I'm currently working with cakephp and I am generating a word document. My problem is how can I put the generated document on my web root and not as a download.
I am guessing you are using an action to generate a document, which gets output to the browser.
You should either use output buffering to "catch" the output and then write it to a file, or write the document data to a string, and write that string to a file on the server.
PHPWord has a SAVE method. In your action, you can save the document to a certain location, but output something else, i.e. success notification. This way, your action only generates the file:
public function generateWordDocument(){
//... your word file creation...
$wordDocumentLocation = TMP . 'word_files/';
$objWriter = PHPWord_IOFactory::createWriter($PHPWord, 'Word2007');
$objWriter->save($wordDocumentLocation . 'helloWorld.docx');
$this->Session->setFlash('Document generated!');
$this->redirect(array('action'=>'index')); //or wherever you want
If you want to protect that file, you could save the file to a "secure" folder (this can either be a folder outside the "app/webroot" folder, or a folder protected with .htaccess deny all instruction) and than use another action, like "getWordDocument":
function getWordDocument($documentName){
$wordDocumentLocation = TMP . 'word_files/';
if (file_exists($wordDocumentLocation . $documentName)) { //this is not really the safest way of doing it
$fp = fopen($wordDocumentLocation . $documentName, 'rb');
header("Content-Type: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document");
header("Content-Length: " . filesize($wordDocumentLocation . $documentName));
Please note, that this code is just for "grasping the concept" and is in no way safe or optimal.
i think you want to add file in webroot but it is not downloadable for public users ,
You have several ways :
- protect folders with .htaccess (Like Js folder)
- create new folder in app folder like webroot and put files in it
- use Dispatcher Filters in cakephp : http://book.cakephp.org/2.0/en/development/dispatch-filters.html
and ....
This my data that I want to store my pdf files in my public folders. Anyone can give me any idea?
I tried to foreach the data to get that file but it seems not working in my end. Anyone can help me?
To store files in your public folder you can use the public disk that's included in your application's filesystems configuration file, the default config will store files in storage/app/public.
To make these files accessible from the web though (which I'm assuming is what you want) you need to create a symbolic link from public/storage to storage/app/public.
To do that just run:
php artisan storage:link
Once you've done this you can use Laravel's storage facade to interact with the files in your public folder to save, retrieve and download them.
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage;
Storage::put('file.jpg', $contents);
return Storage::download('file.jpg');
return Storage::download('file.jpg', $name, $headers);
$contents = Storage::get('file.jpg');
If you need to store user uploaded files to your public storage, you can do it like this:
$path = $request->file('yourUploadedPdf')->store('yourPdfsFolder');
Laravel's store method will generate a unique ID for the filename and the extension will be determined by the MIME type of the uploaded file. The store method also returns the path, including the generated filename, so you can store it in your DB if needed.
If you need to specify the filename then you can do this:
$path = $request->file('pdf')->storeAs(
'yourPdfsFolder', 'yourPdfFileName'
Just a note, I'm assuming you'll be having public as your default disk, if not, then you'll need to specify the disk you're using in these method / Storage facade calls.
And a further note, when using the public disk, everything - by default - gets stored under storage/app/public so anytime you're defining a folder to store your uploaded PDFs under, it'll be storage/app/public/yourFolder.
I have a custom form using a "managed_file" which uploads to temp folder. Programmatically, I then load that file and move it to its permanent storage (overwriting any existing file with the* name) e.g.
// Upload file
$upfile = $this->entityTypeManager->getStorage('file')->load($fid);
// Source and destination
$sourceUri = $this->fileSystem->realpath($upfile->getFileUri());
$destinationUri = $this->fileSystem->realpath(\Drupal::config('system.file')->get('default_scheme') . "://") . '/x/y/z/XYZ_NEW.pdf';
// Move and overwrite
$this->fileSystem->move($sourceUri, $destinationUri, FileSystemInterface::EXISTS_REPLACE);
All of this works (i.e. the file physically is moved into the correct place with correct name); however, the file displayed in the listings (i.e. /admin/content/files) still shows the incorrect temporary folder as the URI.
Basically the file in the listings page seems to be showing the original filepath and name* of a previously successfully moved* file.
If I load this file with incorrect URI, i.e. using the incorrect temp path, the data loads, but then will not have a file info (as it doesn't exist. Also clicking the filename by browser under listings will show page not found and the URL showing the old URL i.e. /system/temporary?file=XYZ.pdf).
If I load this file by correct URI, i.e. using the correct destination path, file not found - same if I go to the path directly in the browser.
It appears the managed file doesn't know it was moved. How to resolve this bug?
The docs for FileSystem::move say "Moves a file to a new location without database changes or hook invocation."
So you are going to need to update the file entity with the new values..
Try this, untested:
// Upload file
$upfile = $this->entityTypeManager->getStorage('file')->load($fid);
// Source and destination
$sourceUri = $this->fileSystem->realpath($upfile->getFileUri());
$destinationUri = $this->fileSystem->realpath(\Drupal::config('system.file')->get('default_scheme') . "://") . '/x/y/z/XYZ_NEW.pdf';
// Move and overwrite
$newFileName = $this->fileSystem->move($sourceUri, $destinationUri, FileSystemInterface::EXISTS_REPLACE);
// Set the new file path on the file entity.
// Set the file to permanent if needed.
// Save entity with changes.
I did not test this though.
You can check the functions on the file entity in the docs here
It turns out the class based methods do not update the database
The procedural version does
I want block the direct access to some of public files from my directory. For example, I have the file image.png and I have to fill a captcha to download that file, if I fail the captcha I don't want that the user could access the file. Is there any way to do that in Symfony?
First of all, create an .htaccess file inside the image directory to prevent the direct access of files inside the directory.
Deny from All
Now, give customised path, through controller to download the file, where you can easily integrate a captcha by using some bundle like Gregwar's CaptchaBundle.
On successful captcha validation, download the file through Response.
$filename = __DIR__ . "../path_to_file/image.png";
// Generate response
$response = new Response();
// Set headers
$response->headers->set('Cache-Control', 'private');
$response->headers->set('Content-type', mime_content_type($filename));
$response->headers->set('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="' . basename($filename) . '";');
$response->headers->set('Content-length', filesize($filename));
// Send headers before outputting anything
Note : Code not tested!
Hope this helps!
I'm creating a project of a school. I want to show the uploaded stuff by teachers to students.
But I also need to save the file in the folder which is named as faculty name. Student will be able to browse the main directory and after that he can go in the particular faculties folder.
How can I do it? Any suggestions will be appreciated.
For file upload I would start with example like in this answer. Moving files from temporary folder could be easily done by the file uploading action.
For browsing files in your case I would create an action that is able to navigate to the folder where the files are and get a list of files from that folder. Something like this
String file = application.getRealPath("/upload");
File f = new File(file);
String [] fileNames = f.list();
File [] fileObjects= f.listFiles();
for (int i = 0; i < fileObjects.length; i++) {
String fname = file+fileNames[i];
Then map this files to the JSP as links. When that link is clicked you can retrieve the actual path on the server when action is executed. What to do with the data, of course you can return stream result from the action that is used for streaming to the client browser. You can use docs examples from the Struts site or like in this example.
To navigate to the folder use parameters in GET request, that will be used to store current directory in session. You can change it if a user change the current directory from the view layer.
In my Grails application I need to create a file in current system in which I need to save information fetched from table in database. How to do this from within controller action? I don't have any idea of it.
I have created file as
File file=new File("file name.txt")
then I have wrote values of MySQL database table fields in it as:
it stores data like continuous text but I want to have a .doc file in which data should get stored in table. I found Apache's POI for creating doc file but I am not getting how it works and how I should use it.
Not sure exactly what you want to store in a file but below is an example of how to easly write a String to a file using Apache-commons-io Which should be included in grails
import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils;
class SomeController{
def writeToFile = {
def data = getSomeStringData();
def fileStore = new File("./path/to/files/ControllerOutput_${new Date()}.txt");
FileUtils.writeStringToFile(fileStore, data);
println("your file was created # {fileStore.absolutePath} and is ${fileStore.length()} bytes");
Does this help? If not, you need to explain exactly what your looking for.
This is a comment to Michael's answer (unfortunately I still don't have the reputation to reply on answers).
If you're struggling around the problem how to specifiy the relative path from within your controller's context, this might help you:
So if you have following folder you want to read/write files from/into"..
you can access the file like this:
import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.ApplicationHolder as AH
// getResource references to the web-app folder as root folder
Resource resource = AH.getApplication().getParentContext().getResource("/temp/myfile.txt)