Salesforce: How to create a developer account in my company's salesforce - salesforce

I have created a developer account in salesforce. But now I need to create some logic that uses some custom objects that someone create in the company's salesforce.
Should I create a developer account in the company's salesforce?
Or should I replicate everything to my developer account?
And how do I do it or where can I learn how to do it?
I need to use objects created in production environment .

You should get the custom objects installed in your developer edition.This can be done in many ways like using an unmanaged package which you can create in your company's salesforce.
Your company must be having a specific edition of salesforce like Enterprise,developer etc.there is no such thing like a developer edition account in a specific edition of salesforce.means you can not create a developer edition in enterprise.
to learn about unmanaged package

Best way to achieve your goal is using the sandbox instance instead the developer edition.
Sandbox instance allows you to switch logic and changes between production and test.
Click setup|sandbox to create and manage your test environment.
Depending on your license the sandbox instance can has different limitations in terms of space .


Best way to get Azure and local SQL Server development databases to sync on request

I'm looking for a one click system that doesn't require one to delete the Azure database, publish from the local server, and re-create the user info onto the deployment.
What currently works:
Drop existing Azure database.
MSDeploy the database to azure.
Move the database to the app pool
Configure Azure database user/access
I briefly looked into the Azure sync, but that doesn't seem like something one can use "on request". Do correct me with example if I'm wrong on this assumption.
The ideal solution would be a one button click from Azure Data Studio to push any and all changes from the (localdb) database to the live one.
Azure Data Studio doesn't provide any readymade Single Click data transmission feature from local to cloud or vice-versa.
Azure Data Studio offers a modern editor experience with IntelliSense,
code snippets, source control integration, and an integrated terminal.
It's engineered with the data platform user in mind, with the built-in
charting of query result sets and customizable dashboards.
It doesn't provide in-built data push feature. Either you should use any programming language to build a dashboard as per your requirement, or you need to use Store Procedure for it.

How can I connect to my SQL Azure-database using Microsoft Silverlight?

I have a database online at Windows Azure. I want to connect to the database and show some tables in Microsoft Silverlight. I have created a Silverlight Application and published the website on Azure here!
How do I connect to my SQL Azure database in Silverlight?
The same way as connecting to any other database!
Personally, I use EntityFramework and create my own service. You can use EF and use RIA Services to create a lot of code for you though if you prefer.
Add an Entity Model to your project, create from existing db, point at your Azure Db, job done. Remember to add your existing IP to the Azure firewall while developing.
Try following this tutorial instead:
BUT one thing to watch out for. When you come to the step to add a DomainService, if it hasn't picked up your context you will need to follow the steps listed here:
... which are easy to follow. Delete the TT files and change the model code generation strategy from none to default.
One thing that you can do is create a WCF project, which will act as your Web Role in Azure.
Ideally, you may have 2-3 projects in your solution:
1) Silverlight Project (Presentation Layer)
2) WCF Project (Business Layer)
3) C# Class Project for your Sql Connections (Data Layer)
What you would be able to do is use C# .Net libraries for Sql to connect to your database. You may either execute stored procedures (Can pass in variables), which are cached in memory for faster long-term performance, or Sql queries in a string variable, to pull the exact information you want in custom queries. This would be returned to the WCF Project in which you would be able to perform any custom business-logic and you may begin to package your data into class objects. These objects may be passed back to Silverlight via a Service Reference, and you may use many familiar Silverlight tools to display your information.
The above recommendation may be a more more in-depth than that of the other recommendations, but in cases where you really need control over your data and need to apply business logic, this is a good way.
The easiest way in the world I know of to hook up a SQL Database to a Silverlight application is to use a Visual Studio LightSwitch project. There are ton's of posts on how to do this - . Basically if you make a LightSwitch application (available in VS Professional SKUs and up), it gives you several screen templates to choose from which are all Silverlight (or HTML 5 if you choose). Then you can "attach" to an existing SQL Database such as SQL Azure just fine. And make browse or edit screens around the SQL data.
You can optionally model your own SQL Database and then "publish" it out to SQL Azure.
You can do all of this without writing any code too and provides some good basic functionality.
HTH - Matt

Web based solution for team with no Server or database

My team which is a part of a university needs me to develop a web based application for them which can be accessed by any team member. However the university doesn't provide us with a database.
We do have a portion in their server but that's for our public website. Even if I put the application on that server, I need to have a database. I can't use an excel sheet for storing all the data cause it will be huge. I am looking for an optimal solution.
Never fear there are a number of non RDBMS (Oracle, MySQL, MS SQL Server, etc.) solutions around.
You can try many of the document databases under No-SQL banner, with some popular options being:
RavenDB if you are developing your web application in the Microsoft stack.
MongoDB is a great well supported open source document database.
BaseX or Sedna are useful XML databases.
Alternately you can look to Cloud (some offer free services, others are commercial and will need to pay for) databases such as:
Amazon RDS
Windows Azure
Both will give you a database ability with no prior machine configuration or setup package.
For a small team group, specially with no more than 3 developers, I would recommend you to look at CloudBees. They offer a free tier where you can have on the same platform a repository, a Continuous Integration tool, so you can build and test your app every time you do a commit, and a runtime environment where you can deploy a Java, a Play or a PHP application. You can also create free databases.
In the case you wanted to have a visual git repository, you can use GitHub and link your source code with your Jenkins job.
In this way, you don't need multiple tools for your development environment.

Business Data Catalog does not appear in SSP admin

I'm trying to connect to a database (SQL Server 2005) in MOSS 2007 using BDC. I've created the aplication definition xml and I need to import it in Sharepoint shared services provider in order to use it.
The problem is I cannot find the Business Data Catalog (where "Import application definition" is) section in SSP admin. Here is a screenshot with what appears in my shared services admin:
Can someone please help me with this? Why can't I see that BDC section? If you need more details, ask :) Thank you.
LATER EDIT: I've searched a little more and it seems that BDC is a MOSS enterprise only feature. Can someone please confirm this?
Your link does not provide the image path. Are you trying to set BDC as datasource for User Profiles. If you have confusion and want to learn about BDC then Follow this article
and others similar to it provided there.
I have confirmed this. The problem was that BDC is a MOSS enterprise only feature (ugh). So I installed an enterprise license (all the software is installed in sharepoint, only that certain features are hidden depending on your license... yuck, I hate this).

Where can I find documentation on Sharepoints backend Databases?

When I look at the SQL Server my SharePoint site is using I see several databases in there that all appear to be used by my site. Is there somewhere to find documentation on what each database stores?
Here's the MSDN article:
It comes with this Microsoft warning:
Warning: Modifying the database schema
or database structures is not
supported. Changes that you make to
the database contents may be
overwritten when you install updates
or service packs for Windows
SharePoint Services, or when you
upgrade an installation to the next
product version.
SharePoint comes with a rich set of APIs that may be better to use than connecting directly to the database. The Microsoft Develper center is a good starting point for working with MOSS APIs
For info on what each database has try here
