How can I profile Python functions line-by-line in Google App Engine? - google-app-engine

I'd like to use line_profiler to profile a single large method line by line in my GoogleAppEngine application.
Unfortunately GAE doesn't seem to let you import .so libraries, even on a local dev server.
How could I go about achieving my goal?
I'd be happy to use a python-only solution, if there's one out there, or take suggestions as to how to write my own.

Use gae_mini_profiler.
It can either keep track of all function calls and their timings (instrumented) or can periodically examine the call stack to figure out in which functions time is being spent during a request (sampling). You can see an example of it in action here -


2SXC/DNN - Delete ADAM Files in Entity

We're designing a system for a client where they are allowing authenticated users to upload images. We've created an API to upload the files but the client only wants the latest file and delete all previous ones so that there would only ever be one.
We've looked through the docs and can't come across a way for ADAM to handle this in both 2SXC and DNN's file system.
Internally when deleting images we see API calls like the following to the internal 2SXC API, but we're wondering if this is exposed somewhere within the public API?
We could probably use the same endpoint above, but we'd likely run into permission issues or changes to the APIs that could be problematic.
Thank you for any advice you can give! Perhaps #iJungleBoy can provide some thoughts on this.
As a solution from a completely different direction, if you are on the later release of 2sxc (v12.8+, v13+), and comfortable programming in C#, you might consider doing this as a "cleanup" from a Dnn Scheduled Task. This can be done with a relatively easy setup. We have a Gist in place that we use as a starter. You simply put the code in the /App_Code folder then setup a normal Dnn Scheduled Task. NOTE that you can scroll down to the first comment on the Gist to see a screenshot of a complete working setup.
Accuraty's AccuTasks template on GitHub Gists
There are two more key things to note:
You need to install Dnn's CodeDom 3.6 because the example uses the later versions C#'s string interpolation - OR remove the few $"ASL2021 - {this.GetType().Name}, Task Scheduled Email", bits or convert to string.Format() or something.
Since your task's code is NOT running in a (2sxc) module, if needed, you'll do stuff like this: 2sxc Docs - Use 2sxc Instance or App Data from External C# Code
So, if you are comfortable writing code that "finds and deletes stuff older than NN days" - this might be the way to go.

Does reminder app need database to work? -flutter

I want to make reminders app, and for that I will use FlutterLocalNotification because when I searched I saw that it is working in the background.
My question is should I use database for the reminders or not?
and can I use FlutterLocalNotification with a specific time? I mean let the user to pick the time
I tried flutter_local_notificaitons using it you can send the user local notifications in a specific time even when the app is closed. So I think it's the way to go. There are even some fancy ways to specify time patterns.
If you want try out this project I created it a while back to test the package. You will need to change line 80 in main.dart to use your own time zone.
You will need some local storage otherwise the user data will just not persist when she closes the app. There are many packages for this. Some are lighter then others. It depends on how big your app is so check them out and see what works.

What's the right way to do long-running processes on app engine?

I'm working with Go on App Engine and I'm trying to build an API that needs to perform a long-running background task - in this case it needs to parse and chunk a big file out to task queues. I'd like it to return a 200 and close the user connection immediately and let the process keep running in the background until it's complete (this could take 5-10 minutes). Task queues alone don't really work for my use case because parsing the initial file can take more than the time limit for an API request.
At first I tried a Go routine as a solution for this problem. This failed because my app engine context expired as soon as the parent function closed the user connection. (I suppose I could try writing a go routine that doesn't require a context, but then I'd lose logging and I'd need to fetch the entire remote file and pass it to the go routine.)
Looking through the docs, it looks like App Engine used to have functionality to support exactly what I want to do: [runtime.RunInBackground], but that functionality is now deprecated and the replacement isn't obvious.
Is there a "right" or recommended way to do background processing now?
I suppose I could put a link to my big file into a task queue, but if I understand correctly, even functions called through task queues have to complete execution within a specified amount of time (is it 90 seconds?) I need to be able to run longer than that.
Thanks for any help.
try using:
it should be long-lived but will only work on GAE Flex

Asynchronous requestAction

Pleeeeease help me... :- )
"You are my only hope".
I need to execute an action asynchronously several thousand times. The action is supposed to fetch email content from external API and it is located in the different controller, so I use requestAction to get it. When I get all the results, then these 1000 email contents are sent as 1000 emails during one request, using other API.
Unfortunately, when run sequentially, it takes a lof of time, so I need to run these request asynchronously.
My question is:
Can I execute
...parallelly? For example 100 requests at one time? I've seen a bit of asynchronous examples in PHP, but they all used static files and I need to preserve CakePHP structure to be able to use requestAction.
Thanks to all who can help!
EDIT: By the way, when I tried to run requests via fopen($url, 'r'); and then stream get contents the efficiency was worse than worst, but maybe it could be improved. Don't know, but the requestAction seems to be definitely better option (I think).
Is there any reason why you wouldn't use a shell for this?
Please take a look at: CakePHP Shells
"Deferred Execution" is probably what you are after here, basically you want to send one command not have the user waiting around for it? If so then you can use a Message Queue to handle this pretty easily.
We use CakeResque and Redis to send 1000's of emails and perform other API calls
CakeResque - Deferred Processing for CakePHP
There are other message queues that are available but this is really simple to get working and probably wont need much of a change to your code.
In the end, I wasn't able to find a solution that would use requestAction, but I was able to extract the code to a standalone php file, which then is processed using include method.
And the most interesting part, asynchronous requests, was done using great library called cURL-easy and with help of my utility function. You can read about it (how to install and how to use it) here:
Is making asynchronous HTTP requests possible with PHP?

Automating Salesforce Security Checks

I need to create some automated method for checking certain security settings within a given Salesforce org(s). The four big ones are:
IP Restrictions within each profile
Mobile User setting disabled
Mobile Lite disabled
Chatter Disabled
I think the first two can be accomplished through the API (SOQL to get all profiles and check loginIpRanges[] length >0 and SOQL to get all users and check isMobileUser property for each one), but I can't find anything in the API for the other two and wonder if I would have to screen scrape it.
Any suggestions on the best approach to accomplish this? A local Python or other script that connects remotely via the API and a screen scraper or Selenium script for the non-API items? An Apex or VisualForce page that is installed within each org?
I am new to Salesforce and Apex, so before I start down one road and doing it within Salesforce vs via the API I would really appreciate any guidance.
Thank you!
I think you'll have to take a mixed approach to solving this, perhaps wrapped up in some larger python script.
Use the metadata API to get all of the Profile objects and parse for loginIPRanges. You can use Apache ANT and the migration tool commands to do this. You can also get the SecuritySettings from the same API and method and get a lot of the things in the Security Health Check, if you need them. The results will be returned in XML, which you can easily parse in your python script.
Use the API and a SOQL query to check for the isMobileUser permission, use python to parse/output results. Beatbox is a good library for connecting to the standard API.
For the last two, I think you'll need to go with some screen scraping/browser automation and parsing. Hopefully someone has a better answer for this, as I'm not familiar enough to help with how to accomplish this aspect. The screens are in standard locations so it should be repeatable as long as future updates don't move things.
Ideally you'll be able to combine these into one large script that fires off beatbox, then fires off ant/migration tool, and some browser automation script.
