Does Cordova 1.9 work on iOS 6? - ios6

Does Cordova 1.9 work on iOS 6?
I'll be working on it on Xcode 4.5.
I've already installed Cordova 2.0 and it is troublesome issues.
Should I downgrade to Phonegap / Cordova to 1.9 or upgrade to Cordova 2.1? Please advise?

In my condition,I met many bugs when I building Apps by Cordova 1.9 on IOS6.
Even though we can run Cordova 1.9 on IOS6,but the plugins issue or other strange problems would make you tired.
So please upgrade it and face the truth.

I just managed to compile my app with iOS6 SDK with Cordova 1.9.
Make sure you remove armv7s from "Valid Architectures" in your app's "Build Settings". However, this means, you won't be able to target iPhone 5.
(Thanks to Apple, iPhone5 is not available for purchase yet in my country anyways!!, So I still have time to upgrade Cordova :) )
I am still waiting for Cordova 2.2 release. You can check bug reports of Cordova and decide for your own case.


Which plugin I need to use to read aztecs via a MobileFist app?

I'm trying a lot of plugins that I find on the net to read aztec codes through the phone's camera, but none of these works.
Using MobileFirst, I can not integrate other versions of cordova, so which plugin do you recommend using according to your experiences?
Thank you so much!
You have not mentioned which version of MFP you have tried, but MFP 8.0 allows you to integrate with different versions of Cordova.
You can install the latest mfpdev-cli, Cordova and latest MFP SDK to try out.
Details on MFP 8.0 Cordova SDK here.

Splashscreen wrong since XCode 7

I took over a project using AngularJS, Ionic and Bootstrap to create hybrid apps for mobile devices.
Prior to upgrade to XCode 7 all went well. I updated my HTML-, CSS- and JS-code in editor, ran grunt run:ios to create platform code and opened XCode. From there I built the .ipa-file without any issues (justwith some warnings, which could be ignored).
However since using XCode 7 (needed for iOS 8- and iOS 9-devices), the splascreen will be shown incorrectly. Meaning: Rotated with 90°.
Note #1: The splashscreen and the app have to be Landscape-only.
Note #2: When running grunt run:android, all is well on the Android-based device.
Any idea what to do in order to get the old correct state again?
There is a known bug in the cordova-plugin-splashscreen plugin relating to your issue ( Issue CB-10244 ). Try to update this plugin to cordova-plugin-splashscreen#3.1.0 by re-adding it:
cordova plugin rm cordova-plugin-splashscreen
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-splashscreen

Symbol not found: _NSKeyedArchiveRootObjectKey on iOS 6.1

after a few months I'm updating my app with new features but when I tried it on my iPod 4th gen, it crashed.
Everything is well on Android 4.4 and on simulator.
The only answer I found is about Facebook SDK not supporting iOS 6 anymore: did you updated the FB SDK to 4? could this be related?
The current Facebook SDK is 3.14 you can use an older version and also use versioned builds to reproduce an old build exactly as it was.

Infinite digest loop in Ionic Apps after latest XCode update (iOS only)

I have an Ionic app that I usually debug using Safari's javascript console attached to the iOS simulator. A few days ago, not sure exactly when, but I think it was around the time XCode pushed out their latest update, I started getting the following message in Safari's console output whenever I click a tab to change states:
Error: [$rootScope:infdig] 10 $digest() iterations reached. Aborting!
Watchers fired in the last 5 iterations: []
This causes the app to lag, and sometimes crash. I reverted my code to earlier and earlier states with no resolution, so I tried creating an Ionic app from scratch:
ionic start throwaway
cd throwaway
ionic run ios
...and sure enough, the issue was still there. I'm trying everything to no avail. Here's the output of ionic info:
Your system information:
Cordova CLI: 5.2.0
Gulp version: CLI version 3.9.0
Gulp local:
Ionic Version: 1.1.0
Ionic CLI Version: 1.6.4
Ionic App Lib Version: 0.3.8
ios-deploy version: Not installed
ios-sim version: 4.1.1
OS: Mac OS X Yosemite
Node Version: v0.12.2
Xcode version: Xcode 7.0 Build version 7A220
The problem does not occur on Android, just iOS.
Thanks for your help!!
Found the answer! Apparently iOS9 breaks everything. Luckily, Ionic's team saw this coming:
Install the referenced Angular patch manually. You can also update to Angular 1.4.6 as it includes the patch, but I couldn't find an easy way to do this on Ionic as it comes bundled with Angular 1.4.3.

How to Support Below IOS 4.3 in Xcode 4.5.2?

My iMac Version is 10.8.2,installed Xcode 4.5.2. Xcode project iOS Deployment target is 4.3, and Base SDK iOS 6.0. I am trying develop an application which can be run from 3G. Base SDK showing only IOS 6.0 but not listing any lower versions, also installed iPhone 5.0 simulator.
but no use.
Following are my questions
1) How Xcode will show Base SDK lower versions than IOS 6.0?
2) How we can can support Different IOS versions?
Please let me know the right direction,, Thanks in advance..
Have a look at this question.
It explains how to publish to older iOS targets.
