SQL Server 2005 : change collation for the existing database and LINQ2SQL - sql-server

I have a SQL Server 2005 database. It was created with default collation which is not case-sensitive (my fault!). That's different from all other databases which I work with, where collations are by default case sensitive. I mostly consider comparing strings than sorting. I use Linq-to-SQL where there is no way to specify collation for WHERE clause.
It seems that changing collation of existing database / server (and all tables' fields!) is error-prone and there is no tools for this.
Maybe I'm missing something and there is a clean way?

try this:
/SQLSYSADMINACCOUNTS=accounts /[ SAPWD= StrongPassword ]
Run this comman through SQL command promt and then rebuild the master database.
For specific DB
USE master;


SQL Server ignoring collation from database

So for tests I am creating temporary docker SQL Server.
Unfortunately my production database uses some non standard collation.
So for tests I am creating test database with my custom collation. In next step using flyway I am migrating schema, but it seems like even database has my custom collation, flyway SQL statements inherit collation from SQL Server instance and I am getting collation collision exception.
Is there any way to force that every statement in database x should use database collation by default?
One important thing is that many of those SQLs are already on production, so I cannot add to them collation statement explicit.

Microsoft SQL Server case sensitive queries

Is it possibile to have databae-wide settings to make sql queries case-sensitive on Microsoft SQL Server, e.g. 2012?
I'm refering to http://vyaskn.tripod.com/case_sensitive_search_in_sql_server.htm and it turn out for me that I can only modify queries to handle collations per column or to modify schema for specific columns have case-sensitive collations.
If I try
"ALTER DATABASE my_database COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS;"
it is not helping. Instead I have a problem with column names in my queries. I'm wonderign if there are separate settings for column name and data case-sensitivity for Ms SQL Server?

Collation at server level is causing issues with case sensitivity in database procedures

I am in the process of installing a database onto a client's server. The collation that is set on the server is SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS, so it is case-sensitive.
The database that I am installing uses collation level SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS, so it is case-insensitive.
The issue I am running into now is that all variables in stored procedures must be case sensitive or else it will throw an error.
Declare #Dimension varchar(45)
Set #dimension = 'Test'
Must declare the scalar variable "#dimension".
The lowercase "d" in the #dimension variable is causing it to be recognized as a completely different variable.
Is there a setting in the database that I can update to ignore the Server's collation?
Note: I received permission to update the collation at the server level as it is a test server. However, it is a more involved process. I am looking for a way to get around this without having to go through the steps found in this link:
Make sure you have all the information or scripts needed to re-create your user databases and all the objects in them.
Export all your data using a tool such as the bcp Utility. For more information, see Bulk Import and Export of Data (SQL Server).
Drop all the user databases.
Rebuild the master database specifying the new collation in the SQLCOLLATION property of the setup command. For example:
/SQLSYSADMINACCOUNTS=accounts /[ SAPWD= StrongPassword ]
Create all the databases and all the objects in them.
Import all your data.
Thank you
To work around this, set your database as Partially Contained. This will give you Contained Database Collation, which provides:
Since a design objective of contained databases is to make them
self-contained, the dependence on the instance and tempdb collations
must be severed. To do this, contained databases introduce the concept
of the catalog collation. The catalog collation is used for system
metadata and transient objects.
In a contained database, the catalog collation
Latin1_General_100_CI_AS_WS_KS_SC. This collation is the same for all
contained databases on all instances of SQL Server and cannot be
As per experience would be a faster way is to backup all databases then re-install the sql-server with the correct collation, then restore all databases. Might be a manual thing for permissions but there can be other options.

SQL server collation change on the instance level

When a database is created from our application, it takes the default Collation. we don't want to pass the collation in the create database script.
A client has a collation set on the instance level that is Case Sensitive. So the database created for our application is in that collation which is something we don't want.
Can they change the collation on the instance level so the database that gets created will have the desired collation and they can change it back to whatever they want? How do we do this on the instance level?
Thanks for your time!
So the problem is that the database is not created by a script run in, say, SQL Management Studio, but a script launched from within the application.
As noted in the comments and another answers changing the server collation is possible but hairy, the best option in a case like this is creating the database empty, changing the collation (either with ALTER DATABASE or from Management Studio), and then create the rest of the database.
This would require changing the application, but only the creation of the database itself since the tables will take the collation of the database, not the server collation (and you can do it in a way that works for every client, check if the database exists and that case skip DB creation and proceed with the rest of objects).
As a final warning, note that having a DB with a collation different of the server collation would mean than the DB has a different collation than the tempdb, so if you use temporal tables you would have problems if you have WHERE's or JOIN's mixing temporal and regular tables. For example, supposing that SerialNumber is a char column, this query will fail with a collation error:
FROM Products
JOIN #TempTable ON #TempTable.SerialNumber=Products.SerialNumber
If that case you will have to modify the application and change the queries to something like this:
FROM Products
JOIN #TempTable ON #TempTable.SerialNumber=Products.SerialNumber COLLATE database_default
You can configure the instance collation which would require dropping the databases before changing it. Here is a link to setting or changing the Server Collation.
You can also do this on a database level. Here is information on setting or changing collation on the database level.
You may also want to read the collation clause which can also be applied to tables, columns, and casting expressions among additional options.

how to change the master database collation in sql server?

is there any way to change the master database collation in MsSql server 2008 to another collation, instead of reinstall it ?
You need to rebuild/recreate the master database as described here.
(Though that article also goes through the steps to change all user databases to the new collation you probably just need to follow the steps here)
