Fetching data from model with backbone posts wierd parameters - backbone.js

I have created a model and collection like this:
var TestModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
initialize: function () {
defaults: {
'id': null,
'title': '',
'description': ''
TestCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: TestModel,
url: function () {
return 'Test/GetAll';
I then have a view I try to load like this:
var testCollection = new TestCollection();
var testListView = new TestListView({ collection: testCollection });
But it creates a request like:
Test/GetAll?_=1349272902901 which fails. Do any of you know why it appends this id-like parameter to the request?

testCollection.fetch({ cache: false });


Pass attributes or options to backbone model

I'm not getting any attributes or options in model. I need to pass a route number to it in order to build a url. anyone see what im missing or how I should be doing this? I tried setting the attribute I want on the model but it's not in the model when I try to grab it.
], function (template, Direction) {
return Backbone.View.extend({
el: '',
template: _.template(template),
initialize: function (options) {
this.model = new Direction();
this.model.set({rtnm: options.routeNumber});
setup: function (routeNumber) {
var self = this;
// self.model.set({rtnm: routeNumber});
.done(function () {
.fail(function (response) {
console.log('request for data has failed');
render: function () {
var data = {
model: this.model.toJSON()
this.$el.html(_.template(template, data));
], function () {
return Backbone.Model.extend({
initialize: function (attributes, options) {
/* model: Routes,*/
//url: '/apiproxy.php?method=getdirections&rt=',
parse: function (data) {
var parsed = [];
$(data).find('dir').each(function (index) {
var dir = $(this).find('dir').text();
dir: dir,
return parsed;
fetch: function (options) {
options = options || {};
options.dataType = "xml";
return Backbone.Model.prototype.fetch.call(this, options);
Solved by passing options to model on instantiating. What confused me is that they come through as attributes and not options in the model. How come?
initialize: function (options) {
this.model = new Direction(options);
initialize: function (attributes, options) {
url: function () {
//'this' now contains attributes
var route = this.get("routeNumber);
//var route = this.attributes.routeNumber;
return '/apiproxy.php?method=getdirections&rt=' + route;

How can I set a dynamic className on a model(parse object) using parse.com with backbonejs

Basically I have a model/collection that I want to reuse. I have a couple different collections on parse.com 'https://api.parse.com/1/classes/foo' and 'https://api.parse.com/1/classes/bar'.
My Collection:
], function (app, ListModel) {
var ListCollection = Parse.Collection.extend({
model: ListModel,
return ListCollection;
My Model:
function(app) {
var ListModel = Parse.Object.extend({
className: null,
initialize: function(attrs, options) {
this.className = app.foobar ? 'foo' : 'bar';
return ListModel;
And then I create a new collection:
app.foobar = 'bar';
var collection = new ListCollection();
wait: true,
success: function(collection, response, error) {
And this is the error I get:
Uncaught Error: Parse.Object.extend's first argument should be the className.
That gets thrown before initialize is ever fired in the model.

Appending data to same collection after every pagination fetch

I am trying to populate instagram images using backbone,
I have basically 3 models as follows,
User model store all the user info related to instagram
App.Models.User = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: {
id: '',
access_token: '',
userid: '',
username: '',
full_name: '',
profile_picture: ''
urlRoot: "/api/user/",
initurl: function() {
return "https://api.instagram.com/v1/users/"+this.get('userid')+"/media/recent/?access_token=" + this.get('access_token');
initialize: function() {
this.set('id', $('#domdump .id').val());
success: function(model) {
var photos = new App.Collections.Ig_photos([],{
url: model.initurl()
A model to store the next url for pagination
App.Models.Ig_next_url = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: {
next_url: ''
return this.get('next_url');
A model for the photo
App.Models.Ig_photo = Backbone.Model.extend({});
A collection for the multiple photo
App.Collections.Ig_photos = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: App.Models.Ig_photo,
initialize: function(model, options) {
this.url = options.url;
sync: sync_jsonp,
parse: function( response ) {
if(response.pagination && response.pagination.next_url && response.pagination.next_url != this.url){
var next_url = new App.Models.Ig_next_url({ next_url: response.pagination.next_url });
this.url = next_url.next_url();
return response.data;
nextSet: function(){
success: function(photos){
var ig_photos_views = new App.Views.Ig_photos_view({ collection: photos});
Also i have some views that does the render with a load more button that calls the nextset of the collection.
What i was trying to achieve is the photos get appended to the collection upon nextset() and the collection get updated with pervious data + new data but right now its getting overwritten.
Also is it okay to instantiate new collection from the modelfetch ?
You shouldn't need to make a new view. You should instead listen to the "add" event being triggered on the collection and render new items accordingly.
nextSet: function(){
this.fetch({add : true}); // The add option appends to the collection
This option is detailed in the very good documentation.

backbone model variable only populating when I step into method

The situation I'm experiencing is that my fetch is working fine, I can see the data in my backbone collection, if I step into the method where I assign the item from the collection to the model var or pause for a second or two, all is well: the line of code this.member gets populated
this.member = this.members.get(1);
. If I just let the code run, I wind up passing in a null model to my view. I don't understand what I'm missing. Do I need to bind data in the collection before I access the collection? I'm trying to fall in love with Backbone, but so far, she's been a cruel mistress...
//create the namespace
var Endeavor = {
Models: {},
Collections: {},
Views: {},
Templates: {}
Endeavor.Models.Member = Backbone.Model.extend({
idAttribute: "Id"
Endeavor.Collections.Members = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: Endeavor.Models.Member,
url: "Http://localhost:60000/api/members/" + "1", // $.cookie('UserId')
initialize: function () {
console.log("Members collections init");
Endeavor.Views.MemberView = Backbone.View.extend({
id: "memberForm",
template: "#memberTemplate",
initialize: function () {
console.log('init member view');
render: function () {
console.log('memberView render called');
var html = $(this.template).tmpl();
$("#Name").text = this.model.Name;
jQuery(document).ready(function () {
// router
Endeavor.Router = Backbone.Router.extend({
routes: {
"": "lists",
lists: function () {
this.members = new Endeavor.Collections.Members();
this.member = this.members.get(1);
var memberView = new Endeavor.Views.MemberView({ model: this.member });
// populate local variables
var appRouter = new Endeavor.Router();
Members.fetch is async call. Try to render view on members reset event, or pass success callback in fetch method, or call this.members.fetch({async: false}). There are many different options.

backbone.js Newbie Collection

I am trying to write some backbone.js stuff to get a better understanding on where and if it fits in better for me on projects. Any way I have a site and I am loading a collection with page content.
Json data comes back with (pid,name,title,content) on my router the default is
defaultRoute: function (actions)
showInfo: function (id)
var view = new ContentView({ model: this._items.at(id) });
$("#" + id).addClass("active");
if I put a 0 in place of id in this "new ContentView({ model: this._items.at(0) })" I will get the first item in the collection and if I do this in the View:
var ContentView = Backbone.View.extend({
el: $('#content'),
render: function ()
return this;
I get the content displayed perfectly but of course may not be the content I wanted
Is it possible to select from a collection based on name == "food"?? I dont want to have to map the content to id numbers defeats the purpose of storing in a db
Sorry if this seems like a foolish question but I have crawled all over looking and Im sure Im missing something simple
here is my full NavigationRouter code in case it helps
var NavigationRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({
_data: null,
_items: null,
_view: null,
routes: {
"p/:id": "showInfo",
"*actions": "defaultRoute"
initialize: function (options)
var _this = this;
url: "page_data.php",
dataType: 'json',
data: {},
async: false,
success: function (data)
_this._data = data;
_this._items = new ItemCollection(data);
return this;
defaultRoute: function (actions)
showInfo: function (id)
var view = new ContentView({ model: this._items.at(id) });
$("#l_" + id).parent().addClass("active");
Backbone mixes in a bunch of Underscore's functions into its Collections.
So if you want to find the model in the collection where name === 'food', you can do:
var foodModel = this._items.find(function(model) {
return model.get('name') === 'food';
// this will set foodModel to the first model whose name is 'food'
As a side note, you don't need to call empty in your render function, which can just be:
render: function() {
return this;
jQuery's html function just replaces the content of an element with the html string you pass in.
