DB2: How to backup a DB2 database? - database

DB2 v10.1 database on WINDOWS 7.
Can somebody share about creating a database backup of the DB2? I could not find detailed instructions.
Thanks in advance for any help in this matter

Have you tried looking at the documentation? Perhaps the "Data Recovery Reference"?

In a db2cmd window type \DB2 HELP BACKUP\ for more complete command syntax. The simplest form of the command is
DB2 BACKUP DATABASE <database name>
Optim Studio in 9.7 and 10.1 and Control Center in 9.7 have GUI's to assist with these tasks as well.

For a local backup you can use a simple command line command also provided in the other answers:
db2 backup database <name>
If you want a more automated solution that's more for "enterprise" then you should look into IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for example. DB2 supports making backups to network storaged TSM on the fly with incremental backups without disrupting the local database from working. I.e. you can run queries while the backup is running.
For TSM you need log archiving enabled on the database, you can do that with command should be:
db2 update db cfg using LOGARCHMETH1 TSM
After you have enabled log archiving you can create a backup script and schedule it:
"C:\IBM\ProductName\db2\BIN\db2cmd.exe" /c DB2.EXE backup db WPSDB user <DOMAINUSERNAME> using <DOMAINUSERPASSWORD> online use tsm include logs
Here's a link to a full tutorial: http://www.codeyouneed.com/db2-backup-using-tsm/

For detailed step by step guide to configure DB2 backup, you can refer:
DB2 v9.7 on AIX(x64) backup configuration for TSM v7.1
Every step form planning, preparation and execution is explained with diagrams.
Basic steps are:
Download Appropriate TSM API 32/64 bit based on db2level from passport advantage
Extract TSMCLI_AIX.tar
Login as root and enter "SMITTY INSTALL"
Select required components:
tivoli.tsm.client.api.64bit etc.
If not using TSM client GUI then no need to install
Now apply steps mention in the link as example to configure for File level and DB2 level backup as per your environment.


Schedule Knime Workflow

I need to schedule Knime Workflow to run daily as I wasn't able to understand/put together the steps in (knime.com/faq#q12) due to my business background. My environment details are:
Operating System: Windows Server 2012 R2.
Database: Reading from SQL Server 2017 and insert model output to the same
Knime Version: Analytical Platform 3.5.2
The Knime Analytical Platform is installed on D drive.
The Workflow is saved on E drive.
could you share with me in details the needed process as I'm coming from a business background :
The needed batch file with exact commands.
Other need steps to run it daily
I use the following command on Windows systems to run an exported workflow as a scheduled task.
You must use quotes around the path of your workflow and path to your Knime executable.
"/path/to/knime.exe" -reset -nosave -nosplash -application org.knime.product.KNIME_BATCH_APPLICATION -workflowFile="/path/to/workflowFile"

Automating import of data-tier application (SQL database) from Azure with a Master Key

When I extract a data-tier application from a Microsoft Azure SQL database that has a Master Key, I was unable to import it into SQL server on my local PC.
You will find others had this issue here: SSMS 2016 Error Importing Azure SQL v12 bacpac: master keys without password not supported
However the steps provided as the answer did not work on my installation.
Steps are
1. Disable auditing on the server (or database)
2. Drop the database master key with DROP MASTER KEY command.
Microsoft Tech Support verified this solution did not work on my installation of SQL Server and after actually taking remote control of my PC and trouble shooting, they were unable to determine why this was occurring.
I needed to find a way to remove the Master Key from the bacpac file. I have a Powershell script to remove the Master Key from the BACPAC file but it requires extracting, renaming files and running scripts from Windows Powershell to get the db imported.
Does anyone have a program or set of scripts which would automate the process of removing the Master Key and importing a SQL DB from Azure with a single command?
I am new to this forum. Please do not be harsh with this post. I am trying to do the best I can to help others to save the many hours I spent coming up with this.
I have cobbled together a T-SQL script which calls a Windows Powershell script (also cobbled from multiple sources) to extract a data-tier application (database) from Microsoft Azure SQL database and import it into a database on my local SQL Server by running ONE command. Over the months I found some of the code that is in my scripts from other blogs etc. I am not able to provide the credit due to those folks as I didn't keep track of where I got the info. If you are reading this and you see your code, please take credit. I apologize for not being able to give you the credit for your work.
There may be configuration settings on your PC and your local SQL server that need adjustments as this entire solution requires pretty much full access to your computer. If you run into trouble with compatibility, let me know and I will do the best I can to let you know how my system is configured in case it will help you.
I am using Windows 10 Pro and Microsoft SQL Server Developer (64-bit) v12.0.5207.0
I have placed the two files that do all the work on GitHub here: https://github.com/Wingloader/Auto-Azure-BACPAC-Download.git
WARNING: The Powershell script file will store your SQL sa password and your Azure SQL login in clear text!
If you don't want to do this, don't use this solution.
My computer is owned and controlled solely by me so I am able to open up the security in my system and I am willing to assume the responsibility of safeguarding it.
The basic steps of my solution are are accomplished as follows: (steps 1 and 2 are optional as I like to keep a version of the DB I am working with as of the point in time I pull down a clean production copy of my Azure DB)
Back up the current DB as MyLocalDB.bak.
Restore that backup from step 1 to a new DB with the previous day stamped at the end of the DB name (e.g., MyLocalDB20171231)
Delete the original MyLocalDB database (needed so we can recreate the DB with the original name later on)
Pull down the production database from Azure and create a new database with the name MyLocalDB.
The original DB is deleted in step 3 so that the restored DB can use the original name (important when you have data connections referring to that DB name)
In Step 4, the work of extracting the data-tier application DB from Azure is initiated by this line in the T-SQL:
EXEC MASTER..xp_cmdshell '%SystemRoot%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -File C:\Git\GetUpdatedAzureDB\GetAzureDB.ps1"'
The Powershell script does the following:
The target for the extract is a file named today.bacpac (hardcoded). The first thing to do is delete that file if it already exists.
Extract the DB from Azure into the today.bacpac file.
Note: my DB on Azure has a Master Key for encryption. This will need to be removed from the files prior to importing the bacpac file into your local DB or it will fail (this may not be required in SQL 2017 according to my previous conversations with MS Support). If you do not use a Master Key, you can either strip out the code that does this step or just leave it alone. It won't remove anything if it isn't there. It would just add a little overhead to the program.
Open the today.bacpac file (zip file) and remove the MasterKey node from the Origin.xml file.
Modify the Model.xml file to updates the SHA hash length. This is required in order for the file not to appear to have been tampered with when SQL opens the bacpac file.
Re-zips the files back into a new file today-patched.bacpac
Runs this line of code (from Powershell) to import the bacpac file into SQL Server
&C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\140\DAC\bin\SqlPackage.exe" /Action:Import /SourceFile:"C:\Git\GetUpdatedAzureDB\today-patched.bacpac" /TargetConnectionString:"Data Source=MyLocalSQLServer;User ID=sa; Password=MySAPassword; Initial Catalog=MyLocalDB; Integrated Security=false;"
After editing the two files to provide updated paths, usernames and passwords, run the SQL script. You do not need to edit the scripts again. You can run the SQL script again without modification and it will create a new copy of your Azure DB.

Deploying Dacpacs to an Availability Group in a locked-down production

My DBA and I are trying to work out how to effectively use Microsoft's Database projects and the Dacpacs they generate to simplify our production deployment system.
Ideally, I would be able to build and/or publish the .sqlproj, generating a .dacpac file, which can then be uploaded to the production server and used to upgrade the database from whatever version it was to the latest version. This is similar to how we're doing website deployments, where I publish to a package, and then that package is uploaded to the server and imported into IIS.
However, we can't work out how to make this work. The DBA has already created the database and added it to our Availability Groups. And every time we try to apply the Dacpac, it tries to adjust settings which it can't because of the AGs.
Nothing I've been able to do has managed to create a .dacpac file which doesn't try to impose settings on the database. The closest option I've found will exclude them when publishing, but as best as I can tell you can't publish to an inaccessible database, and only the DBA has access to the production server.
Can I actually use dacpacs this way?
There are two parts to this, firstly how do you stop deploying settings you don't want to deploy - can you give an example of one of the settings that doesn't apply?
For the second part where you do not have access to the SQL Server there are a few different ways to handle this:
Use an offline copy to generate the deploy script
Get the DBA to generate the deploy script
Get the DBA to deploy using the dacpac
Get read only access to the database
Option 1: "Use an offline copy to generate the deploy script"
You need to compare the dacpac to something and if you do not have a TDS connection (default instance default port tcp:1433) then you can use a version of the database that matches production either through:
Use log shipping to restore a copy of production somewhere you can access it
Get a development db and production in sync, then every release goes to the dev and prod databases, ensuring that they stay in sync
The log shipped copy is the easiest, if it is to a development server you can normally have server permissions to give you acesss or you can create the correct permissions at the database level but not on the production server level.
If the data is sensitive then the log shipped copy might not be appropriate so you could try to keep a development and production database in sync but this is difficult and requires that the DBA be "well trained" into not running anything that isn't first run against the db database as well.
Once you have access to a database that has exactly the same schema as the production database you can use sqlpackage.exe /action:script to generate a deploy script, in fact because it isn't the production database you can generate the script as part of your CI process :).
Option 2: "Get the DBA to generate the deploy script"
This is to get the DBA to copy the dacpac to the productions server and to use sqlpackage.exe that will be in "Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Sql Server\Version\DAC\bin" folder to compare the dacpac to the database and generate a script that he can review before deploying.
Option 3: "Get the DBA to generate the deploy script"
This is simlar to option 2 but instead of generating a script he deploys in SSMS he just use sqlpackage.exe /Action:Publish to deploy the changes directly.
Option 4: "Get read only access to the database"
This is actually my preferred as it means that you always build scripts against what is guaranteed to be the state of production (as it is production). In your case you would need to get the tcp port between your machine or ideally your build machine and the SQL Server and then you will need these permissions:
As I said option 4 is always my preferred but I understand that it isn't always possible.
Option 2 + 3 are fraught with worry as you will be running scripts that haven't been tested anywhere, with option 4 and 1 you can generate the scripts and then deploy to a test / QA database as long as they themselves have the same schema as production. The scripts can also go through a code review process.
If you do option 2 / 3 then I would create a batch file or powershell script that drives sqlpackage.exe and if they deploy from a different server that doens't have sqlpackage.exe then you can copy the DAC folder to that machine and run sqlpackage from that, you do not have to actually install it (you may need to also copy in the Microsoft.SqlServer.TransactSql.ScriptDom.dll from the "Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Sql Server\Version\SDK\Assemblies" folder.
I hope this helps, if you have any more questions feel free to post here or ping me :)

db2 database creation

I installed db2 client in my system for personal use. I am not able to understand from where to create the database so that i can create tables on that db and play around with sql queries as of now.
This is totally related to my personal use and learning purpose.
Please inform how to create a dummy database and play around with it with db2 client?
Are you on Windows? Are you using DB2 Express-C? I'm assuming you are, since you say this is for personal work.
After you have the DB2 binaries installed, you should have been prompted with the "DB2 First Steps" application, where you could have the application go through a GUI to create the database for you. If you missed it, you should be able to find it in your start menu with Start -> Programs -> IBM DB2 -> DB2COPY1 (Default) -> Set-up Tools -> First Steps.
If you prefer the command line, you can use the following:
First, determine if your installation created a default instance (on Windows, this will be called DB2) by using the db2ilist command. In the DB2 Command Window, if you're not on the instance you want to create a database in, you can switch with the following command:
set db2instance=DB2
Be sure to not include spaces around the equal sign.
Now, in order to create a database in the current instance, you use this command:
db2 create database mydatbase
For further reading, IBM has produced a Getting Started ebook, and I would highly recommend you check it out!
The DB2 client is just that - a client only. It does not include the database engine.
To create a database you have to install the server. The server includes the client portions.

I have a 18MB MySQL table backup. How can I restore such a large SQL file?

I use a Wordpress plugin called 'Shopp'. It stores product images in the database rather than the filesystem as standard, I didn't think anything of this until now.
I have to move server, and so I made a backup, but restoring the backup is proving a horrible task. I need to restore one table called wp_shopp_assets which is 18MB.
Any advice is hugely appreciated.
For large operations like this it is better to go to command line. phpMyAdmin gets tricky when lots of data is involved because there are all sorts of timeouts in PHP that can trip it up.
If you can SSH into both servers, then you can do a sequence like the following:
Log in to server1 (your current server) and dump the table to a file using "mysqldump" --- mysqldump --add-drop-table -uSQLUSER -pPASSWORD -h
Do a secure copy of that file from server1 to server2 using "scp" ---
Log out of server 1
Log into server 2 (your new server) and import that file into the new DB using "mysql" --- mysql -uSQLUSER -pPASSWORD DBNAME < BACKUPFILE
You will need to replace the UPPERCASE text with your own info. Just ask in the comments if you don't know where to find any of these.
It is worthwhile getting to know some of these command line tricks if you will be doing this sort of admin from time to time.
try HeidiSQL http://www.heidisql.com/
connect to your server and choose the database
go to menu "import > Load sql file" or simply paste the sql file into the sql tab
execute sql (F9)
HeidiSQL is an easy-to-use interface
and a "working-horse" for
web-developers using the popular
MySQL-Database. It allows you to
manage and browse your databases and
tables from an intuitive Windows®
EDIT: Just to clarify. This is a desktop application, you will connect to your database server remotely. You won't be limited to php script max runtime, or upload size limit.
use bigdupm.
create a folder on your server witch is not easy to guess like "BigDump_D09ssS" or w.e
Download the http://www.ozerov.de/bigdump.php importer file and add them to that directory after reading the instructions and filling out your config information.
FTP The .SQL File to that folder along side the bigdump script and go to your browser and navigate to that folder.
Selecting the file you uploaded will start importing the SQL is split chunks and would be a much faster method!
Or if this is an issue i reccomend the other comment about SSH And mysql -u -p -n -f method!
Even though this is an old post I would like to add that it is recommended to not use database-storage for images when you have more than like 10 product(image)s.
Instead of exporting and importing such a huge file it would be better to transfer the Shopp installation to file-storage for images before transferring.
You can use this free plug-in to help you. Always backup your files and database before performing this action.
What I do is open the file in a code editor, copy and paste into a SQL window within phpmyadmin. Sounds silly, but I swear by it via large files.
