We are told our input file would be a simple list of numbers:
1 3 4
2 3
3 4
4 1 2
Where the first number is the source node, and the proceeding numbers are it's adjacent nodes.
I am trying to figure out how to best store this.
I wanted to firstly initialize a "graph", an array that contains all these nodes.
Then upon reading the file, line by line, I would store the root node into the graph array, and then update the node's outlist (adjacent nodes) with the following numbers until we reach the end of the line, repeating this for each line until EOF.
However I'm struggling on how to initialize the graph, do I just assume a certain size and realloc() once the size is hit? Do I read the file first and count the number of lines to find out the size, then re-read the file to store the nodes? Is there any other way?
Here is the code for my data structures:
int initialize (Graph *mygraph, int MaxSize) {
mygraph->MaxSize = MaxSize;
mygraph->table = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node) * MaxSize);
return 0;
int insert_node (Graph *mygraph, int n, char *name) {
mygraph->table[n].name = strdup(name);
mygraph->table[n].outdegree = 0;
return 0;
int insert_link (Graph *mygraph, int source, int target) {
List *newList = (List *)malloc(sizeof(List));
newList->index = target;
newList->next = mygraph->table[source].outlist;
mygraph->table[source].outlist = newList;
return 0;
So upon reading the file,
I initialize the graph.
I read the first number, store it as a new graph node.
I read the next numbers until hitting "\n", and store these as graph links to the above root node.
I do this for each line until hitting EOF.
As you can see I have no idea what the "MaxSize" until the whole file is read.
I'm rather new to C so sorry if I've done anything silly.
You could have some initial guess for MaxSize (e.g. 8) and grow when needed your data (perhaps by graph->MaxSize += graph->MaxSize/2) using realloc, or just by malloc-ing a bigger new chunk, copying the older chunk inside, then free-ing that older chunk). Don't forget to check the successful result of any malloc or calloc or realloc call, they could (rarely) fail.
Notice that I have no idea of how your Graph and Node type is declared (just guessing).
I am assuming and guessing you have declared something like
typedef struct node_st Node;
typedef struct graph_st Graph;
struct node_st {
char*name; // strdup-ed
unsigned outdegree;
struct graph_st {
unsigned MaxSize;
Node* table; //calloc-ed, of allocated size MaxSize
So for example your insert_node function might be
void insert_node (Graph *mygraph, int n, char *name) {
assert (mygraph != NULL);
assert (n >= 0);
assert (name != NULL && *name != (char)0);
unsigned maxsize = mygraph->MaxSize;
if (maxsize <= n) {
unsigned newmaxsize = n + maxsize/2 + 1;
Node* newtable = calloc (newmaxsize, sizeof(Node));
if (!newtable)
perror("growing table in graph"), exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
for (unsigned i=0; i<maxsize; i++)
newtable[i] = mygraph->table[i];
free (mygraph->table);
mygraph->table = newtable;
mygraph->MaxSize = newmaxsize;
mygraph->table[n].name = strdup(name);
mygraph->table[n].outdegree = 0;
You probably don't need insert_node to return a value (otherwise you won't always return 0). So I made it a void returning function (i.e. a "procedure" or "routine").
I'm writing a code in which I read some graphs from text file to process it later. I have one function to write graph to memory and second one which uses first one and then operates on this graph. The problem is that I allocate some memory in first function but I don't know where should I free it, because freeing it in first function crashed program, while in second function compiler says there is no such a struct.
struct Graph* createGraph(struct edge edges[], int wxk, int l)
// allocate memory for the graph data structure
//struct Graph* graph = (struct Graph*)malloc(sizeof(struct Graph));
struct Graph* graph = malloc(sizeof *graph);
graph->head = malloc( l * sizeof *(graph->head) );
// initialize head pointer for all vertices
for ( int i = 0; i < wxk; i++ ) {
graph->head[i] = NULL;
// add edges to the directed graph one by one
for ( int i = 0; i < l; i++ )
// get the source and destination vertex
int src = edges[i].src;
int dest = edges[i].dest;
double weight = edges[i].weight;
// allocate new node of adjacency list from `src` to `dest`
struct node* newNode = malloc(sizeof *(newNode) );
struct node* newNode2 = malloc( sizeof *(newNode2));
newNode->dest = dest;
newNode->weight = weight;
newNode->next = NULL;
if( graph->head[src] == NULL ) {
graph->head[src] = newNode;
} else {
for( newNode2 = graph->head[src]; newNode2->next != NULL; newNode2 = newNode2->next )
newNode2->next = newNode;
struct node* newNode3 = malloc( sizeof *(newNode3) );
struct node* newNode4 = malloc( sizeof *(newNode4) );
newNode3->dest = src;
newNode3->weight = weight;
newNode3->next = NULL;
if( graph->head[dest] == NULL ) {
graph->head[dest] = newNode3;
} else {
for( newNode4 = graph->head[dest]; newNode4->next != NULL; newNode4 = newNode4->next )
newNode4->next = newNode3;
return graph;
Here is first function code, in which I allocate memory to newNode, newNode2, newNode3 and newNode4. When I free this memory at end of this function, program crashes later.
void check_graph( char *plik)
FILE *in = fopen( plik, "r");
struct edge *edges = readfromfile(in);
int l = getl();
int wxk = getwxk();
struct Graph *graph = createGraph( edges, wxk, l);
struct FIFO queue;
short int *visited = malloc ( wxk * sizeof (int));
for( int i = 0; i < wxk; i++)
visited[i] = 0;
queue.vertices = (int *) malloc( wxk * sizeof(int) );
queue.front = 0;
queue.end = 0;
add_to_queue( &queue, 0);
visited[0] = 1;
while( queue.front != queue.end)
int current_vertex = del_from_queue( &queue);
struct node *tmp = graph->head[current_vertex];
while( tmp != NULL)
int adjVertex = tmp->dest;
if( visited[adjVertex] == 0)
visited[adjVertex] = 1;
add_to_queue( &queue, adjVertex);
tmp = tmp->next;
free(queue.vertices); // czyszczenie pamięci
for( int i = 0; i < wxk; i++ )
free( graph->head[i] );
If I try to free the previous memory here, compiler says that names of variables are undeclared
Short answer
Freeing memory should be handled in separate functions that destroy a specific object, one for (adjacency) lists and one for graphs (which calls the adjacency list destroying function). The adjacency list destructor should iterate over a list, freeing nodes as it visits them (note the nodes are freed using the destructor's own local variables, not the newNodeI variables in the graph constructor). The graph destructor would be called from check_graph. Note that this parallels how creation is handled in the code.
Longer answer
The program would greatly benefit from following some fundamental design principles. In particular, break up the functions into more basic operations, each of which performs a single task (akin to the Single Responsibility Principle from OOP). When considering the sub-tasks of a task, they should be at the same level and in the same domain (more on this later). Additionally, functions shouldn't be overlong. Repeated code is a candidate for abstraction into a separate function (Don't Repeat Yourself), as long as it is conceptually a single task. Though the program may not be explicitly object-oriented, some OO conventions can be usefully applied. Variable names should be descriptive.
Start thinking about function names. The sample has createGraph and check_graph, a mix of naming conventions. This isn't inherently wrong, but naming conventions should only be mixed when each convention is doing something different, and are in different parts of a program. One C convention for naming methods in an OO manner is to use DromedaryCase for class names and camelCase for method names (as is done in C++), and connect the two with an underscore (basically, snake case) (e.g. ClassName_methodName). Extending this, the underscore indicates going down in scope, so nested class methods would be named as: Outer_Inner_methodName. Alternatives include using camelCase for class names, or snake case for everything, or snake case but with a double underscore for scope (e.g. outer_class__inner_class__method_name). "Private" methods can be indicated with a leading underscore.
The check_graph function performs the following sub-tasks:
opens a file
causes edges to be read from file
causes a Graph object to be created
allocates space for a member field of a queue (queue.vertices)
traverses the graph breadth-first
examines queue members to determine when it's empty
destroys the queue member, edges, and Graph
This mixes different levels of tasks (e.g. causing a Graph object to be created (which happens in a different function) but destroying the object itself; creating a part of the queue) and domains (e.g. file I/O, memory management, and graph algorithms), resulting in multiple responsibilities. Reading objects from files should be handled by a component whose responsibility it is to bridge I/O and object creation. Destroying the graph object should be handled by a separate function, a counterpart to createGraph (or Graph_create, if you use the convention above). This in particular should resolve the issue in question. Queue manipulation should be farmed out to queue functions, encapsulating the operations and data.
The majority of the lines in check_graph are concerned with the breadth-first traversal of the graph. This could be the basis for a function that implements the BFS algorithm, taking a callback that's called for each vertex as it's visited. check_graph would then call the BFS function.
A sketch of a refactored version:
typedef void (*Graph_visitor_t)(Graph_t *graph, int iVertex, void *additional);
* Breadth-first traversal of a graph
* visit: a callback, invoked for each vertex when visited
* pAdditional: additional data passed along to the `visit` function
void Graph_bfs(Graph_t *graph, Graph_visitor_t visit, void *pAdditional) {
// TODO: detect & handle memory errors
bool *visited = calloc(sizeof(*visited), graph->nVertices);
IntQueue_t *queue = IntQueue_create(graph->nVertices);
visit(graph, 0, pAdditional);
visited[0] = 1;
IntQueue_push(queue, 0);
while (! IntQueue_empty(queue)) {
int current_vertex = IntQueue_pop(queue);
/* much the same as the original `check_graph` (only
* add a call to `visit`)
// ...
void _Graph_countVisited(Graph_t* graph, int iVertex, int *pnVisited) {
// Demonstrates how to use Graph_bfs (check_graph woudl be similar).
void Graph_isConnected(Graph_t *graph) {
int nVisited = 0;
Graph_bfs(graph, &_Graph_countVisited, &nVisited);
return nVisited == graph->nVertices;
createGraph performs the following sub-tasks:
allocates the graph object & members
allocates the adjacency list nodes
traverses adjacency lists
adds nodes to adjacency lists
Again, some of these tasks are at different levels and should be farmed out (e.g. adjacency list manipulation). The code that manipulates the adjacency list within the loop is also repetitive, and is a great candidate for being moved to another function.
Many of the variable names (e.g. l, wxk, newNode3) aren't very descriptive, leading to some bugs. For example, in createGraph, graph->head is allocated to hold l entries, but wxk entries are accessed when initializing it (in this case, the better fix is to use calloc instead of manually initializing all entries to NULL). If these variables were name more descriptively, e.g. nVertices and nEdges (I'm guessing as to purpose), the bug would be more obvious and likely wouldn't have occurred in the first place.
void _Graph_addAdjacency(Graph_t *graph, int from, int to, double weight) {
Node_t *newNode = List_Node_create(to, weight);
if (graph->head[from] == NULL ) {
graph->head[from] = newSrcNode;
} else {
List_append(graph->head[from], newSrcNode);
void _Graph_addEdge(Graph_t *graph, Edge_t *edge) {
_Graph_addAdjacency(graph, edges[i].src, edges[i].dest, edges[i].weight);
_Graph_addAdjacency(graph, edges[i].dest, edges[i].src, edges[i].weight);
Graph_t* Graph_create(Edge_t edges[], int nEdges, int nVertices) {
//// allocation
// TODO: detect & handle memory errors
Graph_t *graph = malloc(sizeof *graph);
graph->head = calloc(sizeof *(graph->head), nVertices);
graph->nVertices = nVertices;
//// initialization
// add edges to the directed graph one by one
for (int i = 0; i < nEdges; i++) {
// TODO: add error detection
_Graph_addEdge(graph, edges[i]);
return graph;
Rounding out the example are functions to read the graph from the file (Graph_readFromPath) and to tie it all together (main in this example, though in a larger program it wouldn't be the main function).
Graph_t* Graph_readFromPath(const char *fName) {
FILE *in = fopen(fName, "r");
int nVertices = Count_readFromFile(in);
int nEdges = Count_readFromFile(in);
Edge_t *edges = Edges_readFromFile(in, nEdges);
Graph_t* graph = Graph_create(Edge_t edges[], nEdges, nVertices);
return graph;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
if (argc < 2) {
fprintf(stderr, "No input file given.");
return 1;
const char *fName = argv[1];
if (access(fname, R_OK)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error reading input file '%s': %s", fName, strerror(errno));
return 1;
Graph_t *graph = Graph_readFromFile(fName);
if (! Graph_isConnected(graph)) {
// ...
return 0;
I am trying to do a level order traversal of a binary search tree and return the final result in a multi-dimensional array. eg. if root node is 2 and nodes at level 1 are 1,4 then it should return [[2], [1,4]] as returnColumnSizes from the code. I am new in data structures and don't have command in using malloc function as well. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks :)
int height(struct TreeNode *h){
if (h == NULL) return 0;
int l = height(h->left);
int r = height(h->right);
if (l > r)
return l+1;
return r+1;
int *ordercalc(struct TreeNode *root, int level){
if (root == NULL) return NULL;
int i = 0, arr[100];
if (level == 1)
arr[i++] = root->val;
else if(level > 1){
ordercalc(root->left, level-1); //decrease the level one per call to print data when it
ordercalc(root->right, level-1); // reaches proper level
return arr;
int** levelOrder(struct TreeNode* root, int* returnSize, int** returnColumnSizes){
if (*returnSize == 0) return NULL;
**returnColumnSizes = (int **)malloc(*returnSize * sizeof(int *));
for (int i=0;i<height(root)+1;i++){
returnColumnSizes[i] = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * 10);
returnColumnSizes[i] = ordercalc(root, i);
return returnColumnSizes;
height looks good.
levelOrder looks okay, although i<height(root)+1; computes the height of root again and again in the loop even though it doesn't change. Also, malloc(sizeof(int) * 10); doesn't seem sufficiently dynamic for large trees (we'll come back to this later).
ordercalc needs to be re-considered. The function has arr[100]; allocated on its stack frame, then
if (level == 1)
arr[i++] = root->val;
return arr;
I can see you're trying to fill the levels based on the height, which is the right idea. However:
Returning a stack-allocated array is undefined behavior. When the call returns, all data on its frame cannot be accessed. You'll need to malloc on the heap and return a pointer if you want to do this.
arr[i++] = root->val; puts the root at arr[0] but nothing else ever happens with this array, so the intent is unclear.
Hardcoding 100 for the array size seems a mistake. Surely there is some tree with a level large enough to overflow this buffer, assuming you intend to fill it up beyond the root. When you do switch to malloc, you'll probably need to plan to realloc.
Instead of returning results from this function, it seems that passing in a pointer to the pre-allocated result structure is simplest.
A way to simplify the reallocation and size management is to approach the problem with multiple passes. Here's the game plan:
Get the tree height.
Allocate the result and column size arrays to match tree height.
Perform a second traversal and set the result column lengths for each level.
Allocate each level to match the size determined in step 3.
Perform a final pass to populate the pre-allocated result levels.
Here's the code:
int height(struct TreeNode *root) {
if (root) {
int left = height(root->left);
int right = height(root->right);
return 1 + (left > right ? left : right);
return 0;
void set_col_lens(struct TreeNode *root, int *res_col_lens, int depth) {
if (root) {
set_col_lens(root->left, res_col_lens, depth + 1);
set_col_lens(root->right, res_col_lens, depth + 1);
void fill_levels(struct TreeNode *root, int **res, int *last_items, int level) {
if (root) {
int last_item = last_items[level]++;
res[level][last_item] = root->val;
fill_levels(root->left, res, last_items, level + 1);
fill_levels(root->right, res, last_items, level + 1);
int **level_order(struct TreeNode *root, int *res_len, int **res_col_lens) {
if (!root) {
*res_len = 0;
return NULL;
*res_len = height(root);
int **res = malloc(sizeof(*res) * (*res_len));
*res_col_lens = calloc(*res_len, sizeof(**res_col_lens));
int *last_items = calloc(*res_len, sizeof(*last_items));
set_col_lens(root, *res_col_lens, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < *res_len; i++) {
res[i] = malloc(sizeof((*res)[i]) * (*res_col_lens)[i]);
fill_levels(root, res, last_items, 0);
return res;
One benefit of this is that the problem is broken into simple, distinct steps.
Another approach which I think is more natural is to use a queue and perform a breadth-first traversal in one stack frame. The problem then becomes writing a queue abstraction in C, which is not difficult but does take a bit of fussing.
I have a major issue that is happening to my code, that I've been trying to fix for hours now.
The code below is the one relevant to the issue that I am having...
The method addBucket:
void addBucket(SPACE * hashmap,char * tempvalue, char * tempkey){
printf("BEGINNING OF FUNC...\n");
void *prevadd = hashmap[0];
char *value = varString(tempvalue);
char *key = varString(tempkey);
void *aftadd = hashmap[0];
printf("BUCKET %s - %s\n",value,key);
BUCKET *newBucket = malloc(sizeof(BUCKET *));
int hash = hashFunc(key);
printf("FILL, FULFILLED\n");
hashmap[hash] = malloc(sizeof(BASE*));
hashmap[hash]->first = NULL;
ITEM *location;
location = hashmap[hash]->first;
//This creates a new item in the list, if there isn't any.
//It does this by initialising the base, called box.
hashmap[hash]->first = (ITEM *) calloc(1,sizeof(ITEM *));
hashmap[hash]->first->next = NULL;
hashmap[hash]->first->prev = NULL;
hashmap[hash]->first->data = newBucket;
//This instead adds a new item to the list.
//This loop reaches the last ITEM in the linked list itself
location = location->next;
//This initialises the newItem that will be added
ITEM *newItem = (ITEM *) calloc(1,sizeof(ITEM));
newItem->next = NULL;
newItem->data = newBucket;
newItem->prev = location;
location->next = newItem;
The declared structs that are used:
//Declares a struct called BUCKET.
//Serves as the bucket of the hash table.
typedef struct bucket{
char * value; //The value inputted.
char * key; //The key to be hashed.
//Declares a struct called ITEM.
//Holds the bucket, as well as the address to the next bucket.
//It also holds the address to the previous bucket.
typedef struct item{
struct bucket * data;
struct item * next;
struct item * prev;
//Declares a struct called BASE.
//Serves as the base node for the linked lists.
//The amount of initialised linked lists is the same as the amount of bases.
typedef struct base{
struct item * first;
//Declares a struct of an array of BASES, meaning linked lists.
//Essentially defines the size of the hashspace.
typedef BASE *SPACE;
...And the method expandHashspace(); :
//Makes the size of the entire hashspace larger.
//Only takes a value larger than the current size due to possible data loss.
SPACE* expandHashspace(SPACE *hashmap, int newSize){
if(newSize>100 || newSize<hashSpaceSize){
return NULL;
else {
nw = realloc(hashmap, sizeof(SPACE *) * newSize);
hashmap = nw;
hashSpaceSize = newSize;
return hashmap;
Here's also the initHashmap() method:
SPACE* hashmapInit(SPACE *hashmap){
hashmap = calloc(5, sizeof(SPACE *));
hashSpaceSize = 5;
return hashmap;
What I am doing here is initialising the hashmap, adding three buckets, expanding the hashmap, then adding three more buckets. Here's the order in more simple terms:
addBucket(...); x3
addBucket(...); x3
However, on that last part, as soon as I run addBucket once, I get a SIGSEGV error. Checking through debugging, I realised something that was off.
Do you see the variables *prevadd and *aftadd? I added them while debugging to see what was happening to the address of hashmap[0]. Here is a picture of my results:
As you can see there, the address of hashmap[0] varied wildly during those two char * lines. Specifically, the change of address happens on the char *value line.
Please go easy on me, as I've just started learning C 3 months ago, and I am still incredibly unaccustomed to memory allocation. If the error is obvious, please point it out, and if I have some problem with the way that I am allocating memory, or freeing it, I am more than happy to hear them (my code has a pretty major heisenbug that I cannot fix for the life of me, but that's beside the point).
Thank you in advance... Sorry for all the recent questions.
update : forgot to add varString();...
char* varString(const char *origString){
size_t i;
for(i = 0;origString[(int)i]!='\0';i++){}
if(origString[i-1]=='\n') i-=2;
char *newString = malloc(i);
for(int j = 0; j <= i; j++){
newString[j] = origString[j];
newString[i+1] = '\0';
return newString;
This is not an answer, but it needed more formatting than would fit in a comment:
Note that you are writing "Value No. 1"
Note the value of aftadd is 0x756c6156
In memory, assuming a little-endian machine, the layout of the number in aftadd would be:
0x56 0x61 0x6c 0x75
In ASCII these would be:
'V' 'a' 'l' 'u'
Hint hint.
i have a task in class to the return an array of struck Symbol from huffman tree.
the function getSL get a huffman tree(only) and return struck of Symbol.
each spot in the array contain a char from the "leaf" of the tree and the
length of his code(how many cross section till the leaf).
my main problem was to find how i advance the cnt of the arry that it will not overright the arry.
thank you.
typedef struct HNode {
char chr;
struct HNode *left, *right;
} HNode;
typedef struct {
char chr;
int counter;
this is what i did till now.
Symbol * getSL(HNode *root) {
if (root->left == NULL && root->right == NULL) {
Symbol* b = (Symbol*)malloc(100);
b->chr = root->chr;
return b;
Symbol* a = (Symbol*)malloc(100);
if (root->left != NULL) {
a= getSL(root->left);
if (root->right != NULL) {
a= getSL(root->right);
return a;
Apart from the malloc problem (see the comments already), you have a fundamental problem: You allocate a new struct, but then replace it with the one returned from the recursive call. So you lose the one created before (actually, memory leaking!).
Easiest variant would now be converting your Symbol to linked list nodes; then you simply could do:
Symbol* lastLeafFound; // probaly a function parameter!
if(!(root->left || root->right))
// leaf found:
Symbol* a = (Symbol*)malloc(sizeof(Symbol));
a->chr = root->chr;
a->counter = /* ... */;
a->next = NULL;
lastLeafFound->next = a;
// you might return a now as last leaf found, using it in the next recursive call
Sure, above code is incomplete, but should give you the idea...
If you cannot modify your struct, then you need to create an array and pass it on to every new recursive call (prefer not to use global variables instead):
void doGetSL
HNode* root,
Symbol** symbols, // your array to be used
unsigned int* count, // number of symbols contained so far
unsigned int* capacity // maximum possible symbols
Passing all data as pointers allows the function to modify them as needed and they are still available from outside...
Symbol* getSL(HNode* root)
return NULL;
unsigned int count = 0;
unsigned int capacity = 128;
// allocate a whole array:
Symbol* array = malloc(capacity*sizeof(Symbol));
if(array) // malloc could fail...
doGetSL(root, &array, &count, &capacity);
// as you cannot return the number of leaves together with
// the array itself, you will need a sentinel:
array[count].chr = 0;
// obvious enough, I'd say, alternatively you could
// set counter to 0 or -1 (or set both chr and counter)
return array;
doGetSL will now use above set up "infrastructure":
if(!(root->left || root->right))
if(*count == *capacity)
// no memory left -> we need a larger array!
// store in separate variables:
unsigned int c = *capacity * 2;
Symbol* s = realloc(symbols, c * sizeof(Symbol));
// now we can check, if reallocation was successful
// (on failure, s will be NULL!!!):
// OK, we can use them...
*symbols = s; // <- need a pointer for (pointer to pointer)!
*capacity = c;
// re-allocation failed!
// -> need appropriate error handling!
(*symbols)[count].chr = root->chr;
(*symbols)[count].counter = /*...*/;
doGetSL(root->left, symbols, count, capacity);
doGetSL(root->right, symbols, count, capacity);
One thing yet omitted: setting the counter. That would be quite easy: add another parameter to doGetSL indicating the current depth, which you increment right when entering doGetSL, you can then just assign this value when needed.
You can further improve above variant (especially readability), if you introduce a new struct:
struct SLData
Symbol* symbols, // your array to be used
unsigned int count, // number of symbols contained so far
unsigned int capacity // maximum possible symbols
and pass this one instead of the three pointers:
doGetSL(HNode*, struct SLData*, unsigned int depth);
struct SLData data =
.count = 0;
.capacity = 128;
.array = malloc(capacity*sizeof(Symbol));
doGetSL(root, &data, 0); // again passed as pointer!
if I want to store string array in C program from stdin, whose array length is not known in advance and the string length is unfixed or unlimited. That means I can not define such thing as char buf[10][100]; in the program. Is there any good solution for this case?
The C standard doesn't have such a function but getline() which is POSIX does what you want. This may or may not be what you're looking for, depending on what OS you're planning to run this on.
You just do something like:
char *inf_line = NULL;
size_t n = 0;
ssize_t input = getline(&inf_line, &n, stdin);
Alternatively, you could try filling up an array with getchar() in some loop, dynamically reallocating memory as you reach the end of the array using malloc(), for example.
See the following code as an example how to read input until EOF is reached (in terminal, try Ctrl-Z or Ctrl-D to emulate an EOF, depending on your OS), by using fixed size chunks and creating a full string after the last chunk was read.
#define CHUNK_SIZE 4 // testing size
//#define CHUNK_SIZE 1024 // my suggested production size
struct node
char data[CHUNK_SIZE];
struct node* next;
int main()
// will be allocated and filled after reading all input
char* full_text = NULL;
// head node
struct node* start = NULL;
// iterator node
struct node* current = NULL;
// for tail allocation
struct node** next = &start;
// count the number of chunks (n-1 full and one partially filled)
size_t count = 0;
// size of the last read - will be the count of characters in the partially filled chunk
size_t last_size;
// will be initialized to the full text size (without trailing '\0' character)
size_t full_size;
while (!feof(stdin))
// casting malloc result is bad practice, but working with VS here and it's complaining otherwise
// also, you may want to check the result for NULL values.
*next = (struct node*)calloc(1, sizeof (struct node));
last_size = fread_s((*next)->data, CHUNK_SIZE, 1/* sizeof char */, CHUNK_SIZE, stdin);
next = &((*next)->next);
// calculate the full size and copy each chunk data into the combined text
if (count > 0)
full_size = CHUNK_SIZE * (count - 1) + last_size;
// one additional character for the null terminator character
full_text = (char*)malloc(full_size + 1);
full_text[full_size] = '\0';
count = 0;
current = start;
while (current && current->next)
memcpy(&full_text[count * CHUNK_SIZE], current->data, CHUNK_SIZE);
current = current->next;
if (current)
memcpy(&full_text[count * CHUNK_SIZE], current->data, last_size);
full_text = (char*)calloc(1, 1);
// full_text now contains all text
// TODO free the node structure
return 0;
side note: I use calloc instead of malloc so I get zero-initialized storage.
side note: I use the binary fread_s instead of fgets, which doesn't zero-terminate the read data (would need some different handling otherwise) and which may not play nice with non-ASCII input. So make sure you understand your input format when using this 1:1