How can I run Jasmine tests with Karma (was Testacular) from Bamboo? - angularjs

While building a single page app with AngularJS, I'm trying to integrate Jasmine tests in my build.
I did something similar before with the Maven Jasmine plugin, but I don't like to wrap my project in maven just to run the Jasmine tests. It seems cleaner to use Karma (was Testacular) for this somehow.
I'm comfortable that I'll get things running from a shell command, and my guess is that I can then run the command from Bamboo.
My questions:
Am I on the right track?
How can I best fail the build from a script, or does Bamboo recognize the Karma output automatically?

Great question. Make sure testacular.conf.js is configured to output junit xml for consumption by bamboo
junitReporter = {
// will be resolved to basePath (in the same way as files/exclude patterns)
outputFile: 'test-results.xml'
You can configure Testacular to run against many browsers and is pre-configured to use Chrome, we've chosen to start going headless with PhantomJS to do unit testing. Testacular already has jasmine inside.
For CI we are following the recommendation in
// Continuous Integration mode
// if true, it capture browsers, run tests and exit
singleRun = true;
If you use Ant a lot (and we do) sometimes you just want to stick with what you know... so you may want to checkout ANT, Windows and NodeJS Modules. to run node modules (ie testacular).
One note, if you are running testacular on windows, the npm install of testacular fails on hiredis module, which seems to be just *nix friendly. So, far it works fine without it.
It took us a couple of hours to prove all of this works. Hope this helps


Is it possible to run Karma unit tests against a prebuilt Angular package?

Currently I have an Angular application built on top of NG6-starter. The NG6-Starter uses webpack to bundle the application. It also supports unit testing by default via Karma, but karma uses webpack as well in order to get all the sources injected to it's browser.
Now, my issue is, that I would like to add my application to a classic CI/CD pipeline: Some static analysis, then package build, then unit tests, then etc, and I do not want to break the principle of "Test against the artifact that you are going to deploy" principle. Since karma currently builds the application for itself, it does not really rely on the artifact, that is going to be deployed, even though by the stage karma runs, it is already built.
My question is, if you have any idea/practice/example/experience with this topic?
Okay, so it seems so, that in order to achieve this, the spec files should be built with webpack during build time. For this, the easiest way seemed to be to simple introduce a new chunk entry point to the application.

Grunt+karma+angular - debugging unit tests

I have set up an angular application using Yeoman generator. It works fine, builds fine and unit tests work. I have also added Protractor for e2e tests.
I've set up Webstorm to run the unit tests as a Node.js run configuration, which executes grunt-cli\bin\grunt with the test build task. It runs fine from the IDE.
However when I'm trying to debug, the execution never stops on breakpoints.
The console output is of little help. The tests simply succeed/fail as expected and that's it.
What could be wrong?
it doesn't seem to be possible to debug protractor tests in webstorm right now. Please vote for protractor support: WEB-9236

Test runners for AngularJS - how to run the tests from eclipse IDE and CI server without too much complication?

I am trying to figure out a simple way to run tests on angularjs application.
I am new to the testing world, so it's a little hard to understand all the options and the difference between them.
My goal: to be able to run the tests simply from within my IDE - Eclipse.
And to tests the code on google chrome browser.
I found jasmine to be the obvious choice for writing js unit tests. The problem is choosing a runner both for the jasmine tests and for e2e tests.
Trying to keep it simple, I've come up with the following idea for a setup:
Write the unit tests in jasmine, and the e2e tests in phantomjs and syn.js.
Then configure eclipse to run phantomjs as an external tool, so that the output will go to the console in eclipse.
I also plan to have a CI job in Jenkins, and to my understanding Jenkins can also run phantom, so theoretically this solution will work the same for CI.
Alternatively, there are test running tools like Karma and Protractor. On one hand, they seem to be recommended, but on the other hand they seem to me like overkill in some cases. They require a lot of different tools/services/processes to be running in order to work, and it seems like a pain maintain all that setup if it breaks.
To my understanding: protractor runs on webdriverjs which runs on nodejs, and it requires a selenium server to be running in the background, and on top of all that the selenium opens real browser windows which seems a little pointless as opposed to headless browser testing.
Then there is Karma, that I did not yet fully understand what it's supposed to do. From what I've read it monitors the files in my project and whenever a file is changed it runs the tests. I'm not sure how it runs the tests - is it also using selenium?
And lastly, there are grunt and yeoman, which I did not understand at all what they do and how they interact or fit together with the other tools I've listed.
I would appreciate if someone could clarify what these different tools do, and how they fit together. Also, how would they fit with Jenkins as a CI server?
Also if you could comment on my "simpler setup" - does it make sense? Am I missing something?
Karma is for unit testing your JS, regardless of whether it is using Angular or not. The ins and outs of unit testing with Karma are covered very well here: Yes, Karma opens and closes browser windows as needed and specified in the configuration file. If you don't want any browser windows opened, you can use PhantomJS. You can run Karma from within most any IDE that is capable of running an external script, or run it via the command line.
Protractor is for end-to-end (or E2E) testing of your project as a whole. It will open a browser window and click through the pages as though it were a user, entering data where you tell it to and looking for the specified results. Protractor is a bit more complicated than just writing some Jasmine, but the results are worth it. Like Karma, you can run Protractor from within most any IDE that is capable of running external scripts or via the command line.
Yeoman is a process management system that incorporates dependency management via Bower, task automation via Grunt, and project management via Yo. It will run your tests in Karma and Protractor, minify your JS, CSS, and HTML, compile everything into appropriate files (internal JS, external libraries, and CSS) and provide you with a complete package that can be deployed. The beauty of Yeoman is that it is not specific to any one IDE. Everything it does can be done by scripting in your IDE or via the command line.
Now, having said all of this about Yeoman, you do still have to write the tests (it won't magically come up with them for you) and learn to integrate it into your development routine, but it is definitely the way to go for JS development. Eclipse is fine for JS development, but you'll get better performance and ease of use (IMHO) from WebStorm.
As for how these all fit into CI like Jenkins, I believe that both Karma and Protractor output test results in a format that Jenkins can read and display. With the scripting possibilities in Jenkins you can configure it to run the build process each time your source control repository (you are using some sort of source control, aren't you?) changes and show those results on the Jenkins page. My office has a very similar setup and we use it daily. I'm not the guy that has to do the Jenkins configuration, but I do work with Yeoman (and thus Karma and Protractor) via WebStorm on a regular basis and have had very good results.
I would say the clear choice here is Karma and Protractor. While it is true that they rely on a bunch of other stuff, they do so pretty antiseptically: protractor starts up the selenium server and then shuts it off when it's done. Once you have node installed, the other installations are all super simple. I would also install httpster, which will serve up your public director on port 3333.
Frankly, having come from a decade of doing TDD in the Java world, when I first looked at Javascript a few years ago (again), the testing picture was a complete joke. But now, I think the combination of Karma and Protractor is pretty fantastic. Inside IntelliJ, you can run the Karma tests and they are stupid fast and the results are presented in a runner that's as good as anything I've seen in the Java world (Xcode 5 has the best test integration). You can also install the ddescribe plugin in IntelliJ and have a ui for running individual tests or excluding tests.
On the protractor side, I found this post because I am at the point now where I am going to run my karma, protractor and then JUnit tests on a continuous integration server (either Jenkins or TeamCity). I was kind of surprised at the paucity of info on that leg of the trip, but the clear direction I see there is Grunt, because it will run your protractor tests then generate the JUnit-style output Jenkins wants. Grunt is also a pretty impressive addition to the JS world.
I know this sounds like a bunch of opinions, but I think that as happened in the Java world, the Javascript world has now reached that level of maturity where you are just going to have to expect things to drag other things in with them. Frankly, looks like node and npm do a pretty nice job of making that pretty seamless (vs. a decade down the drain on Maven in the Java world).
Updated: Sorry I did not read your question properly.
karma is a test runner, which is best suited for jasmine. For setting up is very very easy. Please download node, and install npm install karma. Follow the angular seed sandbox project it contains all the basic config set up for unit testing and end to end testing (in config folder).all you need is nodejs plugin installed in eclipse
Yeoman can be used for javascript minification, sass compilation e.t.c.
Install node eclipse and you can set all up in eclipse.

Is there an example of AngularJS app generated by Yeoman with e2e tests and $httpBackend?

Is there somewhere an example of AngularJS app generated by yo angular generator that has e2e tests with $httpBackend from ngMockE2E module? Preferably with single and continuous versions for CI and development.
It looks like using $httpBackend requires one to create a new app that depends on the original app module and ngMockE2E module and requires new index.html file that loads this new app.
If tests use a different app, does it mean that I should modify configuration to store files generated for tests somewhere else than files generated by grunt server command (.tmp), or will these files be exactly the same? I'd like to be able to have grunt server running for development while running e2e tests in the background with PhantomJS.
Has anyone created a task that automatically generates modified index-e2e.html file based on index.html? This way it would be always up to date and it could also be used with watch to automatically regenerate it whenever original index.html file changes.
You should notice that angular is depreacting e2e in favor of the protractor framework.. Also notice that e2e (and protractor also) is quite slow. so running continuously in the background like we do with unittesting isn't recommended. That said, for your question - No you don't need a different app, index file etc. (unless you need coverage data from e2e, in that case you'll need to instrument the js files, and that would require a different index.html, that can be created in grunt task with sed). what you do need is a different karma.conf.js file, a different grunt karma task ro reference it, including ng-scenario in the files section of the karma.conf. and running some kind of grunt testServer task that would run a test server, which isn't the same as the dev grunt server. You can run both with foreman or something similiar (as explained in this SO [question]. (How can I automate both E2E and unit tests with Yeoman & AngularJS?) and answer). If this is what you are looking for - you can find a karma.conf.js example for both e2e an unit in this PR. and again, don't invest heavily into the current e2e framework. better working the the new and shiny protractor

angular karma runner hangs indefinitely

Windows 8 64bit
Node.js 0.10.5 64bit
Karma 0.8.5
I am able to start karma server, Chrome browser opens (I have it defined as default browser in karma config). The issue comes when I am doing 'karma run'. Chrome changes the tab status to Chrome 26.0 (Windows) is executing. But that is all, no output on the console, no nothing. it can stay like that for hours.
Any ideas?
I have the follwoing gists: karma.conf.js and main.js (used for loading the test scripts).
I am starting the server with LOG_DEBUG and I can see that all script files are loaded.
Gist url:
I personally found that if you have require.js...
frameworks: ['jasmine', 'requirejs'],
...when you don't need it, things will just lock up at "executing..." in all browsers.
Also make sure you've specifed your adapters, eg.
files: [
//...other files...
Finally, I use
logLevel: config.LOG_DEBUG
browsers: ['Chrome'] //only one ensure I have the simplest test case and am getting all debug information for any failures.
What have described in the previous post (about not being able to run
karma) was just a hack. Today I decided to pay more attention to
details (as I should have done in the first place) and ques what...I
managed to have it up and running using a much more elegant and
official way. First I have uninstalled node.js 0.10.5 64bit and
installed node.js 0.10.5 x86. When I have installed karma first time I
used the following command npm install karma where the correct
command would be npm install -g karma in order to have it
installed globally. Once installed I added the appropriate environment
variables (CHROME_BIN and PHANOMJS_BIN) with the correct paths and
voila! All is running just fine.
That's from the blog that went down :).
