath to make it work.
Other projects that add additional support for image types include:

The approach by using directly is not right in some cases. In my case, the raw byte[] doesn't contain any information about the width and height and format of the image. By only using, It is impossible for the program to construct a valid image.
It is necessary to pass the basic information of the image to BufferedImage object:
BufferedImage outBufImg = new BufferedImage(width, height, bufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR);
Then set the data for the BufferedImage object by using setRGB or setData. (When using setRGB, it seems we must convert byte[] to int[] first. As a result, it may cause performance issues if the source image data is big. Maybe setData is a better idea for big byte[] typed source data.)


create a picture shape from an array

I am trying to find an example, or documentation, on creating a picture (floating shape object) inside the Excel sheet. The source is supposed to be a numeric bitmap data, stored in a VBA array acquired using external I/O libraries. Using Excel cells as an intermediary storage is possible, but not desired, since the RGB bitmap data is expected to be huge.
The task itself seems to be extremely simple in matlab-like environments, or python. But I just have no Idea how to make it in Excel and VBA without importing an independent image file from the file system.
In terms of storing the file, how huge is 'huge'? If you convert the image into Base64, it'll be a fairly trivial task to split it up amongst the cells and then reconstitute it when converting it into an image.
Alternatively, you can store the Base64 string in a standard module - I'm currently doing much the same thing, but my image only clocks in at 100kb (better to save it as a PNG rather than BMP).
In terms of converting the Base64 string to an image, the Windows Image Acquisition COM object will convert a byte array into a stdPicture image type (and further to my point above, it will also accept PNG files...]. The following function accepts a Base64 string, converts it into a byte array, and returns an stdPicture object:
Function Base64toStdPicture(ByVal Base64Code As String) As StdPicture
Dim ImgVector As Object
Dim Node As Object
Set ImgVector = CreateObject("WIA.Vector")
Set Node = CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0").createElement("base64")
Node.DataType = "bin.base64"
Node.Text = Base64Code
ImgVector.BinaryData = Node.nodeTypedValue
Set Base64toStdPicture = ImgVector.BinaryData.Picture
Set Node = Nothing
Set ImgVector = Nothing
End Function
From that point, you can out it in an image control, or copy it to / from the clipboard, etc.

Save Images in Room Database

I want to save small images in my room database and I have two issues:
How do I save an image in my database?
How do I save multiple images in my database?
I tried saving a bitmap in the way recommended by the developers page (
#Entity(tableName = "image_table")
data class ImgMod(
#PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)
var invoiceId: Long = 0L,
#ColumnInfo(name = "image")
var single_img: Bitmap?
): Parcelable
However, I receive the following error:
Cannot figure out how to save this field into database. You can consider adding a type converter for it.
Secondly, I would like to save multiple images in one database entry. But I receive the same error with the following snippets:
#ColumnInfo(name = "imageList")
var img_list: ArrayList<BitMap>
or decoded bitmap as a String
#ColumnInfo(name = "imageList")
var decoded_img_list: ArrayList<String>
I am sorry if this is a very basic question. But how do I have to configure the database/process the data to an image list?
Thank you in advance,
A very simple way to get images into the database (although I personally discourage it) would be to base-64 encode the bitmaps into a String and put it into a row of the database.
Take in account that bitmaps are very memory heavy; and base64 encoding something increases it's size some more so be careful when loading a bunch of images... I do also think Room and SQLite supports binary data as blobs, so you could just declare a column as ByteArray and it should just work.
What I've been doing in my projects is to write them into the internal or external storage of my app and then store the reference Uri as a String to later be able to retrieve the image from disk.
Something that I discourage even more is to stuff more than one value per row; having a list of stuff inside a coulmn in SQL is definetely not a pattern you should follow. Creating a "join" table should be simple enough or simply an extra column you could use to group them by should be easy enough, right?

WPF image vector format export (XPS?)

Our tool allows export to PNG, which works very nicely.
Now, I would like to add export to some vector format. I tried XPS, but the results are not satisfying at all.
Take a look at a comparison
The picture on the left comes from an XPS export, the picture on the right from PNG export, the XPS picture is visibly blurred when opened in XPS Viewer and zoomed 100%.
Are there any settings that I am missing or why is it so?
A sample xps output can be found here:
This is the code that does the XPS export:
if (!boundingRectangle.HasValue)
boundingRectangle = new Rect(0, 0, frameworkElement.ActualWidth, frameworkElement.ActualHeight);
// Save current canvas transorm
Transform transform = frameworkElement.LayoutTransform;
// Temporarily reset the layout transform before saving
frameworkElement.LayoutTransform = null;
// Get the size of the canvas
Size size = new Size(boundingRectangle.Value.Width, boundingRectangle.Value.Height);
// Measure and arrange elements
frameworkElement.Arrange(new Rect(size));
// Open new package
System.IO.Packaging.Package package = System.IO.Packaging.Package.Open(filename, FileMode.Create);
// Create new xps document based on the package opened
XpsDocument doc = new XpsDocument(package);
// Create an instance of XpsDocumentWriter for the document
XpsDocumentWriter writer = XpsDocument.CreateXpsDocumentWriter(doc);
// Write the canvas (as Visual) to the document
// Close document
// Close package
// Restore previously saved layout
frameworkElement.LayoutTransform = transform;
Interesting (and annoying) issue - you may want to check out the lengthy answer from Jo0815 to Printing XpsDocument causes resampled images (96dpi?) - FixedDocument prints sharp, quoting a Microsoft support response - a couple of excerpts:
Some vector features from WPF cannot be emulated in our GDI code and
we resort to converting subsets of the scene to GDI bitmaps. These
bitmaps are the cause of the blurred zooming.
These bitmaps are the cause of the blurred zooming. The problem is
that the WPF is being rasterised to a bitmap at the -wrong resolution.
The print path is designed to rasterise unsupported features into a
bitmap, but it is supposed to do it at device resolution. Instead the
rasterisation is always being done at 96dpi. That's fine for a screen
but produces blurred output for a 600dpi printer. [emphasis mine]
Please note that the latter will apply for nowadays higher DPI screens as well of course, I've encountered blurring like this various times already - do you by chance use a high DPI monitor?
Now, apparently Microsoft is not entirely in control of the apparatus regarding this:
Additionally the problem only occurs when printing XPS and isn't a
problem when printing XAML directly. I'm pretty sure there is
documentation somewhere that says XPS will print at device resolution.
[...] It is something we
plan to improve in the next version of the product but not for Win 7.
The problem is that when printing XAML it will correctly render the
image at 600dpi, but when printing XPS it will still render the image
at 96dpi. Since XAML is converted to XPS before printing it seems
highly odd that one method of printing XPS produces different results
to another method of printing XPS. [emphasis mine]
There is no UI to configure the XPS Document Writer DPI. If you later
print a generated XPS document at a different DPI from the writers
internal default you may get poor results for bitmap content. With GDI
printers you can control the final DPI and your final desitination is
usally paper - no chance to reprint the document.
In conclusion, I'd still try to adjust PrintTicket.PageResolution Property within Néstor Sánchez' approach (+1), if your use case does allow this (though I remotely recall reading somewhere, that this doesn't have any effect as well); section Bitmap Resolution and Pixel Format in Using the XPS Rasterization Service confirms the issue he encountered with FixedDocument:
XPS rasterizer object for a fixed page must know the resolution at
which the page will be rendered. The XPSDrv filter specifies this
resolution, in dots per inch (DPI), as an input parameter [...] For example, if a display device has a resolution
of 600 DPI, and a fixed page describes a standard letter-size page, a
bitmap image of the entire page has the following dimensions [...]
As a potential workaround you might want to explore alexandrud's solution for the related question How to convert a XPS file to an image in high quality (rather than blurry low resolution)?, which recommends using xps2img, a XPS (XML Paper Specification) document to set of images conversion utility. In particular it Allows to specify images size or DPI, which might help depending on the print path solution applied in turn.
Good luck!
I've had a similar problem. My image was very blurry when passed to XPS intermediated thru a FixedDocument.
The solution was to write the image directly to the XPS...
/// <summary>
/// Saves the supplied visual Source, within the specified Bounds, as XPS in the specified File-Name.
/// Returns error message or null when succeeded.
/// </summary>
public static string SaveVisualAsXPS(Visual Source, Size Bounds, string FileName)
string ErrorMessage = null;
using (var Container = Package.Open(FileName, FileMode.Create))
using (var TargetDocument = new XpsDocument(Container, CompressionOption.Maximum))
var Writer = XpsDocument.CreateXpsDocumentWriter(TargetDocument);
var Ticket = GetPrintTicketFromPrinter();
if (Ticket == null)
return "No printer is defined.";
Ticket.PageMediaSize = new PageMediaSize(Bounds.Width, Bounds.Height);
var SourceVisual = Source;
Writer.Write(SourceVisual, Ticket);
catch (Exception Problem)
ErrorMessage = "Cannot export document to XPS.\nProblem: " + Problem.Message;
return ErrorMessage;
Giving a print-ticket with the exact width and height avoids scaling (that was I wanted in my case).
Get the function from the example in:

WPF BitmapImage and TIFF with CMYK + Alpha

I am using this code snippet to load various image files:
BitmapImage bitmap = new BitmapImage ();
bitmap.BeginInit ();
bitmap.UriSource = new System.Uri (path);
bitmap.CreateOptions = BitmapCreateOptions.PreservePixelFormat;
bitmap.EndInit ();
This works fine for TIFF files stored as RGB, RGB+Alpha and CMYK. However, if I try to load a TIFF file using CMYK colors and an alpha channel, I get an exception (the file format is not recognized as being valid by the decoder).
I was previously using the FreeImage library and a thin C# wrapper on top of it. FreeImage 3.x has partial support for this kind of image format, i.e. I had to load the TIFF twice, once as CMYK without transparency and once as RGB+Alpha; this trick is needed since FreeImage only gives access to at most 4 simultaneous color channels.
I'd like to know if there is a supported way to load CMYK+Alpha bitmaps? Either directly in C# or by going through some interop code, but preferably without having to use a third-party DLL (other than the .NET 4 framework libraries).
An example of such a TIFF file can be found here.
EDIT : I can no longer reproduce the problem, the following code works just fine:
BitmapImage bitmap = new BitmapImage ();
bitmap.BeginInit ();
bitmap.UriSource = new System.Uri (path);
bitmap.CreateOptions = BitmapCreateOptions.PreservePixelFormat;
bitmap.EndInit ();
byte[] pixels = new byte[bitmap.PixelHeight*bitmap.PixelWidth*5];
bitmap.CopyPixels (pixels, bitmap.PixelWidth * 5, 0);
But I am still stuck: how can I find out that the source image was encoded as CMYK plus Alpha channel? When looking at the Format property, I get only the information that the image has 40 bits per pixel. All the interesting stuff is stored in the following non-public properties:
bitmap.Format.FormatFlags == IsCMYK | NChannelAlpha;
bitmap.Format.HasAlpha == true;
Is there any official way of getting to them, without resorting to reflection?
I can only say this because I've had the issues with some files: it might be a better way to convert the tiff to png24 first and then load it up.
Even Photoshop puts up a warning if a user tries to save a CMYK Tiff file and ticks 'Transparency': "Many programs do not support transparency in TIFF. Save transparency information?"
So converting prior to opening might be the safe way to go.
Maybe would do it but I doubt it, you probably need some extra piping.
It's only a guess, but GDI+ might be able to load such files.
System.Drawing.Image etc.
There is an interop class which can render GDI+ images in WPF.
I found another question on SO which linked to this library:
Good Tiff library for .NET
I hope this might help.

Byte Array copy in Jsp

I am trying to append 2 images (as byte[] ) in GoogleAppEngine Java and then ask HttpResponseServlet to display it.
However, it does not seem like the second image is being appended.
Is there anything wrong with the snippet below?
byte[] allimages = new byte[1000000]; //1000kB in size
int destPos = 0;
for(Blob savedChart : savedCharts) {
byte[] imageData = savedChart.getBytes(); //imageData is 150k in size
System.arraycopy(imageData, 0, allimages, destPos, imageData.length);
destPos += imageData.length;
I would expect the browser/client to issue 2 separate requests for these images, and the servlet would supply each in turn.
You can't just concatenate images together (like most other data structures). What about headers etc.? At the moment you're providing 2 jpegs butted aainst one another and a browser won't handle that at all.
If you really require 2 images together, you're going to need some image processing library to do this for you (or perhaps, as noted, AWT). Check out the ImageIO library.
Seem that you have completely wrong concept about image file format and how they works in HTML.
In short, the arrays are copied very well without problem. But it is not the way how image works.
You will need to do AWT to combine images in Java
