Mimic DTS Copy SQL Server Objects Task - sql-server

I am in the process of migrating a web application database from SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2008. Currently there is a DTS package that is used to deploy content changes from a staging database to the production database.
The DTS package is using a Copy SQL Server Objects task with the following options selected: Copy Data (Append Data) and Use Collation. The specific tables to copy are selected in the "Select Objects" dialog.
Because this is the only DTS package we have, it doesn't make much sense to learn and implement an SSIS solution, IMO, so I want to recreate the functioning of the DTS package using only T-SQL.
Writing the Insert and Select is not a problem. What I need to know is how the "Append Data" option works.
Is it looking at each row in the source, finding matching rows in the destination, comparing and updating as necessary OR is is ignoring existing rows and simply appending new rows?
If it is indeed comparing and updating, is it safe to use the SQL Server Checksum function on the data as a method of comparison against the target or is there a better way? Ideally, I'd like to avoid any schema changes.

Please check this msdn article : Migrating DTS Packages to Integration Services
You might be able to migrate the single DTS package to SSIS package very easily using the tool noted in the article.


SQL Server data transfer from one server to another server

I want to transfer multiple tables and their data from one SQL Server to another SQL Server on the local network automatically every 1 hour.
There is a tool built-in tool in SSMS to do this.
In SSMS, right click on the database name. Select Data > Import on the destination database. You will be prompted to provide connection information for the source database. This is internally using SSIS integration tool.
Create a SSIS Package USE Type two SCD if you want insert and
updates. you can use staging table from source to
destination is a good practice and it is industry standard. if you
are not having staging environment. You can use temp tables within
ssis package to achieve the same.
Schedule a job and run that ssis package in the job for every half an hour

Is there a way to save all queries present in a ssis package/dtsx file?

I need to run some analysis on my queries (specifically finding all the tables which a ssis calls).
Right now I'm opening up every single ssis package, every single step in it and copy and pasting manually the tables from it.
As you can imagine it's very time consuming and mind-numbing.
Is there a way to do export all the queries automatically ?
btw i'm using sql server 2012
Retrieve Queries is not a simple process, you can work in two ways to achieve it:
Analyzing the .dtsx package XML content using Regular Expression
SSIS packages (.dtsx) are XML files, you can read these file as text file and use Regular Expressions to retrieve tables (as example you may search all sentences that starts with SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, DROP, ... keywords)
There are some questions asking to retrieve some information from .dtsx files that you can refer to to get some ideas:
Reverse engineering SSIS package using C#
Automate Version number Retrieval from .Dtsx files
Using SQL Profiler
You can create and run an SQL Profiler trace on the SQL Server instance and filter on all T-SQL commands executed while executing the ssis package. Some examples can be found in the following posts:
How to capture queries, tables and fields using the SQL Server Profiler
How to monitor just t-sql commands in SQL Profiler?
SSIS OLE DB Source Editor Data Access Mode: “SQL command” vs “Table or view”
Is there a way in SQL profiler to filter by INSERT statements?
Filter Events in a Trace (SQL Server Profiler)
Also you can use Extended Events (has more options than profiler) to monitor the server and collect SQL commands:
Getting Started with Extended Events in SQL Server 2012
Capturing queries run by user on SQL Server using extended events
You could create a schema for this specific project and then have all the SQL stored within views on that schema... Will help keep things tidy and help with issues like this.

How to sync schema continuously in two databases in Sql Server (for unit testing)

We have a database against which we run unit tests for components that require a database (for several reasons we are not mocking the DAL everywhere).
We are using Sql Server 2008 R2 and in the development db server we have our development database (ApplicationName_Dev) and our testing db (ApplicationName_UT).
The unit tests create the test data they need and delete it afterwards so the tables could/should be empty when no tests are running.
The problem is keeping the schema of the unit test database up to date.
The best solution for me (to my limited knowledge) would be to have a Sql Server Agent Job that would run once a night (or when manually started) that would drops all the tables in the UT database, generate a create script for all tables, indexes and relationships in the Dev-database, and run the create scripts on the UT-database. Note that we don't need to insert any data.
Is there any way of programmatically (T-Sql, SMO etc) generating Create scripts for all tables including indexes and relationships?
In Management Studio I can right click the database->Tasks->Generate scripts...->Choose Objects->Tables and I get just the scripts that I want (except for the "Use [ApplicationName_Dev]" on the first line.
Please help.
I'd create an SSIS package - there's a task called "Transfer SQL Server Objects Task". Specify your Source and Destination Connections & Databases, set DropObjectsFirst to True, and CopyAllObjects (or just CopyAllTables and CopyAllViews) also, and you should be set. (And obviously, don't set CopyData to true).
You also need to set the CopyIndexes and other such table options, for those table structures you want.
Setting up a job to run an SSIS package is also quite easy.
You could use a tool like SQL Delta. You create a "script" (SQL Delta specific script) using SQL Delta and essentially , what you can do is get it to sync the source database with the destination database. It can also pump in data into some or all tables if needed.
The whole process can be automated using a scheduled job using the Scheduler (part of Windows).

SSIS Transfer Task That Handles Schema Changes

I'm using SSIS with SQL Server 2k5 to build a transfer task to copy all of the data from one database to another. This works quite well, except for one problem - the source database will periodically have schema changes (generally just additions like new columns) but the transfer task seems to choke if the two schemas don't match exactly. Is there some way that I can use SSIS to first bring the target DB up to date with the source DB's schema, and then do the transfer?
You can open the package programmatically and re-save it before executing. You can also programmatically build the package using the SSIS object model.

Create & Copy Access tables to SQL via SSIS? SQL 2008

I am trying come up with a way to pull the tables out of an Access database, automate the creation of those same tables in a SQL 2008 DB, and move the data to the new tables. This process will happen on a regular basis and there may be different tables each time.
I would like to do this totally in SSIS.
C# SQL CLR objects are an option.
The main issue I have been running into is how to get the Access table's schema and then convert that to a SQL script that I can run via SSIS.
Any ideas?
SSIS cannot adapt to new tables at runtime. (You can change connections, move a source to a table with a different name, but the same schema) So, it's not really easy to do what I think you are saying: Upsize an arbitrary set of tables in an Access DB to SQL (mirroring their structure and data, naming, etc), so that I can then write some straight SQL to transform the data into another SQL database or the same part of the database.
You can access the SSIS object model from C# and build a package (or modify a template package) programmatically and then execute it. This might offer the best bang for your buck, but the SSIS object model is kind of deep. The SSIS Team blog have finally started putting up examples (a year after I had to figure a lot of this out for myself)
There is always the upsizing wizard, and I'm sure there are some third party tools.
