Just having a few kinks in this assignment I'm trying to do. Basically I need to have a menu, 4 options, two of them accept input from user as the form of a base number and an exponent. The third one outputs the answer of the base raise to the power and then the fourth just exits the program.
I'm having trouble obtaining the users input via getNum(); I'm not too sure how to use it properly. Just looking on some tips on how to make my code work a little better.
Looking for Help:
Accepting user input from two different functions and using it to
output an answer
Working out the infinite loop problem when selecting menu option
Loop back program to main menu after each function is done and only
exit program when menu option 4 is selected
int main(void)
int option = 0;
while (option<1 || option>4)
printf("\nChoose an option between 1 and 4:");
option = getNum();
while (getNum() != '\n');
switch (option)
case 1:
baseChange(); //Gets base number
case 2:
powerChange(); //Gets exponent
case 3:
calcMath(); //Calculates the answer
while (option != 4);
void loadMenu() //Menu choices
printf("Power Menu:\n" );
printf(" 1. Change base\n");
printf(" 2. Change exponent\n");
printf(" 3. Calculate\n");
printf(" 4. Exit\n");
int baseChange(int base)
printf("What is your base?: ");
base = getNum();
while (getNum() != '\n');
return base;
int powerChange(int power)
printf("What is the power?: ");
power = getNum();
while (getNum() != '\n');
return power;
int calcMath(int base, int power)
int index = 0;
long answer = 1.00;
for(index = 1; index <= power; index++) answer = answer * base;
printf("%d raised to the power of %d is %ld.\n\n", base, power, answer);
return answer;
I'm having trouble obtaining the users input via getNum(); I'm not too
sure how to use it properly.
You haven't told us anything about this function; it's not part of the C standard.
Just looking on some tips on how to make my code work a little better. Looking for Help:
I think it's a little early for that. Put more effort into solving your problems, and then come back if you have specific questions. More like this one:
Working out the infinite loop problem when selecting menu option
Look at what your program does with option the second time through the loop.
Please Declare the getnum() function before main() like below;
/* declare getnum() prior to its first use */
float getnum(void)
float x;
printf("Enter a number: ");
scanf("%f", &x);
return x;
I want to write a loop that runs until the user enters a number greater than 10, but I have to do something wrong because it creates an infinite loop.
int main()
int a;
printf("Enter 'a' value (min 10): ");
for(int i=0;a<10;i++){
printf("Enter value>10");
return 0;
You mix an index that does not make sense. Also you print the memory address of variable instead of its value, not sure it is what you wanted?
Code partially corrected (because I don't know what is your ultimate goal):
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int a;
do {
printf("Enter 'a' value (min 10): ");
printf("\na: %d\n",a);
} while (a <= 10);
return 0;
ps: \n is line return and added do while which is what you want when you want to execute a loop at least once.
Have a look at your for-loop: you let i start at zero, you continue until a is not smaller than ten anymore, but it's not the value of a you need to check, it's the one of i.
In top of that, you are doing a i++ within your for-loop, while this is already covered in the definition of the for-loop.
I think this is the code that you are looking for: See comments
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int a, ok = 0, end_of_input = 0;
do {
printf("Please input an integer value (min. 10): ");
fflush(stdout); // So the user can see the above line!
switch(scanf("%d",&a)) {
case EOF: // End of input - Give up!
end_of_input = 1;
case 1: // Got a number - Check it!
if (a < 10)
ok = 1;
} else {
printf("%d - Not appropriate input. Please try again.\n\n",a);
default: // Summat else - "eat" the input to the next line
scanf("%*[^\n]\n"); // "eats" the rest of the line in the buffer w/o assignment
} while (end_of_input == 0 || ok == 0);
if (ok) { // User entered a valid number
printf("Got a that is smaller than ten %d\n", d);
} else { // We have ran out of input
printf("See you want to leave us :-(\n");
return 0;
I am not sure what you are trying to achieve but one problem that I found in your logic is you prompting user for input outside the loop. So whenever you enter number less than 10 it always goes in infinite iteration.
Try following code, with scanf inside loop
int main()
int a;
printf("Enter 'a' value (min 10): ");
int i=0;
printf("Enter value>10");
return 0;
I'm trying to make an algorithm in C that asks you to input any number, and stops asking when you input the number 0. I'm supposed to do it with a while loop, but it doesn't work and I tried everything I've learned. This is my code that doesn't work:
int main()
int number;
while(number != 0)
printf("Introduce a number: ");
return 0;
Hopefully it's not too late to bring my two cents to the party.
The solution which others suggest is definitely possible and working solution, however, I think it can be done in a slightly neater way. For cases like this, do while statement exists:
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int number; // Doesn't need to be initialized in this case
do {
printf("Introduce a number: ");
if (scanf("%i", &number) != 1) { // If the value couldn't be read, end the loop
number = 0;
} while (number != 0);
return 0;
The reason I think this solution is better is just that it doesn't bring any other magic constants to the code, hence it should be better readable.
If someone saw int number = 42;, for example, he'd be asking - Why 42? Why is the initial value 42? Is this value used somewhere? The answer is: No, it is not, thus it's not necessary to have it there.
You need to assign a number to number before using it in the condition.
You have two options: a) use a dummy initial value, or b) scanf before test
// a) dummy value
int number = 42;
while (number != 0) { /* ... */ }
// b) scanf before test
int number; // uninitialized
do {
if(scanf("%i", &number) != 1) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
} while (number != 0);
int number = 1;
while(number != 0){
printf("Introduce a number: ");
Scanf will pause loop and waiting for typing a number
I'm trying to write a code which adds a value - say X - to a user entered int, and continues to allow the user to add further int values to 'X+all previously entered int values' until a value of 21 or greater is reached - where the code exits the loop. I thought it would be a simple case of value=value+X but I'm going wrong somewhere...
void additionFunction()
int j=0;
int tot;
//tot=cat.firstCard+cat.secondCard; is the actual tot value but for simplicity;
for(j=0; j+tot<22; j=j+tot)
printf("Enter next card\n");
I know this is a very simple question but I'm stuck as to what else to try. It was originally implemented in a if,do,switch loop in the shortened form;
if(cat.firstCard!=11 && cat.secondCard!=11)
switch(tot+j>=4 && tot+j<=8)
printf("Hit\nEnter next card\n");
switch(tot+j==9 && (cat.dealersCard==2 || (cat.dealersCard>=7 && cat.dealersCard<=11)))
printf("Hit\nEnter next card\n");
switch(tot+j>=17 && tot+j<=21)
else //etc.
This method didn't work either. I know this is simple but I can't find the answer anywhere. It would be great if you could answer for the second case but any answer is appreciated!
only use stdio.h, no global variables
You need to increment tot rather than j. I think it could be clearer like this:
void additionFunction(void)
int tot = 5;
while (tot < 22)
int j;
printf("Enter next card\n");
if (scanf("%d", &j) != 1)
tot += j;
printf("Read: %d - total = %d\n", j, tot);
I've kept your variable names, but they could be improved (tot ⟶ total; j ⟶ value, perhaps). I added the second printf() to identify what's going on better (but there's room to improve that, too, though a debugger could also be used to see the information). I suspect you will need to do more work in the loop, or return a value from the function, but this is OK as an MCVE (Minimal, Complete, Verifiable Example).
The problem is you are resetting j every time in the loop with user's input with this line - scanf("%d",&j);
This should fix it, by assigning input into another variable and add it to j.
int j=0,input,tot=5;
for(j=0; j+tot<22; j=j+input)
printf("j=%d tot=%d\n",j,tot);
printf("Enter next card\n");
My program asks the user for a numerator and then a denominator right after (If option 1 is chosen). I am pretty sure i got that part correct.I can not seem to figure out how to display the fraction(s) though when I hit option 2.
This is my code:
typedef struct fraction
int numerator, denom;
} fraction; //defined the fraction.
int main()
{//start of program
int z = 0;
int y = 0;
while (1)
{ //start of while loop
int choice;
printf("\nPress 1 to enter a fraction\n");
printf("Press 2 to view the entered fraction\n");
scanf("%d", &choice);
fraction arrFraction[100];
arrFraction[0].numerator = 0;
arrFraction[0].denom = 0;
if (choice == 1) // first option (enter numerator and then denom after)
printf("Enter the fraction\n");
scanf("%d", &arrFraction[y].numerator);
scanf("%d", &arrFraction[z].denom);
}// end of first if statement(to enter the fraction)
if (choice == 2) //to view the entered fractions.
for (int m = 0; m < z; m++)
printf(" %d / %d \n", arrFraction[y].numerator/arrFraction[z].denom);
} // end of second if statement (to view the fraction entered earlier)
} // end of while loop
You need to move fraction arrFraction[100]; out of while loop, otherwise, every iteration, there will be a new array.
That said,
printf(" %d / %d \n", arrFraction[y].numerator/arrFraction[z].denom);
is wrong, you're supplying two format specifiers but one argument. This invokes undefined behavior. Your compiler should have warned you.
I believe, what you want instead is
printf(" %d / %d \n", arrFraction[y].numerator, arrFraction[z].denom);
That said, I'm not very convinced with the overall logic. Why do you seem to need an array of 100 elements? If you're only interested in previous record (not records), use only a simple variable, not an array. Besides, you don;t need to have two separate index/ counters anyway. A single index will be able to manage the inputs in much concise and robust way.
This is my first post on stack overflow, so this is my code so far, i'm just starting computer engineering and am having some trouble.
#include <stdio.h>
int main ( void ) {
int num, sum = 0, i, ssq = 0, isq, n;
printf("Enter an integer: ");
scanf("%d", &num);
for (i = 1; i <= num; i++) {
sum = sum + (i * i);
printf("The sum of the squares of integers from 0 to %d is %d\n", num, sum);
while (i >= 0) {
printf("Would you like to go again? (1 for yes, 0 for no): ");
scanf("%d", &i);
printf("Enter an integer: ");
scanf("%d", &num);
for (isq = 1; isq <= n; isq++);
ssq = ssq + (isq * isq);
printf("The sum of the squares of integers from 0 to %d is %d\n", num, sum);
if (i == 0) break;
return 0;
This is what I have so far believe it or not it took me 12 hours to do the first part, I've literally been up all night working on this, before the while loop and now I'm completely lost. I added the ssq=0, isq, and n ints in to try to help with no avail. At this point I'm just rearranging stuff for hours on end, this is my first post so please don't be too hard on me!
This contains a whole host of errors, from typos to code duplication, as #HappyCoder has noted above.
First of all, the outer part and the loop part do exactly the same. Think about it for a moment. You first do some task, unconditionally, then ask the user if they want to start over. The task itself doesn't change! Hence, what we can do is this:
do the task;
ask the user if they want to quit or go on;
if yes, return to the start.
In code, this can be done with an endless loop that you break out of if the user wants to stop:
while(1) {
// do user input and calculations here;
printf("Would you like to go again? (1 for yes, 0 for no): ");
scanf("%d", &i);
if (i == 0)
See, now we only have one instance of the calculation code! Now, you can throw away half the variables declared in the beginning, since they are duplicate.
Now on to the calculations. You have an uninitialized variable, ssq, in the loop. See where code duplication can get you. In the outer part, it is initialized properly. Inside the loop, however, it is not guaranteed to hold any concrete value, most likely it contains garbage.
Also, as noted by #JohnHascall, this subtle error introduced most likely by a typo:
for (isq = 1; isq <= n; isq++); // <---- the evil semicolon
ssq = ssq + (isq * isq);
The semicolon after the for loop makes the loop empty, and the summation only happens once, but not in the loop, as you want it to be.
Then, you output (print) sum not ssq inside the loop, which is obviously not what you want to print. And, you use the uninitialized n variable from outside the loop as the boundary, instead of the user inputted num.
I want to add yet one more. Sanely naming the variables is a big deal as it helps you to catch potential errors and keep track of how variables are being used throughout the code, not to mention easier understanding of the code by others. Look: int i -> int choice better isn't it?
So we can rewrite the code like this:
#include <stdio.h>
int main ( void )
int boundary, choice, isq, ssq;
while (1) {
printf("Enter an integer: ");
scanf("%d", &boundary);
ssq = 0;
for (isq = 1; isq <= boundary; isq++) {
ssq = ssq + (isq * isq);
printf("The sum of the squares of integers from 0 to %d is %d\n", boundary, ssq);
printf("Would you like to go again? (1 for yes, 0 for no): ");
scanf("%d", &choice);
if (choice == 0)
return 0;
for (isq=1; isq<=n; isq++);
ssq = ssq + (isq*isq);
The problem here is that 'n' is not initialized and not used in above scanf statement, you need to use 'num' instead of 'n'
for (isq=1; isq<=num; isq++)
ssq = ssq + (isq*isq);
One likely problem is here:
for (isq = 1; isq <= n; isq++);
ssq = ssq + (isq * isq);
You probably want:
for (isq = 1; isq <= n; isq++) {
ssq = ssq + (isq * isq);
Also, you should add:
ssq = 0;
above that loop (think about your 2nd trip through the loop).
Here is #iksemyonov 's answer refactored to honor the "no more than 7 lines in a method" rule (using a hard and fast arbitrary number like 7 is absurd, but the principle of making function do a specific understandable task is reasonable).
#include <stdio.h>
static int getBoundary ( void ) {
int boundary;
printf("Enter an integer: ");
scanf("%d", &boundary);
return boundary;
static int computeSSQ ( int limit ) {
int ssq = 0;
for (; limit > 0; --limit) ssq += (limit*limit);
return ssq;
static int again ( void ) {
int choice;
printf("Would you like to go again? (1 for yes, 0 for no): ");
scanf("%d", &choice);
return choice;
int main ( void ) {
do {
int boundary = getBoundary();
int ssq = computeSSQ(boundary);
printf("The sum of the squares of integers from 0 to %d is %d\n",
boundary, ssq);
} while (again());
return 0;
You have made a few mistakes here:
You have put a semicolon after the for loop inside the while block which should be removed.
Inside the while block you have accepted value for 'num' while you have used 'n' in the for loop (for which value is uninitialized). So you should accept the value of 'n' instead of 'num' or else replace 'n' in the for loop with 'num'.
If you want to exit the while loop immediately after user inputs 0 then move the if (i == 0) break; statement to below the scanf ("%d", &i) statement.
In the printf() statement next to the for loop, you have used value of 'sum' while you have calculated value for ssq.
Also you should write ssq = 0 after the printf() statement to reset its value to 0.
Correct all these and the program will work.
what you want to do was basically a menu driven program... i would suggest , like the above one's are right too... but another way you can do is using do{
//the task , i.e. the sum
} while(i!=0);
doing this since do while is an exit controlled loop as you might be knowing... so as in earlier stages u can be free from using break; keyword...
also as you are starting an early bird tip i would like to give is that the suggestion of using functions by #John above ....is good but not if you are doing mistakes in a normal int main() 15 lines code... since if you go in user defined functions like stated above you might go wrong in passing the arguments or basics of function passing... so go for a normal int main code for now...
Note i didnt meant that what # John said was wrong or something...just gave my view/advice